During the Weaver siege in north idaho in 1992, I made a visit to the local police chief to give him an idea what was going on at the protest site at the creek bridge. After I described the passion, fervor and high emotions of the people and how it could spill over into a real problem, he then said "are you talking about anarchy?".
I said "yes, that is exactly what I'm talking about".
What was ironic is the night before the police department received threatening calls on the phone, saying they would kill police officers if they didn't help the family at Ruby Ridge. From that moment on he paid close attention to all the events involving the siege and aftermath. He even attended patriot rallies we held afterwards where it was standing room only.
The people during that crisis were in an emotional frenzy. They were capable of doing anything against the local, state and federal officers.
Randy Weaver was a jack Morman, and when the crisis blew up, the well armed secret Morman army arrived covertly in north Idaho and were camped in the hundreds, and were building to 2,000, in the surrounding areas. They came to a friend I knew that was also a spokesman for the family, and he told me they asked if they were needed for an assault to rescue the family. He told them "no, not yet, I'll let you know". We were a whisker away from a total civil war breakdown of society in the northwest. It could have been a bloodbath disaster.
I was told that the Vietnam vets targeted a radio tower for the county sheriff's office and blew it up with dynamite. This never hit the news. But I heard about it from insiders.
When a family's life is at stake, people will go bonkers to defend them. And with the siege going on day after day, it allowed the spirit of vengeance to build to a fever pitch.
Now take that same attitude and multiply it nationwide to tens of millions of people who find out they have been poisoned with a plague, given a vaccine that kills them, and they are attending funerals on a weekly basis. Parents burying their children, families burying their parents and siblings - and it continues nonstop for months and years. You can't hide something like that.
Right now the word on the street is that hit men are getting more and more jobs to knock off doctors that gave their family the vaccine and killed their loved ones. The civil war has already started, but the news media will never announce it.
Now add unemployment, inflation, food shortages and World War 3 and you have a desperate world gone mad. The funeral parlors are ordering children size caskets like never before in our nation's history. The cat is out of the bag - there is no going back to normal again.
When a person listens to the national news and hears about mass shootings, the murder of entire families, the pushing of innocent people in front of trains it is a very somber look at the dangerous world we live in, where we are like "desperadoes waiting for a train".
Danger can come from any direction, at any second. Hats worn low, no moves are made to give you away as being under cover and going "grey". You do your best to blend into the world around you, but inside, you are seeking out dangers from enemies lying in wait in the shadows.
The minutes go by like hours as you wait to hear for the approaching steam train, or the faint sound of the whistle blowing in the distance.
Our brief stint here on earth, for those on a mission, and those that are aware of dangers, is full of suspense, unease and apprehension. Always striving to make it home alive and escape the dangers along the way.
It's not an easy thing to explain to anyone that has never experienced it.
I'm not liking the way things are going. We are headed toward a world where things are nothing like what we imagined. A world where all goods and food stuffs are hard to come by, lifestyles are reduced, energy is less, and conveniences are slim.
The powers that be have purposely "shut off the switch" to the way things used to be, and changed the entire world to match their planned devolution of mankind. I did not see this coming in this form. This is a very helpless feeling.
I am kinda glad to be older now, at the last segment of my lifespan. I don't need to struggle for life or normalcy. But the majority of society are in their prime years and they will wake up in a hell they will find difficult to cope with. I feel sorry for them.
This is a subject that I have avoided because it is a negative view of the future. But it is rapidly approaching us now and impossible to ignore. It will take time to adjust to this new normal and come up with the words to describe properly what we are facing.
The pandemic was the first stage of coming events that opened the door to more restrictions, lesser lifestyles, wars breaking out, shortages, outages, spotty electric power, higher fuel costs, widespread unemployment, chaos in the urban areas, crime, mass shootings and stabbings, cars running people over, terrorist activities, mass insanity, assassinations, and millions of people dropping dead worldwide in the coming months and years. We have been attacked in a major, covert way, and it is ongoing. We are not flattening the curve and going back to normal ever again.
Staying mentally healthy and balanced is extremely important in times like these. This will be much worse than WW2 and the Great Depression, combined. The key to survival though these times is the ability to adapt to a lesser lifestyle and maintaining a balanced and positive attitude, regardless what happens to the nation. People that do not adapt and think they "deserve " a better lifestyle, are in denial of reality and clinging to a world that simply does not exist. We must humble ourselves during that time and be thankful for a can of beans a day, and take it without complaint. The hard times won't last forever, but only the tough will survive. George Eaton