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SORCHA 2/19: "“Something Is Afoot” Warning Sounded As Lying Ukraine “Narrative” Disintegrates"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Sunday, 19-Feb-2023 14:34:22



February 19, 2023

Something Is Afoot” Warning Sounded As Lying UkraineNarrative” Disintegrates

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin will focus on the “Special De-Nazification Operation” to liberate Ukraine during his State of the Union address before the Federal Assembly on 21 February, says as it pertains to the current conflict fast leading to World War III, it caused top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov to grimly observe this morning: “So far there is no readiness or openness towards peaceful initiatives on the part of the collective West”.

During the gathering of socialist Western colonial leaders at the Munich Security Conference yesterday, this report notes, French President Emmanuel Macron proclaimed: “I want Russia to be defeated in Ukraine, and I want Ukraine to be able to defend its position...I do not think, as some people do, that we must aim for a total defeat of Russia, attacking Russia on its own soil...Those observers want to, above all else, crush Russia… That has never been the position of France and it will never be our position”—a proclamation joined by NATO and European Union member leader Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban warning: “It started with helmets and now we are already at the delivery of tanks, in the future also of airplanes, and before long we will hear about the so-called peacekeeping units...Europe is getting immersed in war, in reality they’re already indirectly at war with Russia”, then he factually observed: “Sanctions have pulled over €10 billion out of the pockets of Hungarians...The punitive measures were supposed to hit Russia, but hit Europe...Leaders of the bloc were seeking to end to the conflict in Ukraine, but a year has passed, and this has not happened...We did not deprive Russia of resources, we gave Russia even more money, and Russian energy supplies, in monetary terms, grew by 70%”.

Also during the Munich Security Conference, this report continues, NATO doubled down on its warmongering pledging to do more against Russia—though not present, President Putin was on the lips of every socialist Western colonial leader—and this gathering of socialist Western colonial warmongers ended with the leftist Politico article “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It — And Munich Feels Nervous”, wherein it noted: “The only people smiling at this year’s security conference are the defense contractors...Arms sales are booming by all accounts...But even the Germans have woken up to the perils of the world’s current geopolitical state, this could well be the moment to really start worrying”.

Among those “really worrying” at the Munich Security Conference, this report details, was European Union top diplomat Josep Borrell, who fearfully warned his socialist Western colonial warmongering comrades: “We are in urgent war mode...This shortage of ammunition has to be solved quickly; it is a matter of weeks”—as Ukraine runs out of ammunition, the leftist Washington Post, in its just published article “How To Break The Stalemate In Ukraine”, declared: To thwart Russia and safeguard Ukraine’s sovereignty, the United States and its European allies have little choice but to intensify their military, economic and diplomatic support for Kyiv…That means equipping Ukrainian forces with more decisive weapons and in greater numbers”—the leftist New York Times, in their just published article “America Can’t Go ‘Wobbly’ On Ukraine”, declared: “The modest numbers of new Western weapons may not be enough to decisively break Russian lines, especially given that Russia has had time to build an “immense” network of fortifications in the Donbas region…Ukraine needs both quality and quantity to defeat the Russian military, and while dribbling small numbers of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other weapons into the fight is much better than nothing, it is likely far short of adequate for the demands of combat on this scale”—and are leftist media declarations now joined by British Secretary of Defence Ben Wallace revealing: “Germany organized a meeting with its NATO allies this week to discuss tank deliveries...That's when the problems became obvious...The politicians sent their military to the depots only to find that their tanks are not operational or repaired for delivery to Ukraine...NATO has to face the painful truth that our armies have been more or less hollowed out over the last 30 years...There are numbers of how many tanks each country has...But then there is the reality that tells us that far too few of them are operational...In terms of ammunition stocks, too, we found that our peacetime plans were not sufficient...We didn't count on a real war, so the target numbers for the ammunition were too low”.

Also at the Munich Security Conference, this report notes, China’s highest ranked diplomat Wang Yi observed: “The much-hyped shootdown of three unidentified flying objects, was absurd and hysterical...It does not show that America is strong, on the contrary it shows the opposite...Across the globe there are many balloons in the sky, from different countries...Do you want to down each and every one of them?”—an observation swiftly followed by articles appearing in America like “US Military Calls Off Recovery Operation For Chinese Spy Balloon And Search For Objects Downed Over Alaska, Lake Huron”, “Illinois Amateur Balloon Club Says Its Balloon Over Alaska Went Missing After US Fighter Jet Shot Down Unidentified Flying Object in Same Area” and “Biden Administration Spent Over $1.6 Million Shooting Down What May Be $12 Hobby Balloons”—all of which was joined by Sky News Australia host Cory Bernardi observing: “This is what the world’s greatest superpower has been reduced to...It merely watches communist spy blimps while shooting $600,000 missiles at $20 hobby balloons because they’re a strategic threat...The balloon saga was a distraction to cover up Biden bombing the Nord Stream pipelines as he leads the United States into World War III...And this is the mob that people entrust the future of the free world to”.

As the socialist Western colonial lying narrative about Ukraine continues to disintegrate, this report continues, it follows top French political leader Pierre De Gaulle, the grandson of the founder of the Fifth Republic General Charles de Gaulle, factually observing: “The West claims that Moscow is isolated, but two-thirds of the world's population supports Russia...We see the economic interests of many countries shift to the East, with Russia being the focus of this process”—and as to why two-thirds of the world’s population supports Russia, it saw African continent leader Ugandan Foreign Minister Jeje Odongo explaining yesterday: “We were colonized and forgave those who colonized us...Now, the colonizers are asking us to be enemies of Russia, who never colonized us, is that fair?...Not for us: their enemies are their enemies, our friends are our friends”.

With global concerns rising about what the godless socialist Western colonial powers will do as they watch the world rally behind Russia, instead of Ukraine, which is the most corrupt nation in Europe, led by The Biden Crime Family, this report concludes, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) warned that Ukraine was planning a massive provocation ahead of the 11th special session of the UN General Assembly to accuse Moscow of “grossly violating” the Convention on Nuclear Safety—and is a warning joined by American geopolitical analyst Mike Whitney, who, in his just released open letter “A US-Led 'Coalition Of The Willing' Foreshadows The Splintering Of NATO”, assessed and warned: “The destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline was a gangster act that reveals the cancer at the heart of the “rules-based order”...How can there be peace and security when the world’s most powerful nation can destroy the critical infrastructure of other countries without deliberation or judicial proceedings?...What the incident shows is that unilateral action inevitably leads to criminal violence against the weak and defenseless...Biden’s covert operation hurt every man, woman and child in Europe...Now that the Russian army is advancing on all fronts along the Line of Contact, we think that the desperate neocons are bound to do something colossal...In fact, we are sure of it...Something is afoot although we cannot be certain whether it will materialize or not...But—keep in mind—there would be no need for terrorist attacks, false flags or additional combat troops if the official narrative was actually true and the Ukrainian army was winning the war...But that is not what’s happening...The Ukrainian Armed Forces are losing and losing badly...In fact, they don’t even have sufficient ammunition stockpiles to sustain long-term fighting”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Majority of world (green in map above) rally around Russia to create new global economic order to prevent socialist Western colonial powers (red in map above) from supporting The Biden Crime Family and its corrupt puppet state Ukraine.

February 19, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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