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Joe Biden IS the 'Red Flag'

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 25-Aug-2021 17:42:50

The problem was not Biden's plan; it was, and remains, the man.
Mark Alexander

"It will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and, at no distant period, a great Nation, to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a People always guided by an exalted justice and benevolence." —George Washington (1796)

On the eve of the 20th observance of the 9/11 Islamist attack on our nation, Joe Biden has re-seeded al-Qa'ida's terrorist turf — the result of his compressed Afghanistan exit schedule. That schedule was motivated by his desire to take a political victory lap ahead of the 20th observance.

What he and his inept foreign policy team have created is a humanitarian catastrophe — there will be no victory lap. Instead, there will be years of leaked videos revealing unmitigated Taliban violence against the men, women, and children Biden and his handlers have abandoned.

All the Leftmedia "analysis" of Biden's badly failed exfil strategy is now, and will continue to be, in the form of questions about who missed what, who knew what when, and what we coulda/shoulda done — a feast of finger-pointing and blame-shifting ad nauseam. After all, those commercial news outlets, including conservative ones, have to churn news to make their ad revenue targets.

To that end, a sample of the most recent headlines: "Miscue After Miscue, U.S. Exit Plan Unravels (The New York Times); "Trump & Co. engineered the pullout from Afghanistan" (The Washington Post); "Afghanistan disaster puts intelligence under scrutiny" (The Hill); "The Only Way Back To Deterrence Is Firing Biden's Entire National Security Team" (The Federalist); "Here's What Went Wrong In Afghanistan — And What We Should Have Done Differently" (Daily Wire); and "Afghanistan blame game intensifies as White House, Pentagon and intel point fingers" (Fox News).

All of these headlines are important to the extent that they're attempting to answer legitimate questions honestly and accurately. Of course, that will be a heavy lift for Biden's fawning Leftmedia propagandists, but even some of his far-left defenders like CNN have had no choice but to ask some tough questions, given the precipitous drop in Biden's public support.

As Rich Lowry concludes: "On Afghanistan, Joe Biden in effect set out to test how much shameless incompetence and dishonesty the media would accept. The answer? Not nearly enough. The press is blatantly biased and has become even more so over time, repeatedly propagating false narratives that have shredded its credibility. Still, there are limits beyond which even it can't be pushed."

But in their earnest search for tactical mistakes, they all miss the most critical strategic reason for the national security crisis now unfolding in Afghanistan.

What would that be?

Consider this investigative entry from a CBS analyst: "Afghanistan's Taliban takeover was predictable. How did Biden miss the red flags?"

How did Biden miss the red flags?

The author, Jeff McCausland, a learned and respected national security analyst, details all the mistakes, miscues, overestimates, and underestimates. And he does so from a far more informed perspective than the media analysts now churning the same question.

But McCausland, like all those aforementioned media analysts and politicos endeavoring to exposit what/who failed, does not make clear the overarching reason for the meltdown of Biden's exit plan.

The missed "red flags" are, first and foremost, not about failed strategy, or about who missed what, or about execution, or about intelligence failures. The assertion that the CIA, DIA, and NSA "missed" this surge is either absurd or mortifying.

The "red flag" is Joe Biden himself.

Allow me to reiterate: The problem was not Biden's plan; it was, and remains, the man. The Taliban had no fear of Joe Biden, which is why they seized Afghanistan in just days after he abandoned our Afghan army allies. And the Taliban's actions have confirmed that the world's tyrants need have no fear of Biden.

The consequences of animatronic Biden's now-obvious failure as commander-in-chief have immediate and dire implications for our national security that extend far beyond the borders of Afghanistan. China, Russia, and Iran are now emboldened. Power does not tolerate a vacuum.

Biden has repeatedly and boldly lied about the circumstances of his policy failures. In fact, his lying senior military and foreign policy managers have devalued any trust credit they had. Biden has lied about the impact on our NATO partners and their direct criticism of his failed policies.

As former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo observed: "The disaster unfolding in Afghanistan has shown in stark terms the incompetence and weakness of the Biden administration. In a matter of days, the Taliban was allowed to take over the entire country. This feckless, poorly executed withdrawal is already calling into question American leadership from some of our closest allies, such as Germany and the United Kingdom and worse, emboldening our enemies. ... Biden's incompetence has left Americans in harm's way and is dishonoring those who serve and our country."

Of course, Biden's yes-men continue to cover for him.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, when asked by Chris Wallace, "Does the president not know what's going on?" responded, "This is an incredibly emotional time for many of us." Wallace pressed Blinken, and he responded again, "This is a powerfully emotional time for a lot of allies and partners as it is for me, as it is for us."

Who will believe him now?

Recall that last week, when Biden was asked about the chaos he's created, he declared there was no way out without chaos.

In fact, that is true, but for the reason that there was no way out without chaos under his leadership. Again, Joe Biden IS the "red flag." His non compos mentis ineptitude is limitless.

Are we to believe that Biden couldn't commit sufficient forces to pull off the Afghanistan exit without a catastrophic collapse of the nation, but in January, as a theatrical prop for the "insurrection inquisition" he cooked up with Nancy Pelosi, Biden was able to muster more than 25,000 military personnel to DC for weeks and house them in garages?

Wonder what Afghanistan would look like right now if Biden had deployed 25,000 troops to strategic locations in that nation in order to ensure the safe exit of American and allied civilians, and to ensure that BILLIONS of dollars of our best military equipment did not fall into the Taliban's arsenal?

As for the consequences of Biden's failure within our borders: The Taliban has, and will again, provide the platform for al-Qa'ida's terrorists to launch their assaults on the U.S.

Biden has effectively and deliberately dissolved our southern border, which is now an open floodgate for illegal entrants, including terrorists — and Biden has no plan to stop the infiltration of those terrorists.

Remember when he was asked about how many immigrants we should bring in, candidate Biden insisted, "We could afford to take in a heartbeat another two million people." He met half that in his first six months — at least those are the southern border crossers his administration counted.

Brace yourself, America.

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