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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/13/2024 • Too much?

Posted By: hobie
Date: Sunday, 14-Jan-2024 23:55:36


Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/13/2024 • Too much?

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

The universe is unlimited. No dream or desire is too big, too small, or too frivolous for the Divine. No prayer is ignored. No request falls on deaf ears. The moment you have a loving desire, the Divine and your angels begin to guide you toward it. Your job is to allow us to assist and to be in a vibration high enough to perceive our guidance.

There are many reasons why you don't receive what you are asking for, and they all have to do with your willingness to be in a receptive state. The Divine is not withholding love. Your angels are not withholding guidance. However, consider this analogy. Even if the pipes provide the water, none will flow unless the faucet is turned on. Even if the love flows eternally, you must open your "faucet" to receive it from the heavens.

Fear and doubt keep you in a vibration that makes it difficult for you to perceive your guidance. One of the biggest reasons you doubt that you will receive what you want is that, at a deeper level, you doubt your own worthiness.

Prior generations often taught you to set aside your feelings or to put aside your dreams and "get real." There were those who convinced you that your desires were "not important enough" to warrant Divine attention. Dear ones, many on your path simply did not know any better. As a result, they convinced you that you should not ask for "too much." This was a subtle way of telling you that you were not worthy for all you desire.

The people who propagated these spiritual untruths didn't know any better. They weren't malicious for the most part. They were simply afraid that if you asked for what you wanted, you'd be disappointed, that they'd be unable to assist, or that by following your dreams, you'd be depriving them of their own.

They simply didn't understand the way the universe works. They didn't know the laws of vibration. They didn't know that the Creator can satisfy the essence of all desires so elegantly that everyone ends up happy. Some taught you that you were selfish to ask for more. They didn't know or understand the unlimited love of the Divine.

There were many who felt they must play God and satisfy your desires,, and when they could not, they convinced you that you were asking for "too much."

Dear ones, what is "too much?" Is it a certain dollar amount? Or a certain number of prayers per day? Is it too much to ask for more when you already have enough or to ask for more when others have less? How do you define too much? When you think about it, the idea of defining "too much" is absurd when you're talking about the Divine because the Divine has no limitations. The Divine is infinite.

Instead of worrying about whether or not you are asking for "too much," we would urge you to simply be honest, and authentic in your prayers. Stop worrying about whether or not you are asking for "too much" and instead ask for what you honestly want. Do you dream of going to the beach even though you just returned from the mountains? Ask for help achieving this. Do you want more money even though you live well? Ask for help manifesting the things you want to add to your life. Do you want more but feel guilty because others have so much less? Do you want to live in peace even thought that dreams seems far away? Dear ones you cannot deprive others by your prayers, no matter how many or how grand. God is infinite.

The Creator is not a human person with limited time and resources. While your parents or your spouse may not have been able to give you the attention you wanted, the Divine can. While your teachers were physically not able to give all the children in the classroom attention, the Divine can pay attention to each of the 8+ billion people on your earth. While people have budgets and constraints, the Divine does not. So, while human beings might have sent you the signal that you could ask for too much from them, the Divine knows no such limitation.

You have heard the phrase, "Ask, and you shall receive." We would say, "Ask, believe, know you are worthy, and then receive." When you ask your angels for help, you do not deprive anyone else of their assistance. When you ask the Divine for more, none is taken from another. When you, like an innocent child, happily dream up a list of authentic desires, we delight in your joy and willingness to bring love into form. We get to work trying to guide you!

There is no need to "selflessly" deprive yourself of the creations you truly desire. We want you to be "your authentic self" and be rooted in the true "Self." Do you want help managing your schedule today? Ask for help. Be willing to believe it can come. Trust the movement of your heart and the unfolding path that guides you through natural and inspired impulses. If you pray for safety and believe enough to receive you will be guided around any challenge or danger. If you pray for abundance and believe enough to receive, you will be guided to joyfully allow it into your life. If you pray for another—to the degree that they are willing to allow good to flow—you will assist them in their creations.

Dear ones, your asking deprives no one. Your desires, when they come from a desire to experience a more loving reality in any form are important to the Divine. You are part of unfolding creation and your desires allow love to flow into this world of form.

So, ask for the help, the hugs, the finances, the things, the feelings, the healings, and the help you desire. Then, let them go. Stop trying to figure out if you deserve it, if it will happen, when, and how, for worrying about how to fulfill your own prayers simply gets in the way. You cannot perceive loving guidance while focused on worry. You cannot hear the whispers of certainty when you feel doubt.

If you, like the little ones, remembered your worthiness, you'd ask, believe, expect, and anticipate dreams come true. You;d go about your business, enjoying your days, while knowing that the Divine is always with you, and always encouraging you to listen to your heart, and follow the path of joy.

Dear ones, we love you. We celebrate your willingness to call the infinite info various beautiful and loving forms in your lives. You can never ask for too much when your asking is born of love. Be like little children—innocent, honest, and excited about watching your dreams take form.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

-- The Angels

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