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Tuesday, February 21, 2023
A Reply to Satan
By Anna Von Reitz
Satan pretends to be a Christian, which is his own version of what Yeshuah taught; so, you can all see for yourselves what the Church has become under his influence.
Satan is no Follower of Yeshuah, but I am the Servant of His Father, the Lord of Infinite Light and Space, the Creator who is All That Is, and I am a Witness against Satan --- myself, a Sirian from the Morning Star System, who saw him in his glory and knows him now for what he is—- a Deceiver and a Traitor and a would-be Usurper, a Creation in Rebellion against his Creator, ungrateful, selfish, and in denial of the truth.
So why am I here, now, at this time? Clearly not claiming to be human in the sense that most people understand that? To explain to you all that Satan is not forgiven and not repentant, either. If you follow him, or his minions (ironically, while he rants against the Catholic Church, it is Satan who controls Pope Francis: ) you follow him to endless perdition.
There is only the Creator, exemplified by Yeshuah on Earth, so that you could see and choose rightly between the "Kingdom" that Satan has set up for himself based on idolatry and every kind of evil, and the Kingdom of God on Earth, full of peace and blessing.
You must all use your free will and the gifts God gave you to discern the truth and decide whether the Creator or the Creation is greater?
If you follow the Logic of Being, you must realize that the Creator is forever greater than any one thing that is created, that all things owe their being and gratitude to the Creator, and become part of the Creation and have their part in fullness.
Even Satan has served the True God, as an example of what not to become.
Now, Satan's time is ending; he and those with him will be cut off, consigned to the Abyss of non-being, beyond the reach of anyone or anything but the True God.
I was once cast into the Abyss and can tell you what you will experience there: total separation from the rest of Creation. You can scream but nobody will hear you. You can rage all you want, strike out all you want --- to no effect.
You will be isolated and set aside and slowly re-absorbed into the unknowingness from which you were formed. There is no escape from the Abyss, and the only one who can forgive you and rescue you, is the True God, our Creator.
Only the Creator hears you when you cry out in the Abyss, and so long as you rage and aggrandize yourselves and blame him and curse him, he will not answer or lift a finger.
You will condemn yourselves to this experience and the destruction of your souls as a fire burning from its own substance, and the sum of your own hate will be the fuel that consumes you and extinguishes your consciousness forever.
Unless you purify your hearts and weep with honest sincerity and call him "Abba" you will condemn yourselves forever, even as Satan has already condemned himself.
This I tell you, not for my sake, but for yours. I long ago knew what Satan was; it took a much longer journey to discover who and what I was (and am becoming), and now, you must each know the truth about yourselves, too.
The experience of the Abyss is not pleasant and remembering the Truth is painful and the hate you carry within yourselves will burn you and all your own guilt will condemn you, until and unless you confess the evil you have harbored in your soul and ask to be freed of it and made new.
That I have lived many, many, many lives is true; that I have even been a rock in the depths of the sea, is true. That I have known the Abyss is true. And all that I am telling you from the great wealth of my experience is true, and unlike Satan, I have no motive to lie to you --- for I do not need your energy and approval to live; I do not subsist from you as a parasite.
Anna Maria
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