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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Friday, 20-Aug-2021 10:22:22

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 20 Aug. 2021

Compiled Fri. 20 Aug. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

“Trust the Plan, Enjoy the Show.” …Q

Deep State Arrests:

God Bless America & Patriotic Music – The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square – Bing video

Judy Note: Fleming’s Military Intel Contact has not reported any Intel since Mon. 16 Aug.

Bruce: Several sources said that they were making more arrests that has pushed out the Tier 4B (Us, the Internet Group) start date. His sources reported that Tier 4B would be notified of appointments on Mon. 23 Aug, with exchanges starting that afternoon or on Tues. 24 Aug.

As of last Fri 13 Aug. the digital gold-backed USN and Starlink Quantum Satellite Communication System were fully activated across the globe.

Over the past week bonds that contractually controlled liquidity of Dubi1, have been paying out. Multiple bond holders have gone liquid with spendable funds.

On Sun. 15 Aug. the Department of Defense White Hats activated the Global Currency Reset and switched 207 countries to gold/asset-backed currency at a 1:1 with each other according to our Military Intel Contact. Iraq’s digital gold-backed Dinar currency was reinstated.

Fleming Military Intel Contact Report Thus. 19 Aug: The Sovereign Nation State of Iraq was now a settled nation with one currency. Kuwait has had their debts and agreements settled with the World Court. In cooperation with the IMF, the Kuwait Dinar International rate was $3.85 – to start – and would shoot straight up like a rocket ship and be announced to the world shortly. The Iraqi Dinar International RV rate was $19.80 Are we waiting here in US for the fake Biden administration (like Macron in France just did), to step down?

Restored Republic:

Deep State Arrests: During Congressional vacation Aug. 6-7 arrests started of people in Congress. Aug. 11 arrests started of Big Tech people. The Alliance has done over two million arrests worldwide. NASA and CIA created earthquakes in Haiti. Almost a million children had been kidnapped from Haiti by the Cabal.

Democrats in Sting Operation for stealing election.

The Great Reset:

Charlie Ward & Ann Vandersteel Talks NESARA / GESARA, Trump, QFS – Not To Be Missed!

Whiplash347: Trump will be reinstated as 19th President. Elect a new VP. [JFK JR] Then something massive will happen. Trump will become KING as Melania is the Queen of Russia. Anastacia Romanov’s Grand Daughter. JFK JR will have a new VP. General Michael Flynn is very possible. 7 Trumpets 7 Presidential Msgs to everyone’s phones on Earth.(Remember E.O 13818) He has seized everything. 7 Kingdoms.

Black Swan Event: A catastrophic Financial Event appeared imminent that included food and goods shortages leading to an international shutdown of everything, that would trigger activation of the Emergency Broadcast System Project Odin – the takedown of Mass Media and switch to the greatest transfer of wealth in the world’s history – a Global Currency Reset (GCR) gold/ asset-backed monetary system, Tesla Free Energy and Quantum Internet.

Last weekend and into this week the Chinese Elders, Trump, Department of Defense and other law enforcement including Interpol, were executing major arrests of Deep State operatives in Reno, the Main Stream media and Big Tech Social Media to coincide with the RV Shotgun Release and Tier 4B start (Us, The Internet Group).

US Inc. Chapter 11 Bankruptcy has occurred according to General Flynn. The Cabal’s privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS have been closed. The White House, FBI and other federal buildings in Washington DC have been boarded up for months.

Nuremberg Tribunals2 are in full swing: 2,700,000 executions have already been carried out.

George News Mon. 16 Aug: We caught them all, yes. Tucker (of Fox News) will help with the Disclosure.

On Tues. 10 Aug. Wikileaks dumped all their files online:

Clinton emails:


The Cyber Symposium Sting:

Highlights From The Cyber Symposium + AUDIT ALL 50! – August 13, 2021 Update

Lin Wood: Food rationing expected to begin shortly. Stock up between now and September 11 on food, water, and other essentials. We stop doing business with the tyrants on September 11. This is NOT a one day STRIKE on September 11. This is a STRIKE that we must be prepared to continue until we bring the tyrants to their knees. It will take courage and sacrifice. But courage is contagious and we must rely upon our communities to help alleviate any suffering of others. I believe our STRIKE FOR FREEDOM will spread across our nation. I believe our nation’s courage to STRIKE FOR FREEDOM will spread to the people in countries around the world. We can do this, Patriots. And there is more we can peacefully do. Stay with me.

A. Thurs. 19 Aug. 2021 The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin123456#

The Afghanistan crisis was fabricated.

A new manager of the Afghanistan bank was making sure they were connected to the QFS.

There were 600,000 retail businesses that still needed to be connected to the QFS – and would be connected by Fri. night 20 Aug.

More arrests were taking place that were pushing out our start date.

Things may come to a head with the media after Trump’s rally on Sat. 21 Aug.

Several sources said Tier 4B (Us, the Internet Group) would be notified Mon. 23 Aug, and exchanges starting that afternoon or on Tues. 24 Aug.

Bond holders could move their funds on Mon. 23 Aug.

Zim Bond platforms would be notified Wed. 25 Aug. (after Tier 4B had started).

Dinar rate was well over $20.

All rates were very high.

B. The Real News for Thurs. 19 Aug:

Afghanistan: You're not being told the Truth of what’s happening in Afghanistan. TRUMP is playing a ♦️♠️ CARD The very super corrupt Afghanistan bankers. Government. Politicians.. ELITEs have been removed. Behind the scenes a very powerful White HAT flew into Afghanistan just recent and had a very direct message for them. From Higher MILITARY ups. You are watching a masterful plan unfold! The Taliban is comprised mostly of Students who are very aware of what’s happening pedophilia in their military and Government, Elite classes. More will emerge of what’s really happening there. DON’T FALL FOR THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA NEWS. THERE IS A REASON TRUMP MADE A DEAL WITH THE TALIBAN. [DS] PLANS are not working. They want opium and Afghanistan resources rich in copper, gold, oil, natural gas, uranium, bauxite, coal, iron ore, rare earths, lithium, chromium, lead, zinc, talc, sulfur, gemstones, travertine, gypsum and marble. Deep State wants Afghanistan to sell to China the resources. This will bring COUNTRIES into WAR _EVENT __EVENT __EVENT _ +FOR THOSE AWAKE. YOU WATCHING A MOVIE UNFOLDS EVERYTHING HAS MEANING BIDEN IS FALLING. [MSM] is lying. Up next RUSSIA. CHINA. U.S. EU. WAR GAMES Taiwan EVENTS THE WORLD IS CONNECTED THE GREAT AWAKENING.

Australia: An Australian ex-military official who confirmed that AT LEAST two children are dead after being inoculated in a mass of 24,000 kids that were ushered into a sports arena to take the jab in the absence of any adults.

Haiti: Devastated by floods, earthquakes.

France: Unreal scenes in France as people not allowed into supermarkets without COVID passports”.

US: BREAKING UPDATE: Supreme Court evacuated over claims of suspected explosives

▫️The leader of the Taliban, Abdul Ghani Baradar, arrived in Kabul to head the government of the Islamic State of Afghanistan.

▫️The President of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, published on his Facebook page the first video message after fleeing the country. He said that he is in the UAE, and the rumors about the money he took out are unfounded. “I will tell you the details of what happened on the day of the fall of Kabul later… I was forced to leave Afghanistan because I didn’t want to be the reason why blood would be shed in Kabul,” he said.

▫️The Taliban starts house searches and public beatings, women ask for help at the gates of the Kabul airport, up to 40,000 Americans remain locked inside the country.

▫️Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi praises Biden for a” strong and decisive ” exit from Afghanistan.

▫️Up to 12 people have been killed since Sunday at the Kabul International Airport, through which the evacuation of foreigners and some Afghans from Afghanistan continues. The cause of death was gunshot wounds and a stampede.

▫️A young Afghan, Zaki Anwari, whose body parts were found in the landing gear compartment of a C-17A military aircraft, was a member of the Afghan youth football team.

▫️On the same day that the Taliban proclaimed a new commitment to women’s rights, they shot a woman for not wearing a burqa. Another woman was killed for refusing to cook food for the militants.

▫️Trump compares Afghanistan to the nightmare of the Second World War.

▫️The Taliban executed four Afghan army and police Commanders at a cricket stadium in Kandahar.

▫️Biden in an interview shrugs off the question about the Afghans who fell from the plane and crashed to their deaths: “It was 4 or 5 days ago!”, although only two days had passed at that time. He also said that he did not see a way to leave Afghanistan without “the onset of chaos”.

▫️British paratroopers are patrolling vehicles through the center of Kabul to extract trapped British citizens.

▫️The United States lost several military aircraft that took off from Afghanistan. Biden’s Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin, has no idea how many planes have been lost.

▫️Kamala Harris is going to Vietnam and Singapore, ignoring the disaster in Afghanistan.

▫️The US State Department accuses the Taliban of violating promises of access to the Kabul airport.

▫️The Taliban now controls 11 former US bases, approximately 174 military Humvees, 10,000 high-explosive fragmentation missiles and 6 light attack aircraft.

▫️”Biden or whoever is in power, please help us!” – an American of Afghan origin, stuck in Kabul with his family, asks US officials to save him and thousands of similar people.

▫️Biden ignored top generals urging him to leave 2,500 troops in Afghanistan to maintain stability.

▫️A huge crowd of civilians once again fills the Kabul airport during an attempt to take off an American plane. Helicopters have been called to disperse people.

▫️Armed formations of the Uzbek general Abdul-Rashid Dostum moved to the Afghan province of Panjshir to resist the Taliban.

▫️The representative of the Taliban movement, Wahidullah Hashimi, said that Afghanistan will not become a democratic state.

▫️”China actually recognizes the Taliban movement, Russia will do it soon” – the head of European diplomacy.

▫️The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has suspended Afghanistan’s access to financial resources, including about $ 440 million in new monetary reserves.

▫️The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued permission for domestic air carriers and civilian pilots to fly to Kabul to conduct evacuation and provide assistance to Afghan citizens.

▫️Trump on Newsmax: “It is impossible to imagine that someone can be so incompetent as to imagine that you destroy your military before you destroy civilians… There has never been anything that has been treated so badly.”

▫️The Taliban set fire to an amusement park a day after they were spotted enjoying the rides in this park.

▫️Trump on Biden’s photo from Camp David: “I think it was just a fake photo to try to show that it works, and it doesn’t work… They don’t know what they’re doing.”

▫️Members of the Taliban called on people without passports and visas to urgently leave the territory of the Kabul airport.

▫️A Trump-appointed judge rejects a mandate for mandatory vaccination against COVID at a Louisiana Medical School.

▫️Maricopa County has sent a notice to the Arizona State Senate to raise $ 2.8 million for new voting machines.

▫️The preliminary report on the audit in Arizona will be delivered to the state Senate next week and will be published to the public shortly after.

▫️Joe Biden is due to return to his native and beloved Delaware today for a long weekend amid the crisis in Afghanistan.

▫️Hundreds of Afghans came to a rally in the center of Brussels to draw attention to what is happening in Afghanistan, as well as to declare the problem of Afghan refugees.

▫️There are thousands of people who want to come from Afghanistan to Russia, the Afghan diaspora in Moscow plans to turn to the Russian authorities for help in their delivery.

▫️The Washington Hospital excludes patients from the transplant waiting list because they did not receive the vaccine.

▫️Unvaccinated students of Quinnipiac University, USA, will face weekly fines and will lose access to Wi-Fi.

▫️The governor of California, Newsom, sold his house for $ 5.9 million ahead of his own recall from office.

▫️The Australian government is building “mandatory quarantine facilities”, officials say that vaccination is a “golden ticket to freedom”.

▫️A cyber attack on the servers of the American mobile operator T-Mobile US caused the leakage of personal data of more than 40 million users.

▫️Google has changed its algorithm so that negative stories about Trump from the mainstream media are what people saw when using the most visited site on the Internet, according to a whistleblower from Big Tech.

▫️Prime Minister of Canada Trudeau: “If people do not have a medical exception, they will not be able to board a plane or train in Canada, provided that they are unvaccinated.”

▫️Palantir, a company known for its secret cooperation with the CIA and other government agencies, bought $ 50 million worth of gold bars to counter the future “black swan” event (a theory that considers difficult to predict and rare events with significant consequences for the whole world)

▫️U.S. health officials are calling on all Americans who are “fully vaccinated” with Pfizer or Moderna vaccines to receive a third booster dose against COVID-19. The new plan provides for an additional dose of the Pfizer or Moderna drug eight months after the second vaccination.

▫️The WHO advises not to introduce a third dose of the coronavirus vaccine until people in poor countries have been vaccinated with at least one.

▫️The Georgia State Election Commission initiates an audit of elections in Fulton County.

▫️”There are so many breakthrough infections, they are dominant, and most of the hospitalized patients are actually vaccinated,” says Uri Shalit, a bioinformatician at the Israel Institute of Technology.

▫️Twitter said that the Taliban can remain on the platform if they “obey the rules” after the armed uprising in the Presidential Palace in Kabul and the seizure of Afghanistan.

▫️Trump attacked Twitter for allowing the Taliban to publish tweets, while he remains blocked on the social network.

▫️North Korea issued a navigation warning for the East Sea this week in preparation for a missile launch. China will hold live firing exercises in the Bohai Sea from 11 am to 7 pm on August 24 (Beijing time); Surveillance and outside presence are prohibited.

▫️Due to interruptions in supply chains, British pubs are running out of beer.

▫️A new Japanese island appeared after the eruption of an underwater volcano.

▫️Trump accuses Pfizer of intending to enrich itself through revaccination with booster vaccines.

Q, The Storm Rider: Devolution PLAN Law of War. Domestic Operational Law. Martial Law involves temporary substitution of MILITARY authority for civil rule and is usually invoked in a time of WAR, rebellion or Natural disasters. When Martial Law is in effect, the Military Commander of an area or country has unlimited authority to make or enforce laws. Martial Law is justified when civilian authority has ceased to function, is completely absent or has become ineffective. Further, Martial Law suspends all existing laws, as well as civilian authority and the ordinary administration of justice. In the United States Martial Law can be declared Proclamation of The President or a State Governor, but such a formal proclamation is not necessary. A military commanders authority under Martial Law is virtually unlimited. [EYE] of The STORM is approaching.

The two US Constitutions: There are two Constitutions in the United States. The first penned by the leaders of the newly independent states of the United States in 1776. On July 4, 1776, the people claimed their Independence from Britain and Democracy was born. And for 95 years the United States people were free and independent. That freedom ended in 1871 when the original “Constitution for the united states for America” was changed to the “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”. The flag of Washington’s District of Columbia has 3 red stars, each symbolizing a city state within the three city empire. The three city empire consists of Washington D.C., London, and Vatican City.

Banks are making desperate moves. Wells Fargo is shutting down all existing personal lines of credit in the coming weeks and no longer offers the product. The role of commercial banks in the global economy is changing, with lending to governments and their agencies now more important than lending to goods and services industries. It is a trend which is due to continue. The new Basel 3 regulations seem set to encourage this trend, despite retail depositors being accorded a stable funding status. Central bank digital currencies are anticipated to augment and perhaps replace non-financial business credit over the next five to ten years. But the increasing financialization of commercial banking brings the risk of tying its future firmly to a financial bubble. And with price inflation on the increase, it is only a matter of very little time before that bubble bursts.

WhipLash347 Moscow court FINES Google 6 million rubles ($80,881) for failing to delete illegal content. It’s the second such penalty to be imposed on the U.S. tech giant in less than a week. The firm is closely linked to the CIA and Israel, while standing accused of multiple counts of human rights violations. Nearly two decades after the company was founded using a CIA investment, Palantir Technologies went public in a major stock market offering.

“CASTLE ROCK” Black Swan The Event to go down on Biden. Everyone blames Biden. Military Overturns the Election. King Trump saves the day. Hero. The King steps aside The opposition charges the King’s Position. A Major Event Goes Down. [FAKE] Global War Scenario Activating All Militaries World-Wide.

In Real Life. The Police & Court System rule the land. NESARA/GESARA comes in. All Judges, Police & Lawyers must stand down WORLD-WIDE. The corrupt ones arrested. The others Retrained in Constitutional 1776 Law.

Back to the Chess Board. By activating a World War scenario. The Kings Men (Military) go from being Pawns & Bishops(Below) the Police to becoming Kings & Queens. (Above) They then Mop Up the other team Flawless. Planet Earth Liberated. 1776 “When Q said “Do Anons Know What Is About To Be Unleashed” This Exactly^^All those Dog Comms.

Trump will be reinstated as 19th President. Elect a new VP. [JFK JR] Then something massive will happen. Trump will become KING as Melania is the Queen of Russia. Anastacia Romanov’s Grand Daughter. JFK JR will have a new VP. General Michael Flynn is very possible. 7 Trumpets 7 Presidential Msgs to everyone’s phones on Earth.(Remember E.O 13818) He has seized everything. 7 Kingdoms.

Whiplash347 Map: Hello George Lewis and Clark Durham boat, Lydia boat Lydia Durham Declass is coming. Green exit + green shirt + for GREEN Gesara curtains 10:10 On the clock – end – Biden end times. The end is here (Byedin) Afghanistan is distraction, focus on AZ audit 4 videos with the DS’s next plan of attack… Green Zone internment camps for unvaxxed/elderly/immunocompromised, 5G/EMF war on your health, deadly vax, etc. We are almost at the end of this nightmare. Next phase post-Event is Wake Up Operation. That’s when things really get crazy (optics for normies)

Never forget Pat Tillman. Assange explains what Trumpy negotiated away in Afghanistan. The Deep State control of the country. What you are witnessing is the DS rats and their rag bag assassins, drug lords and child traffickers leaving the scene of their criminal activities over the last 21 years.

Kamala Harris has not been seen publicly in six days as Afghanistan has fallen to the Taliban. This week she’s apparently leaving for a trip to Singapore and Vietnam. The Biden-Harris feud has kicked up a notch.

Med Beds: Didulo posted new tg channels for “Med-bed operators and technicians” for numerous south American/Caribbean countries…Haiti, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, and Argentina. Med-beds are arriving for the trafficked victims.

Milley is considering falling on his sword for Austin and retiring post-evacuation, per Pentagon official. Milley also privately telling officers he wishes 45 was back despite the bad blood

Ford will halt production at U.S. truck plant for week over chip shortage. Ford Motor Co (F.N) said Wednesday it will temporarily shutter its Kansas City assembly plant that builds its best-selling F-150 pickup.

40 million T-Mobile customers hit by US data breach – BBC News:

Moscow court FINES Google 6 million rubles ($80,881) for failing to delete illegal content. It’s the second such penalty to be imposed on the U.S. tech giant in less than a week. The firm is closely linked to the CIA and Israel, while standing accused of multiple counts of human rights violations. Nearly two decades after the company was founded using a CIA investment, Palantir Technologies went public in a major stock market offering.

Dismantling the Vatican.

The Black Pope was taken out in May 2020 under operation Europe Defender. Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas, Superior General of the Society of Jesus Diabolical Plan for a New World Order.

1. The Superior General of the Jesuits The Black Pope, Adolfo Nicolas and his 6 Generals control the “White Pope” Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican.

2. The Illuminati, Zionists, Globalist Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg group, Freemasons, Council of 300 and the evil Council of Trent.

3. The Jesuits control the Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus and the Knights of Malta.

4. The CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, MI5, MI6, NCIS, FSB, DGSE, Mossad and every intelligence agency in the world are masonic and controlled by the Jesuits.

5. The Jesuits have infiltrated all governments & Leaders like Obama, Rudd, Blair, Jintao, Sarkozy, Peres are only puppets that carry out Jesuit orders.

The Black pope is THE ANTICHRIST. Why is it significant that the first Black Pope settled in the first foothold of the Arabs/Moors? The Arabs and North Africans have always worshipped the #SUN and #SATURN. Sun worship = #Egyptian beliefs. Saturn Worship = Islamic beliefs #Jesuit symbolism is centered around the sacred sun symbols dating back to Nimrod of Nebuchadnezzar.

Now how did sun worshipers infiltrate the #catholic church? It started with the #Christian hero, Constantine I. In 400AD Constantine and the Byzantine empire took over PHOENICIA, created a new province that lasted just long enough to legalize “Christianity”. The Pagan gods of Rome. And sun worshipers were united under the newly legal “Christianity” called Roman Catholicism.

Basilicas are the most important buildings in the Vatican operation with the largest being #St Peters Basilica in the Vatican. Serpent symbolism is all over the pope especially at the basilicas. St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican the pope literally sits in the mouth of a serpent as the tongue and preaches deception.

C. International Child Sex Trafficking:

Breaking: A court has decided that the Twitter Child Porn Sex Trafficking case will move forward.

Child sex-trafficking sting at 2021 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally nets 9 arrests: A weeklong sex-trafficking sting executed at the 81st annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally netted nine arrests.

Ever Given is BACK! Set to sail through the Suez Canal AGAIN on Friday, first time since March debacle.

Who really created the WARs in Libya- Iraq-Syria- Afghanistan and many countries will be exposed. What’s happening in Afghanistan will expose the Obama Clintons CIA Mossad etc.. Money laundering. Children sold to China through Afghanistan. Pedophilia. The heroin trade.

Ex-Judge Daniel R. Green, 67, was sentenced to nearly 2 years in prison. Green pled guilty to indecent liberties with a minor, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, providing wine, liquor or a malt beverage to a person under 21 & disseminating obscene material to a minor. The charges stem from a sexual assault against a 14-year-old male at a hotel in 2018. Green gave the child alcohol, showed him porn & performed a sex act. The child was able to escape & call his mother.

This article about Biden and Roberts arrests was published back in January, yet the facts were just now coming to light:


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