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SORCHA 8/17: "“Traumatic Trifecta” Warned Will Next See US Military Airlift For Fleeing Elites Over Washington D.C."

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Tuesday, 17-Aug-2021 12:18:14



August 17, 2021

Traumatic Trifecta” Warned Will Next See US Military Airlift For Fleeing Elites Over Washington D.C.

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A sobering new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov accepted a call from United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken to discuss the situation in Afghanistan, with the Foreign Ministry reporting: “The sides discussed the situation in Afghanistan after that country’s head of state fled the country and following the collapse of power bodies and amid the actual change of the regime...Sergey Lavrov informed his US counterpart about Russia’s views on the situation and about the Russian embassy’s contacts with representatives from all key political forces in Afghanistan in the interests of ensuring stability, law and order”, says the Foreign Ministry further informed Security Council Members that: “The Russian Embassy in Kabul continues to function as usual…The working contacts with the representatives of the new authorities have been established in order to ensure security of the Russian foreign institution”—and this morning saw the Taliban declaring a general amnesty for former Afghan government officials.

Security Council Members in this transcript note that in response to the events in Afghanistan, yesterday it saw Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden delivering a delusional address to the American people, the most charitable statement about says: “Simply put, if Biden considers surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban to be a forward-looking strategy as his speech implies, then the worst is yet to come”—a delusional address quickly joined by socialist Democrat Party leader House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declaring that “The number one priority in Afghanistan must now be gender equality”—then saw the United States State Department joining in this mass delusion with its demand that the new government in Afghanistan be “united, inclusive, and representative…including with the full and meaningful participation of women”.

This transcript sees Security Council Members agreeing that the Taliban will institute “gender equality” polices and allow the “meaningful participation of women” in their government the day following American allies like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Gulf Monarchies being forced to do the same thing, which is never going to occur, though the Taliban have instituted a socialist gun grab to disarm its citizens—further sees Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko slamming the United States and European Union for branding Russia a threat over its role in Afghanistan, with his stating: “It is much easier to get back to basics and declare Russia a threat…They tried their best, you know the rest...Coffins are coming...A trillion dollars was just wasted”—a slamming statement joined by Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova truthfully declaring: “The US leadership has been shrugging off responsibility for its geopolitical experiments for decades”—and to notice, is Finnish President Sauli Niinistö admitting the truest thing of all about the West’s failed Afghan War: “The lesson we must learn from this is that it is quite difficult to introduce a completely new social structure and social thinking to another place…It takes many generations”.

Most critical to notice in this transcript is Security Council Members discussing a just published article released by The Times of India, which is the “newspaper of record” for the Indian government reporting on its official positions—an article entitled “Potential World War III Scenario Feat Taliban”, wherein it lays out a very credible timeline of what will follow the Taliban taking over Afghanistan, specifically how this historic event will realign the world’s great powers, and predicts:

24th January 2022: China’s defense minister, General Wei Fenghe, is spotted wearing a brown suit and with nearly a dozen senior members of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Miguel Díaz-Canel, Cuba’s President, is also seen in the picture. China offers Covid vaccines to the Taliban.

2nd March 2022: The West wakes up to the news that the US has started striking North Korean facilities after a provocative missile launch from the North Korean regime under Kim Jong Un, mistakenly thought to be a direct attack against US carrier groups stationed in Korean waters. On the same day, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army conducted a series of massive combat drills near Kashmir, where drones of the United States were parked.

4th March 2022: Satellites spot a few Chinese doctors accompanying the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. Experts suspect a new virus might be in the pipeline. War is inevitable in more than one form.

Security Council Members in this transcript note that the American people still fail to realize that what is happening in Afghanistan has profound implications for the entire world, most particularly because what is now occurring there is pushing the United States and China closer to total war—a war whose actual declaration of was made by the late Chinese revolutionary-statesman Deng Xiaoping, who is known as the “Architect of Modern China”, and, on 10 April 1974, stated to the entire world at the United Nations General Assembly:

If one day China should change her color and turn into a superpower, if she too should play the tyrant in the world, and everywhere subject others to her bullying, aggression and exploitation the people of the world should identify it as social-imperialism, expose it, oppose it and work together with the Chinese people to overthrow China.

As Afghanistan fell to the Taliban this past week, Security Council Members in this transcript note that socialist-globalist Americanpuppet masterGeorge Soros used Deng Xiaoping’s warning from 1974 to openly declare war against China in his 13 August open letter published in the Wall Street Journal entailed “Xi’s Dictatorship Threatens the Chinese State”, wherein Soros asserts: “I consider Mr. Xi the most dangerous enemy of open societies in the world”, and states:

Xi Jinping, the ruler of China, suffers from several internal inconsistencies which greatly reduce the cohesion and effectiveness of his leadership. There is a conflict between his beliefs and his actions and between his public declarations of wanting to make China a superpower and his behavior as a domestic ruler. These internal contradictions have revealed themselves in the context of the growing conflict between the U.S. and China.

At the heart of this conflict is the reality that the two nations represent systems of governance that are diametrically opposed. The U.S. stands for a democratic, open society in which the role of the government is to protect the freedom of the individual. Mr. Xi believes Mao Zedong invented a superior form of organization, which he is carrying on: a totalitarian closed society in which the individual is subordinated to the one-party state. It is superior, in this view, because it is more disciplined, stronger and therefore bound to prevail in a contest.

Relations between China and the U.S. are rapidly deteriorating and may lead to war. Mr. Xi has made clear that he intends to take possession of Taiwan within the next decade, and he is increasing China’s military capacity accordingly.

Xi Jinping devoted his life to undoing Deng’s influence on the development of China. His personal animosity toward Deng has played a large part in this, but other factors are equally important. He is intensely nationalistic and he wants China to become the dominant power in the world. He is also convinced that the Chinese Communist Party needs to be a Leninist party, willing to use its political and military power to impose its will. Xi Jinping strongly felt this was necessary to ensure that the Chinese Communist Party will be strong enough to impose the sacrifices needed to achieve his goal.

To prevail in 2022, Mr. Xi has turned himself into a dictator. Instead of allowing the party to tell him what policies to adopt, he dictates the policies he wants it to follow. State media is now broadcasting a stunning scene in which Mr. Xi leads the Standing Committee of the Politburo in slavishly repeating after him an oath of loyalty to the party and to him personally.

Xi is engaged in a systematic campaign to remove or neutralize people who have amassed a fortune. His latest victim is Sun Dawu, a billionaire pig farmer. Mr. Sun has been sentenced to 18 years in prison and persuaded to “donate” the bulk of his wealth to charity.

Xi is determined to bring the creators of wealth under the control of the one-party state. He has reintroduced a dual-management structure into large privately owned companies that had largely lapsed during the reform era of Deng. Now private and state-owned companies are being run not only by their management but also a party representative who ranks higher than the company president. This creates a perverse incentive not to innovate but to await instructions from higher authorities.

Security Council Members in this transcript note that socialist leader Biden’s top national security advisor for China, Rush Doshi, has now joined this Soros attack with his strategic white paper book “The Long Game: China's Grand Strategy to Displace American Order”, an analysis of which performed by top Biden strategic advisor Peter Mattis states:

According to Doshi, the United States, as a hegemon, used and continues to use three “forms of control” to maintain order: coercion to force compliance, inducements to incentivize compliance, and legitimacy to rightfully command compliance. He frames China’s strategy of displacing the United States in terms of blunting America’s “exercise of its forms of control” and building “forms of control over others as well as the foundations for consensual bargains and legitimacy.”

The financial crisis shifted China’s assessments of U.S. power. Critically, Chinese Communist Party leadership believed it was time to go beyond blunting American power and proactively build the foundations for regional hegemony (and arguably springboard for global influence). The relative decline of U.S. power and the turn inward to address domestic concerns distracted Washington, in Beijing’s view, from countering China’s effort to lay the foundations of a new China-centric order.

Doshi draws attention to a formulation that the party has used more frequently in recent speeches and officials documents — “great changes unseen in a century.” He argues that the impacts of Donald Trump’s presidency and the COVID-19 pandemic emboldened Beijing to enter a new phase beginning in 2016 to more aggressively expand China’s order-building efforts. The party leadership came to believe that it needed to seize the opportunity to push U.S. decline and encourage an American retreat from the world. This strategy includes efforts to undermine U.S. financial hegemony, become the global leader in advanced manufacturing and key emerging technologies, and field a world-class military capable of operating on a global scale.

Doshi highlights the significance of what he calls the “Traumatic Trifecta” — the Tiananmen Square demonstrations that the party violently suppressed, the demonstration of U.S. power in the Persian Gulf War, and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

These events persuaded Deng and other party leaders that the United States would destroy the People’s Republic of China if it got the chance.

Beijing consequently launched a much more deliberate effort to blunt America’s influence that continued until the financial crisis of 2008. Politically and economically, this included, among other measures, joining regional and international institutions to impede their functioning. Militarily, China focused on deploying new asymmetric military capabilities, such as submarines and missiles, that directly challenged the U.S. military’s ability to operate in the region.

Security Council Members in this transcript note that both Soros and Doshi in their attacks on China fail to fully grasp the full implications of what is now is occurring as it pertains to “The New Great Game”, the phrase describing the geopolitical interest in Central Asia based on the vast mineral wealth of the region, specifically because the “Durand Line” is now back in play, which is the artificial boundary established by British colonial powers in 1893 to divide Afghanistan and Pakistan—though in reality this artificial boundary was created by the British to divide the Pashtuns tribal peoples from one another—over 5-million of whom now live in The Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan, over 20-million of whom live in Afghanistan, all of whom are fiercely loyal to Taliban, which now calls itself the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA).

In knowing this reality, this transcript sees Security Council Members taking special notice of the open warning letter published in the Washington Post by Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan entitled “Pakistan Is Ready To Be A Partner For Peace In Afghanistan, But We Will Not Host U.S. Bases”, wherein he reminds American foreign police makers that “There are more than 3 million Afghan refugees in our country”, and further states:

In the past, Pakistan made a mistake by choosing between warring Afghan parties, but we have learned from that experience.

We have no favorites and will work with any government that enjoys the confidence of the Afghan people.

History proves that Afghanistan can never be controlled from the outside.

Our country has suffered so much from the wars in Afghanistan. More than 70,000 Pakistanis have been killed.

While the United States provided $20 billion in aid, losses to the Pakistani economy have exceeded $150 billion.

Tourism and investment dried up. After joining the U.S. effort, Pakistan was targeted as a collaborator, leading to terrorism against our country from the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and other groups.

U.S. drone attacks, which I warned against, didn’t win the war, but they did create hatred for Americans, swelling the ranks of terrorist groups against both our countries.

While I argued for years that there was no military solution in Afghanistan, the United States pressured Pakistan for the very first time to send our troops into the semiautonomous tribal areas bordering Afghanistan, in the false expectation that it would end the insurgency.

It didn’t, but it did internally displace half the population of the tribal areas, 1 million people in North Waziristan alone, with billions of dollars of damage done and whole villages destroyed.

The “collateral” damage to civilians in that incursion led to suicide attacks against the Pakistani army, killing many more soldiers than the United States lost in Afghanistan and Iraq combined, while breeding even more terrorism against us. In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province alone, 500 Pakistani policemen were murdered.

With failed Afghan leaders like president’s Hamid Karzai and Ashraf Ghani not imposed on Afghanistan directly from Washington, as they were sent via Islamabad, with Pakistan’s full and enthusiastic support, this transcript sees Security Council Members grimly noting the Indian government global war scenario that predicts:

15th September 2021: Pakistan’s continued political instability and a ‘dying’ economy lead to coup d’état. The army takes over Islamabad. The US condemns the act, plans sanctions, but they’re not implemented.

20th October 2021: After two months of awkward silence and close to no media presence, the world wakes up to a piece of hazardous news. Two of the nine tactical nuclear weapons go missing in Pakistan. Satellite feed suspects a classic heist from the Taliban. The US is shocked. They’re forced to retaliate.

29th October 2021: Pakistan-Afghanistan border, now controlled by the Pakistan Taliban on one end and Afghanistan Taliban on the other, becomes a militant zone. Unable to place their drones in Pakistan to start a lost nuclear weapon search, the United States soon struck a deal with India.

To prevent such a global catastrophe from occurring, this transcript sees Security Council Members agreeing that the obvious international force to replace the United States and NATO as the guarantor of regional security would be the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), whose embers include most of Afghanistan’s neighbours, including Russia, China, Pakistan, and, as of last week, Iranwhich constitutes a shift in the international order towards the multipolar order that is fast emerging, in which China is displacing the United States as the world’s leading country, and in which Russia is carving out a more limited role for itself as a power in the region.

Security Council Members in this transcript next express astonishment and outrage over the United States declaring that the Taliban won’t given access to their nation’s central bank reserves of over $9-billion held in America—an actual crime met with scathing articles like “US May Seize Afghanistan’s National Reserves, But Its Threat To Isolate Taliban Is, Indeed, ‘Unmoored From Reality’”—now sees China countering this American crime with a vow to aid the Taliban in unlocking Afghanistan’s vast rare earth mineral wealth estimated to be worth upwards of $3-trillion—then saw China’s state-run Global Times newspaper warning Taiwan that the United States abandonment of its Afghan allies should be a lesson, as the disputed island would be left to fend for itself and collapse in hours in a war with China—a veiled threat quickly joined by the Chinese army conducting war drills near the coast of Taiwan.

The conclusion section of this transcript sees Security Council Members agreeing that like the Berlin Wall or the Twin Towers, footage of fleeing Afghans abandoned by United States marks the end of an era for American supremacy, and sees them further agreeing that instead of concerning themselves with China’s so-called “Traumatic Trifecta”, it would serve the world better if Biden and his godless socialist forces paid attention to the same thing rushing towards them—and as best described in the searing article “Will The Next US Military Airlift Be Out Of Washington DC As The American Empire Implodes On Itself?”, wherein it states:

Not since the days of the Civil War has America appeared so dangerously fractured and unsustainable as a viable and united polity.

Although the woke social justice movement has been quietly laying the groundwork for an American cultural revolution for many years, the election of Joe Biden, in cahoots with AOC and company, was the watershed moment when the US really went to war with itself.

And this is a battle for the hearts and minds of American citizens that may eventually prove far costlier than both the Vietnam and Afghanistan adventures combined.

The self-flagellation that has come to be a ritualistic part of this woke ideology has spread through every part of American society, including the ranks of the US military.

Aside from creating mass confusion inside of the military ranks, already divided over a Covid vaccine mandate, these woke experiments have created a deep chasm straight down the middle of American society that will only intensify over time.

In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that the clock is ticking on the great American experiment in democracy; two radically different people, separated by intractable issues that the media is only too happy to inflame every single day, must naturally reach a breaking point

Will the third ‘iconic’ photo of helicopters airlifting people to safety occur not in some foreign capital, but inside of the US?

The protest of January 6, which saw disgruntled members of the political right storm the Capitol building where the question of possible election fraud was scheduled to be heard, proves that this is no unfounded prospect.

Military aggression is coming full circle in the land of the free, and the only question that remains, it seems, is who will stay and who will go.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Will Washington D.C. be the next city to see a US military airlift evacuation of its fleeing elites like Saigon in 1975 and Kabul in 2021?

August 17, 2021 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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