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To me, we have been subjected to a "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" type of existence where the lunatics are in charge of the asylum.
Do you ever feel like you're living in a bad dream with a bunch of crazy people?
Saratoga Ocean
We really need a way to reconnect with a sense of order, peace, sanity, and general harmony in our lives on this planet. Maybe we can start by being willing to talk about the things that everyone is (sadly) afraid to talk about.
It really hit me that we are being controlled by a bunch of literal losers when I saw the latest undercover video by Project Veritas. Did you see that? 😱
This guy secretly recorded a man named Jordan Walker, who is the executive directer of Research and Development for none other than Pfizer. (You know, the company who makes and profits off those 'sharp things')
Well, this guy disclosed some pretty scary secrets about what's really going on with this company. And it's BAD! They invented this fancy term called 'directed evolution' where they intentionally mutate the famous microbe that we've all been so terrified of. That way they can make the 'antidote' (sharp thing) in advance of it coming out, and make a huge profit. He made the undercover guy promise not to tell anyone. Because if this got out, it would be a disaster! Lol!
Then he got confronted with an iPad showing the video evidence of himself spilling the beans of truth, and he totally freaked out! He started running around this restaurant yelling and jumping and just totally freaking out like a nut case! He attacked the guy with the iPad evidence and tackled him and the iPad to the ground hollering the whole time. I mean he looked like a total idiot!
Obviously, the guy was probably in fear for his life after what he had just stupidly done. He literally looked like a panicked, cornered animal.
All I could think of was, "This is an example of one of these controller minions?? This is the type of loser that we are allowing to control this planet??"
I mean, seriously, it's just too much. Now I always say that these guys are really dumb, but it's quite something to see it openly manifest right before your eyes.
I'm sure this guy will either be given a new identity, discredited, or be completely disappeared. Or they'll just try to portray it as a misunderstanding. Because they are masters at gaslighting us.
Plus we're headed straight into World War 3 😳.
So let's take a step back. There is no redeeming quality to the way in which this planet is being run. The crazies are in charge, and they don't appear to care about anything. Not even themselves.
It's up to us to step into a greater level of power metaphysically speaking, and change the course of our individual lives. We need to practice highly intentional living. Instead of withdrawing in fear, we need to be fully present in every cell in our bodies.
So I encourage you to move forward in your evolution with great intention. I encourage you to not waste a single day of this precious life.
When you get up in the morning, ask yourself if there is one simple thing that you can do today to move your life forward in a positive way.
We are never going to be able to integrate with what these controllers are doing and stay human at the same time. If we passively allow ourselves to integrate with their insanity, we will become more and more like them.
So now is the time to take control of your own life as best as you can. Just take small, forward steps every day. Start your days by tuning into your inner self and your inner wisdom. Get very familiar with your sense of intuition. Become passionate about following your inner guidance. These are all the ways in which to strengthen yourself in the coming days.
And most of all, take excellent care of your physical body. Listen to what it needs. You are the caretaker of your own vehicle of life here. Ask yourself if you're doing a good job.
Stay firmly connected to nature and the natural Earth. Let yourself be a part of the cycles of the sun, the moon, and the seasons.
All we have is our ability to evolve. It's time to take that ability very, very seriously.
Here's a great way to enter your weekend: Look at these two days as a precious gift in your life. What are you going to do with that opportunity? Just focus on that, and watch how it transforms your experience.
I'll see you next week :-)
Much Love,
Saratoga ❤️