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Ivanka Trump hasn’t tweeted since her 2nd Covid Shot May 5th – If Pres. Trump Had Two shots, What’s the Chances of Him Not Surviving For The 2024 Election?

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Sunday, 15-Aug-2021 04:34:57

In a recent article on the GLP blog site it was brought up that Ivanka Trump, President Trump’s daughter, received her second shot in May, and hasn’t tweeted since. Both of her shots were filmed and documented for the public.
The worry was that she may have gotten ill and was simply not in the mood to tweet, or that she may have even died of the shot.
Since that rumor is spreading it makes a person wonder what President Trump’s condition is at this time since he also promotes the “clot-shot”. It was documented that he and his wife received the shot, but in research on the subject there is no information on whether he received the second shot. In one article they said this: “There was no detail on which shot they received or how many doses they had been given.” (unquote)

With highly qualified doctors, nurses and medical researchers revealing the fact that a large percentage of those that got the Covid 19 shot WILL DIE, it makes a person wonder if Trump will even survive to run in the 2024 election.
Since there is no guarantee Biden will be replaced by Trump if massive voter fraud is proven and acted on by the government, Americans have to wonder if Trump will even run for re-election again if he falls ill from the deadly experimental shot, or worse. I don’t wish him ill at all, and hope he stays healthy. But, unfortunately he swallowed the vaccine lie, which is not a true vaccine, but an experimental gene therapy potion that has now killed tens of thousands of people – and should have been stopped! This is the reality we now face.

At no time in history have nations faced such a massive, global fake pandemic that has the authorities pushing a false cure that in fact can make people deathly sick or kill them. The entire situation we’re in, is inconceivable, but needs to be faced as more thousands drop dead after getting the jab. We may never know how many will die from the shot, or when, but as more die it is going to be pretty difficult to hide the truth from the public.

Right now, they are pushing the narrative that it is a fresh outbreak of a new strain that is killing people - but no proof is given. And, it is proven that 50 to 90%+ of those that get this “new strain” had the shot.
In fact, we still don’t know if people have gotten sick from so called Covid or the regular A and B flu viruses. Which have mysteriously disappeared from the statistics as basically non-existent. Funny how that happens.

In this bizzarro world we are living in today, we don’t know what to expect from one minute to the next - let alone depend on who will drop dead next in our neighborhoods, in their cars driving and in cities across the nation. That means our nation is in a state of flux. No current laws, economy, peacetime lifestyles or status of a pandemic can be counted on. They could pass laws to a mandate a shot, or punish people so severely that it creates an ugly environment where second class citizens are created and shunned from society like lepers, because they simply don’t want the vax.

What happened to our freedoms and Constitutional rights? That all went out the window when the socialists took over in a fraudulent election. And that overthrow of the nation was approved and sanctioned by the Supreme court and the US Congress in DC. “It’s all legal don’t ya know, so it’s all perfectly fine. Nothing to see her, go back to your lives like obedient sheep. And by the way, get the shot and hand in your guns while you’re at it – and don’t forget to line up your children for the president’s sniff test.”

At this time, we are facing so many chaotic situations on the horizon, it is difficult to determine which ones will happen next and how severe it will be.
But the recent debacle and betrayal in Afghanistan has given us a small glimpse on what to expect next. We are now considered the laughing stock of the world as our troops in Kabul are surrounded by 20,000 men in dresses who are killing and raping across the land. And as soon as we are gone, which is now hours away, they will go back to marrying 7 year olds and killing the mothers and fathers if they try to defend their children.

Why were we even there to begin with? Answer: the production of opium with $ billions in sales, and the creation of a foreign war to generate military industrial profits. God Bless America!
Was that worth the death of 2,500 Americans and untold numbers of contractors and innocent lives in that country?

We are being led around by the nose by diabolical leaders that have fine tuned their murderous craft to kill off excess people and control nations while they generate a profit. That needs to be exposed and stopped. But unfortunately, it won’t be an Obama, Biden or a rino republican that will do it. The entire system is corrupt from top to bottom and we are the victims and the stepping stones for these communist leaders to continue their rise to power. George Eaton

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