From CGI's FrancisDrake:
CGI is RMN's reader forum where Francis is a member.
Hi there,
It has been awhile since I posted, I reckon I could have predicted yesterday's mega-quake which was relatively near Anchorage Alaska if I'd taken the time to study a few cycles. Yesterday's quake, "the largest in Southern Alaska in decades" ties in with the monster quake and deadly tidal wave (which hit Hawaii) on Monday, April 1, 1946, that date is a tidy 25500 days before the January 24, 2016 Alaska quake, but more significantly.....on the date which later came to be called "Passover", on Tuesday, April 1, 1885 BC, Abraham evidently made covenant with the Most High on that day....he was 70 years old...The book of Exodus then states that the children of Israel departed on Passover day "430 years to the day" (since the covenant with Abraham)...for a total of 210 years in Egypt (according to the Septuagint and Book of Jasher, etc.).....
The Spring of 2016 is on that cycle, and one "fulfillment" of it is in the particularly UNUSUAL Presidential campaign [cycle] also seeing resolution in the first half of 2016, the caucuses and primaries I mean. Did you know that Donald Trump, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton were all born in the summer of 1946, seventy years ago? Three times seventy years ago, Napoleon oversaw the Confederation of the Rhine treaty signed July 12, 1806, and therein terminated the thousand-year "weak" reign of the Holy Roman Empire....more on this in a little bit...
Jesus was apparently crucified on Wednesday, March 26, 31 A.D....resurrected on Sunday, March 30, which was Sunday April 1, 31 A.D. in the Julian Calendar observed from 44 BC through 1582 about the ultimate April Fool's stunt! (if so).
So far, I've mentioned three April Firsts, and now check this out:
Abraham was born in early 1955 BC.....
1985 years later, a notable descendant of his was slain, in the Spring of 31 A.D., on Passover day....
Go forward from April 1, 31 A.D. an additional 1985 years and you arrive at April 1, 2016 A.D.....
SEVENTY YEARS before April 1, 2016 is April 1, 1946, and on that day, the aforementioned mighty earthquake in Aleutian Islands causing a deadly tsunami to hit Hawaii, where Barack Obama was born in 1961 and Bill Clinton was born twice seventy days later, on Monday, August 19, 1946.
I was born eighteen years later to the day, and my only child, a daughter, was born eighteen years to the day after Chelsea Clinton (was born, February 27, 1980).
Lest it seem like I'm crowing about myself there, I can and do point out amazing synchronicity in anyone's birth-date, there is a reason I'm referring to that 18 year cycle, because it indicates FINANCIAL 'EARTHQUAKE ON OR ABOUT February 27, a dream of February 27, 1996 (on that 10, 20 and 30 and 40 year cycle extending back to the birth of Abraham in 1955 BC and his covenant with God in 1885 BC and birth of Isaac in 1855 BC when Abraham was 100 years old...and birth of Jacob and Esau in 1795 BC when Isaac was 60...and entry of Jacob into Egypt in 1665 BC....Exodus from Egypt April 21, 1455 BC....Cyrus' decree for Jews to return to the Holy Land Spring of 535 BC....) Anyway, in a dream early on February 26 or 27, 1996, I dreamed my father took me into the Great Pyramid and showed me a date engraved on a keystone (top center of an arch), the date was: 1806. Two years later was the aforementioned 18th birthday of Chelsea Clinton....and half of eighteen years later, the Stock Market Plunge of February 27, some accounts the alarm bell signaling the onset of the 2007-2009 Global Financial Crisis...
What is in the works here is EMPIRE SHIFT....again indicated blatantly by the birth of three modern American political heavyweights seventy years ago...and the disbanding of the the Holy Roman Empire thrice seventy years ago....
Napoleon, the Vietnam War, World War One and Two (regarded as the same conflict), and the Holy Roman Empire are mentioned in the biblical Book of Daniel, for example, the description of the "daughter of the south (Roman Catholic church) marrying the king of the north but it is a weak alliance" (paraphrasing because I don't have it in front of me) then a King of the South (Napoleon) disbands that alliance after literally invading Egypt...King of the North was Germany...invaded France in 1870....World War One and Two a continuation of that conflict, during which the United States of America emerged as the King of the South...Russia as King of the North....tens of thousands slain in French and U.S. involvement in Vietnam "to no avail"....
If you believe in God and feel like a Divine Plan isn't obvious enough to satisfy your yearning faith, then join me in watching closely the events of early 2016....Passover this year is late, begins Friday evening, April 22, 2016...naturally I expect something "big" to happen on April 1, 2016....
More on all of this as the days pass and events unfold, I'll link back to this post as a backgrounder.
Oh by the way, for fans of Whitley Strieber, his "Communion" experiences were THIRTY YEARS ago, in the Spring of 1986. I know this well, because at the same time, I had similar experiences.
More on that later.