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SORCHA 1/3: "Russian Winter Drops On Western Neolithic Swamp Cults In Spiritual War "

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Tuesday, 3-Jan-2023 12:48:26



January 3, 2023

Russian Winter Drops On Western Neolithic Swamp Cults In Spiritual War

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An insightful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin and Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev exchanged congratulations on the New Year, with them noting the high level of the Russian-Kazakh strategic partnership and allied relations, says such relations no longer exist between Russia and socialist Western colonial powers allied Japan, about whom Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko just declared: “We have taken note of the Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida administration’s accelerated implementation of abandoning a policy of peaceful development, which has been professed for many decades, and embarking on a track of fast-tracked militarization...We consider such activity by Tokyo as a serious challenge to the security of our country and the Asia-Pacific Region as a whole...We warn that if this practice continues, we will be forced to take proportionate counter-measures in order to block military threats to Russia”.

In response to the deadly attack took place in the city of Makeyevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic that killed more than 60 Russian troops when they were struck by US-supplied HIMARS missiles fired by Ukraine, this report notes, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) announced this morning: “Russian forces have destroyed several US-supplied HIMARS rocket launchers, Russian Air Force precision strikes on positions of the foreign legion fighting for Ukraine near Kramatorsk and Maslyakovka also destroyed over 130 foreign mercenaries, and up to 120 Ukrainian soldiers were eliminated at Druzhkovka railway station”—and were Russian attacks followed by Western military analysts reporting: “A highly upgraded Russian missile attack has taken place in the last 24 hours both in terms of intelligence and military methodology...The Russians hit at least 3 missiles military installations in the city of Khmelnytskyi in western Ukraine...The transport and storage hub of Western weapons and the base of elite Ukrainian commandos were also hit...There is information about dead western officers...Russia used a "trick" to find out where Western weapons are stored...As soon as the information about the coordinates of the storage base arrived, Russia launched a missile attack...Shortly thereafter, Russia launched waves of attacks with swarms of Shahed-136 (Geran-2) “kamikaze” drones pounding Kyiv for several hours...Countless videos from Ukraine show Kyiv at the mercy of the Shahed-136 with the air defenses of NASAMS, Gepards, IRIS-T and other Western systems unable to react”.

As one would expect from a socialist Western colonial powers controlled puppet state, this report continues, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a new law giving his government powers to block media outlets and websites—and is law of socialist censorship that came at the same time it was revealed Ukraine is using footage from the war-themed Arma 3 video game, often marked “live” or “breaking news” to make it appear genuine, to show non-existent battles and victories.

In acting like a child playing war-themed video games, this report notes, German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht is being lambasted today after she called the deadly conflict in Ukrainean exciting professional experience”—after which former American national security advisor John Bolton penned a scathing op-ed slamming several NATO members for their reluctance to support Ukraine, singling out Germany, France and Turkey, wherein he stated: “The real issue is Western unity and resolve...Neither is guaranteed...Russia’s commercial and military partners have not yet deserted it in its hour of need, sadly including Turkey”.

Overseeing the largest contingent of NATO forces, this report details, is United States Chairman of the Joint Chief’s of Staff General Mark Milley, who, in the just released beyond shocking article “TREASON: Gen. Mark Milley Hid Nuke Codes From Trump While Holding Secret Calls With China – Then Armed Taliban with $80 Billion in US Weapons”, openly confessed in Congressional testimony to conspiring with China against President Donald Trump and admitted he flooded with Afghanistan with billions-of-dollars of weapons right before withdrawing American forces—as just documented by top Republican Party lawmaker US Senator Tom Cotton, while conspiring with China and Taliban terrorists Chairman-General Milley has eviscerated the ranks of American fighting forces with socialist woke ideology to lows not seen since the ending of the Vietnam War—under orders from Chairman-General Milley, the Pentagon changed its standards amid the largest enlistment shortfall since 1973 by hiring recruits diagnosed with behavioral disorders—amidst this enlistment shortfall the American leftist media has now proclaimed that exercise is rooted in white supremacy and it’s wrong to assume that fat people are not fit—in looking at the socialist indoctrinated youths in America available for military service, it caused Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus to lament about them: “Nobody works…Nobody gives a damn…Just give it to me…Send me money…I don’t want to work — I’m too lazy, I’m too fat, I’m too stupid”—and as it pertains to the estimated 16,000 American troops now stationed on the border of Russia, former top US Marine intellignece officer and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter just assessed Russia’s 1.5-million combat forces would wipe them out in a day, and warned the American military has neither the skills or weapons to take on Russia.

When Russia collided with the socialist Western colonial power Nazi Germany in World War II, this report notes, Ukraine was ruled over by Stepan Bandera, a native of Galicia, that was part of the Austro-Hungarian EmpireBandera was given control over Ukraine by Nazi Germany, after which he began his “reign of terror” mass extermination of Slavic Russians, Jews and Poles—with the socialist Nazi criminal Kiev regime today ruled over by Galicians, it was no surprise when Ukraine's parliament posted a message celebrating the birthday of Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera yesterday, and posted a message about him proclaiming: “The complete and supreme victory of Ukrainian nationalism will be when the Russian Empire ceases to exist”—but were posts quickly deleted after Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki angrily declared: “There can be no nuances when it comes to the glorification of World War II Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera in Ukraine...Warsaw will not show any leniency to those who do not want to recognize the terrible crimes committed by Ukrainian nationalists against Poles during World War II...We are extremely critical, very, very negative towards any glorification or even reminders of Bandera”.

Most devoted to genocidal Nazi mass murderer nationalist Stephan Bandera, this report concludes, is the far-right neo-Nazi group Azov Regiment that Russian military forces are obliterating in Ukraine—in factual reality are Azov godless demons, but whom the British newspaper The Daily Mail just celebrated in their article “Thousands Of Soldiers From Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Gather To Watch A Viking Longboat Burn At Ceremony In Memory Of Their Fallen Comrades”—and in response to the socialist Western colonial powers celebration of these godless Azov Regiment demons, the popular Russian podcasters “RWAPodcast” (RWA stands for “Russians with Attitude) observed:

Our war is a spiritual one.

Looking at the footage of Azov Regiment's pagan solstice celebration, we see the true frontline, the folk beliefs.

From their neolithic swamp cults, the human sacrifices, the cannibalism, the worship of the devouring earth mother, that ancient female archetype, to the Teutonic coldness of neo-paganism, a LARP of a LARP (Live Action Role Playing), reminiscent of all that talk about 'occultism in the Third Reich' and whatnot.

It is overstated, of course, but I always imagine those Teutonic SS knights, with their white capes, standing in the grand hall of some castle in the Alps, singing chants in forgotten tongues, whispering incantations, carving runes, praying for the destruction of the Land in the East, in the background you can hear the guttural sounds of Tibetan lamas quoting the Kalachakra Tantra, brought back from some Ahnenerbe expedition.

And there you have it, the Wehrmacht is on the outskirts of Moscow, the Volga runs red with blood, bombs are falling on Russian village huts.

That was then. And now?

Billions of dollars, all that fancy technology, the HIMARS they worship as a minor god, we're pulling out of Kharkov and Kherson.

But somewhere, whether it's 1942 or 2022, there's a village, maybe in Lugansk oblast, maybe between Mariupol and Taganrog, there's a tiny village, and an old woman, and her icons, and Christ on the Cross, and she's falling to her knees, and she's praying, and she's wailing, “The Blessed Virgin slept in the city of Jerusalem, she saw a marvelous dream...”, and there you have it, the Russian winter drops on the heads of the uninvited guests, their tanks are stuck in the mud, it is as if the soil is burning under their feet. And slowly, slowly.

What are your Nordic runes compared to this grandmother's lamentations?

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

January 3, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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