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I've Been Asked: What Will the US Look Like After Nuclear War? - Here's a View Into That Dystopian World

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Saturday, 28-Jan-2023 22:44:36

This description of America after a nuclear war is from my book: "Defender of Destiny"..chapter 7

..“Try to avoid confrontation and stay away from the military. You are there to gather information and then leave the area." Mike then flew to an area a safe distance from the community and dropped them off. The two men then walked to the community which was about a quarter of a mile away. They passed people living in tents along the road and saw people milling about in ragged clothes. They saw no firearms on anyone. Many had bandages on them from injuries that happened during the bombing a few weeks ago. Some were carrying bodies to fields and burying them. Some children were huddled together on the side of the road. They also noticed that some had food they were eating which looked like rations that were given to them from the military. There were camps set up where people were lined up for soup and bread. They could see the military outpost set up down the road and people in lines to be processed. The two men decided to go a different direction and talk with a few people and find out what was going on at this site. They located a house where an older man was sitting on the porch with another old man. George spoke up. “Hello sir. Is the military giving out food down the road?"

"Ya, they are handing out a day's rations at a time." The man said. "If you register with them that is, give them any guns you own and then sign up for work projects. Where are you guys from?"

"We are from out of town." George said. "The nukes didn't hit our location. We came in to see what was going on and if things were getting back to normal."

"Well sir, it will be a long time before things get back to normal." The old man said. "Something is not right about what the military is doing. This doesn’t seem like a program to get things back to normal. They are taking the young children under 10 to special places, and the adults that register are taken to work camps. So far it has been voluntary, but when people get low on food more of them are joining up. Something just ain't right. This isn't the country I was raised in. There isn't any electricity, no running water, no stores open, and no jobs."

"How often do the military commanders come around to check on things at the outpost?" Darren asked.

"They have a regular commander that stays there all day." The old man answered. "But once a day about 10 in the morning a white Humvee comes in from somewhere and the commanders at the post salute him. I figure he is the man in charge, but he doesn't stay at the post long. If I were you, I would stay away from that bunch. They will shoot to kill anyone that gits in their way, we seen 'em shoot a few."

"Thanks for the tip sir." George responded. "By the way do you know of any pregnant ladies or families in the area that have not registered?" The man points across to another part of town. "Over yonder, on the other side of town," The old man said. "there is a tent camp set up, and they have families and pregnant women there. They are holding out on their own because they don't want to break up their families."

"Thank you sir, we wish you the best." Darren commented. "You might consider moving further out, away from the military post to avoid contact with them."

"I wish I could." The old man replied. "I am just too darn old to go anywhere now, my feet can't take the walkin. I'll stay here as long as I can, and the food holds out. It's ok son, I'm too tired to be running anywhere now anyway."

"Ok friend, thanks for the info, you take care." George responded. The two men then left the man at the porch of the house and walked towards the other side of the small town. They took side streets to avoid the main road that went to the center of town, and the military post. Just as the old man had said they found the tent city on the edge of town. There were shanty shacks made of cardboard and covered with tarps, a variety of tents lined up in several rows. People of all ages were milling about and kids were playing and running from place to place as the two men walked into the area. The men spotted a pregnant lady standing near a tent, and was hanging up clothes on a make shift clothes line. She had 2 other children playing around her nearby. What appeared to be her husband was sitting on a folding chair at the front of the tent. The men approached him. "Hello, we are from out of town." Darren said. "How are things here at the camp?"

"You're not from the military, are you?" The man said, as he reached for his gun.

"No sir, we aren't with the military." George answered. "We are citizens just like you. We don't like seeing what is going on. My name is George, this is my friend Darren. Can we talk to you for a bit?" The man stood up, put his gun aside and then shook hands with them.

"My name is Gary; this is my wife and kids." The man said. "Sure, I will talk with you guys, let me find a couple chairs." The man then went inside the tent and brought out two more folding chairs.

George and Darren then sat down and began talking with the man. The man's wife looked on occasionally, as she continued hanging up wet clothes after she had apparently washed them by hand. "We have a place we can take in families and especially pregnant women to make sure they are safe and well fed." George said.

"How far is it from here?" Gary asked.

"Do you know where the gravel pit is on the other side of town?" Darren asked. "That is where we would pick someone up for the trip away from here. But it has to be kept quiet, we can't take everyone, and it has to remain between us. Otherwise, we would be swamped with people."

"I understand that." Gary replied. "You guys have vehicles that still work and have plenty of fuel?"

"Do you remember the information that came out over 6 months ago about aliens from another planet and Mike Faris who was running the country for a while?" George answered.

"Ya, everyone knows about that." Gary answered. "He saved the country. Where is he now?"

"Mr. Faris has organized a rescue operation for select people." Darren answered. "We are part of his team. We can get you and your family to safety and any other families or pregnant women that want to be safe from radiation problems. But it has to be done quietly, and without the military knowing about it."

"Where would you take us?" Gary asked.

"To be honest with you, it is safer to simply take you off planet for a while." George answered. "This would allow the pregnant women to have a child away from radiation and the families to be safe. We would then give them a choice to come back to earth later."

"Hold on a second, let me talk with my wife about this." The man said. He then walked over to where his wife was hanging up clothes and talked to her privately for a while. He then returned and spoke up to the men. “Yes, we would like to get out of here. There is no future here anyway. When would we need to be ready?"

"Within the hour." George answered. "And if you know anyone else, go to them and find out if they want to go as well. We will meet you back here soon, and we can walk together to the pick up spot." The men then reached into their back packs and gave the man snack bars and water.

"Don't bring a lot of things with you. “Darren added. "All of your needs will be taken care of on the other planet." The men then left the tent camp and continued their intelligence gathering in the town. The men called the space ship and told them to be ready in about an hour to take on passengers. The men then made their way closer to the military outpost and checked out what was going on in that area. They noticed that some of the troops did not look like Americans. And some of the vehicles were marked with UN markings. The patches the troops wore had United Nations symbols on them and then another patch to show their country of origin. There were hundreds of people and families in line to register, and as they did, they walked away from the gated area and disappeared behind razor wire fences and into large tents for processing. At the other end of the post were large military trucks and buses, with people being loaded onto them. After checking these things out the two men went back to the tent camp and met up with the family they met. There were 3 more families with them plus two couples that the wives were pregnant.

"Ok folks, you all understand where we are taking you." George announced. "Follow us across town and we will get you out of here." The group then quietly followed George and Darren away from the tent camp. It was not unusual to see groups of people walking in town, it was basically the only way people could get around anymore. Some had a few bikes, and at times a person would see a vehicle driving around, but very few of them. There was no gasoline left for the few cars that would run. The nukes knocked out most vehicles with the electromagnetic pulse, called an EMP. It melted the micro-circuits in the engine computer. Only the older vehicles would run, if they could find gas, and also some of the vehicles that were kept in garages during the blasts, where the EMP did not affect them. Bikes were a good thing to have in this situation, but could only carry one person and little baggage. Those that could find bikes made small trailers to attach to the bikes to carry more things and their small children.

The problem was, without a constant supply of food it was not easy to walk anywhere or ride bikes. The people simply didn't have the energy to go any long distances. It ended up where the people stayed in one area as much as they could, to save energy and find a food source to survive. A few people still lived in their homes and had enough food stored up to last a while. But it was a constant struggle to protect their homes and food from thieves that would attack them at night. Everyone was on edge, and as the days dragged on, more and more families were registering with the military to survive. Where those people were taken was not known to the people in the towns. They would register, leave, and not be seen of again. The rumor was, that the people were taken to the outskirts of city areas which were between 50 and several hundred miles away, where there were still factories that could operate.

There were supposed to be cleaning crews as well, and those that cleaned up the dead that might be laying around, or in homes and cars. In some outlying areas around major cities they had electricity and water, plus food being distributed to the people, on a daily basis. But they would only give them enough food for one day at a time. This kept the people locked into a control zone and dependent on the government. Those that registered for work camps and projects were given daily rations and housed in a variety of buildings, tent cities, and houses and apartments that were confiscated by the government.

The word went out that there was no longer any private ownership of homes or land, and that in time the government would come to everyone's place and allocate what their property could be used for. All farms were being taken over and farming was to be controlled by the government. The labor was also provided by workers that were brought in, and the food harvested was to be taken by the government for distribution. They did all these things under the authority of martial law being declared. Because of the nuclear war and the entire system collapsing, the people were in no position to resist those kinds of controls. They simply went along with it, and assumed that later, when things improved in the nation, they would be able to work and live as they did before. But the military gave no estimated time when that day would come. The reality was, the citizens of America were under total government control, or they could try to survive on their own, or simply starve to death. (excerpts from Chapter 7)

I offer this book, which is 381 pages, free of charge in a file when a person sends me an email to send the file. Ask for "Defender of Destiny". I keep no list of emails and never share email addresses.

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