(Thanks, C. :)
Dear Hobie, and RMN,
Thank you for your support.
WE are having effect.
Please advise of affect on you and comments.
Dear President Trump, our President,
Monograph of Positions, Beneficiaries Wish for Comment. 1 of
My. Trump, We approach you as Trustee, our President, to our Beneficiaries interest in good clean government operations.
We respectfully Wish our Trustee, our President, publicly comment on the below Monograph.
Please invite the People to introspection, engagement in their own Liberty possibilities.
From Where do Slaves and Sloppy Non Functioning Products Come?
WARNING: This Monograph may be humor or completely accurate. Consume at your own risk!
I am 70 years old. From the time I was 13 or 14 I became a PPA. The acronym stands for Professional Pain in the Ass. I question every thing to the point I understand something at the fundamental level.
The place my questioning started was the point of recognition that a large portion of the American People, became subservient to government, political, social, legal, commercial and procedural misconstructions. This point framed the investigation. The investigation exposed the ultimate question. The cognitions on the ultimate question exposed the answers.
So, I went and asked the BOSS, that’s what I call the Creation that most people identify as GOD. The question.
BOSS, did you ever intend to create sloppy product life, or slaves to other life forms you created?
The resounding answer was, NO WAY JOSE!
Well isn’t that just peachy. All my excuses just disappeared. Arguing with the BOSS always provides a lesson. Wow, do I have enough lessons. The hardest lessons always involved the second and third times of learning them. Kind of like a sliding scale of difficulty, ramping up the consequences.
The huge piles of bullshit We as the American People are fed all the time are, in their essence, in relation to creation itself, are nothing more than compost getting ready to be fertilizer. Which part of this equation do you like, the bullshit or the fertilizer? Every thing breaks down to its essential elements over time. The BOSSES plan perhaps?
We the People have the foundation to our own liberty known as the founding documents. The fundamentals, the foundational principles and laws serving and protecting the People never went anywhere. The foundations are still there, waiting.
Waiting for what?
My choice to engage in life as a wholesome product of Creation, or, feed the beast of others confusions.
A simple review of all of the corruptions operating our current systems exposes the one essential relevant material fact that controls. Crooked people usurped, overlaid, confused and sold their corrupt natures and practice in order to capture individual liberty created by the good Peoples law beginning 1776.
So, the essential questions are very simple and direct. Did you buy the corruption? Or. Was the perversion of the American dream forced upon you?
If the answer is forced upon us, then that’s slavery disguised by Divided Loyalty public servants.
I need assistance to understand this one point. Please assist in my understanding. Are slaves created by outside influences or agents, or are slaves self recognized and created, then look for a master? Right now it appears to me that people abandon their responsibilities for them selves, our future and to our Creator and seek a master to blame for their positions.
The conclusion to this line of investigation kind of shocked me. When I act like a slave
and attempt to blame my master or any one else for my problems, I lose more of myself. When I recognize, GOD did-not build sloppy product and engage in my own solutions, I like myself better, and solutions flow to me.
The support I find for this statement is very simple and direct. When I focus my energies on solutions, things get resolved. When I focus my energies on problems, they get worse.
WOW, this appears to mean, on a personal and systemic level, my life and destiny is in my own hands.
From Where do Slaves and Sloppy Non Functioning Products Come?
The obvious conclusion is, myself.
The now what question is the ultimate question before the American People.
I choose to stand on the foundations of individual liberty provided by the foundational documents beginning 1776.
In the world of Creators energies it occurs to me there are some very simple mechanisms that actually work and have benefit across-the-board for all lifeforms.
Yesterdays fixed energy patterns are locked up in their own process.
I care nothing about yesterday’s problems. I focus my energy on today’s resolutions for tomorrow’s possibilities.
I am not capable of judging Yesterdays problems. No one ever appointed me as a Judge.
What I am capable of is making my own decisions, taking action, seeking solutions in harmony with Creation. This point is particularly relevant to the Declaration of Independence and the fundamentals stated there
This is a daily choice. Feed the beast or feed Creation.
The Declaration of Independence in my mind in real simple form says the following. There is a creator, I am the created, therefore I join with others to create. We, the People, created a form of government to serve our highest and best interest, individual Liberty. To this principle I pledge my life, my fortune and my secret honor. I do this as one of the good People from whom all government powers flow.
What else do I need to understand?
Being that the People are the Creators to Government we are the Boss!