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Posted By: hobie
Date: Saturday, 28-Aug-2021 05:49:39

(Thanks, C. :)

Reader Charles Miller writes:


Dear Hobie,

As always thank you and RMN for providing a true free speech platform.

Below as sent to President Trump, 12:05 am, pacific 8/28/2021, receipt received.

Please publish as an invitation to open dialogues addressing the substantive issues causing so many confusions in our country.

Readers please share the GRAVAMEN section with public servants you know, particularly judges, attorneys and Sheriffs.
Reports of their reactions would be very interesting to track and quantify.

We promise some very fun applications of the Gravamen language in some official open public record proceedings soon.


Dear President Trump, our President.

Beneficiaries Participation in Proper Government Proceedings.

Beneficiaries give fair notice that all communications to any public servant, delivered through any government provided method, email, phone calls, letters, faxes, face to face conversations, are OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT RECORDS.

This is because We the People created governments. We pay every public servant. We pay for all the buildings, equipment, record keeping and every function performed by our employees as service providers operating in the name of the People’s governments.

So, as the People’s only duly elected President, this and every other email, call, letter, communication to you from your Beneficiaries is official government record owned by the People. Public servants are mere custodians of the Peoples records.

Being that American governments are Public Trusts, and you Mr. Trump are the Chief Trustee to and for the People administering States United powers, Office of President, Beneficiaries Advise great care be taken in your words to the American People.

Beneficiaries believe leadership positions, such as Donald Trump holds with over 70 million Americans, require the position recognized by the People to lead by example.

Every public servants highest duty is to protect and serve the Law, the People’s Original Jurisdiction, memorialized forever in our Declarations of Rights administered by the People’s Constitutions, which then provides protection of the law for the People.

What this means in real simple terms is the massive confusions rocking the foundation of the principles upon which our country was built are not about any individual, what they have done, social, political, legal or commercial status.

President Trump, last Saturday you set a new standard of proof in the whole of the framework of People and government relations.

When your loyal supporters BOOED you invitation to participate in the PLANDEMIC by accepting an experimental injected substance qualifying as a weapon of mass destruction, the message was sent world wide.

The clear message is that the People recognize B.S. no matter who delivers it.

The lesson, for those smart enough to recognize it, is very, very simple. Lies no longer fly!

The effect of the message should be the understanding that the People have had enough of the personality culture selling IT’S ALL ABOUT ME!

Given the credibility and trust created by President Trumps performance in office, and that the People recognize that performance, it would be a shame and a crime to destroy that legacy by failing to even mention the People’s law.

More to the point Mr. President, true leadership is to provide the tools and guidance in application to their loyal followers directed at creating solutions to our countries current completely confused state of affairs.

After all Mr. President is that not what you promised in your acceptance speech, inauguration, and through campaign marketing of the concept of MAGA, then later KAG?

Beneficiaries, speaking on behalf of all Americans, WISH our President, Donald John Trump, answer or in a direct manner address the following questions. It is the absolute right of the People to question our leaders and every public servant. The People questioning our public servants, demanding answers, is the mechanism that helps the People to identify loyal, honest public servants. This questioning and answering process, done in open public forums, is the essential structure that a Republic form of government should operate from.

Mr. President, when you address the American People and do-not even mention the law and its application, particularly the Peoples Original Jurisdiction over governments We created, is that abandonment of the law you promised to serve, and a breach of trust? If not, why not?

Mr. President, is true leadership the identification of issues affecting the People in a negative manner, then providing tools and guidance leading to resolution of issues damaging the People? If not, why not?

Mr. President, when massive evidence from credible sources is in the public forum world wide that the experimental injections into human bodies are terminally toxic to People, do you as President have a duty to investigate, report to the People and take all possible actions to protect the People? If not, why not?

Mr. President, how is it possible that an alleged virus that has never been isolated in complete form be the foundation for a product misidentified as a vaccine? Please explain how that could happen and why you would ever support such deception by recommending the JAB.

Mr. President, under what law, theory of law, Constitutional power, does the Legislative body or the Executive Branch of the States United believe you all have the authority to grant immunity from liability for damages caused by a product misidentified as a vaccine? Did the public servants associated with production of a misidentified product as a vaccine, authorizing distribution of such a product fully and completely UNDERWRITE as guarantors and sureties, assuming personal liability for making damaged Americans whole? If not, why not?

Mr. President, did you sign the check paying the Big PHAMA companies to develop a product disguised as a vaccine to address the COVID 19 virus that has never been isolated, and in that payment contract agree to indemnify the Big PHARMA for damages caused by their misidentified product injected into the American People? If so, by what authority?

Mr. President, Is the granting of immunity from damages caused by a consumer product that is injected into a human body, a denial of access to the law, granting of special privilege not available to all Americans, perfection of a double standard in application of law, DENIAL OF THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO PROTECT OUR BODIES AND JUST COMPENSATION FOR BEING DAMAGED? In other words SLAVERY. if not, why not?

Mr. President, every act has has an equal and opposite act possibility. Ever public act by every public servant creates consequences for the People. The difference between yesterday’s world and today’s world is the People have WOKEN up which means the deceptive practices of yesterday are beginning to be called to account. At your rally Saturday 8/22/2021, the BOOS you received are the verification of the death of the personality culture deceiving the American People. Are you Mr. Trump ready to deliver the substance underpinning the concept of MAGA and KAG, the Peoples Original Jurisdiction law?

Mr. President, the next step in this huge shift in culture, particularly politics is that the People now demand substance. That substance is the law of the Peoples Original Jurisdictions going into motion and attaching to the characters that fail or refuse to recognize their own future is determined by the operation of law and the proof of public record showing compliance. Ask any judge and they will tell you when the law shows up in their court they are bound because every judge UNDERWRITES the record of the Peoples courts.

Please Mr. Trump, accept this Beneficiaries Letter of Advice and Wishes as Beneficiaries execution of obligations to support our honest public servants.

President Trump, please do not mistake this Letter for lack of support, or allow others to mischaracterize your Beneficiaries obligations to operate straight down the pipe with all our public servants. This is a time when straight talk is very hard to find. The questions presented cover subject matters that must be addressed at some point. Getting ahead of the curve with true transparency will serve MAGA in both the short and long term.

Please find below duly served Letter of Assistance requested from Sheriff Snaza.

The good Sheriff recognized that he and his deputies need assistance from the People he serves in order to do their job properly.

I have interacted with Lewis County Deputies on three occasions. I found them highly professional. That means good leadership. Considering my back ground with law enforcement and systemites I believe my opinion of the Sheriff Department should be well considered, particularly since all your Beneficiaries are so shy when sharing our positions.

The Sheriffs public meeting is the strongest indication possible of the true partnership between the People and our public servants is the true genius of our American adventure in individually Liberty.

Please contact Sheriff Snaza in Lewis County, Washington, to thank him for being a true leader understanding the necessity of cooperation through integrity, for applying the fundamentals of our American form of government to crooked state officials screwing up the Peoples governments in Washington.


Thank you for engaging the community and inviting Citizens of Lewis County to participate in restoring the Rule of Law.

My partner, Shirsha Sumeru, met you at the Adna Grange, Wednesday 8/25/2021. Lady with accent mentioning availability of effective tools to address root problems with effective solutions. Thus this email. Voice mail delivered this date.

No problem can be addressed or resolved until it is defined.

Argument never resolves anything because there is never an intent to find a solution by applying available procedures to expose a solution.

Below please find application of principles, facts, law and procedures available to any honest public servant.

Please share this with those you trust. My dad taught me two heads are better than one, even if one is cabbage part time. At this point, please no attorneys.

GRAVAMEN: The Sheriffs highest duty is to protect and serve the Law, the People’s Original Jurisdiction, which provides protection of the law for the People. You Mr. Snanza, are the Peoples Trustee, holding our political will in the form of the Peoples law. Being in care and custody of the Peoples trust at the county level is the highest public office in the country because all government powers begin with the People and you are first in line as our Trusted Relator to all other government structures and operations. This concept is the basis of our American form of government, the true partnership between the People and our public servants. We are all Americans first before any other qualifier or position.

PROBLEM: The Rule of and Application of the People’s Law is not present in any of the confusions attacking our country at present. No law present in discussions = no solutions possible! Major Premise.

SOLUTION: The People and honest public servants joined together in a single point focus through accepted current procedures stating our positions and demands creates the ultimate court, the Court of Public Opinion. The Court of Public Opinion in action through known and trusted procedures is judgement by the People that something needs to be addressed immediately, which requires defendants to answer. Minor Premise.

ACTION: Civil Rights Law suit filed in the only federal district court holding judicial power as defined by U.S. Constitution. Plaintiffs, the People of Lewis County Washington, ex rel, Relator, Robert Snaza, duly elected Sheriff of Lewis County Washington, three Lewis County Citizens. Open Joinder of any one affected by outcome of law suit as required by federal civil rule 19, opens the federal court as the place the Political Will of the People is fully expressed as public record which is never deniable.

NOTE: Sheriff is the Chief Executive Officer of the county, Chief Magistrate executing the law which is both full executive power to execute the law and limited judicial power to determine both application and constitutional compliance of law or color of law put into action by legislatures.

The Sheriff is the UNDERWRITER, GUARANTOR AND SURETY for the Rule of Law as defined by the People’s Original Jurisdiction over all government functions known as our Constitutions!!!

When the Sheriff says show me the authority of the law and it is not produced in verified form citing a portion of the legislative created statutes, the alleged law is NON CONSTITUTIONAL, void on its face which then requires CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED. This concept is the fundamental form of our governments, tying all the People into a set of rules to make all of our lives safe, our property secure, our society harmonious. Otherwise known as personal responsibility for ourselves and TO our neighbors.

DEFENDANTS: Governor, Attorney General, Chief Justice of state Supreme Court, leadership of both legislative houses, doe’s known and unknown conspiring with defendants.

CAUSE OF ACTION: Generally one cause of action captures many other causes of action as derivative to fundamental cause.

Facts proving causes of action are all public record.

Facts cited from public record are never challengeable because to challenge admits false public record. False public record has only two causes, mistake or intent.

Mistakes by government actors must always be corrected because if allowed to stand we live in SLAVERY to the acts of men.

Failure or refusal to correct mistakes is very, very strong evidence of intent.

FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION: Breach of Public Trust by deception of public servants assuming powers or authorities not recognized by the Peoples Original Jurisdiction over governments created by the People’s Constitution. Application of force disguised as law harming and injuring the People by denial of access to and protection of the Law defined by Declaration of Rights of the People of Washington as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.

Sheriff Snaza, your contract with the People as our Sheriff has been trespassed upon by the State.

If interested in exploring real probabilities of beginning resolutions to current directed confusions in our government structures, I will provide tools for consideration by you and your team.

Open discussion under shared intent to do right, create some get right, serve the Peoples Rule of Law.

Adna Store might be a good place.

Give Shirsha and me notice and we will be there.

Expect pressure from WOKE corruption upon receipt of email.

Charley Miller.


Receipt Requested.

Published Prayer we hope interests you and your associates .




A. Individual defendants are sued in individual capacity, individually identified or of the class of does. U.S. Government policy known as BIVENS SUIT attaches personal jurisdiction to each defendant.

B. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know that Article II, Legislative powers defined and authorized by Constitution do not identify the People, particularly plaintiff, as either subjects to federal legislative acts nor objects to be legislated over. Article II. Exhibit…

C. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know that the Washington government in general, Executive Branch in specific, holds no jurisdiction over plaintiff and no defendant is capable of producing duly delegated powers sourced from the Washington Constitution establishing plaintiff holds any lawful obligation to become a taxpayer. Exhibit…, Article I sections, 1,2,3, 7, 23, 27, 29, 30, 33, notice and opportunity to respond.

D. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know that no State Citizen is subject to the Statutory jurisdictions nor Executive actions NOT recognized by Constitution, and holds no delegated power defined by Constitution, for creating a jurisdiction holding the People as subjects to Washington State Legislative powers which do not comply with the Constitution.

E. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know that there is no contract between plaintiff and the State of Washington,that could be produced as evidence indicating plaintiff is a volunteer to be regulated by the Washington wherein fully informed consent, based on disclosure of all relevant material facts is agreed and verified by signature on waiver of any legal right secured to the People by operation of law. Exhibit… , Bill of Rights Amendment 5 notice and opportunity to respond.

F. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know that when public servants claim to act in official capacity and then DENY plaintiff protection from and access to secured rights defined by the Bill of Rights, and Washington’s Declaration of Rights fail to honor their duties to disclose all relevant facts that affect plaintiff, a civil rights violation is shown by proof of public record.

G. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know that jointly and severally each is an UNDERWRITER for and to proper execution of public servants duties, know they are personally responsible and liable for all acts performed under both official obligations defined by law, employment contracts, and or color of law acts or omissions. Underwriting admitted on official government records exposing personal guarantee and surety positions represented by signature accepting public servants positions and obligations found at 5 U.S. Code § 3331, which are the terms and conditions all public servants submit too and ratify by accepting consideration. Exhibit …

H. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know that jointly and severally each is employed as servant to the Public Trust, the providing services to the People creating governments as found in the controlling Executive Order found at 5 CFR, Part 2635. Exhibit … which identifies the legal obligations of public servants at the state and county levels as well.

I. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know that CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED is absolutely required to be obtained from plaintiff, be provable from official public record, prior to subjecting plaintiff attachment creating any legal obligation to the Washington State whatsoever. Declaration of Independence. Exhibit …

J. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know that the Washington government holds no legislative, executive nor judicial jurisdiction whatsoever over the State of Washington Constitution, the Peoples Declaration of Rights being the People’s first law controlling, all acts of the Governments in Washington as controlling the Constitution by order of the People. Exhibit …

K. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know that private contracts, in context of instant CIVIL RIGHTS ACTION, are not subject to State of Washington jurisdiction, and that attempting to invade plaintiffs right to privacy in papers and effects when circumvented through government relationship regulating one of the parties ignores, circumvents Bill of Rights Amendment IV. Exhibit …

L. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know that the Constitutions both States United and the the States constitution of the national government, are contracts between the People creating a Public Trust which each defendant is paid to recognize, enforce as written for exclusive benefit of the American People.

M. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know that no public servant is granted authority by the People’s Constitutions to interpret the Peoples’s contracts, the documents, Constitutions, promised to be served and applied as written by the People which binds all public servants.

N. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know that the People’s contract constitutions are to be construed and applied under the Four Corners Doctrine, barring non parties, public servants, from altering, circumventing, reconstructing or trespass upon the peoples Original Jurisdictions, recognized country and world wide the Supreme Law of the Land, and venue served by Washington State.

M.All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, knowing that all executive branch operations are required to disclose all relevant material facts and law that affects plaintiff in all their interactions with plaintiff. Amendment, Article V Bill of Rights, due process notice and opportunity to respond. Exhibit …

O.All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know that jointly and severally each is required to disclose to plaintiff full and complete authorities allowing official government agencies operation out side the venue of the District of Columbia. Finding aid to Statutes, 4 U. S. Code § 4. Exhibit.… .

P.All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, knowing that the United States WAIVED SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY IN TORT. Finding aid to Statutes, 28 U.S. Code § 2674. Exhibit … . Washington State waived its sovereign immunity in TORT under legislative act in 1961, found at Revised Code of Washington 4.92.90. Exhibit … .

Q. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, knowing jointly and severely that no defendant qualifies for official immunity provided by public office, and each knows that such immunity claim must be substantiated by official government records, first, from constitutions, second, good standing lawful statutes, third public record memorializing of facts for official performance of duties.

R. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, knowing all Citizens, particularly plaintiff herein and herewith is a Beneficiary, Grantor to and of the source and authority, to and for all governmental powers and operations Declared Peoples Original Jurisdiction found at the Preamble of the United States Constitution and State of Washington Constitution. “ We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” Exhibit … . Washington State Preamble; “ We, the people of the State of Washington, grateful to the Supreme Ruler of the universe for our liberties, do ordain this constitution.”

S. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, knowing that the Preambles to both States United Constitutions and Washingtons Constitution are in form and function doing service as a DOCUMENT OF TITLE, Declaration of OWNERSHIP in governments created by the People.

T. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know that breach of public trust, failures to perform public servant obligations by commission or omission is a TORT and crime requiring resignation, impeachment, when breach shown on public records. Breach of public trust is a high civil rights crime subject to both civil actions and criminal attachments. 42 U.S. Code § 1986, 1985. When processed under § 1983 attaches personal liability to defendants. Exhibit … .

U. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know and have always known that failure to produce evidence from certified public record refuting each and every Allegation by plaintiff herein and herewith, exposes defendants jointly and severally operate a conspiracy to mislead plaintiff into INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE, subject status, in context of ownership over plaintiff.

V. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know that the Order issued by the United States Supreme Court defining INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE applies to this CIVIL RIGHTS ACTION. Memorialized public record found at U.S. V KOZMINSKI, 487 U.S. 487. Exhibit…

X. All defendants are public servants of higher knowledge and duties, well paid professionals, know that any claim of ignorance concerning any or all of plaintiffs allegations herein and herewith is an admission and confession of negligence while serving as a public servant. Further defendants know and should know that negligence in public office is a BREACH OF TRUST. Defendants that not all laws are known to defendants is invalid under allegations herein when defendants jointly and severely are provided with opportunity by plaintiff to know and understand their public servants obligation and provide facts and law via this Civil Rights Action.


Each defendant claims to be an honest public servant holding various positions in service to the United States government structure, serving plaintiff as a State Citizen.

Each individually identified defendant, and all class defendants, accepted the position of public servant, accepted consideration for services, assumed public office knowing that;

A. Public service employment is a privilege, not a right;

B. Public service employment is subject to a personal loyalty pledge to the law of the People’s Constitution for the United States of America required by Article VI, and Washington’s Constitution at Article I Sections 1, 2, 29, 30, 32. Exhibit …… ;

C. Public service training, prior to assumption of public duties, informs every public servant of professional standards required for honest performance of public duties.

D. Prior to assuming public office, that in order to be a beneficiary of governmental immunity, every act in public office must be in complete accord with personal pledge, service contract terms of undivided loyalty to the highest law, United States Constitution as Amended, and Washington’s Constitution.

E. Prior to assuming public office, that in order to be a beneficiary of governmental immunity, every act in public office is subject to audit for compliance with all the laws, regulations, rules, particularly the Bill of a Rights and the Preamble along with Article I of Washington’s Constitution

F. Prior to assuming public office, that in order to be a beneficiary of governmental immunity, every act in public office, in order to be considered valid, must be provable from public records, to be authorized by law.

F 1. The law making body in Washington is the Legislative Branch..

F 2. Neither the Executive Branch nor the Judicial Branch are authorized by their

constitution to make nor interpret laws for the Washington State government.

F 3. The Legislative powers of plaintiff State of Washington do-not identify the

People as either subjects nor objects under the powers of Legislative preview.

F 4. Legitimate government functions of plaintiff State of Washington rely

exclusively on Consent of the Governed.

F 5. All individual defendants, named specifically or of the class of does, is strictly

limited to specific powers delegated by the Peoples Constitutions.

F 6. No defendant, individually identified or of the class of does, is assigned

discretion in context of promised performance while serving in public office,

particularly considering duties to the fidelity to the Washington Constitution and

Constitution for the United States of America as amended and controlled by its Bill Bill of Rights.

G. Prior to assuming public office, that in order to be a beneficiary of governmental immunity, each and every act or omission committed while operating in public office, that is not supported and proved valid by operation of law, and public records, is a personal act.

H. Prior to assuming public office, that in order to be a beneficiary of governmental immunity, agreement to be subject to the criminal laws of the United States and of the State of Washington is accepted as fundamental terms of public service.

I. Public records created by or participated in constructing are full faith and credit, official government records.

J. Public records are not deniable under any circumstance.

k. Argument with or denial of facts of public record is knowing and intentional admission and confession of fatally defective public service, a false misleading, deceptive, act known to be a breach of public trust and a felony, under both state and federal law.

L. No one, particularly government servants may claim ignorance of the law as a defense for acts shown by public record to be in violation of Constitutions, Bill of Rights or good standing, lawful statutes.

M. Refusal to provide any American, particularly plaintiffs herein and herewith, access to, benefit of, enforcement of, recognition of, the law protecting rights under the Bill of Rights, Preamble and Article I of Washington’s Constitution, are always a Civil Rights Crime.

N. All attempts to deny public records exposing, or proving, deviations from, failures to perform as promised, according to law, is the conclusive evidence of intent to act in Divided Loyalty, breach of public trust, breach of oath, breach employment contract, public service standards and honest services laws, resulting in self confessed criminal intent.

O. Any or all government actors, franchises of government operating under license to do business in interstate commerce, that protect, coverup for, support defective public servants or their acts and omissions, join a conspiracy, attempting SUBVERSION, the attempt to transform the established, lawful structure, legal standards and obligations, political order, social order and the structures of power, authority, hierarchy, and social norms of governments created by the People beginning 1776, July 4, a conspiracy admitted by public record as fair notice before the world.

P. Defendants inclusive of individuals identified as does of any class identified herein, know and have always known that to express in any manner, particularly from a public servants position control or alleged control over any or all, of the Peoples bodies, is execution of an ownership position.

Q. Defendants inclusive of individuals identified and does of any class identified herein, know and have always known that to express ownership in a Citizens body, and control over same, is an act by color if law indicating Involuntary Servitude, Slavery.

R. Defendants inclusive of individuals identified and does of any class identified herein, know and have always known that to express ownership in a Citizens body, and control over same, is an act by color if law admitting full, complete, unlimited, indefensible liability for every affect or effect experience by the subject of such control.

S. Defendants inclusive of individuals identified and does of any class identified herein, know and have always known that public servants are ruled and controlled by statute law which creates the functions of public services standards. The missing element in these standards of operations is the concept that every statute is required to serve the highest and best interest of the People. The second element missing is the fact that any statute NOT in complete compliance with the State Constitution, particularly the Declaration of Rights found at Article I, is voidable upon notice from the People delivered through proper procedures.

T. Defendants, inclusive, individually identified or does, know and have always

known that, failures or refusals to comply with the written, specifics defining

general and specific powers or authorities for government operations, declared by Constitutions and reservations of rights controlling, is a personal act which each defendant is personally liable with out limit. Each defendant is advised of this fact

upon assumption of public trust employment.

U. Defendants, inclusive, individually identified or does, know and have always

known that, special privileges in the form of systemic protections with in the class

of public servants is a high civil rights crime.

V. Defendants, inclusive, individually identified or does, know and have always

known that, the NUREMBERG DEFENSE, I HAD ORDERS, statutes not in compliance with Constitutional standards will not protect them individually or collectively no matter what some other public servant says or does, particularly justices, judges or their BAR brother attorneys. This is a fact of law from day one of the life of the State of Washington or the United States of America.


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