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Addendum to the addendum
Posted By: Journey Date: Friday, 31-Jul-2020 00:06:51
In Response To: Addendum regarding Ionic Footbaths ... (Journey)
With regard to the German made frequency machines ...
Of all the machines I saw at a trade show many years ago ... they were Radionics machines. They had witness wells and output pads and they were VERY expensive. I saw one that was over $40,000.
I used to work with a local fellow that made some very nice radionics machines ... he was extremely well versed in orgone technology. I was the guy who made his electronics to drive the coils to produce the scalar radiation.
Radionics is described as being ACTION AT A DISTANCE or in laymans terms ... MAGIC.
The German made radionics devices were used to make homeopathic remedies. Frequency infused solutions specifically tailored for the sample disease.
One has to be EXTREMELY careful when buying this equipment as it can easily be faked. My friends equipment was made quite well as it used Orgone amplifiers to project the INTENT with a much greater power. He has since discontinued his work due to malicious attacks. He is a working drone making a living doing menial work for a billionaire now. Pity his work in area has come to a crashing halt. He was one of the most intelligent guy I knew who had a REAL grasp of making really damned good orgone gennies.
I used his techniques to make my own Giza pyramid orgone genny and it kicked ass ! So good I gave it away to one of my best friends. It was so powerful ... I have been afraid to do it again and make another ... still have the mold. The machinist who made it, did a wonderful job.
My friend knew a crap load about making orgonite right ... and I know all of what he did ... he shared it all with me.
I was seen walking across a street carrying one of his creations by a native Indian in Vancouver BC ... all he saw was a blue streak of light. When he told me this ... I said he was full of it ... he disagreed. I still don't believe him. Wish I could remember his name.
At any rate, if you want to increase radionic transmission of INTENT ... addition of orgone energy is very much a must. An Orgone amplifier is just what is required.
When you are dealing with FREQUENCY based therapies for DISEASE ...orgone can help but one needs to KNOW just how to make a good Orgonite ... tailored for the need. So it becomes a science that needs a great deal of study to get the right result.
I have known a fella down in Georgia who made a pyramid that was for lack of a better term ... from hell. It was sooo bad ... he destroyed it with a sledge hammer ... it was that bad and buried it's remains in a place very far from his house. So as said ... if you don't know what you are doing, it can end up in a bad situation.
In any RITUAL magic (action at a distance), whether used for good or bad .... INTENT is the ultimate deciding factor. The energy that makes it happen is from the same source ... THE SOURCE.
If using MAGIC (action at a distance) for ill intent, you are at a special danger to have it MISS THE TARGET and come back at yourself times 100 or more. This is were using this energy is extremely dangerous to the user and why it is expressly warned in many texts about such repercussions. Be extremely careful when engaging with this ENERGY ! This energy is limitless and is very dangerous when one does not know what one is messin with.
Most who dabble in it only get a minor outcome from their dabbleings but if you hit the right buttons ... watch out ! Make a mistake and you will find out the hard way that you should NOT mess with this stuff until of course you acquire the experience.
I have experienced this energy without using ritual or any special invocations and it has a special way of making a rather great impact. In just random thoughts going through my head ... shit has happened and I was just blown away when I thot it and it just happened. In this time, manifestation of thoughts shouldn't happen in a heartbeat but apparently sometimes they do. Too bad I can't imagine winning the lottery and taking all that money and creating a research facility to develop free energy tech.
I can KNOW what people will say before they say it but I can't pick winning lottery numbers ? WTH ?
Well I'm just ranting now ... after a few brews so I'm gonna stop here. I hope what I have said helps a few out there.
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Articles In This Thread
- Addendum regarding Ionic Footbaths ...
Journey -- Thursday, 30-Jul-2020 06:09:31
- Addendum to the addendum
Journey -- Friday, 31-Jul-2020 00:06:51
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