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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Sunday, 15-Aug-2021 05:41:58

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 15 Aug. 2021

Compiled Sun. 15 Aug. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

Sun. 15 Aug. is the 50th Anniversary of when U.S. President Richard Nixon ended the international convertibility of the U.S. dollar to gold (the “Nixon Shock” on 15 Aug. 1971).


“The Quantum computer has been activated. Nothing can stop what’s coming.”…Q17

“Trust the Plan.”…Q

False Flags. POTUS 100% insulated. Expect Fireworks. Expect Justice.

Google kill.

YouTube kill.

FB kill.

Yahoo kill.

Bing kill.

Instagram kill.

Net will be paused.

Hammer on the Clock

How soon? We don’t inform our enemies of the specifics. Instead, we instill fear in them and make unplanned, disastrous countermoves….Q

God Bless America & Patriotic Music – The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square – Bing video

Judy Note: Fleming Report Sat. Afternoon 14 Aug. Our military Intel Contact said that Fri. 13 Aug. was a big day because:

1.Arrests of Deep State operatives in the Main Stream media & Big Tech Social Media overlapped with Interpol, the US military and other law enforcement arrests of Deep State agents in Reno – that were still going on this weekend Sat-Sun 14-15 Aug.

Number One above was significant because for years it has been known that the DoD military White Hat plan just before releasing the RV Shotgun Start was for a final clean up of Cabal agents in Reno. Reno was supposed to be the last Deep State area to be cleaned up.

The Chinese Elders, Department of Defense and Trump had planned for major arrests over the past week and next week to prepare for and coincide with the RV Shotgun Release & Tier 4B start (Us, The Internet Group).

2. Bond payouts with full funding to Bond Groups started.

3. The digital gold-backed USN and Star Link Quantum Satellite Comm System were fully activated globally from Fri 13 Aug. onward.

Three years ago Q and the Military Intel Group headed by Ezra Cohen-Watnick, had indicated that the military plan to take down the Deep State globally would leave for last neutralizing the Deep State in Israel, the Mainstream Media and Big Tech Social Media. “We’re saving Israel for last…Media Assets will be removed, Q”:

All of this shows FINALITY in our waiting for the RV release.

Texas Snake: “On word from my banker it appears the Central Bank of Iraq [CBI] is announcing thru various venues TV Radio and billboards to the citizens of the country that new currencies will begin being distributed this coming week [Sun. 15 Aug forward] with lower denominations [LDs] of money as well as a revaluation [RV] of their currency. Hopefully this is our beginning as well.”

Bond Group payouts and activities in Iraq point to an imminent start for us in Tier 4B this coming week.

Mark Z Sat. evening 14 Aug.: “I have two different sources in the last 24 hours [Fri-Sat 13-14 Aug] with Historic Bond funds that claim they have full funding. I have been told to watch the bonds because they would go before the reset [GCR / RV]. If I had to make a gut guess…maybe 50 or 60 % of Historic bonds done before they let us [Tier 4B] go for simple liquidity issues.

“News out of Iraq is really FANTASTIC over the weekend. There is more “on air” education push on lower denominations [LDs] and exchange rates showing on TV for the Iraqi people. They are talking about lower denominations for everybody….a full blown roll out this [next] week [Sun 15 Aug onward]. I am being told they are shooting for it to happen mid to late next week. This is EXCEPTIONALLY EXCITING NEWS coming from Iraq. There was an overwhelming amount of people from the sandbox giving me this news.”

Restored Republic:

Highlights From The Cyber Symposium + AUDIT ALL 50! – August 13, 2021 Update

On Tues. 10 Aug. Wikileaks dumped all their files online:

Clinton emails:


A. Sat. 14 Aug. The Real News from Telegram:

Fox News: shocks_ss on Twitter: “💥💥💥💥💥💥💥LISTEN!!!!
GO TO THE 1:05 mark, Trump getting reinstated Aug 22!!!!” / Twitter 1:05 mark, trumps getting reinstated Aug. 22.

Q Anon-Q Way: The full exposure of Mossad Unit 8200’s operations on US soil will officially begin on the 17th of this month. The date is set in stone. Enjoy The Show

Entire Floor of Fox News HQ Evacuated After Alarming Envelope, Host Asked to Isolate:

What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)? Stay vigilant. Be alert next 10 days. FF attempts may be carried out in attempt to change narrative (neg optics). High possibility of ‘multiple day’ coverage event forcing pause on news. See something. Say something. Clock started – 10 days….Q

Afghanistan: Pentagon deploys 1,000 more troops from the 82nd Airborne’s alert brigade to #Afghanistan on top of the 3,000 as the Taliban begin the assault on Kabul. Taliban captures eastern province of Kunar without a fight: Afghan lawmaker. Taliban seizes Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan’s fourth-most populous city. JUST IN – Taliban are approaching #Kabul from the north, south, and west. USAF airstrikes are reported in the outskirts of Afghanistan’s capital (Sky News/Al Arabiya). JUST IN – Complete power outage in #Kabul, Afghanistan (Sky News).

Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America. Joe Biden gets it wrong every time on foreign policy, and many other issues. Everyone knew he couldn’t handle the pressure. Even Obama’s Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, said as much. He ran out of Afghanistan instead of following the plan our Administration left for him—a plan that protected our people and our property, and ensured the Taliban would never dream of taking our Embassy or providing a base for new attacks against America. The withdrawal would be guided by facts on the ground. After I took out ISIS, I established a credible deterrent. That deterrent is now gone. The Taliban no longer has fear or respect for America, or America’s power. What a disgrace it will be when the Taliban raises their flag over America’s Embassy in Kabul. This is complete failure through weakness, incompetence, and total strategic incoherence.

What did Biden do today about Afghanistan? No explanation. No announcement. Nothing. He left for a two week vacation, along with his wife with a cane on her right arm, boot on her left leg (hiding a bracelet monitor?)

Nicaraguan Police Raid ‘La Prensa’ Newspaper, Charge Directors with Fraud:

Romania: Romanians demand resignation of their government.

India: Ganga, Yamuna overflow bring floods to Uttar Pradesh

Vatican: The FALSE PROPHET (Head Of The Snake) = Head Of The Catholic Church. POPE/S Black/Grey/White

Haiti: JUST IN – Strong 7.2 magnitude earthquake strikes Haiti. Initial reports of significant damage. This quake hit a less densely populated area but was measured to be larger than the magnitude 7.0 in 2010 (over 220,000 died) after which a Tsunami wave hit Haiti.

Fires on the island of Evia, Greece: About 50,000 hectares were burned to near zero, houses were destroyed and hills were charred. Helicopters continue to aid in battles using water from the Aegean Sea. Video The Guardian

Japan issues highest emergency alert for over 1mn people as heavy rain ‘like never before’ triggers evacuations:

France: All workers of the Hospital North of Marseille leave their jobs en bloc, including the emergency room and firefighters. Protests, demonstrations and mass strikes in France, because from September 15th onwards the unvaccinated will no longer be paid by the State. You won’t see this on the news

Canada: Intentionally allowing the Wild Fires to burn in British Columbia, Canada and blaming it on Climate change/Global warming is Treason.

Russia: Streets of Kerch, in Crimea, heavily flooded due to rainfall

Judge Jeanine Pirro: Audits are coming. Durham is coming. Hunter’s laptop is coming. Hillary’s emails are coming. Weiner’s laptop is coming. Donald J. Trump is coming. Full DECLAS is coming. All lies will be revealed, [they] are just trying to get ahead of it. It won’t work.

Judge Orders Biden to Reimplement Key Trump Border Policy as Biden’s Border Catastrophe Worsens:

Whiplash347: Be Ready now. Remember all Govts must stand down Worldwide. Tell me again how your FIAT System is fair and not demonic? You have all been brainwashed for years and years by Operation Mockingbird & Paperclip. You don’t even remember what being Human is anymore on this PLANET.

_ Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna Poised to Make Billions on COVID-19 Boosters

_Andrew Cuomo Speaks Out on Impeachment

_Judge Orders Biden to Reimplement Key Trump Border Policy as Biden’s Border Catastrophe Worsens

_FRANCE: MASSIVE anti-health-pass demonstrations.

_Washington State Capitol protest against Gov. Inslee’s forced vaccinations for state workers.

_Canada to require vaccination for air, rail and marine travelers as well as federal employees.

_’Examining criminal charges’: Durham probe takes major turn!

_BUILDING COLLAPSE: Las Vegas emergency services are on the scene near Desert Inn and Eastern –

_US Embassy staff in Kabul told to ‘DESTROY SENSITIVE material and evacuate’ (Report)

_ Afghan President Ashraf Ghani refuses to resign and stresses on regrouping.

_For the first time, the Taliban fighters have deployed aviation.

_7.2 magnitude earthquake strikes Haiti. Initial reports of significant damage. 10 KM DEPTH

_Russian military firefighting plane has crashed in Kahramanmaras, southern Turkey – WATCH!

_6.9 magnitude earthquake strikes Alaska. A magnitude 6.9 earthquake has shaken the Alaska Peninsula near the settlement of Perryville.

_Japan issues highest emergency alert for over 1mn people as heavy rain ‘like never before’ triggers evacuations

_ GOP Demands Action on Border Crisis After Alleged Leaked Audio of DHS Secretary Surfaces

_China closes World’s third largest shipping port in the world. Thousands of shippimg lines effected

_‘Literally a war’: Australia state goes into COVID lockdown

New South Wales increases fines for people breaching lockdown

_Pakistan’s cyber-attack malware mutates, adopts nefarious new capabilities

_Why academic institutions are at risk of cyber attacks, and the library’s role in cyber security and risk assessment

_Another big company hit by cyber attack Accenture, the global consulting firm.. Thousands effected across the World


Proof of Stock Market Manipulation v2.0 (let’s put on our Big Boy pants and take this a step beyond GME):

💥biggest banks in the world are “losing” their C suite and executive leadership, getting sued for $100s of millions

💥banks and govs are switching over to crypto in droves while bank loans, interest rates, debts are either getting wiped or significantly reduced across many companies and even some countries

💥Khazarian Cryptoheads getting arrested left and right

💥global mints running out of physical gold and silver

💥ww3 scenarios advancing all over multiple fronts around the world

💥election audit results around the world proving almost every country’s election was rigged and stolen

💥the world about to see Byedin not only lost but is also an idiot bc hes not even real 😝

💥seeing all these “climate change” disasters all over the world (floods, earthquakes, fire tornadoes, hurricanes, sinkholes😂) destroying crops and cities, decimating growing/harvesting season and transportation routes.

⚡️refineries, munitions depots, power plants (coal and nuclear) getting blown up

⚡️entire apartment complexes crashing down in seconds🙄leading to imminent 31T of McAfee data about to be declass

⚡️airports, airlines, trains all closing down

⚡️travel industry (largest industry in the world) has not rebounded yet

⚡️Big Pharma and Mockingbird Media are getting wrecked

⚡️shipping and world’s largest/busiest ports closing down

⚡️shipping containers running aground or setting fire to themselves

⚡️NY Gov Cuomo’s replacement about to release nursing home cover up data

⚡️hospitals shutting down worldwide

⚡️o & g continuing to go nowhere causing gas prices to explode

⚡️gov officials getting arrested left and right

⚡️celebrities and entertainers dying left and right, no more music/movie/art industry

⚡️so many countries in World Court for Nuremberg Trials

⚡️so many military coups happening all over the world

so many corrupt officials and terrorist leaders assassinated

🦠so many cities with 100,000s protesting against lockdowns and the police are joining with them

🥾”Doctor” Byedin is suddenly wearing a boot

• Military has had (Cyber) evidence of (China) involvement since 2018 mid-term elections. Re; 2020

• John Durham's job was to obtain the evidence of CIA/FBI (Federal) involvement in those crimes.

• Arizona Audit is going to produce the (Paper) evidence that connects State and Local governments to that same crime.

• All three (Federal, State and Local) provide the evidence needed for Military to confirm our Country’s election was completely attacked by a Foreign enemy. If you watched the Cyber Symposium and paid attention you clearly heard Col. Phil Waldron confirm that EO 13848 & 13849 were initiated.

1855 – ISIS Formed by Sanussi Family linked too

1855 – ISIS Formed by Sanussi Family linked too UK Royals (Khazarians)

1861 – Merged with 322 Skull n Bones(Khazarians)

1870 – 1930 – BIG PHARMA (Khazarian)

1871 – Act of England(Secret Constitution placed by Secret Societies) Khazarian’s

1912 – Titanic/Olympic Sinking

(Who was onboard, what really happened) Those who opposed the Federal Reserve killed.

1913 – Federal Reserve

1917 – The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government 1917 during the first world war (ROTHSCHILD’s/Khazarian’s)

1917 – 1923 Bolshevic Revolution

1940 McDonald’s – Khazarian’s

1945 – 1959 Operation Paperclip/Mockingbird. – Khazarian’s

1948 – Israel Formed(Khazarian/Bolshevic Govt)

1947 – CIA Formed – Khazarian’s

1949 – Mossad Formed – Khazarian’s

1963 – JFK – “I will splinter the CIA into 1000 pieces and scatter it into the winds”

1967 – Operation Mockingbird Exposed.

You already lived the ANTI-CHRIST. The Systems that have been place since 1870 are run by people who HATE GOD. Anti GOD people

Big Pharma poisoning you since 1870 = Zionist

Rothschilds Central Banking Fiat = Zionist 1917

Court/Judiciary System = Zionist

McDonalds CANNIBALISM, Feeding You Human Meat since 1940. =Satanist/Zionist

Main Stream Media/TV/Magazines/Hollywood/Musicians = Satanist/Zionist.

The FALSE PROPHET (Head Of The Snake) = Head Of The Catholic Church. POPE/S Black/Grey/White

Unplugging from the Matrix starts here.

1855 – ISIS Formed by Sanussi Family linked too UK Royals (Khazarians)

1861 – Merged with 322 Skull n Bones(Khazarians)

1870 – 1930 – BIG PHARMA (Khazarian)

1871 – Act of England(Secret Constitution placed by Secret Societies) Khazarian’s

1912 – Titanic/Olympic Sinking

(Who was onboard, what really happened) Those who opposed the Federal Reserve killed.

1913 – Federal Reserve

1917 – The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government 1917 during the first world war (ROTHSCHILD’s/Khazarian’s)

1917 – 1923 Bolshevic Revolution

1940 McDonald’s – Khazarian’s

1945 – 1959 Operation Paperclip/Mockingbird. – Khazarian’s

1948 – Israel Formed(Khazarian/Bolshevic Govt)

1947 – CIA Formed – Khazarian’s

1949 – Mossad Formed – Khazarian’s

1963 – JFK – “I will splinter the CIA into 1000 pieces and scatter it into the winds”

1967 – Operation Mockingbird Exposed.

In 1855 ISIS was formed by Kings of Morocco & Libya. [HASSAN Family]

They signed in the Mohameddi Law which was to Kill The Bloodlines of Jesus Christ[DRUZE]

6 Yrs later they merged with Skull n Bones. Rothschilds, Schiff, Rockefellers, Scherff aka Bush, Kissingers, etc.

The UK Royals artificially inseminated by the Rothschilds had taken control of the Satanic Sanussi [HASSAN] Family of Libya.

See the Sanussi Family [BLACK FLAG]

ISIS was already created, it was just merged over.

Skull n Bones_ ISIS Assassinated JFK.

See JFK meeting Crown Prince HASSAN of Libya & King HASSAN 2 of MOROCCO.

See Obama’s first year of Presidency 2009.

Green Day released a song called Know Your Enemy.

They told you ISIS will rise & don’t be blinded by “Lies in your eyes.

Zbigniew Brzezinski created Tim Osman/OBL in late 70s.

B. Food and Goods Shortages World-Wide:

China partially shuts world’s third largest port after SINGLE COVID case, causes global supply fears! The closed Meishan terminal processes 25% of cargo that passes through the Ningbo-Zhoushan port in eastern China, the world’s third-busiest cargo port.

The closure threatens more disruption to supply chains GLOBALLY, potentially sending commodity prices even higher.

Bloomberg reports Peru is already experiencing delays in some crops trade with China, one of its main economic partners.

“That whole circuit is disrupted when ports are closed due to the pandemic,” Gabriel Amaro, head of Peru’s agriculture industry group Agap told Bloomberg. “What happened at the beginning of the pandemic is repeating.

Military Hang William Barr

For FWC – by Michael Baxter – 14th of August 2021

The Office of Military Commissions on June 21 convicted Barr of High Treason after obtaining evidence that he had accepted bribes in exchange for betraying his oath of office and for participating in a plot to overthrow the democratically-elected president of the United States—Donald J. Trump.

A three-officer panel meticulously weighed the evidence and decreed that the severity of Barr’s crimes merited capital punishment. Three officers unanimously agreed that he should be hanged for his crimes.

“You have been found guilty of Treason, detainee William Barr.

Do you wish to give any last words, or a statement of contrition?”

Rear Adm. Crandall said.

“This is an illegal court, enforcing an illegal sentence. As an appointed official, I served my country with distinction. The charges against me are false,” Barr said.

“So be it,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

That punishment took place in the form of a hanging during the early morning hours on August 2 last.

Barr was once seen as shining star in Trump’s inner circle, a man who would bring righteousness to a corrupt Justice Department by aiding Trump and the military’s conflict against Deep State saboteurs. But his Treasonous turn to the dark side angered many former colleagues, even those who bit their tongue and did not publicly disparage him. Read more.

C. International Child Sex Trafficking: 286 arrested in a Global Human trafficking operation led by Interpol. Over 500,000 check points inspections in Airports and other hotspots identified by Intelligence Investigators. 430 Survivors were rescued during this operation.

286 Arrested in Global Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Operation – Homeland Security Today. Colombia dismantled two different criminal organizations, making 22 arrests.

Hollywood is an institutionalized pedophile ring. It is a den of parasites who feast on the blood of children. Every studio in Hollywood is bought and paid for with the blood of innocent children. Mel Gibson

D. COVID Hoax:

Dr. Pavelski, during a discussion with colleagues about the harm of vaccination, says that according to data from reproductive medicine clinics, the eggs and sperm of vaccinated women and men become immobile, they literally die after vaccination.

Canadian theology professor Dr. Pierre Gilbert warned us all back in 1995, explaining that vaccines contain liquid crystals (Graphene Oxide), which, when exposed to certain magnetic frequencies, can literally turn recipients into zombies.

There is more and more information that all vaccines consist of 90% Graphene Oxide in the form of Nanographene, which after entering the human body rushes to his brain. It sounds like the script of a fantastic movie, but now both doctors and scientists are declaring this.

E. Protocols for Tier 4B Exchanges/ Redemption:

Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo would be sending email notifications with the Safe Link website, plus the Safe Link Website would be published on various Dinar websites.

You could give this link out to others to use for their redemption/ exchange, but the 800 number could only be used once.

Have for your redemption/ exchange two picture IDs, two bills showing your address, your exchange money organized lower to higher amounts and a 1-5 page summary (include your bio and a paragraph on each of your humanitarian projects) of your Humanitarian Project if you have one. If you don’t have one you could bring a list of humanitarian projects you would like to support and/or review the list of global humanitarian projects you would like to support.

Go into the Safe Link Website and answer questions that would prove to the Department of Defense that you were you.

Once satisfied that you weren’t an imposter, you would be let into your personal banking account with the new Quantum Financial System.

Your account would show what currencies and bonds they have record of you buying, the default rate on those currencies and bonds and your account balance.

If there were any missing currencies in your account, or if you gifted or received gifted currencies, you would need an appointment at a Redemption Center to straighten it out.

If you agreed with your account balance and wanted to do your exchange at home without an appointment at a Redemption Center, you could do your exchange with all of the phone support you could possibly require.

If you wanted to do your exchange at home you could request that your debit card that was connected to your QFS money account be sent to you via FedEx in 24 hours.

Doing your exchange at home would likely mean you would accept the Default or International Rate (but this has not been verified). The new rates have been locked in and were said to be extremely high.

If you didn’t agree with your account balance and/or if you had Zim, there would be a number given to you to call for an appointment at a Redemption Center. You could only use this number one time.

If you chose to have an appointment, you would obtain your card at your appointment. When you received your Card you would have access to all monies in your personal Quantum Bank Account.

You would receive a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign at the same time you received your Card.

Those who had Zim and a Humanitarian Project would need to have an appointment at a Redemption Center, where you would hook up with a Wealth Manager. That Manager would coordinate your Humanitarian Project with a Humanitarian committee handling projects across the globe.

At your appointment you would fill out a form. They will take your currency, count it, give you rates, a receipt, a trust account, a bank account and your Card.

Most Zim would be paid out in a long term payout. If you had a large amount of currency it would be paid out in a long term payout. If you wanted a guaranteed income for you and your family for the rest of your life you would want to take that long term payout. That long term payout included interest paid you on the money left at the bank during the long term payout. You would chose the length of long term payout.

The better prepared you are with projects and the longer the long term payout period, the better interest rate you could get on your Zim.

Your Zim rate would be determined by your Humanitarian Project and how you were able to carry it out. Those without a Humanitarian Project would be offered a Default Rate.

80% of your Zim redemption goes into International Projects and 20% would be for personal use including your Humanitarian Project.

All first Redemption/ Exchange Center meetings encompass the first project discussion, if you choose, but everything will take about 20 minutes for this first meeting. You will have project discussion at a second meeting. The higher Contract Rate on the Zim could be, but did not have to be, negotiated at a second appointment with an assigned Wealth Manager.

Once Tier 4 B completes in about 10 days, you’ll have full access to all of your money.

Tier 4 B and Tier 5 the General Public were going in together. The only difference between the two groups was that you’re going to a Redemption Center, while Tier 5 was going to a bank teller window. If someone shows up in a bank with millions of dollars of VND, etc., they’re would be sent to a Redemption Center.

There’s going to be a bank fee, but this can be negotiated away. As far as the rates go, the bank fee is not determined on what your currency rate is, it’s over all currencies you exchange. We had heard that it was 0.25% but you can negotiate it away.

If you were in a partnership and bought currencies together you have two options: Go together, share the meeting, sign NDA’s for each other. Or, split your currency as you agreed and go separately for the appointment. Then, make sure you have a copy of the receipt for future needs, should it be required.

This was not a taxable event.

You can take family members into the Redemption Center. You can sit with them, and you can interpret. If you accompany your friends or family, you’ll have to sign an NDA for them. You can share everything before you go in. Then you go in and sign your NDA AND BE QUIET.

Everything goes into the Quantum System, whether D1, 2 or 3. D1 is GOVERNMENT and some parts of MILITARY. Debts were owed to China. US made promises, borrowed money from D1 to allow US to access this money. Result was China required US to pay down this debt. This is now being paid down. The Chinese mainly have control over D1 and D2, but the debt is being paid down now and because of this Tier 4 can go in and exchange.

Gifting Currency was still possible. No Gift Letter was required and no tax would be collected. The Gift Letter would be required if the bills were found to have been reported. It was always best to have a Gift Letter.

If you did not have a Humanitarian Project, you could choose to support projects that were provided by the United Nations. Doing so would also give you a higher rate.

There has to be an announcement of USN somehow. But, even if USN isn’t announced and NESARA is, this will still take place. The DEBT PAYOFF is evidence that NESARA is beginning.

They can partner you up with other people on your Humanitarian Project so that you share the cost. It’s not going to be you alone.

There would be a 3 day rescission period where you could ask for different rates and terms.

In the first 90 days you will receive 20% of your 20% Zim redemption.

1% will be on Card at your redemption appointment, 99% would be put under a Trust Company.

We have 90 days to change to another Trust Company.

UBI cards would be issued to citizens of all GESARA countries with amounts dependent on people’s needs.

F. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele

Jenny Hill on a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite:

WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators worshipping Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Illuminati Banking families’ and Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizza-Gate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”

G. Satanic Holidays: Sat. 7 Sept. 2021 was the next major Satanic Holiday called Marriage to the Satanic Beast Satan. It was celebrated by local, global elite and international Satanic Covens with blood, sexual human sacrifice and dismemberment of an female age infant to 21 – followed by eating their flesh and drinking their Adreno Chromed blood – all according to the Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused clients.

Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled children and teens being forced to participate in the rape, torture and murder of themselves and other children.

Months in advance Satan worshippers planned for their holidays by kidnapping children and teens, while commonly perpetrators impregnated preteens and teens to produce their own victims. The babies, children and teens were starved, tortured and used in sex orgies in preparation for human sacrifice rites.

Please report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement. Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments, cover your tracks by also contacting U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): and the Federal Human Trafficking Website:

Called To Rescue

A non-profit which rescues children who have been abused or trafficked


You Can Anonymously Report Trafficked and Abused Children

If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking, contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and/or the non-profit organization, Saving Innocence.

H. The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA was all about the Children

It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world. The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites. Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who were right now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:

Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.

I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites. It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/ exchange appointments.

After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email, post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days, so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.

This is not a goodbye. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.

A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Martha who has unceasingly worked around the clock to discern what is real in the fake news; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy


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