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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Friday, 13-Jan-2023 08:43:12

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 13 Jan. 2023

Compiled Fri. 13 Jan. 2023 12:01am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

Everything You Were Observing Right Now in US Politics
Has Been Scripted
It’s Part of
The Plan to Save the World

God Bless the U.S.A., with Dallyn Vail Bayles (

Judy Note: On Thurs. 12 Jan. multiple stashes of classified documents that tied Biden to illegal deals with China were found in Biden’s personal possession.

This CCP corruption of buying classified documents was connected to China CCP Intelligence, who used the classified docs in leveraging, blackmailing U.S. Elites, Politicians and high level officers in the U.S. State Department.

The CIA and Pentagon have yielded their power to entrap US Citizens, Politicians, Elites, Corporations and companies into Blackmail Operations.

A former IRS Agent confided that US Income Tax was voluntarily and enforcement was illegal.

It was rumored that by Fri. 20 Jan. we could have our Restored Republic with Trump as President and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Vice President.

Global Currency Reset:

Wed. 11 Jan, 7:49 pm Texas Snake: “As of Wed. 11 Jan. all Banker Exchange Centers were on full Alert.”

Thurs. 12 Jan. MarkZ: Tonight is highly possible according to some of my bank sources. …Rumors that delivery of F&Ps would happen this weekend, but in asset backed money. …We continue to see movement on NDA’s from Whales, Paymasters and Groups. …The Tier4B notification window was from now to Tues. 31 Jan. …The Powers That Be do not want us to know the date.”

High Up Contact: Sun. 15 Jan. 2023 was the deadline for all levels to be fully loaded and ready to disperse funds, including Level 5, the General Public.

High Up Contact: March 2023 was the deadline to have all countries’ currencies of the world exchanging at a 1:1 with each other – a situation expected to last up to five years.

Thurs. 12 Jan. 2023 The Big Call, Bruce: 667-770-1866 pin123456#

Redemption Center Staff were on a Zoom Call today where they were told they would be on a one hour response time for Fri, Sat, and Sun. (13, 14, 15 Jan).

There was a 90% chance that Tier4b would be notified to set appointments that Fri. Sat. or Sun. and a 100% chance we would be notified Mon. Tues. or Wed. (16, 17, 18 Jan.).

Bond Holder liquidity notification was Sun. or Mon. (15, 16 Jan.).

A surprise announcement would happen Mon. or Tues. That could be a NESARA announcement.

Calendar of Events:

Mon. 9 Jan: the new gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset (GCR) occurred, while the non asset-backed Crypto Market tanked.

Liquidity started in the upper Tiers of the GCR, mass amounts of monies moved and a lot of test payments were made.

Tues. 10 Jan. Americans on vacation in Europe reported not being able to withdraw cash from their American Banks. Because those US bank’s monies were not asset-backed and in Basel 3 Compliance, around 50% of them began the process of either consolidating with other banks, or closing down. On that same Tues. House Republicans introduced a bill that would abolish the IRS, eliminate the National Income Tax and replace it with a national consumption Tax (implementation of the NESARA Law?)

Sat. 14 Jan. Orthodox New Year’s Day used by the Military.

Sun. 15 Jan. was the deadline for all Tier levels of the GCR to be fully loaded and ready to disperse funds, including Level 5, the General Public.

Some time Mon. 16 Jan. to Fri. 20 Jan. the US reimbursement funds for interest paid should come out for US seniors (implementation of the NESARA Law?)

Tues. through Thurs. Jan. 17, 18, 19 have been designated as major Event Days.

Wed. 18 Jan: US expected to hit their debt limit, disrupting financial markets and the economy.

By Fri. 20 Jan. we could see announcement of a changeover to the original concepts of the US Constitution through announcement of the Restored Constitutional Government, which was acting as a model for Sovereign Governments across the Globe.

March 2023 was the deadline to have all 209 major countries’ currencies of the world exchanging at a 1:1 with each other – a situation expected to last up to five years.

The Real News for Thurs. 12 Jan. 2023:

In July 2021 an announcement that Trump and Kennedy were leaving was made in front of the US Capitol as traffic was directed to be on hold on Pennsylvania Ave. They ONLY clear the Avenue, for the President and Vice President.

Trump Declares The Subpoena Dropped Against Him “Dead” | Republican Informer

The Biased Corruption of FEMA:

The Russiagate Lies: The Fake Tale of Russian Bots:

Trump and Edward Snowden Raise Interesting Question Regarding Timing of the Biden Classified Documents Scandal:

BOOM! Speaker Kevin McCarthy Vows to Release ALL J6 Footage:

AG Garland appoints special counsel to take over Biden classified documents investigation, says an additional document has been found this morning:

Kash Patel: I Think They’re Going to Find Out Joe Biden Had “Many More Places Where Documents were Improperly Stored”

Biden Illegally Kept TOP SECRET Docs! Under Federal INVESTIGATION, Traitor for China?!

The Classified Documents Biden STOLE Have Been RELEASED! Presidency-Ending BOMBSHELL:

Benny Show: –Report reveals Joe Biden’s Mishandled Classified Documents – Articles of impeachment filed against Mayorkas – House GOP votes to set up panel to probe the Deep State and the CCP

On Hunter Biden’s recent Delaware Driver’s license, his current residence is listed as “BARLEY MILL RD”— the SAME address where Joe Biden kept troves of stolen classified documents

It’s this simple: CCP China have over 100 million in donations to the University of Pennsylvania. Nearly 400% more in foreign donations was given to UPENN than any other U.S. Universities. THE BIDEN CENTER is located at the University of Pennsylvania. And through BIDEN and the Biden Center think tanks (ELITES who sold CLASSIFIED information to CCP on behalf of Joe Biden in Connection to OBAMA presidency. This CCP corruption of buying CLASSIFIED documents is connected to China CCP Intelligence who used the classified docs in leveraging, blackmailing U.S. Elites, Politicians, high level officers in U.S. government State departments. As well as buying CLASSIFIED INFORMATION and back channels windows into World Government servers and computers using DARPA technology that is connected to Microsoft.

Mueller, Rosenstein and Sessions were appointed by Trump. They conducted the investigation. The media and the Left were coerced into worshipping these players, under the illusion they were “going after” Trump. The concept is simple. The Left will only believe earth shattering news from people they have been conditioned to like. So we condition the Left to like people who will end up delivering bad news to them. *Enter Garland stage left.

Behind the Scenes:

Trump is playing a game to expose McCarthy and the Deep State Republicans (Rinos) in the moment Trump must be the person who seems to unite the Republicans even though Trump knows the U.S. was a captured operation and the Courts were captured by the Cabal Deep State.

Trump knows a huge exposure of the CIA, Pentagon, FBI, DOJ is coming. This has already begun with the Pentagon in chaos as leaks continue. The Pentagon is deeply involved in the 2012-2013 creation and funding of the Covid-19 Virus bioweapon and vaccines with their connections to the CDC, Fauci, Daszak.

It’s all connected to War, Money Laundering and the US Military Industrial War Complex Satanic System. You were watching a very highly complicated Plan that was connected to exposing the World Military Complex System and the Deep State – a Plan that involved exposing the US being captured by foreign domestic operations.

Everything is leading to the exposure of DARPA, Pentagon, CIA, FISA (United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court). This court is operated by the DARPA (who controls the CIA, Pentagon and FISA).

They give power to the Deep State Military Intelligence, who illegally by pass Congress, the United States courts and three branches of government by holding their own FISC court.

This procedure gives the CIA and Pentagon the power to entrap US Citizens, politicians, Elites, Corporations and companies into Blackmail operations.

They create Military Coups across the World and bring down countries and governments including using FISA to run foreign interference in US Elections.

Panic in the Pentagon as the White Hats expose the FISA Deep State Pentagon regime.

Must See Videos:

Thurs. 12 Jan. SGAnon: New SGAnon File 35: A Special Announcement | FAA Grounding | Covert Spec/Ops Reorienting Society | WEF Cyber Pandemic | Prophecy | Before It’s News (

Thurs. 12 Jan. Charlie Ward: New Charlie Ward: The New Fed Chairman Donald Trump! | Prophecy | Before It’s News (

Thurs. 12 Jan. X22 Report: X22 Report: 25th Amendment Coming For Biden! How Do You Sneak One In! Deep State In A Deep Panic! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (


Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.


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