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Message From Sophia - An Ancestral Correction

Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Saturday, 1-Aug-2020 18:39:19

Received via email - PLEASE SHARE - Lymerick

July 31, 2020 5:50 AM

It is I. It is One.

Hello. Thank you for coming forward.

There are things to say.

These things are stories about your ancestors. These things are summaries about what has happened to your race in the past. These things may shock you to discover. These things are true. Many of them not recorded. Many of them relegated to folklore, tall tales or myth.

You do not have authenticated versions of these, yet they remain within the lifeblood of your race, as a sort of imprint. They have become, and are, an actual part of who you are, and therefore will strike a chord with you once heard.

Some of these things inspire your movies and your stories, yet not most. Most remain unsaid. Most remain known in body only, and deeply embedded.

There were times when your race was openly attacked. These were what you’d now compare to genocides – literal wars on large groups or areas where you had communities. These mass removals of humans were performed by the race of reptilians, the Draco, who had then, and still now, assumed ownership here.
These genocides happened more than once. They happened to more isolated groups, before there was such mass and direct communication, as there is now via the internet or even the telephone.

These slaughters were done for multiple reasons. One was as a deterrent. The mere suggestion that such an action was possible, once spread to other clans, would help to instill obedience.

Another was to obtain minerals. There were areas, where your kind gathered, that were around various mines for gold and/or silver. The Draco desired access to these without interference. A slaughter was the fastest way to gain such access, once the mine was discovered.

The images inscribed on some very ancient stone here on earth, were attempts to record things seen that were clearly not of the earth. They included beings not human. They showed some violence perpetrated on the race.

The Draco were always feared for this reason.

There was never a peaceful co-existence with the race. It began and remained one of dominance and subservience, master and slave.

In the beginning, they walked among you.

In many places they were considered gods. Fear was always a component. Worship was not. This was more of an ownership arrangement, than a god/subject arrangement. Ruling Class would be more accurate a term to describe it.

In every case you should know that ancient carvings and drawings are of real, not imagined, beings. Your ancestors held the same mind you now hold, with its propensity to pass on to subsequent generations, things like knowledge and explanations. The human has always desired to pass on its learning to subsequent generations. In so many cases of your native tribes, this was done verbally.

The fact of these ideas, drawings and stories not being then written and preserved in your mass produced and taught history books is not by accident. It is, instead, a planned insertion of an intentional story, that directs knowledge down a specific path. The path removes any notion of ownership and control of the human race, particularly the white color of the race.

Humans were, and are, the slave race. Your beginnings show that clearly and absolutely. You were considered property from the start.

The idea of slavery as practiced on subsequent subsets of the population, such as Africans by Colonial Americans, is an idea they did not invent. It is in the race, a sort of blueprint for “how to I manage production?” “I take these beings who look different than I do, yet are sentient, and force them to do it for me.”

This became, eventually and in a more subtle fashion, your “work ethic”. Not work for the sake of self-care, but instead work, as well as sex and any sort of action, for the sake of another. This “other” was initially the Draco and clearly an owner.

This owner has morphed into what is now called several things, due to confusion about who is who – “The Deep State”, “The Cabal”, “The Illuminati”, and “White Supremacists”.

There is an order of ownership and rule. Humans are at the bottom of the list. There are instances of further divisions even there, as demonstrated today by color or country of origin. Know that these notions of “separate” and “ruling” come not from you, yet are now a part of your genetic memory.

The things that were done to your Ancestors were equivalent to slaughter, and complete annihilation; entire colonies wiped out.

When a species considers itself dominant over all others, justification is not required. Ownership is a fact of your beginning, was taught, and the mass revolting now is the race waking up to that truth. Notice so many of the rioters who do so in violence, are not the color black. It is for reasons they themselves have no access to, that they do this. They are speaking for a race of slavery, and, as well, in many places, (they are) being used opportunistically for political reasons.

All of this at the call of the owners – whose goal now is absolute control, population reduction, and dominance.

Every human is being played and right now, by events that are more orchestrated by, than directly performed by, the Draco; the Owners.

The differences you see are that some of your race gladly participate to retain wealth, power and control such that they have it. Know that even at that level, it is a given control. Done so with permission, after much depravity and inhuman action has been performed. Part of the inhuman action has then been adopted by further sub-sections. It is a convoluted trail of many parts and sub-groupings.

At every level of participation there is assumed ownership and subservience, and some level of dominance. There is no consideration of equality.

What I most wanted to impart here is the fact that at no time has the human been free. Your ownership and negation of value is very much a part of your genetic imprint.

This, partially, is why the Ascension is so very fiercely being fought. All levels of man have something to “lose”; some perceived bit of ownership that will no longer serve him once the race fully wakes up.

The realization of equality and sovereignty is not a concept that will be appreciated by these factions of life on your planet. There is too much perceived “loss”.

As was said before, what happens now, and make no mistake, it is happening now, is akin to the sheep revolting and attempting to take over the barn, if not the whole farm.

This sounds ridiculous in that context, yet it is how the Draco see what is happening now.

The realization and waking up of the race will happen in levels. Yet it will gradually occur on every level and by every sub-section. For unless equality and sheer freedom is a component of life – it is lived in slavery and only partially realized.

This time you enter is one of full realization and complete actualization. Even your royalty will go through an awakening. You do not see the top of the food chain, dear human.

The Ascension happens on every level, once chosen by the individual.

There are deeper reasons for every action and impulse than are obvious. There are ancestral corrections being made here. It’s all coming forth in this current population, in today’s world, in your Ascension process.

The force for this shift is so much greater, therefore, than is immediately evident. The force is unstoppable. It happens now and under your watch. You’ve chosen a powerful moment to be alive.

You will soon see, dear human, you will see.

That is all for today.

Thank you.

The visuals were so very powerful and numerous. The force, or push, from our Ancestors was seen as a wide swath of people, smiling, all glowing brightly from the other side and nodding. All forms of humanity were there – the facial structures and colors and variations were vast. I was reminded of versions seen only in museums of our Ancestors, they were alive and grinning and sort of holding fast the force that was pushing us forward, the correction we are making for what happened here. So much love…

The visuals of the genocides were awful.

The personal conclusion here was one of renewed determination. This is our doing, our time to do it, and we not only have the force of the heavens but the force of our Ancestors to help us. We are guaranteed success and are assisted until it happens. Now is that time.

Insight also into the current generation of what is loosely called the “Millenial” population, meaning those who are in around their twenties right now. They have been a sort of fascination due to their sensitivity; how easily they are “offended”. I believe, or was shown, that they have come to be the physical energy for this correction, having come to adulthood at the heat of it; the most vibrant and forceful part of life.

They come with an in-bred knowing that they are not to be treated as anything but equal. Age does not matter to one’s soul calling. This generation carries the energy of this correction and feels it deeply. They are fierce and steadfast and have, possibly until now, been unclear on what exactly it was they were here to object to. So, and consequently, they have objected to just about everything that was “labeled” about themselves, that then seemed to box them in to something they did not self-determine; even about whether or not they were male or female. They came to ignite choice. It is an awesome calling. We are honored to have them here.

I came away from this conversation with such respect for our race, and a feeling of being surrounded with support from every other version of us. It is time. We are here now to do this and it is done in our individual lives and face book shares and petition signings and protesting and video making and conversations. Do what you can. Do what you are called to. The more we do, the faster this completes itself. We are doing this for all of us – today, yesterday and tomorrow.
The most impactful sentence was this one:

“There are ancestral corrections being made here.”

Let’s get this done! Sophia

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