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Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Oh, Boy. Now the Fat Hits the Fan and the Fire
By Anna Von Reitz
We heard that CPS was charging $6,000 per day per kidnapped sons and daughters, and $9,000 per day if the kid has any kind of disability. And then we saw the budgets.
And now we know where they get the Endless Payola to perform this "service" --- from who else? The Fairy Godmother of them all, Bill Clinton. Just imagine him wearing a tutu.
The Adoption and Safe Families Act signed in 1997 by the Clinton Administration gives their own State-of-State franchises a million bucks per child seized.
A million dollars.
How's that for filthy lucre motivation to go out and steal kids from their own parents under color of law and armed threat?
Imagine the impact that a million dollars per year would have on a struggling single parent home?
That parent could afford to hire a housekeeper and a cook and nanny, too. They could get some sleep and go to school or go to work without a worry and everything would be so much better..... but instead the Vermin kidnap the kids and don't help anyone.
Instead, they send out people who have never had a child of their own to tell parents what to do and how to do it. For real. Social workers straight out of college with all sorts of "ideas" and no practical experience at all, standing there with their little clipboards telling real life parents all about parenting.
They make crazy unrealistic demands of working parents --- "classes" that last 2-3 hours per class, two times a week, in the middle of the day? As if these parents don't have jobs and lives and can just magically afford to spend three days a week going to child visitations and classes and taking drug tests and all sorts of other inane bureaucratic bunk --- and if they don't, they are considered a "risk"? A risk of earning a living for themselves and their children?
The only people who could ever meet the CPS demands are people who don't work. Welfare scags, unemployed deadbeats of all kinds could make it to class where they teach parents of four year-olds how to diaper babies. These people are so dumbed down that when they are told that 12 out of a 100 is 40% --- they believe it. They spread it. It's in their textbook because the idiot who wrote the textbook can't do math either, and together, their "opinion" becomes the "law".
Are you getting a taste for just how @$#%# bat guano crazy this is? And what drives it all? Federal kickbacks to their own State-of-State franchise organizations. They are wallowing in graft so deep the average career bureaucrat is in danger of drowning.
And now, we know who to thank for this endless barrage of fake "community concern" and the plague of bullies who have been encouraged to breach our constitutional guarantees, break down our doors, invade our homes, and steal our children from us---- all in the name of what?
Corporate greed.
The Accusers, who turn someone in as an "unfit" (Margaret Sanger word) parent don't have to come forward and be identified. Their accusations don't have to be proven. Anybody with an ax to grind -- a disgruntled Ex or angry employee or some dumb sicko on a lark--- can just drop a dime and turn your family life into a nightmare with no evidence at all. And no accountability.
None of this would be happening except for the Federal Payola funding all of it. It's time for CPS to be kicked to the curb along with the State-of-State Administrations and Legislatures belly up to the trough and the Federal Pigs responsible for it, too.
See this article and over 4000 others on Anna's website here: