Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #376
Posted by Bennett Ross | Jan 9, 2024 | Spirituality |
To attract more positive experiences
Tap into the magical power within you
And unleash your inner magic
Cast a complimentary impression onto the world by choosing loving words
And watch as love shows up all through your daily life
What you say can change the world in really awesome ways
It is like waving a magic wand
And crafting the most beautiful life you have ever dreamed of
The kingdom of heaven is within you
Speak with loads of faith and optimism
The magical state of the heart is a special way of seeing and feeling
When you awaken it you dive into the wonderful pool of possibilities
Your beliefs and expressions have the ability
To create a world brimming with happiness and amazement
Just as a lake reflects the vastness of the sky
Only when its waters are calm
So too our minds reflect the true nature of reality only when at peace
The intention and purpose in your thoughts and deeds
Are potent seeds capable of germinating realities
Embrace each moment with all its miracles
And talk to yourself in a kind loving way
Words can be a secret spell
We can change our story and open doors to new possibilities
Dream big and pursue your wishes
As you set up your magical stage
Quit hiding from your true identity
Unburden yourself from the chains of your old ways
Embrace your shadows
Transform fear into courage and sadness into joy
Make the ordinary extraordinary
Live authentically deeply rooted in the now
Always conscious of the eternal design unfolding within you
Consider that the gateway to transcendence
To the mystical and sublime
To the magnificent and marvelous
Is a rather playful aspect of existence!
Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #377
Posted by Bennett Ross | Jan 9, 2024 | Spirituality |
We are part of a larger performance
Inspired by the creative breath of the cosmos
A journey that you have the honor and pleasure
Of playing the starring role in our own continuous movie
When you give thanks for the gift of existence
The momentum will snowball and lead to a positive result
You are a portion of the cosmos destined to fulfill your part in the play
And are worthy of all blessings and splendid moments that you can imagine
Let disappointments dissolve like a shadow in the sun
And share the beauty of existence with your fellow actors
Dance to and sing a vibrant tone
Be a hero and face the great mystery with integrity
Foster a sense of gratitude and wonder
And each day will become an opportunity to celebrate the joy of living
We are immersed in a cosmic theatre
Where each scene we experience is being filmed to us by a more complex intelligence
Who is able to read our minds
We are all actors and spectators
When we take our role seriously
We fully engage in the plot of life
Dance through life gracefully and fearlessly
Each thought is a note in the ballad we sing
Serenade yourself with an optimistic tune
Because the universe will echo what we choose to play
Every assumption becomes the melody that dictates our lives
The way we interpret painful occurrences
Can completely change our experience of them
When the music of our consciousness
Harmonizes with the song of existence
We will meet the universe in an eternal embrace!
Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #378
Posted by Bennett Ross | Jan 9, 2024 | numerology, Spirituality |
Each smile is a treasure
Each act of kindness is a hymn to the divine
Each demonstration of gratitude
Is an expression of the soul that recognizes the richness of life
It attracts more blessings
And becomes a resonance that permeates your being
Each show of compassion to another living being
Honors your own essence
The recognition of the interconnectedness of all
Is essential for a genuine display of empathy and love
We all share the same sacred spirit
When you are aware of this collective cosmic consciousness
The whisper of existence turns into the vibrant pulse of life
Angel numbers are a divine dialogue
That unlock the doors to deeper understanding
They repeatedly turn up
Telling you there is something you need to know
Your intuition tells you it cannot be coincidence
And your decoding of these celestial messages is of utmost importance
Every number vibrates at its own frequency
And carries its own meaning
It could be a simple affirmation that you are on the right path
Or a warning of an undesirable impending outcome
It could be a reminder that you are not alone
That you are intrinsically connected to the cosmic mind
4 is a number of stability order and balance
It means to live life with the certainty
That you are being guided by a divine invisible hand
It is saying that you need to remain in contact
With the faint whisper coming from the backstage of the theatre
The divine triad of 444
Is a celestial nudge from higher realms of existence
It is a numeric sequence that holds high spiritual significance
And is telling you to free yourself from limitations
It is prompting you to ignite the awakening of humanity
And arouse those who are trapped in illusion
It is advising you to expose mystical truths and esoteric alchemy
And to be a source of illumination
Against the dark forces of oppression and conformity!
Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #379
Posted by Bennett Ross | Jan 9, 2024 | astronomy, numerology, Prognostication |
The occult uses numbers for their dark agendas
The energy of 4 is a very strong manifester
444 amplifies the energy
Making their nefarious covetings more obtainable
4 is about establishing foundations
Think of a table with 4 legs or a room with 4 walls
April 4 2024 is 4444 if you combine the twos
This would seem to be a day that they will try to use
The occult uses our energy of fear and dread
Then they turn it on high on the day they wish to manifest
A fake solar flare will be the excuse to take down the internet
Then put it back on line at a later date with only AI approved information
Do not give it energy
Meditate that this year will be a time of spiritual and material abundance
You are an integral part of the universe
And have the power to manifest a beautiful world
4 4 2024 can also be seen as 88
8 carries the vibration of advancement and success
Focus on a positive outcome and that is what you will bring about
The sun is a portal
It releases plasma energy that awakens our DNA
And increase our connection to the divine
It is small and very near
Right above the clouds
The fake astronomers say that the sun is now 96 million miles away
Which is obviously an occultic number
They tell us that a proton storm of charged particles will erupt from a sunspot
Followed by a coronal mass ejection that would take only a half an hour to reach earth
That means it would travel at millions of miles per minute
Achieving the unthinkable and impossible
They need us to believe in the lies of the heliocentric model
In order to pull this thing off
Sunspots are dark
It is an area where energy is being beamed into
When a high intense ray of super charged plasma is being beamed into the sun
And is suddenly turned off
It will initiate a solar flare in response
Just like a secondary response of a stroke of lightning
A solar flare could be initiated by beaming directed energy into the sun
But the effects would not be a worldwide power outage
April 19 is 419
Which would translate as a manifestation of a big event
If our electricity gets turned off
It will also be an excuse to take down the financial system on April 19
Then bring the illusion of war to America
Align yourself to positive and empowering beliefs
Optimistic and constructive affirmations will reshape reality accordingly
You are connected to the wisdom and energy of the universe
Emit strong vibrations of high intentions
Bring the world into harmony with integrity honesty dignity and compassion
You are capable not only of manifesting them in this world
But also in various dimensions!
Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #380
Posted by Bennett Ross | Jan 9, 2024 | History, Science, technology |
The sinking of Port Royal in Jamaica in 1692
Was not an act of God
Port Royal hade a giant starfort which is now underwater
Starforts were incredibly built structures that harnessed vibrations
In 2 minutes time the city sank under the liquification of the ground
Over 2 thousand people perished as a tsunami ambushed the richest port in the world
The real reason of the tragedy is underground frequency generators
And or mounted airships carrying directed energy weaponry
Liquification is from sound resonance vibration
Liquified sand fissures are where electrical currents ushered upwards
Causing earthquakes and tsunamis
Plasma weaponry is the secret device that has been around since Atlantis
And was responsible for that event also
The island of Santorini was not because of the explosion of a massive volcano
That carved out much of the island
The destruction of Jericho was not from wandering Jews blowing trumpets
In 1489 the Monastery of Saint Dionysus in northern Greece was destroyed
1540 witnessed the fall of Carthage
1546 Palestine
1542 and 1894 Istanbul
1690 Amsterdam
In 1807 Copenhagen was attacked
Whole streets were reduced to rubble
Houses burned to the ground
Scarcely were any that remained
In 1892 and 1906 San Francisco was assaulted
Its past was erased
The erasure was explained by lies
And the lies became the truth
Over 100 miles of brick lined underground tunnels are found beneath San Francisco
Did the miners build those also
Boston Chicago St. Louis all were hit hard
To hide the way better stuff we used to have here
Nicola Tesla is falsely given the credit to have made many inventions
Which were actually a part of the former advanced civilization of Tartaria
The story of his frequency oscillating machine that almost brought down a New York skyscraper
Shows that this technology has been around for quite a long time
The removal of bells was to get rid of positive energy
The twisting and warping of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in the 1930s
Was the result of being hit by directed energy weaponry
New Madrid Missouri is where the fake April eclipse is supposed to transit an earlier fake eclipse
X marks the spot where another round is planned behind the scenes
New Madrid was also the target once before in 1811
Nature was in chaos
Noises mingled in the air creating a horrid din
Wild fowl screamed
Trees cracked and snapped
Amidst the sound of a violent tempest of wind
There was a roar of river banks as they plunged into the water
Then the noise of the earthquake dominated all others!