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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Tuesday, 17-Aug-2021 05:31:14

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 17 Aug. 2021

Compiled Tues. 17 Aug. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

It has been verified by our Military Intel Contact that on Sun. 15 August the Department of Defense authorized release of the Global Currency Reset and Iraq kicked off the RV by announcing it in their mosques. Four other sources verified that they expected Dubai One to release funds on Tues. 17 Aug, while the US main hubs for the redemption process of Reno, Miami, LA and Dallas have been fully activated.

God Bless America & Patriotic Music – The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square – Bing video

Judy Note:

Fleming’s Military Intel Contact has verified that on Sun. 15 Aug. Iraq officially kicked off the RV and announced such in their mosques.

On that same Sun. 15 Aug. the Department of Defense authorized the release of the RV in the Pacific Daylight Time Zone (no word on the time).

The main hubs for the redemption process of Reno, Miami, LA and Dallas, were fully activated.

Brent Johnson told Mark Z that four different sources verified that on Mon. 16 Aug. Iraq released the RV and they expected Dubai One to release funds on Tues. 17 Aug.

Texas Snake: “On word from my banker it appears the Central Bank of Iraq [CBI] is announcing thru various venues TV Radio and billboards to the citizens of the country that new currencies will begin being distributed this coming week [Sun 15 Aug. forward] with lower denominations [LDs] of money as well as a revaluation [RV] of their currency. Hopefully this is our beginning as well.”

MarkZ on Mon. 16 Aug: “A certain person just received $100 million in (Historical German) Bonds.”

Frank26 quote from Iraqi TV: “You cannot have economic reforms without monetary reform established and calculated. That’s what’s called the RV – revaluation. Iraq was now in the phase of the RI (Reinstatement), which would take them into the international market and add more value to Iraqi currency on an international scale as they kept the IQD on par with the American dollar internally.”

The digital gold-backed USN and Star Link Quantum Satellite Communication System were fully activated across the globe as of last Fri 13 Aug.

Restored Republic:

Part1 – Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming With Jason Q & Charlie Ward

Mike Lindell says all 50 states were flipped.

On Sun. evening 15 Aug. as Biden and his staff left on vacation during the Afghanistan Crisis, Trump flew out of hiding into Florida on Air Force One, which he wouldn’t have use of….unless he was the US President.

War in Middle East was a distraction from 2020 Election Fraud Audits – a Storm was about to hit! The Taliban declared Biden an illegitimate US President and would only negotiate with the Trump Administration. Not a single elected leader of our government was showing their face on Mon. 16 Aug. They know.

The Chinese Elders, Department of Defense and Trump executed major arrests over this past week and into this week to prepare for and coincide with the RV Shotgun Release & Tier 4B start (Us, The Internet Group).

Arrests of Deep State operatives in the Main Stream media & Big Tech Social Media overlapped with Interpol, the US military and other law enforcement arrests of Deep State agents in Reno this last weekend.

This past weekend among the thousands of arrests by the US Military, was that of NY Mayor Andrew Cumo, who would now face a Military Tribunal for his role in coercing NY State health officials to artificially inflate Covid-19 fatality numbers during the initial wave of the Plandemic.

George News Mon. 16 Aug: We caught them all, yes. Tucker (of Fox News) will help with the Disclosure.

On Tues. 10 Aug. Wikileaks dumped all their files online:

Clinton emails:


The Cyber Symposium Sting:

Highlights From The Cyber Symposium + AUDIT ALL 50! – August 13, 2021 Update

A. The Plan,Whiplash347:

The Plan: It’s the largest Global Military Operation in Planet Earth’s history and a transition to Gesara Greatness. Now they just have to play out a fake WW3 scenario to ring sirens in every National Military Command Center.

Project Odin: The Israeli Mossad Khazarian Mafia controlled the Chinese Communist Party and the world’s Media out of the US. Mossad Satellites controlling that Mainstream Media would be destroyed with Project Odin. When Odin switched on ten countries would be running the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), a part of the Quantum Star Link Satellite System.

Global Martial Law: The EBS would support global Martial Law. In ten days of three eight hour sessions they would show Military Tribunals, confessions and documentaries. Our new Quantum Systems would be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal’s reach.

The Events: There will be many Events to swap from Rothschild’s Central Bank Notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes backed by Precious Metals (Not Oil/Wars). There will be a Water Event, Stock Market Crash, Global Martial Law, exposure of Election Flipping, Military Courts, FISA reveals that will lead to a new presidential inauguration.

It would be Biblical – a Scenario like World War III that activated militaries worldwide and using Rods of God would bomb Satanic landmarks (34 Satanic Buildings and Dams worldwide) such as the Vatican, Buckingham Palace, Whitehouse & White House replicas in California and Georgia, Three Gorges Dam (Big Pharma in Wuhan, Bitcoin Servers/Data Center destroyed, 99.5% of Crypto would be gone and we would only use coins backed by Precious Metals) and Cern on the Swiss/French Border (CIA Headquarters).

Planes & Trains would be grounded, lights and the power switched off in order to change over to Tesla Free Energy.

The Event should be about three days based on Bay of Pigs. Then 10 day shutdown of Earth and Activation of Military EBS to TVs & Radio’s worldwide. At the same time all Governments Worldwide will be stood down as well as further arrests. We will then be having GESARA Blockchain Elections. We will be having govts 10% the size of what they are currently. All new people.

QUANTUM GESARA aka TRUMPSARA. Quantum Financial System, Quantum Voting System, Quantum Healing, Quantum Physics. Quantum Internet Everything is going Quantum. Nesara states Rainbow “Treasury” Notes backed by precious metals. Adding Quantum Star Link & ISO20022 Internationally Regulated USA Coins also backed by metals.

QVS – Blockchain no longer like the way we do it. Quantum Internet. The Internet is Rebooted. No more Microsoft. Everything wiped. The current internet is Operation Mockingbird. Same as TV, Newspapers etc. Will not be anywhere near the same. One news channel etc. All media/papers is owned by the Mossad.. all being removed.

All Private Intelligence owned by the UK Royals to be removed. No more Mossad, 5 eyes, CIA etc. Only intelligence will be Military Intelligence.

MOAB = Global Currency Reset (1950’s) + Precious Metal Standard + Quantum Gesara + DECLAS of Everything on Earth.

B. Whiplash347 The CIA: In November 2018 the NSA & MIL Intel took control over the CIA and it’s partnered intelligence agencies. CIA/Mossad and FVEY intelligence agencies. For Australians ASIO is a part of FVEY.

Every leader in the world President, Prime Minister, King or Queen must STAND DOWN this includes President Trump. Don’t worry he will be back. Once he makes it official (His big decision coming) then we have to have elections within 120 days. It is here where we elect governments 10% the size of what we have now. We will never have Democrat vs Republican or Liberal vs. Labor again. Under GESARA we get scrubbed back to original constitutions and sitting leaders will be in power for as long as they want, until death or they do wrong. If they do wrong by the people they get removed by Military.

Now draw a line from the Vatican to the Rothschilds Banking System (Central Banks & Federal Reserve) The Rothschilds own the Vatican and it’s bank. We have a massive Operation in Europe called OPERATION DEFENDER EUROPE. This started on March 17 2020. This is taking control of the Vatican, it’s Mafia’s and seizing all of the Rothschilds Central Banks. There were some Central Banks ie Riksbank in Sweden, Europe Central Bank and Deutsche Bank which had casualties of Coronavirus.

Draw a line from Intel Agencies to Royal Family and write March 2019. The Royal Family are the owners of all of these Intelligence agencies. They own the CIA. They own all of FVEY. They created the Mossad in Israel and they created the Saudi Intel as well.

The Royal Family QE1 & QE2 are of Germanic Origin. They created World Wars with the higher ups too. They stole all the opium from the Middle East and Asian Wars. (Vietnam & Korea) using their intel agencies and would supply the Vatican Mafia’s with Opium to turn it into Heroin and supply the world.

These Intel Agencies create Terror Organizations, Terror Attacks & False Flag Attacks. They participate in all kinds of Trafficking Drugs, Children, Bombs, or whatever else.

Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild. When the war ended they smuggled he and 12000 Nazi’s to Argentina as part of Operation Paperclip. Who you know to be the ‘BUSH” family were really the SCHERF family of Germany. George Bush Senior served in the German Navy and he was smuggled along with a Nazi Assassin to the USA with the MK ULTRA mind control program.

That was a brief outline of what the Royal Family did. In March 2019 the USA stripped all of the Royal Powers after the CIA was under full control.

Next you want to draw a line from the Royal Family to the Vatican. The Vatican own the Royal Family. In 2019 the Vatican was raided twice and you can search this. They also arrested 5 or 6 at top of the Vatican and also had arrested some Vatican Mafia. Just like in 1999 when military forced Bill Clinton to sign Nesara. The military forced Boris Johnson to get Brexit through. So what did Brexit really do? It cut the strings to the Vatican.

Once all these were well and truly under way in November 2019 the US Military stripped all of the Royal Assets. The USA now has complete ownership of the Commonwealth and Intel agencies. In Feb 2020 Brexit became official. The Royals had officially been stripped from the Vatican ownership.

Write down three dates: Mid 2019 or the dates of Vatican raids. November 2019 Royal Assets Stripped. Feb 2020 Brexit. You know how I just broke the process down. You found out the Royal Family controls the Intel agencies. This includes Israeli Mossad and Saudi Arabia.

It was these guys and the German Bush/Scherff Family that created 9/11. (Royal Family/Nazi) attack on the USA to stop NESARA/GESARA and create another depopulating/Opium and Oil controlling war.

So PBK was sent to the UK and lived in numerous places and he was a Chief Marine Engineer for 20 years.

C. Mon. 16 Aug. The Real News:

Ariz. auditors to release findings on 2020 Election Fraud on Sun. 22 Aug.

JUST IN – Rockets fired from Gaza into southern Israel minutes ago.

Fletch17: My thoughts: The Taliban are White Hats. Think about it. Why did George Bush want them gone? Didn’t he also want Saddam Hussein gone? Something to ponder. Not everything is as it seems.

Biden White House No Where to be Found as Taliban Takes Over Afghanistan:

Middle East: What’s funny about all this is we KNOW who the Taliban are. Same folks as AI-Qaeda. Same as ISIS. And when I say same folks I mean funded by same folks. So their orders and instructions are coming from the same people. Who funds them? How the US funds the Taliban. How pissed do you think Americans will be when they find out that their tax $$$ funded the Taliban as well as contributed to the Opioid crisis through our own gov. CIA funds found their way into AI-Qaeda coffers The tough pill to swallow will be that the majority of the destruction in Middle East was directed and funded by the US gov by people who are blackmailed and/or controlled by another Middle Eastern country and their intelligence community- guess which So it’s no surprise the Taliban just happened to find all this equipment/weapons now. Not only will the Taliban inherit huge weapon caches and helicopters, they’ll also pick up some fighter jets sitting at Kabul airport. Remember when Obama armed the Islamic State? Biden has now armed the Taliban!

Romana Didulo: A special kind of Storm is about to hit! Middle-East is being used once again as a distraction. Nice try though… The era of training our Troops and sending them to far away Land under false wars to hunt down poor people living in Caves and Mountains, and then arming them to fight against the invading Troops so that there is a cover story for the invading Troops to guard opium poppies fields in Afghanistan and elsewhere for the corrupt criminals and evil to manufacture illegal drugs to sell to our children, youth, men and women to destroy their bodies and minds is OVER. Finito, kaput. Done.

Disgraced former Governor Andrew Cuomo is in military custody and will face a military tribunal for his role in coercing NY State health officials to artificially inflate Covid-19 fatality numbers during the initial wave of the Plandemic. On Sunday, August 15, U.S. Navy Seals under JAG authority arrested Cuomo at property he leases in East Hampton, NY. A JAG spokesperson told RRN that the SEALS suffered no casualties but had to subdue two of Cuomo’s He indirectly put living people in frozen food trucks to freeze to death,” our source said. Bodyguards, both of whom the SEALs incapacitated using non-lethal force.

He indirectly put living people in frozen food trucks to freeze to death,” a source said. A lot of these people were old and elderly and had other illnesses that had nothing to do with COVID, but Cuomo wanted to enforce lockdowns—and the more COVID cases, the better the lockdowns.

The military, has long sought Cuomo’s arrest, but until recently the groping former governor had ample Deep State protection. But Cuomo’s security quickly dissolved after 16 women accused him of sexual harassment, forcing his resignation. People who had been his intimate allies suddenly abandoned him, and whatever Deep State protection he had eroded beneath his feet. Even the actor, Arthur Roberts, who portrays Joe Biden in press conferences and on television, called for Cuomo’s resignation. In short, he was thrown to the wolves. “We realized we had the perfect opportunity to make the arrest

Denmark abolishes all Corona measures. All Corona measures are being lifted in view of the increasing incidence figures in Denmark, reported RT Deutsch.

Russia: Drone footage shows heavy flooding in Novorossiysk

China: World’s Third-Busiest Port Remains Partially Shut in China

Spain: BREAKING: Big explosion heard at Hotel Petit Palace in Barcelona, Spain. Armed police have arrived on scene. A terrible sandstorm in Albacete, Spain.

Turkey: flood in north of Turkey.

Canada: Equipment not used on fire. While flames from the White Rock Wildfire demolished homes in Monte Lake, a structure protection unit was being unused— and sitting right down the road. A statue of John A. MacDonald, Canada’s first prime minister, is toppled by protesters in support of the local indigenous community in Hamilton. In addition, mass protests are taking place in the country due to forcing residents to vaccinate and use COVID passports.

UK, France, Italy: Protests against the introduction of COVID passports and forced vaccination continue in the UK, France and Italy.

In Montana forest fires. People saw a terrible face in the clouds of smoke.

Texas: Damage reported following flood event at Texas State Capitol Building #Austin l #TX

Arizona: Breaking Development: Arizona Audit Preliminary Report To Be Delivered NEXT WEEK.

NEW – OPEC and its allies see no need to meet the call of the Biden admin for more oil supply in the coming months (Reuters). Meanwhile, major U.S. oil industry trade groups suing the Biden admin for halting drilling auctions federal lands and water.

_China Issues Warning to Taiwan About US Amid Afghanistan Crisis

_ Marjorie Taylor Greene Delivers Impeachment News to Joe Biden

_Shocking Footage Shows Afghan Civilians Falling From U.S. Cargo Plane to Escape Taliban, At Least 7 Dead

_U.S. Pentagon spokesperson when asked about people falling from the wing of a US C-17 Aircraft that had taken off from Kabul: “You’re getting Information I don’t have.”

_Biden gives reporters COLD SHOULDER at end of Afghanistan speech, NO QUESTIONS ANSWERED “What do you think of the Afghans clinging to [US] aircrafts?!”

_Biden: Our mission in Afghanistan was never supposed to be nation building

_CNN RED PILL Obama Advisor David Axelrod on Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal: Joe Biden “needs to own that failure.”

_Trump: “It’s not that we left Afghanistan. It’s the grossly incompetent way we left!” 25th amendment trending on Twitter.

_AH-64 Apache attack helicopters of the US Armed Forces are operating in the area of the Kabul airport during the evacuation of civilians.

_The Pentagon and State Department confirm that over the next 48 hours, there will be about 6,000 troops in Kabul and will be taking over air traffic control

_CNN reporter on the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan: “They’re just chanting ‘Death to America,’ but they seem friendly at the same time.”

_Western supply chain collapse eminent as China closes massive shipping facility,

_U.S. border has collapsed completely as Biden regime now busing COVID-infected migrants all across U.S.

_Here come the endless COVID booster shots! Fauci says it’s “likely, inevitable”

_What exactly is causing illness worldwide if SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated, purified and shown to cause any human disease, let alone a pandemic

_Left-wing former criminal justice professor accused of setting fires near massive Dixie blaze in Northern California

_VAX-ABORTIONS: Even with over 1,200 fetal deaths, CDC still recommends pregnant women get vaccinated

_The Times They Are a-Changin’: Lawsuit Accuses Bob Dylan Of Raping 12-Year-Old Girl In 1965

_Clown World: Australian PM Declares Citizens Must Wear Masks While Drinking Outside

_MSNBC Downplays Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan as ‘Relatively Peaceful’

_Biden Admin Planning to House ‘Tens of Thousands’ of Afghans at Military Bases in US Report

_Georgia Clark: 27-year-old Australian reporter hospitalized with pericarditis 10 days after Pfizer injection,…

_Fully-vaccinated Hollywood celebrities wondering why they are suddenly getting COVID-19, cancer and worse

_Oil Industry Sues Biden Administration, Wants Resumption of Federal Leasing

_Justice Amy Coney Barrett denies appeal of Indiana University vaccine mandate

_Giuliani’s Son and Candidate Sliwa Speak as Hundreds Gather to Protest Vaccine Mandate in NYC

_Moderna President Stephen Hodge said on Fox News that the vaccine is not working as expected. He encourages people to get revaccinated (booster shots).

Drug makers Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna are expected to get billions of dollars from Covid-19 booster shots.

▫️The University of South Carolina is forced to cancel the mandate for the use of masks after the attorney general said that it is illegal.

▫️Propaganda posters will be used in Nevada schools to intimidate students and force them to comply with the requirements for wearing masks and vaccination.

▫️The New York State Assembly suspends the impeachment of New York Governor Cuomo.

▫️A former employee of Jeffrey Epstein is ready to testify against Prince Andrew.

▫️At least 1,300 people were killed as a result of a powerful 7.2-magnitude earthquake in Haiti. After the devastating earthquake, the country faced a new threat – floods and landslides are expected. There is no place for the wounded in hospitals, they are lying on the street in front of hospitals.

▫️Mass protests are taking place in Canada against the introduction of vaccination passports.

▫️The US Department of Homeland Security: “Those who oppose the use of masks and vaccination, as well as those who insist that the results of the 2020 elections are rigged, are anti-government. They are extremists and pose an imminent threat to the national security of the country.”

▫️The mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, removes reporters from briefings asking about police officers who turned away from her.

▫️Uber has refused to cooperate with football player Jay Cutler as part of their advertising campaign, because he opposes the disguise of children.

▫️Lawyer Sidney Powell – ” We have some very important witnesses (in the case of the disclosure of fraud in the US elections). And we may have to provide them with protection.”

▫️DNA testing confirms that Ilhan Omar, a member of the US House of Representatives, married her biological brother.

▫️The unnamed plaintiff claims that comedian Horatio Sanz “groomed” her, starting from the age of 15, and repeatedly sexually assaulted her after she attended several SNL (Saturday Night Live) parties. The charges include digital communications between Saenz and the teenager obtained by law enforcement agencies. The lawsuit also includes the name of host Jimmy Fallon.

▫️After the celebration of Obama’s birthday, more than 60 people became infected with the Coronavirus, half of them are fully vaccinated.

ONE OF THE BIGGEST THINGS TO HAPPEN IN JOURNALISM IN 50 YEARS! Project Veritas WILL depose The New York Times UNDER OATH and record all of it for the world to see!

– Next for August projects: War and disclosure


– Tucker/FOX will help with the disclosure

– Eyes on the audits. GOD WINS!!

The TWIST of LIGHT for FWC by Peter B. Meyer – 16th of August 2021

Peter Meyer: President Trump has put in charge; Five Generals and two Admirals. The military will take back the world. They will collapse the Monetary System. Here’s what’s coming; There’s going to be a Truth Act through the FCC – Federal Communications Commission – so, MSM outlets are going to lose their license IF what they broadcast or print is not an evidentiary fact, because it’s a threat to national security.

The 13 bloodlines that FWC has written about so far, with the Rothschild in a top position along with the Merovingian Nobility

The Royalities are ranked quite low in the Great Pyramid Structure, but are the ones playing a power game on Earth. They are only aware of parts of the Great Game, because the whole structure is compartmentalized, so that no one knows more than the surrounding basic principles. Read previous FWC articles to understand that everything said here is true.

Visit the Illuminati News website, to get a reasonable understanding of what the Illuminati and the New World Order is about, then read one or more related articles from FWC ‘s database. If you’re still not convinced, go to the Law of One to understand what ultimately drives the Illuminati.

The point of no return to restore the integrity of senior military and political leaders has passed. They were greedy, power hungry and wanted control. All negative sins that cannot survive in a positively polarized world. Military and political leaders could make a U-turn towards the truth. But, now they are facing the military tribunal.

Awake people are now engaged in a full-blown information war. Soon it may get worse – our highest military leadership is intensively planning all options – the best plan offers the most options at the last possible moment. So now we prepare and wait. Trust the PLAN; our enemies are everywhere and do not wait. They plan and do not care about stupid mask politics or false COVID stories. Keep your eyes wide open to see how corrupt the bureaucracy has grown. If we, the people, find the strength to fight for our freedom, we will win. Stand up, stretch your backbone, fight for a much better society by winning the fight against the Deep State criminals.

Remember; as reported yesterday; a total of about one billion Deep State criminals need to be cleared. That is 12.5% of the world’s population. Many have already been dealt with. All Illuminati, Jesuits, senior leaders in politics finance and industry will face the death penalty before the Military Tribunal.

Adam Schiff Faces Firing Squad Real Raw News. Shifty Adam Schiff did not exit this world gracefully. As reported previously, on 1 July the Office of Military Commissions found Schiff guilty of treason and espionage

So here’s the REAL story: Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to secretly retrieve US made Stinger Missiles that the State Dept. had supplied to Ansar al Sharia in Libya WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission.

Sec State Hillary Clinton had brokered the Libya deal through Ambassador Stevens and a Private Arms Dealer named Marc Turi, but some of the shoulder fired Stinger Missiles ended up in Afghanistan where they were used against our own military. On July 25th, 2012, a US Chinook helicopter was downed by one of them. Not destroyed only because the idiot Taliban didn’t arm the missile. The helicopter didn’t explode, but it had to land and an ordnance team recovered the missile’s serial number which led back to a cache of Stinger Missiles kept in

Qatar by the CIA. Obama and Hillary were in full panic mode, so Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to retrieve the rest of the Stinger Missiles. This was a “do-or-die” mission, which explains the Stand Down Orders given to multiple rescue teams during the siege of the US Embassy.

It was the State Dept., NOT the CIA, that supplied the Stinger Missiles to our sworn enemies because Gen. Petraeus at CIA would not approve supplying the deadly missiles due to their potential use against commercial aircraft. So then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus when he refused to testify in support of Obama’s phony claim of a “spontaneous uprising caused by a YouTube video that insulted Muslims.”

Obama and Hillary committed TREASON! THIS is what the investigation is all about, WHY she had a Private Server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and WHY Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack was the result of the YouTube video, even though everyone KNEW it was not.

Furthermore, the Taliban knew that the administration had aided and abetted the enemy WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission, so they began pressuring (blackmailing) the Obama Administration to release five Taliban generals being held at Guantanamo.

Bowe Bergdahl was just a useful pawn used to cover the release of the Taliban generals. Everyone knew Bergdahl was a traitor but Obama used Bergdahl’s exchange for the five Taliban generals to cover that Obama was being coerced by the Taliban about the unauthorized Stinger Missile deal.

So we have a traitor as POTUS that is not only corrupt, but compromised, as well and a Sec of State that is a serial liar, who perjured herself multiple times at the Congressional Hearings on Benghazi. Perhaps this is why no military aircraft were called upon for help in Benghazi: because the administration knew that our enemies had Stinger Missiles that, if used to down those planes, would likely be traced back to the CIA cache in Qatar and then to the State Dept.’s illegitimate arms deal in Libya.

Look up 1MBD – Malaysia – Goldman Sachs, Former Leaders of Australia and many others. 1MDB Scandal ties to all the horrors that will come out of Haiti. etc.. Scandal then read THE STORM by Martin Geddes it is in here. It lists the Scandals that will rip Planet Earth as you know it apart. Once you have you read this you will under why I say HUMPTY DUMPTY.

#TheStorm: How to prepare for a global corruption purge?

#TheStorm: How to prepare for a global corruption purge?
We are in the early stages of an unprecedented global change that has implications for every commercial enterprise. How should you prepare for it? In the last few weeks my thoughts have drifted towards the events of this autumn that are going to shake our world. We have seen all the pieces being put in … Continue reading#TheStorm: How to prepare for a global corruption purge?

#WWG1WGA, #TheStorm, and #QAnon “red pill” websites now available

My 3 most popular articles on the global truth and justice movement now have their own website for “red pilling” those who are awakening from slumber. Only a few years ago, I was writing exclusively about tech and telecoms issues— both science and policy. Then I went on a spiritual retreat to heal some soul … Continue reading#WWG1WGA, #TheStorm, and #QAnon “red pill” websites now available

The Rothschilds' financed Hitler, Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao. Jacob Schiff ordered the murder of the Russia Romanov family because they refused to go along with the Bankers plans. The Romanov’s were Christians. The Communists brutally murdered the entire Romanov’s family in order to turn Russia into a Communist Country. The Bankers/Globalists funded Hitler, Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao. We are fighting the same Communists today. https://www

And yes in 2017 the White Hats learnt that the 13 Controlling families had meant in Venice. They took the opportunity and got rid of them. Who then raided the Vatican 2019/2020 – Russian Spetznaz. – Payback. Who raided Cern March to May 2020 – when Charles De Gaulle returned from the Pacific? – French Foreign Legion. I'm sure some special things will come out later about this. French/US History.

Bill Polony:

Donald Trump Patents: Donald Trump has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

D. International Child Sex Trafficking:

Mon. 16 Aug. Exposing Satanic Ritual Abuse live in London:

Afghanistan Taliban Child Rapes: As you can see from most videos being shared, mostly men are being shown fleeing. Where are all the women and children? A lifetime of rape & sexual servitude awaits unmarried girls in Afghanistan following the Taliban’s control over the region.


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