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SORCHA 1/20: "Trump Vows To “Save Our Country From DOOM” As Shocking Nixon Truth Exposed"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Friday, 20-Jan-2023 14:58:12



January 20, 2023

Trump Vows To “Save Our Country From DOOM” As Shocking Nixon Truth Exposed

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A forewarning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin held an operational meeting with Security Council Permanent Members this morning, says this meeting was joined by the Western defense article “Preparations For Conflict With NATO: Anti-Aircraft Systems In Every Corner Of Moscow - The Kremlin, The Residence Of Putin, Government Buildings Are Being Fortified!”, wherein it observed: “The Russian military and political leadership is preparing for a direct confrontation with NATO...Newer information and videos show that air defense systems have been deployed not only at the Ministry of Defense as leaked yesterday, but also at other government buildings, administrative facilities and ministries...They are clearly images of a Third World War and are no longer about the conflict with Ukraine...If Moscow is hit, there will be an announcement from the Kremlin holding NATO, specifically Britain, Poland and the United States responsible...From here on, it is only a matter of time before there is an open conflict”—and in a direct message to the America people, it saw Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov to the United States factually telling them: “The only thing we do is to constantly warn Washington that its policy of ensuring strategic defeat for our country on the battlefield is rapidly leading the world to a catastrophic scenario...At the same time they are profiting from their NATO partners by forcing them to finance the renaissance of the United States’ military industrial complex...The US defense industry did not see this kind of money even during the Cold War...I would like to ask the American public a long overdue question: what else should Russia say or do to make the hotheads in the Administration come to their senses and avert nuclear Armageddon?”.

Last July, this report notes, Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev directly warned the socialist Western colonial powers: “Some ecstatic bloody clowns, who pop up there with some statements now and then, are trying to threatens us, I mean attacks on Crimea and so on...Should anything of the kind happen, they will be faced with a doomsday, very quick and tough, immediately...There will be no avoiding it”—a direct warning joined by the just published leftist New York Times article “U.S. Warms to Helping Ukraine Target Crimea”, wherein it reveals: “At a meeting at the White House, as a senior source told The New York Times, it was decided that since Ukraine cannot survive in a deadlock conflict, then the only thing left is to organize a threat to Crimea...Still, despite the additional weaponry, the Biden administration does not think that Ukraine can take Crimea militarily”—and in quick response, top Kremlin media advisor Victoria Nikiforova, in her just released open letter “Dementia And Courage: The Americans Want To Give The Armed Forces Of Ukraine Weapons To Attack Crimea”, grimly assessed: The American establishment is simply afraid to explain to its people how serious the situation is...It is high time for Americans to understand that their rulers are dragging them into a global conflict worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis”.

As the demonic and godless socialist Biden Regime pushing the world to the brink of nuclear Armageddon, this report continues, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned: “Russia has had enough of deception by the United States and its allies and simply cannot trust them anymore...Washington has a colonialist attitude towards other nations in the sense that it seeks to subjugate them one way or another, and exploit their resources for its own benefit”—a warning quickly joined by French President Emmanuel Macron warning: “The world is defined by the polarity between the United States and China, and Europe has yet to decide whether it wants to become the vassal of one of the two or pursue the path of freedom and solidarity...While Europe has so far been unable to fully reply to this question, the answer is an economically, technologically and militarily sovereign Europe...In other words, a truly powerful Europe”—and this morning, it saw French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire declare: “China cannot be out, China must be in…This is the difference of view we have between the United States and Europe”.

With France breaking from the socialist Biden Regime war stance on Russian ally China, this report details, Foreign Minister Lavrov also revealed: “The November meeting between the heads of the CIA and the SVR, two prominent foreign intelligence agencies in the United States and Russia respectively, happened at the request of President Joe Biden, who asked President Putin for the meeting”—a revelation joined by American news sources revealing CIA Director William Burns quietly visited the Ukrainian capital for a classified meeting with President Vladimir Zelensky and his intelligence apparatus this week, where Burns acknowledged that “at some point assistance would be harder to come by” with Republicans again holding a majority in the House—this morning American military forces in Syria were hit by a Kamikaze drones, after which Pentagon spokesman Joe Buccino stated: “Attacks of this kind are unacceptable – they place our troops and our partners at risk and jeopardize the fight against ISIS”—is a statement of lunacy because America has been secretly reaching out to ISIS and other armed terrorist groups in order to fund them to carry out attacks against the Taliban in Afghanistan in spiteful revenge—is an America whose CIA secretly warned Germany just prior to the Nord Stream pipelines being blown up—and this past weekend, it saw Polish coast guard forces rescuing three divers in the middle of the night whose boat had broken down near other underwater pipelines, all three of whom gave fictitious information about their identities, but were all released and have now mysteriously vanished.

With no one knowing what the socialist Biden Regime, the CIA or American funded terrorist groups will do next, this report notes, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius, after he was sworn into offices yesterday, stated: “Germany is not a participant of the conflict, but despite that, we are affected by it...These are not normal times, we have a war raging in Europe”—this morning the German newspaper Spiegel released information from the German Federal Intelligence Service stating: “What the special services were able to report is alarming: Ukrainians at the front near Bakhmut are now suffering huge losses... Three-digit death tolls per day are reported…The fall of Bakhmut will have a negative impact on the entire line of Ukrainian defense”—after which top German political leader Waldemar Gerdt assessed: “The fate of Ukraine, in my opinion, is already sealed…The whole world will have to restore the country and it will most likely be divided by the whole world community”.

Joining the grim German assessment about Ukraine, this report continues, Polish President Andrzej Duda observed: “I am afraid that now, maybe in a few months, maybe weeks, there will be a decisive moment of this war…And this moment is the answer to the question: if Ukraine will survive or not”—an observation joined by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki assessing: “The West, the free world, is a little tired and would like to live a normal life...Today, I see this very clearly and I want to warn world leaders, because Russia is patient and looks to tighten its grip on Ukraine in the long term”—and than it saw retired Polish General Waldemar Skrzypczak factually declaring: “There is no military chance for Ukraine to win this war...Even supplying modern, Western-made tanks will have little effect on the battlefield...Even 100 tanks will not change the situation, in which the Russians are building a multifold advantage over the Ukrainian army”.

In the latest example of how the socialist Western colonial supposed “free world” operates, this report notes, an American academic study published in the respected academic journal Nature this week confirmed there was no Russian conspiracy to elect President Donald Trump—in factual reality, the Russiagate hoax was entirely made up by socialist Democrat Party leader Hillary Clinton—in response to this proven hoax, President Trump filed suit against Hillary Clinton, but yesterday President Bill Clinton appointed US Federal Judge John Middlebrooks decided to throw the case out and order President Trump to pay Hillary Clinton $1 million—after which President Trump posted the message to the American people: “The Fake News says I am not campaigning very hard…I say they are stupid and corrupt, with the Election still a long time away…But do not fear, MANY GIANT RALLIES and other events coming up soon…It will all be wild and exciting…We will save our Country from DOOM and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”.

While the socialist Western colonial powers demonstrate their “free world” hypocrisy for the entire world to see, this report details, Foreign Minister Lavrov warned: “Kiev is not free to decide its own foreign policy, so talking to the Ukrainian government makes no sense”—a warning whose main consequence of leaves Russia with the impossible task of figuring out who actually controls the United States so the present conflict can be ended before it starts World War III—is a question most certainly on the mind of America’s most watched host in cable news history Tucker Carlson of Fox News, who beams his programme from secret studios in Maine or Florida, where he maintains residences, last summer in a rare public appearance, Carlson revealed: “This is, like, my one venture out of my house of the year…I live far and away in isolation with my wife and four dogs, and I love my life”, and to explain his fears, this week Carlson revealed to the American people:

What's interesting, if you take three steps back, is that, say, three months ago, if you ask anybody who follows politics, who are the main contenders for the presidency in 2024?

Well, of course they would be Joe Biden, the current president, and Donald Trump, the last president. And those are the same two people who now are under federal investigation for mishandling documents – one of the stupidest charges in our criminal code and one of the easiest to manipulate for political ends.

So who's the winner here?

Well, the permanent bureaucracy, who has just decided who can and cannot run for president.

Maybe you love Trump, maybe you hate Trump. Maybe you love Biden, maybe you hate Biden. But if you're an American voter, you have a right to decide because it's a democracy. You get to decide who the president is with your votes.

Peter Strzok and the creeps at the FBI, the people who never leave D.C., who actually run the government, they don't get to decide because that's not democracy. That's something much darker.

And yet the two main candidates are now subject to independent counsel investigations. So voters are no longer in charge.

Earlier today, this report concludes, the leftist New York Times published their article “Oh, Biden, What Have You Done?”, wherein it notes: “Don't kid yourself...The classified documents story is bad for Biden” and reveals: “All 10 American presidencies since 1973 have faced investigation by a special counsel or independent prosecutor, except one: Barack Obama’s—and as it regards the first American leader to be targeted for “investigation destruction” by his own government, last evening Tucker Carlson exposed the shocking truth:

If any president could claim to be the people's choice, it was Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon was re-elected in 1972 by the largest margin of the popular vote ever recorded before or since.

Nixon got 17 million more votes than his opponent. Less than two years later, he was gone. He was forced to resign and in his place, an obedient servant of the federal agencies called Gerald Ford took over the White House.

How did that happen?

Well, it's a long story, but here are the highlights and they tell you a lot.

Richard Nixon believes that elements in the federal bureaucracy were working to undermine the American system of government and had been doing that for a long time. He often said that. He was absolutely right.

On June 23, 1972, Nixon met with the then–CIA director, Richard Helms, at the White House. During the conversation, which thankfully was tape-recorded, Nixon suggested he knew "who shot John", meaning President John F. Kennedy. Nixon further implied that the CIA was directly involved in Kennedy's assassination, which we now know it was. Helms's telling response? Total silence, but for Nixon, it didn't matter because it was already over. Four days before, on June 19, The Washington Post had published the first of many stories about a break-in at the Watergate office building.

Unbeknownst to Nixon and unreported by The Washington Post, four of the five burglars worked for the CIA.

The first of many dishonest Watergate stories was written by a 29-year-old metro reporter called Bob Woodward. Who exactly was Bob Woodward? Well, he wasn't a journalist. Bob Woodward had no background whatsoever in the news business. Instead, Bob Woodward came directly from the classified areas of the federal government. Shortly before Watergate, Woodward was a naval officer at the Pentagon.

He had a top-secret clearance. He worked regularly with the intel agencies. At times, Woodward was even detailed to the Nixon White House, where he interacted with Richard Nixon's top aides.

Soon after leaving the Navy, for reasons that have never been clear, Woodward was hired by the most powerful news outlet in Washington and assigned the biggest story in the country.

Just to make it crystal clear what was actually happening, Woodward's main source for his Watergate series was the deputy director of the FBI, Mark Felt, and Mark Felt ran — and we're not making this up — the FBI's COINTELPRO program, which was designed to secretly discredit political actors, the federal agencies wanted to destroy — people like Richard Nixon.

And at the same time, those same agencies were also working to take down Nixon's elected vice president, Spiro Agnew. In the fall of 1973, Agnew was indicted for tax evasion and forced to resign. His replacement was a colorless congressman from Grand Rapids called Gerald Ford.

What was Ford's qualification for the job? Well, he had served on the Warren Commission, which absolved the CIA of responsibility for President Kennedy's murder.

Nixon was strong-armed into accepting Gerald Ford by Democrats in Congress. "We gave Nixon no choice but Ford", Speaker of the House Carl Albert later boasted.

Eight months later, Gerald Ford of the Warren Commission was the president of the United States. See how that works?

So those are the facts, not speculation. All of that actually happened. None of it's secret. Most of it actually is on Wikipedia, but no mainstream news organization has ever told that story. It's so obvious, yet it's intentionally ignored and as a result, permanent Washington remains in charge of our political system.

Unelected lifers in the federal agencies make the biggest decisions in American government and crush anyone who tries to rein them in and in the process, our democracy becomes a joke.

Now, you may have noticed that the very first person in the Trump administration the agencies went after was Gen. Michael Flynn. Why Flynn? Because Mike Flynn was a career Army intel officer who ran the Defense Intelligence Agency. In other words, Mike Flynn knew exactly how the system worked, and as a result, he was capable of fighting back. Four days after Donald Trump's inauguration, the FBI lured Mike Flynn into a meeting without his lawyer, concocted a series of fake crimes and forced him to resign.

So, that's how things actually work in Washington. Let's stop lying about it.

Joe Biden, meanwhile, whooped like a hyena when the Justice Department destroyed Mike Flynn. So, there is, we have to say, a certain perverse justice in watching something very similar happen to Joe Biden himself six years later.

Joe Biden does not deserve our sympathy. He's being shafted, but don't weep for him, and yet, the rest of us do deserve a better system, an actual democracy.

When people nobody voted for run everything, you are not living in a free country.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

January 20, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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