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Sunday, January 22, 2023
Wake Up Call Number Two:
By Anna Von Reitz
Dr. Dave E. Martin and I and a lot of other "good hunting dogs" have spent the better part of two years delving through the US and EU Patents related to the development of the packaging agent used to deliver the payloads contained in the Covid 19 "vaccines".
Meanwhile, Dr. Karen Kingston and Dr. Bryan Ardis and others have been delving into the payloads --- what did the shell engineered from the SARS virus contain in the case of Covid 19 vaccines? And how do these payloads work and harm victims of this horrendous medical profiteering scheme?
These are two separate topics.
The first one involves how genetic sequencing information from the natural SARS virus was engineered to create a man-made lipid protein shell that can be used like an envelope to contain any number of materials and deliver them directly into cells in your body.
This man-made shell is called "the Agent" or "Vector" because just like a postman, it can deliver all kinds of things, good or bad, on a cellular basis.
The second topic is -- what were these "payload" materials in the case of the Covid 19 injections?
It appears that several classes of such payloads were included in this illegal and immoral experiment.
The payloads include known direct poisons like aluminum and mercury and graphene oxides, plus exotic scraps of genetic material designed to suppress the Cancer Suppressor Gene, other genetic scraps that produce neurotoxins found in snake venom using human cells, still other scraps that produce exotic blood clotting factor (BCF) proteins, plus an odd assortment of eggs of parasites including freshwater hydras and heartworms that normally infect sheep in the Middle East.
Someone along the way had an evil sense of humor. They think of all their trusting obedient victims as "sheep" so they gave them sheep heartworms as a disease: the final insult like the cherry on top of their murder cocktail.
All this information and analysis has served its good purpose, but it all adds up to the same thing: criminal medical profiteering by colluding commercial corporations.
The footwork has been done and things have moved on to the next stage: prosecution of the criminal corporations and the men responsible for their misdirection.
Accordingly, the organic and unincorporated American Federation of States doing business The United States of America has placed a claim against the guilty corporations before the Vatican Chancery Court, demanding liquidation of these organizations.
People have forgotten, but corporations are thought-constructs that exist in the jurisdiction of the air --the realm of thought and energy. They are regulated in other jurisdictions when conducting business with each other, but the fundamental law governing their existence is Ecclesiastical Law, and the one person on Earth who is fundamentally responsible for governing and disciplining --- and when necessary, liquidating -- erring corporations is the Pope.
Normally, actions prosecuting corporations take place at the regulatory level because they are engaged in arguments and trespasses among themselves, and this is where they like things to be confined. In the past hundred years, they have contrived to "redefine" people as things-- corporate franchises, for precisely this reason.
The practice of registering and copyrighting the names of living people has allowed corporations to prey upon the living and avoid both the requirement that they operate "lawfully" instead of "legally", and also avoid the consequences of injuring living people --- which is liquidation of the offending corporations and removal of the "corporate veil" and their public bankruptcy protections.
We have seen through the corporate gambits and have reclaimed our proper identity and jurisdiction on the land and soil of this country, so that we have individual and institutional standing to demand the liquidation and removal of these murderous corporations. This isn't a legal action, it's a lawful action, brought before the Vatican Chancery Court on behalf of the living people who have been murdered and maimed by the actions of these colluding corporations.
The extent of the death and maiming is well-known and the published public documentation related to this offense is already present in the form of the patents and business relationships, so that a formal trial is not necessary; the Office of the Pope merely needs to do its own Due Diligence and the Vatican Chancery Court needs to provide the impetus, to prompt the Pope to take the proper action.
This is by far the fastest, simplest, most authoritative and permanent means to discipline corporations that have overstepped their privileges and injured living people.
The Pope has direct control of all Municipal Corporations and indirect control (through the British Monarch and the Bank of England) of all British Crown Corporations, so while it may take a bit of discussion and the various legislative bodies may be ignorant enough to try to interfere, the Principals responsible will take action, because it is their duty to do so.
That is one lawful prosecution that is now engaged and in motion. The lawful governments of other countries are invited to do the same.
The realm of legal prosecution has also been engaged by the organizations supporting the website and by the Children's Defense Fund.
Yesterday, in my article, "He Has Not Failed", I urged readers to support RFK, Jr. and the work The Children's' Defense Fund has undertaken to prosecute the Media Giants for their collusion transgressing against the First Amendment, exposing the corporate kickback mechanisms that rewarded them for doing so, and also exposing the injury to the General Public that this collusion has caused. This is a civil action and will be very costly:
Today, I similarly urge readers to check out the website and do what you can to support their efforts, which are aimed at securing a formal criminal indictment of the guilty corporations and the individuals who have promoted this hellacious medical terrorism and profiteering scheme. The discovery involved has already been very costly and has been borne by a handful of businessmen. Help them if you can.
It goes without saying that your lawful Government which is carrying the prosecution into the jurisdiction of the air and into the realm of Ecclesiastical Law needs your help, too. Although our costs are nominal in comparison, owing to the different nature of our specific claim, our work requires constant research and expansion and has a much broader and more permanent effect.
Together, we have these criminal corporations in the crosshairs of Ecclesiastical Law, Civil Law, and Criminal Law.
Our Government's intention is to liquidate the offenders and bring lasting relief to the victims, such that all corporations and corporate officers are forcefully reminded of the limitations of their privileges and the reality of their obligations to the General Public.
The Childrens' Defense Fund action aims to enforce the Constitutional Guarantees and Limitations that are owed to the General Public, against the private policies of corporations.
The effort takes the matter to its logical conclusions: the corporations that have promoted and participated in The Jab Scam have committed capital crimes against millions of people on a worldwide basis. The current action is anticipated to be one of many criminal prosecutions, and initially involves corporations in The United States and Canada that colluded to circumvent both Federal and International Law.
Three major law enforcement agencies are engaged in the process.
While criminal prosecutions are ultimately public expenses, the discovery costs that have gone into securing indictments are daunting and have been borne by a few private businessmen. We need to support them and support their leadership and enable them to continue their drive for more criminal indictments.
Ultimately, a great many corporations here and throughout the world need to be liquidated for their criminal trespasses against living people. This will require determination and goodwill on all our parts, standing together against evil, against separation, and against crime.
The United States of America, The Children's' Defense Fund, and are spearheads thrusting deep into the criminal heart of corrupt corporations, coming from three different directions with one aim: justice. You, through your actions, become the fourth spearhead needed to redress the terrible damage these guilty corporations have caused.
Stand up now against criminal medical profiteering and coercion. These corporations and the men running them need to be taken to the woodshed and taught lessons they need to learn. It's up to each one of us to make sure that justice is done, for the memory of the victims and the succor of the maimed and the security of the future, this must be done.
See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here: