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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Friday, 20-Aug-2021 17:59:58

How To Verify The Vaxxed: Charlotte Black Light Street Lights

By Lee Austin

In the above video a Charlotte TV station is reporting that thousands of defective purple street lights have been installed in the metro Charlotte area. First of all the so called purple street lights are in fact black lights. .

Now it’s beginning to make sense. For the last few months I’ve been trying to figure out how the Luciferian elite will separate the compliant vaxxed sheep from non-compliant outcasts. Of course, the Luciferase contained within the injection, will confirm the individual has received the jab. So what is Luciferase?

Luciferase is an enzyme that produces a light, and is ironically named after The Light Bearer, Lucifer Morning Star. Lucierase is injected under the skin, but cannot be seen by the human eye. However, when scanned with a smart phone app Luciferase will give a digital code to confirm you’ve been vaccinated. Luciferase will hold your patent vaccination record and validates your unique ID. At this point you become a patented product owned by the corporation that owns that patent.

I suspect in the next six to twelve months the mainstream media will announce the benefits of Lucifease and the need to do nothing at all, because it’s already inside of you. Of course you’ll still need your delta variant booster shot to stay once step ahead of the mutating covid.

A delta is a triangle. For example, the Nile Delta gets it’s name from it’s triangular shape. For Freemason’s the triangle symbolizes the Greek capital A, also referred to as the “Shining Delta.” The base of the triangle represents duration, and the two sides are depicted as equal qualities of male and female, light and darkness.

Within the mystery religion of Freemasonry the delta or triangle is the symbol of the Supreme Architect, who is Lucifer, The Light Bearer. Both the square and the compass form a triangle. a symbol of stability and the spirit world. Thus the delta is hidden from our material world. Just as the supposed Delta Variant is an offshoot of the covid-19 virus which cannot be seen.

The inverted triangle or delta is the symbol of the first degree of witchcraft. The second deeper degree of witchcraft is represented by the upright triangle. Witches and wizards traditionally write their names, followed by the number of delta’s conferred their level in the craft.

The non-vaccine is indeed a witches brew delivered via hydro-gel, which is a permanent chip, like a soft contact lens which connects humans to the Internet “cloud.” Hydrogel provides feedback to a database on changes in body chemistry and other biometrics including human emotions. Hydro-gel, a DARPA invention, is microscopic robot nanotechnology, having the ability to disassemble or reassemble. In addition, hydro-gel has the ability to connect with Artificial Intelligence, the cloud and other smart devices. In addition to monitoring your emotions hydro-gel will know if you’ve taken an illegal drugs or are about to do something irrational.

After the hydro-gel, Luciferase and the synthetic RNA are injected simultaneously the body begins to transcribe the synthetic RNA, making more of the virus. The idea is the body will then begin to make anti-bodies, improving T-cell response.

The problem using this process is an effect known as Transfection. Transfection is how genetically modified organisms or GMO’s are created. Or course GMO fruits and vegetables are not as healthy as organic. The same holds true for GMO humans or human-hybrids. Transfection will change the human DNA and genome. Once the Transfection become stable it will replicate the genome. This is when the synthetic genome becomes a permanent part of the genome. The ensuing effects result in genetic mutation or what is known as “Gene Drive Technology” or “Gene Extinction Technology,.” the ability to eliminate one species at a time. If it can be done to an insect, it can be done to a human.

Think of it this way. Nanobots inside the human body merging with the original human DNA creating and replicating it’s own synthetic DNA, to merge with the human DNA, producing a unique hybrid DNA capable of interfacing with Artificial Intelligence.

The job of the nanobots contained within the Hydrogel is to cleave to your cells until the unsuspecting body assimilates it. At this point the human begins to become one with the nanobots. It’s unknown the exact moment when a human is no longer a human and becomes a hybrid abomination.

Once of the additional attributes of Hydrogel is it’s ability to heals wounds instantly. Could Hydrogel play a part in the fulfillment of Revelation 13:3 ? ”One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.”

In theory, part of the human to hybrid transition involves the nanobots forming a swarm as they migrate to the brain, ultimately taking up residence in every crack and crevice. Nanobots harvest moisture from the body and use it as an agent to grow. At this point the original biological part of what makes us human begins to wither and die. From human death will arise a hybrid birth.

Sterilization chemicals are also present in the injection. It’s purpose is to sterilize every man woman and child. The end game for the Luciferian Technocratic Elite is to only produce babies in labs which will be augmented, enhanced and designed to become one with AI. These will be part of the serf class serving the elite from cradle to grave.

Before the advent of synthetic mRNA and nanotechnology, vaccines were straight forward with their intent. Inject a weaken live or decayed form of the virus, hoping the body’s natural immune system will produce anti-bodies to stave off a future viral attack.

The synthetic mRNA vaccine is radially different because it doesn’t contain any form of the virus, but is actually a launching platform, housing a computer like code, designed to trick the body, bypass the immune systems safety net and synthetically produce the protein spikes prevalent in the covid-19 virus.

Simply stated, RNA is part of our genetic code. Synthetic mRNA creates new synthetic proteins in the nucleus of our cell and then spits them out of the cell. A process repeated billions of times, within billions of cells. The result is a patented synthetic DNA , owned by the corporation, who owns the patent. Ownership of the DNA is then transferred from the creator to the corporation.

The argument put forth by Big Pharma is the process is transient and will not effect the genome. This is a lie.

Crispr 9 technology allows a Cas9 enzyme to act as molecular scissors to cut the DNA at a location specified by the mRNA. Again, the synthetic mRNA molecule is the transporting vehicle, delivering the code to the organic DNA. mRNA has the ability to read the instructions of the human DNA and bind itself to the DNA it has cut. Similar to a branch being grafted into a tree. The Guide RNA (gRNA) binds to Cas 9 enzyme, which will then cut the DNA. It the case of Crispr technology, a synthetic branch of mRNA is unnaturally being grafted into a humans organic DNA. The subsequent reverse transcripted enzymes allow the mRNA to make a complimentary DNA to be taken up into the nucleus, and then transported into the genome.

Providing the energy for the mRNA to transport its payload and penetrate the nucleus of the cell are biosensors in the form of Hydrogel connecting a human to the cloud. Hydrogel will have the capacity to measure every biometric, unique to each human. Every emotion and thought will be evaluated within an algorithm of the technocrats standards of conformity. With the mRNA vaccine the RNA will be delivered to the cell via hydrogel

Contained within the hydrogel are nano size magnetic particles which respond to magnetism, and the 5G magnetic signal, propelling the hydrogel, that carries the RNA. Thus providing the propulsion necessary to penetrate the cell membrane and move thru the cytoplasm liquid contained within the cell. The RNA contained within the hydrogel will then pierce the nucleus and begin to naturally replicate itself in a twisted strand of double helix DNA. But a DNA that is coated artificially. An RNA creation and rearrangement of nucleotides. Producing a DNA artificial sequence. All though the sequence is artificial, the coding is permanent.

The purpose of the injection is to cull a certain percentage the world’s population, while sterilizing every man, woman, and child. In their dystopian vision, the technocratic Luciferian’s imagine a world where babies are created in labs, augmented, enhanced and designed to become one with AI. An underbelly serf class serving the elite from cradle to grave.

Lee Austin is the author of “Morning Star’s Tale”


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