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Response to: Australians have lost the right to protest - We have all lost our rights
Posted By: GeorgeEaton Date: Friday, 20-Aug-2021 02:16:28
Response to: Australians have lost the right to protest
What we are witnessing today is the beginning collapse and downfall of civilizations. Modern man has gone full circle from primitive lifestyles to modern day living and now they’re being herded like so much cattle into fully controlled lives, depopulation and death by inoculations.
The way the United Kingdom, or the nation under the umbrella of Britain authority, are treating their “subjects” reveals their true power. The truth is, the Australians aren’t losing their right to protest, they never had it to begin with. It simply wasn’t apparent until the government started to push their weight around and then round the people up for forced inoculations.
The citizens under the UK are subjects under a monarchy, the same monarchy that killed thousands of our people in the revolutionary war. And the same monarchy that kidnapped our Navy sailors in that war and placed them in work prisons in Australia, and were never returned to their home country of America.
The UK is the same country that pulled ministers out from the churches and killed them as their wives watched, all because their men stood against tyranny.
The UK is where the City of London exists where the Rothschilds of the Illuminati consort together to decide the fate of nations and control billions of people worldwide. The UK is the country where agents of the crown were sent to start the war between the states, where we lost over 600,000 men - all so the UK could more easily conquer America later.
The UK is the county where the Rothschild bankers sent for American help in two world wars, which killed off even more of our young men and resulted in the deaths of millions of people.
That UK never accepted our Constitution, never adopted its Amendments and the Crown’s authorities never gave their people the freedom of speech or gun rights. They pretended to be an upstanding, freedom loving nation, but they were still a monarchy ruled by Rothschild bankers.
This all means that the UK subjects in Australia didn’t lose their right to protest, they never had it in the first place. Whatever freedoms the UK subjects think they had can be revoked at any time. It is also very telling when the UK government had the police collect all the gun from the people. And they even stated that self-defense was not an excuse for owning a gun. Try and explain that logic to your wife and daughters as thieves are robbing your home and raping them. We rejected that nonsense over two centuries ago, but the UK subjects and many other European nations never got the memo. The right of self-defense against criminals, a corrupt government or an invading army - is a God given right that no King, Queen, fairy or transvestite can take away from you.
It was all too easy for the Queen’s authorities to collect the guns from Australians and crush them by the thousands. And those loyal officers of the Crown did so with a smile on their face and with the pompous attitude they protected queen and country. This is a generational problem of subjects being loyal to their own subjugation and the lie of the rights of Kings and Queens against the little people. The Australians didn’t lose their rights, they never had any to begin with. For hundreds of years, they have followed that monarchy system with great pride. They are more than willing to sacrifice their lives and the lives of their children to obey Her Majesty the Queen of England.
Those historical usurpers have taken that same power structure and applied it to the banking system, corporations and military power worldwide. And, they have used their influence in NATO with political power, and in banking, as well as secret bribes and blackmail to recruit a host of other nations to do their bidding. At this very moment they are plotting the next major wars which will break out with nuclear exchanges this time.
So, the truth is, neither the Australians or the Americans and other nation’s citizens have lost their rights to protest, simply because what we think we have, can be revoked or altered at any time. In the recent national election, we found out that both the Congress and the Supreme court sided with the Marxist revolutionaries and validated the overthrow of this nation. Our right to protest was meaningless. Even our right to vote has become meaningless, since it isn’t who votes that counts, but who counts the votes.
What we all face now is the illusion of being under a democratic Republic. The Australians and Canadians may be a few steps ahead of us as their illusionary rights are taken away, but when they actually come to round us up for a mandatory inoculation - that will be the red line for millions of Americans who actually believe in the Constitution.
George Eaton
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