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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Tuesday, 10-Aug-2021 04:36:41

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 10 Aug. 2021

Compiled Tues. 10 Aug. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

It’s a Go.

Boom Week is Here, and It Ends Friday the 13th

(Black Friday Stock Market Crash?)

Trust the Plan


If You Could See What’s Coming, You Wouldn’t Stress About What’s Happening

And, Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming.

Be Ready.

God Bless America & Patriotic Music – The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square – Bing video

Judy Note: Fleming’s Military Intel Contact said that it was looking like some very promising next few days ahead. The World Court was still monitoring the Global Currency Reset process and their strict requirements was pushing the GCR forward. All expected the levels to be paid out and Tier 4B (Us, the Internet Group) to start redemption/ exchanges this week.

On Sun. 8 Aug. because the Elders placed high significance on the number 8 as the number of “New Beginnings” and in order to stay in alignment with the Chinese Elders and World Court mandate, Asian countries and banks in Honk Kong, Shanghai, Indonesia and Singapore started releasing RV/GCR liquidity.

On Mon. morning 9 Aug. the RV teams met and reviewed progress of the RV. By 12:17 pm EST a release was given to proceed toward Shotgun liquidity. The roll out remained on schedule for this week.

Bond holders were told that they would have full liquidity access by Tues. 10 Aug, at about the same time F&Ps were expected to be initiated.

On that same Tues. 10 Aug. Patriot Mike Lindell’s 2020 Election Fraud evidence Cyber-security Symposium would start and go through Thurs. 12 Aug. Lindell would kick off the Mass Disclosure in Sioux Falls, S. D. The 2020 Election Fraud exposure Event would provide cover and distraction. Lindell was a computer expert who had forensic cyber evidence of Deep State agents domestically and internationally of Nov 2020 election fraud vote switching from Trump to the fake Biden in the six swing states of AZ, NV, GA, PA, MI and WI. Lindell Cyber Symposium:

News station owners had been given a 36 hour notice – they had until early evening Tues. 10 Aug. to comply as directed with the Emergency Broadcast System activation.

On Wed. 11 Aug. we would see both the Emergency Broadcast System activation and President Trump alerts. (Trump was expected to drop by the Lindell conference on that Wed. 11 Aug. to share some details).

The AZ Election Fraud Results would come out the latter half of this week.

Tier 3-4A groups would start exchanges and then Tier 4B would be notified by the middle to the end of the week.

Our Military Intel Contact advised to keep prayers going, and for Tier 4B to keep phones charged, plus to check inboxes from this Wed. 11 Aug. onward.

Fleming’s Military Intel Contact confirmed that all weekend the RV teams had been working on clean up of accounts, especially the F&P (+adjudicated-settlements + PPs), making sure the payouts were correct, the accrued interest updated and correct for thousands of F&P accounts.

A. Upcoming Events:

A Major Event planned for Wed. to Sat. 11-14 Aug.: 2020 Election Integrity Cyber Symposium with attendees including over 300 delegates from 45 states, 90 top experts, 60-70 national media, plus representatives from the CIA, DHS and NSA.

Other Events were also starting on Wed. 11 Aug.: Assange Case reveal, 2020 Arizona Audit Release, Declass on Mossad, plus Biden was to announce a national lockdown around same time as a Emergency Broadcast System Test.

The Military reported that now the RV could no longer be reversed and a High Up Source said that this was the first time both the Temple Control Center in Texas and the new US Treasury in Reno felt that the GCR was finally going to happen.

On Fri. 6 Aug. Iraq announced implementation of reform including the new Dinar Rate to the GOI, CBI & IMF. New currency rates were locked down on the back of bank screens.

Emails with the Secured Website and 800#s to set appointments would be sent out according to time zones, going East to West across the globe.

See below protocols for bond redemption and foreign currency exchange.

B. The Real News for Mon. 9 Aug. 2021:

Q, The Storm Rider: Billions will RESIST the Vaccines and force mandates= [STRIKES] [WALKOUTS] [COLLAPSE] [IMMINENT] ON THE CLOCK ⏰

RED1_RED2_RIG FOR RED Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing! Rig for Red Ezra’s 9/11 Declass Tweet #4671: Time Stamp Sept. 11 8:14:46 Connects Durham Report & 911

RED 2 — central communications blackout. Internet 2.0 is coming & it won’t be the digital internet passports or any passports. Prepare yourselves — the storm is going to get more intense. They Want To Shut Down The Internet | INSPIRED 2021. A global internet shutdown might be imminent. We have seen preparations and signs for this and it might be time to get ready and prepare – also, a great & inspiring alternative is in the works!

Flights Cancelled Across America: BREAKING! FLIGHTS ACROSS AMERICA ALL BACKED UP BC PILOTS/CREW ARE WALKING OFF BOARDED FLIGHTS! THEY ARE REFUSING THE MANDATED JAB They’re shorting airlines because airlines are getting $20,000,000 in cares bailouts and they’re trafficking the illegals all over the states. We caught one in Minot, 100 in Dickinson. That’s why they’re shorting the airlines. Cares is paying them to shut up. Then when you don’t have a vaccine passport you can’t flee your state (like mine in ND) because they already have it in our century code they can close down the roads. Plus the 30-30 plan where they’re going to take 30% of our land and PEOPLE CAN’T GO THERE. So gulags.

Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Africa, Asian Countries had been having high Military Aircraft activity with their transponders off since Sun. 8 Aug.

Trump Office: The Jan 6th protest lasted 4 hours and nothing was burned or destroyed. Antifa rioted for an entire year, burned, looted and murdered people across the nation and overthrew police stations and courthouse nationwide. Why no Antifa Commission to investigate?

Ivanka Trump: The US Department of Homeland Security has once again issued a bulletin warning of a “growing but moderate” threat of violence related to the conspiracy theory that Trump will be reinstated in office. DHS also acknowledged that there is no concrete evidence of this conspiracy.

The Republicans of Carbon County Wyoming adopted a unanimous resolution and canceled the recognition of the traitor Liz Cheney as a “Republican” representative, calling on the Republican Party of the House of Representatives to remove her from committee appointments.

Wildfires in California are recognized as the second largest in the history of the state. The fire started on July 14 northeast of Chico, California, and has grown to more than 460,000 acres. Four firefighters were injured, 400 buildings burned down, more than 30,000 people were evacuated from their homes. While there are no reports of deaths, 4 people are missing.

Corrupt Maricopa County officials continue to proclaim their innocence after Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli sent an official request to Attorney General Brnovich to investigate Maricopa County’s non-compliance with subpoenas. The Attorney General of the State of Brnovich sent a notification to Maricopa County requesting a written response from the County Supervisory Board before 17: 00 on Friday, August 20, 2021.

According to the Freedom of Information Act, it became known that Fauci and NIAID spent more than 400 thousand dollars on infecting dogs with painful and deadly parasites in various biological experiments.

Biden’s Secretary of Transportation could not answer the question of where and to how many states Biden sends illegal foreigners.

The traitorous Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, was again loudly booed at the event for helping the Democrats steal the election.

Bill Gates smiles on the video, offering to deny unvaccinated persons their social security benefits.

A company providing passenger transportation services from St. Louis, USA, refuses to serve vaccinated and masked people.

Biden is not going to cancel his plans to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. Meanwhile, the Taliban captured Kunduz , a key city on the border with Tajikistan. Two Afghan lawmakers from the northeastern province of Takhar said that its capital, Talekan, also came under the control of the Taliban.

Britain has informed Iran through an intermediary that it does not seek to increase tensions or take military action against Tehran. Two people were killed and four were injured in a bomb explosion near a hotel in Quetta, Pakistan.

American Virginia Roberts said that she is filing a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against the son of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Andrew, in a New York court, accusing him of committing sexual violence, at the time of which Roberts was 17 years old.

Watch out for Fake Triots Accounts. You can spot them easily. These accounts are still talking about Canada having CCP Military at the border between Canada and US. Clearly, these people know nothing about the US Military Special Forces and Allied Special Forces cleaning up the DUMBs and Tunnels in Canada and have removed tens of thousands of CCP Military personnel. Also, don’t forget many people who worked for and with 45 were Traitors… HRH Romana Didulo, Head of State and Commander-in-Chief, Head of Government of Canada, Queen of Canada/President of Canada.

Whiplash347: A lot of information above on the Global Military Operation to shutdown Bitcoin Mining who was invented by CIA, UK Royals, Rothschilds, Guthrie Castle & put mainly in the hands of CCP for Nefarious Activities. Q Save The World shows you US vs China Tech War & shows a Nuke being launched out of a Large Water Body. Saving Israel for Last has multiple meanings. The Khazarian/Bolshevics own Big Pharma but it is in Wuhan. Just like Gates & Soros have the 2 Labs in Wuhan. Rods of God will be whacking Big Pharma. That will certainly hammer the market. This is how we get given 6000 cures, med beds etc. This is why POTUS told us all hospital equipment will be obsolete.

Q, the Storm Rider: Many different groups and channels and other social media Truthers and other leakers. Don’t know they are working together. It was PLANNED this way by INTEL. Many of them don’t like Q. Many ANONS that follow Q don’t like these other groups and their platforms. Example ALEX JONES many think he’s a schill and have distain for him (but then why did General Flynn have back door communications with him and why did Flynn do his interview with Jones? Or David Icke who distains most organized affiliated movements connected to Mil. INTEL. Or Allen Truthers who hate vaccines and feel ostracized from Q groups. Or Large spiritual group movements that don’t believe in electrions or political systems and many others who are now being forced into the political arena to post their views against the pandemic/ vaccines/lockdowns/fake false mainstream narrative. This list could go on and on to many who hate Trump..>> but also hate the vaccines/lockdowns/fake MSM narrations.. Many are beginning to wake up to a world nightmare connected to BIDEN or their own governments in control across the world. Through the world many organizations and groups that don’t like each other and publicly hate each other or insult each other…///Really.>>Don’t know they are on the same side of the Battle Fields<<… Many were positioned unknownly into forefronts and gained hundreds of thousands/millions of followers or had their base already… But now most of these groups/ Internet fractions are converging against the PLANDEMIC>>VACCINES>> FAKE MSM NARRATIONS/FAKE HEALTH ORGS. MISINFORMATION AND LIES.. FROM COUNTRY TO COUNTRY ACROSS THE WORLD. THE GREAT AWAKENING. PLAN IS GOING STRONG AND ON COURSE. Even democratic voters are jumping ship like mice.. People who took the vaccines are now being called the Virus spreaders and didn’t regain the promised freedom they were offered if they took the vaccine… The vaxxxed are growing Angry!!!.. turning on Health Mafia and MSM lies. You are inside the Storm of a World Wide Awaking. Stay strong Patriots /ANONS. And my DEPLORABLE BEAUTIFUL FRIENDS. YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW. SUMMER OF FIRE KEEP YOUR BUCKLES BUCKLED! TURBULENCE UP AHEAD PAIN FOR THE NEWBIES! Sheep waking up these new sheep waking up are going to cause a stampede. Not all sheep waking up will come into Q INTEL…95% of sheep waking up are not part of the Q movement and will choose DARK retributions/Riots/chaos or fumble into hopelessness. Have compassion and keep sharing information ANONS. Blackout [IMMINENT] ON THE ⏰

Whiplash347: You can tie so much to Benghazi. Fake Assassination of Osama Bin Laden (Was a Body Double). Extortion 17. Some of those Seals are Alive too. Aaron Vaughn is here. Golden Tickets. Also the kids stuck in Thailand Caves that the Seals rescued. In a separate operation. Delta Force found Ghaddafi’s Stolen Gold in the Caves. It was stolen by Obama and was being used to pay ISIS.

I think the 1st arrest will be Osama Bin Laden. It would be the one to shock the world. It was a fake trophy kill body double killed. Obama paid off Iran to hide him in Northern Iran. Seal Team 6 knew the truth. Obama/Biden had them go to Afghanistan. Organized for them to be shot down. Some survived. Ie Aaron Vaughn. This then leads into Benghazi. It opens up September 11 2001. Talking about opening up PANDORA’s Box. “GOLDEN TICKETS”

Barack Hussein Obama His 4 identities” Character Obama, Character Bin Laden, Character Barry Soetoero His Real Name Bari Shabazz. Fourth Reich Stealth Nazi. Documents show Barack Obama’s real name is Bari Shabazz. He was born as a love child in 1959 in New York to a white girl by the name of Jo Ann Newman/Stanley Ann Dunham, and a black man by the name of Malcolm Shabazz. Malcolm Shabazz was more infamously known as Malcolm X. Malcolm X was a devout Muslim and Communist, just like his son is today. According to documents on the CIA’s very own website, Osama bin Laden was a U.S. intelligence asset named Tim Osman. Tim Osman was recruited by the U.S. Intelligence Agency shortly after George W. Bush’s father became CIA director in 1976. Osman has become better known as Osama Bin Laden. Tim Osman was the name assigned to him by the CIA for his tour of the U.S. and U.S. military bases, in search of political support and armaments. There is some evidence that Tim Osman visited the White House. Documents show Barack Obama’s real name is Bari Shabazz. He was born as a love child in 1959 in New York to a white girl by the name of Jo Ann Newman/Stanley Ann Dunham, and a black man by the name of Malcolm Shabazz. Malcolm Shabazz was more infamously known as Malcolm X. Malcolm X was a devout Muslim and Communist, just like his son is today. Project Camelot’s TRUTH UNITE hosts U.S. Army Whistleblower Scott Bennett and U.S. Army Veteran Michael-Jay interview Investigative Researcher Martha Trowbridge on the actual personal history of “Barack Obama”. Aka Obama is the ‘improbable love’ son of civil rights activist Malcolm X and Adolf Hitler’s daughter; hence his need for Identity Fraud, in order to overthrow the United States “Government and Institute Hitler-led Fourth Reich stealth Nazi leadership of America” OBAMA IS THE GRANDSON OF ADOLF HITLER; HIS MOTHER IS THE DAUGHTER OF ADOLF HITLER AND EVA BRAUN

Frazzle Drip Part 2: LOADED.TRIGGERED. The Hillary Clinton Files Are Now Complete. . . >Killary>Bill>Huma>Weiner>[TANGO][DOWN] INDICTMENTS PODESTA BROTHERS [NEXT] I Invented Cyber Security{We.Have.It.All} Remember That. . . NCSWIC John McAfee. John McAfee is highlighting Q576 about Frazzle Drip. If that is going to be released to shutdown the internet then you may want to understand it.

We’ve already removed/dethroned and executed the fake Queen Elizabeth II of England and Co., removed the Vatican, removed the 13 evil Families bloodlines, Washington DC, etc., etc. Do you still think the Pissositos working for the fake Queen of England company masquerading in Ottawa Canada as Government have any power, authority, privileges and ranks? Give your head a shake…

Med Beds: There will be 3 Types of Med Beds. One of them reverses Vaccine Damage. If you have any Children on the Spectrum they will reverse this too. Everything will be cured. Cancer, Motor Neuron Diseases like MND, MS, Cerebral Palsy etc. 6000 Cures are coming in 1 big hit. Hospitals all over the world are being Cyber Attacked. They are shutting down Elective Surgeries & other treatments ie Cancer Treatments. Med Beds on the way. Old Treatments are Obsolete just like POTUS said.

Canada Med Beds: Re: Med-Beds & latest medical technologies. Yes, we will have Med-Beds in all of our Hospitals from Coast to Coast to Coast. We will replace the old and obsolete technologies the Hospitals currently use. The men, women, and children of Canada 2.0, will have the best of the best of everything when it comes to health care. Also, our people will have the option to choose between the Med-Beds or going to a Natural Medicine practitioner.

Will it be Obama Image shooting a US Airmen? Will it be HRC/Huma Abedin Frazzle Drip? Or Will it be the NSA releasing a whole flood of incriminating evidence on to the internet to bring on the Major Cyber Attacks? Will a Video be played in Times Square NYC as well? MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BACKED UP YOUR DATA FROM SOCIAL MEDIA. The whole lot is going. The INTERNET WILL BE REBOOTED. OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD NEEDS TO BE REMOVED.

UK: Crowds gather outside the BBC and accuse them of serious bias and pushing COVID Passports. Massive Police presence now in place.

Myanmar: They Wait Hours to Withdraw Cash, but Most A.T.M.s Are Empty. Myanmar has been crippled by a cash shortage since the military seized power six months ago, plunging the Southeast Asian nation into a financial crisis.

Japan: TOKYO: Japan has ordered the evacuation of some 300,200 people from the prefectures of Hiroshima, Shimane and Ehime over the Lupit typhoon.

China: The poor Chinese pinks and 50-cents can only drift with the flow in the flood. Hope they can survive the disaster again and still be able to defend the CCP on the internet. Yangtze River, and the time has come to test the Three Gorges Dam. China, Dazhou: More than 100,000 people have been evacuated from their homes in south-west China due to heavy rain and flooding. Half a dozen cities in Sichuan province have experienced flash floods over the past two days.

Russian fishing vessel ON FIRE in Norway. Several explosions throughout the night caused port authorities to suspend attempts to put out a blaze on the Russian vessel, Tamango, in Norway’s Arctic port of Kirkenes. The vessel was tugged away from the coast and all the crew were rescued.

Israel: It started! Child kidnapping by social services and police under the COVID emergency ruling in Israel. Share with all power!

FRANCE Pray for the FRENCH, who are leading the GLOBAL CHARGE against this great COVID VAXX EVIL, which has been THRUST on Humanity by the GLOBALIST LUCIFERIANS. THE French are going Head to Head against the Bastards. Here in France it has gone to the extreme with the “Health” Pass. Last week on the 21st ALL restaurants, bars, coffee shops, and any leisure activities like sporting events, theaters, cinemas, museums, were closed to anyone without “the pass” and all staff at these places are mandated to get the jab to keep their job. It is now a 6 Month prison sentence if you are caught inside any of these places without the pass (the man who slapped the president in the face got only 3 months prison time). Business owners will get a fine of 45,000 euros and 1 year prison sentence if they do not comply with the use of “the pass” and force all their employees to get the jab. (If you know France, you can commit murder and have less of a sentence). So the result? All the low paid employees quit, they can make more on welfare here. (for now). We can still technically “get take out food” but I just tried last night and every restaurant in our town (that is dine in with take out) has closed their doors due to the lack of staff. As of last week ALL doctors, nurses and health industry workers have been mandated to get the jab or lose their license, practice, job, business etc. (ALL health care here is Govt. paid positions and there are no private health care Doctors or Hospitals etc.) Since the Health care system is state run and funded, it has been run into the ground. All the good doctors left France 5 Years ago, all the hospitals look like they are 3rd world hospitals since there is no money to repair them, half of the equipment doesn’t work and not every hospital is stocked with supplies needed for daily needs (masks, gels, disposable gowns etc.). For 5 years Nurses have been understaffed and doing double the work because the Health care system is nearly bankrupt…. So add to this the mandatory jab. So the result? Well they took to the streets by the millions and now all the hospitals just lost another 50% of staff capacity. My doctor just went into early retirement (a.k.a. he quit) and I have yet to find a replacement. As of Aug 1st ALL large malls, retail stores and grocery store owners and their staff need to be jabbed and the health pass is required to enter for employees and customers. This would be the equivalent to closing ALL Targets, Walmarts, Costcos, Home Depots, and all major grocery stores. (basically any building over 20,000 square meters) to those without “the pass”. Result.?? Aug 15th Truckers will be going on strike Nation-wide; Blocking all access roads in and out of Paris. Yesterday an entire airport in Northern France closed due to the majority of staff quitting. As of Sept 15th All public areas and access will be off limits. No farmers markets, no parks, no national parks, lakes, rivers, beaches, recreation areas, campsites etc. and no gathering over 100 people, no churches, no weddings, etc. As of Oct 1st ALL small vendors such as, delis, pizza trucks, sandwich shops, butchers, bakers, vegetable stands etc. So as of Oct 1st I will only be able to purchase food by internet and pick up (if allowed). Food shortages, Truckers strike, hospitals and airports shutting down unemployment going through the roof. It’s going to be a bumpy ride folks. Is it me or does all this seem a bit extreme for a “pass” that isn’t exactly working? America, England, Australia, New Zealand, you’d better wake up.

Australia is still locked down and it is pretty bad out here but there is some good news. I have nothing specific to share and I don’t like predicting as I have got it wrong before but from looking at tons of information and how that information has changed I think we will see big things happen this week from the 9th and especially from the 11th. Not to diminish all the big things that have happened in the last week or so but I believe bigger things are coming. I can see everything playing out with military precision after they have happened. Nearly all US Navy is on exercises in the Pacific for 2 weeks. This is at the same time that all the eastern side of Australia is in hard lockdown from Melbourne to Townsville and all major centers in between. Large military presence in Australia including US and other countries here. The announcement of 17 time zones Navy Exercises. Our politicians (Australian) have gone crazy in what they are trying to do to Australians and a lot of the dates coincide with the 11th. The 11th Mike Lindell's Corruption show starts, Julian Assange final court appeal happens, lock down rumors for USA, McAfee rumors and information, Britney Spears information and court case, Russian Navy on exercises they are good as well, mass troop movements in USA, Australia, Russia, England, Europe, that I know of. WHO doing back flips. Evil Dr Fucky lying his ass off and getting caught out over and over. He is doomed. All the information coming out about how bad the vax is. All the legal cases being won by the good guys including the big one in Canada and a big one in Australia. Dems throw New York Govenor under the bus to create a distraction. Dems are like hyenas hunting and picking over carcasses and will stick together like a pack until they can throw someone away to save themselves. I think Trump will be officially back running things before the end of the month. He has never not been running things. The RV GESARA/ NESARA if not completed will be so soon. Many more people talking about this now. Lots predicting different things so something is happening but I don’t know what. Media going mad in what they are saying and changing from one day to the next. Total Panic. A couple of MSM who are corrupt are now starting to report the truth. Throwing people under the bus to save themselves. To late. US military report on election confirms massive fraud. This I believe is enough for the military to take over and reinstate Trump just don’t know how they are going to play it out. Declass date was 1st Aug but not much seemed to happen though a lot is but if you change calenders what would be the 1st of Aug is the 14th of Aug and this make sense with what is happening. Round one of information release starts the 11th then round 2 the 14th. I believe the White Hats are just waiting for the Cabal to shut all media down that they do not control including social networks and then wham Black out will happen all troops are in place, all media will be arrested in 3 day blackout and then 10 days of movies. Slash and burn in place with all the fires around the globe. They are losing if we can’t have it we are not going to leave it for you. They are coming after the children now. This is desperation to do as much damage as possible before they lose. Protect your children at all costs. One of Trump's booby traps went off. Dems did tax audit again involving Chicago. Try and convince me that Trump and the best accountants in the world did not know they owed Trump $1.03 Million USD from 1999. 20+ years of audits and Trumps accountants the best in the world never picked it up? BOOM oops should not have tread on that one. What a time to be alive and aware of everything going on. We can’t make any money at the moment so spending all my spare time researching. I have no idea what is going to happen and when just hunches. Be safe, have some spare food around. Wishing you all the best. Yours Sincerely in Love and Light Craig RoyAussie Patriot

C. International Child Sex Trafficking:

So the vessel Durham showed up again close to Las Palmas, and turned off its GPS once again. So Durham may have made stops in Haiti and Las Palmas under the radar. Did we just catch 2 child trafficking stops on their route? Durham's prior post:

So the vessel Durham showed up again close to Las Palmas, and turned off its GPS once again. So Durham may have made stops in Haiti and Las Palmas under the radar. Did we just catch 2 child trafficking stops on their route? Durham's prior post:

17 people were arrested in connection with sexual crimes against minors, among them Disney employees: A 26-year-old lifeguard from Disney World’s Animal Kingdom Lodge was arrested in work clothes after going to meet a 13-year-old girl for sex in Polk County, according to the sheriff’s office. Kenneth Javier Aquino of Orlando was one of 17 people arrested in a child protection sexual operation involving detectives from the Oberndale Police Department, the Orlando Police Department, the Winter Haven Police Department and the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. During the operation, from July 27 to August 1, detectives posed as 13-14-year-olds in social networks, mobile applications and on dating sites.

Pay attention to the number 17. It is present in many articles, situations, even in Trump’s statements.17 is a reference to Q (the ordinal number of a letter in the English alphabet). Arrests of small fish are a kind of preparation of the public to realize that there are a lot of pedophiles around, they are everywhere. A pedophile can be your neighbor, a teacher at school or a boss at work. Is it worth reminding once again that all of Hollywood, show business, and global politics are also thoroughly saturated with Satanism and pedophilia? The truth will definitely be revealed and this disclosure will be associated with very famous people.

D. COVID Hoax:

Last year the FDA said during the trial that they would not approve any COVID-19 vaccines.

The 1918 “Spanish Flu”: Only The Vaccinated Died. Vaccine promoters claim that vaccines wiped out most infectious diseases. History tells us a different story. Infectious diseases like Measles, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria, Typhoid Fever and Polio

CDC Director (August): Vaccines no longer prevent transmission.

SPANISH RESEARCHERS FIND A WAY TO REMOVE MAGNETIC GRAPHENE FROM THE BODY AFTER A COVID-JAB Richardo Delgardo, who is a part of La Quinta Columna, has successfully tested an inexpensive way to remove magnetic grap

People Are Dying, Misdiagnosed:

Some data is now coming out in those that have had the shots 6 months or more ago. Their health has been destroyed as viruses are starting to run rampant in their bodies and their likelihood of cancers increased exponentially “10 to 20 fold increase in uterine cancer” already. Everyone needs to be ready for the rage that is coming when ordinary people realize what has been done to them.

Just reported that over 20% of the people coming across our Southern Border have Coronavirus (sometimes referred to as the China Virus), many of them being immediately released into our communities—and then our “Government” tells you how to mask up, use three if possible, and how to otherwise act as highly infected people pour into our Country. Finish the wall in one month, stop paying contractors billions of dollars for NOT building the wall, and stop allowing some of the worst prisoners and criminals anywhere in the world into our Country—jails of other countries are being emptied into ours. Such a thing has never happened to any nation before. This is what a Rigged and Corrupt Presidential Election gets you!

E. Protocols for Tier 4B Exchanges/ Redemption:

Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo would be sending email notifications with the Safe Link Website, plus the Safe Link Website would be published on various Dinar websites.

You could give this link out to others to use for their Redemption/ Exchange, but the 800 number could only be used once.

Have for your Redemption/ Exchange two picture IDs, two bills showing your address, your exchange money organized lower to higher amounts and a 1-5 page summary (include your bio and a paragraph on each of your humanitarian projects) of your Humanitarian Project if you have one. If you don’t have one you could bring a list of Humanitarian Projects you would like to support and/or review the list of global Humanitarian Projects you would like to support.

Go into the Safe Link Website and answer questions that would prove to the Department of Defense that you were you.

Once satisfied that you weren’t an imposter, you would be let into your personal banking account with the new Quantum Financial System.

Your account would show what currencies and bonds they have record of you buying, the default rate on those currencies and bonds and your account balance.

If there were any missing currencies in your account, or if you gifted or received gifted currencies, you would need an appointment at a Redemption Center to straighten it out.

If you agreed with your account balance and wanted to do your exchange at home without an appointment at a Redemption Center, you could do your exchange with all of the phone support you could possibly require.

If you wanted to do your exchange at home you could request that your debit card that was connected to your QFS money account be sent to you via FedEx in 24 hours.

Doing your exchange at home would likely mean you would accept the Default or International Rate (but this has not been verified). The new rates have been locked in and were said to be extremely high.

If you didn’t agree with your account balance and/or if you had Zim, there would be a number given to you to call for an appointment at a Redemption Center. You could only use this number one time.

If you chose to have an appointment, you would obtain your card at your appointment. When you received your Card you would have access to all monies in your personal Quantum Bank Account.

You would receive a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign at the same time you received your Card.

Those who had Zim and a Humanitarian Project would need to have an appointment at a Redemption Center, where you would hook up with a Wealth Manager. That Manager would coordinate your Humanitarian Project with a Humanitarian Committee handling projects across the globe.

At your appointment you would fill out a form. They will take your currency, count it, give you rates, a receipt, a trust account, a bank account and your Card.

Most Zim would be paid out in a long term payout. If you had a large amount of currency it would be paid out in a long term payout. If you wanted a guaranteed income for you and your family for the rest of your life you would want to take that long term payout. That long term payout included interest paid you on the money left at the bank during the long term payout. You would chose the length of long term payout.

The better prepared you are with projects and the longer the long term payout period, the better interest rate you could get on your Zim.

Your Zim rate would be determined by your Humanitarian Project and how you were able to carry it out. Those without a Humanitarian Project would be offered a Default Rate.

80% of your Zim Redemption goes into International Projects and 20% would be for personal use including your Humanitarian Project.

All first Redemption/ Exchange Center meetings encompass the first project discussion, if you choose, but everything will take about 20 minutes for this first meeting. You will have project discussion at a second meeting. The higher Contract Rate on the Zim could be, but did not have to be, negotiated at a second appointment with an assigned Wealth Manager.

Once Tier 4 B completes in about 10 days, you’ll have full access to all of your money.

Tier 4 B and Tier 5 the General Public were going in together. The only difference between the two groups was that you’re going to a Redemption Center, while Tier 5 was going to a bank teller window. If someone shows up in a bank with millions of dollars of VND, etc., they’re would be sent to a Redemption Center.

There’s going to be a bank fee, but this can be negotiated away. As far as the rates go, the bank fee is not determined on what your currency rate is, it’s over all currencies you exchange. We had heard that it was 0.25% but you can negotiate it away.

If you were in a partnership and bought currencies together you have two options: Go together, share the meeting, sign NDA’s for each other. Or, split your currency as you agreed and go separately for the appointment. Then, make sure you have a copy of the receipt for future needs, should it be required.

This was not a taxable event.

You can take family members into the Redemption Center. You can sit with them, and you can interpret. If you accompany your friends or family, you’ll have to sign an NDA for them. You can share everything before you go in. Then you go in and sign your NDA AND BE QUIET.

Everything goes into the Quantum System, whether D1, 2 or 3. D1 is GOVERNMENT and some parts of MILITARY. Debts were owed to China. US made promises, borrowed money from D1 to allow US to access this money. Result was China required US to pay down this debt. This is now being paid down. The Chinese mainly have control over D1 and D2, but the debt is being paid down now and because of this Tier 4 can go in and exchange.

Gifting Currency was still possible. No Gift Letter was required and no tax would be collected. The Gift Letter would be required if the bills were found to have been reported. It was always best to have a Gift Letter.

If you did not have a Humanitarian Project, you could choose to support projects that were provided by the United Nations. Doing so would also give you a higher rate.

There has to be an announcement of USN somehow. But, even if USN isn’t announced and NESARA is, this will still take place. The DEBT PAYOFF is evidence that NESARA is beginning.

They can partner you up with other people on your Humanitarian Project so that you share the cost. It’s not going to be you alone.

There would be a 3 day rescission period where you could ask for different rates and terms.

In the first 90 days you will receive 20% of your 20% Zim Redemption.

1% will be on Card at your Redemption appointment, 99% would be put under a Trust Company.

We have 90 days to change to another Trust Company.

UBI cards would be issued to citizens of all GESARA countries with amounts dependent on people’s needs.

F. MJ’S PREPARATION GUIDE: I will state what I believe is going to happen, based on MY research. I suggest you do your own research & do what’s best for you & your family. This guide will be based on worse case scenarios. WHAT I EXPECT:

#34 We will lose all communications. No Internet & no television due to public arrests

#34 The Emergency Broadcast System will be activated

#34 military will bypass the MSM & provide WE THE POEPLE with one voice, our Military

Martial law will be enacted. What is Martial Law I believe emergency services will still available, but plan as if they won’t. No Highway travel, possibly limited local travel. Communications will be down for 2-4 weeks, but prepare for longer


Canned or Dried, non-perishable foods are best. Consider foods with lots of calories. *BABY FOOD *PET FOOD. Canned Beans, Fruits, Meats & Fish, Soups, or Vegetables. Hot and Cold Cereals, Rice, Powdered Milk, Granola & cereal Bars

FOOD RATIONING GUIDE: When things happen, categorize everything you have into groups–like perishables, canned goods, grains, and frozen food. This will help determine what you need to eat first (perishables) and what you can leave for later (canned and packaged goods).

2ND AMENDMENT & PROTECTION: Don’t own a firearm? Here are just a few ideas. Please check your state laws before purchasing.

PEPPER SPRAY ( or wasp spray


Baseball Bat(s) or anything that you can swing.

MACHETES or Knives

NRA Resource If you do own a firearm, brush up on your states Gun Laws; most importantly, relating to self defense & “stand your ground”.


First, whomever you want to stay in contact with, make sure you talk to them to have an emergency plan in place.





HERE IS A GUIDE to Understand the difference between LL, SAT, HAM, CB that I highly recommend you read before purchasing anything.


SOLAR CRANK RADIO which also have a radio, flashlight, ports to plug items in etc..

LIMITED ACCESS TO SOME WEBSITES This is a little bit more of a technical guide for a possible workaround (computers only, not mobile devices) to possibly give you access to some websites

TG SIGNAL May Possibly Work

ELECTRICITY/ENERGY/POWER Should electricity go out, consider ways you can charge or power your ESSENTIAL items.


Duel = Gas & Propane. Gas may be unavailable. Propane, you can store for a long time

Deep Freezer? You will only need to run the Genset 10-15 minutes in the morning & evening to conserve gas. This should be enough time to keep items frozen. Consider adding a few gallons of water to your freezer

PORTABLE POWER STATIONS can be charged via solar, car outlets, and wall outlets (make sure you get the correct accessories

Charcoal or propane grill? Consider buying extra charcoal or a few tanks of propane gas

FIRE STARTER to start a fire

WATER: Should you lose access to water, consider ways you can store or gain safe drinking water.

If events begin, fill your bathtub, washing machine, buckets etc..

LIFE STRAW Good for 1,000 gallons

Cases of water


– Bible

– Medications

– Batteries

– Toiletry & Plastic Utensil items

– Compass & Maps

– First aide kit(s) & medical supplies

– Anything Solar

– Lighters & matches

– Candles

– Personal Care items (soap, toothpaste, etc)

– Bug Out Bag Guide (

– Identify & talk to leaders in your community. Make a plan.

– Talk to you local Sheriffs office.

– Understand your areas demographics. The suburbs of PA will be vastly different than NYC. A possible indicator of where trouble may occur is where ANTIFA & BLM rioted last year.

FINAL THOUGHTS: The safety of everyone of this country will be exhausted by our great military. Humanity will be tested. I believe there are more good people than bad in this world. I believe this will be a time we as Americans unite. God will provide. Continue to pray & have Unshakeable Faith in God. MJ

G. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele

Jenny Hill on a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite:

WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators worshipping Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Illuminati Banking families’ and Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizza-Gate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”

H. Satanic Holidays: Sat. 7 Sept. 2021 was the next major Satanic Holiday called Marriage to the Satanic Beast Satan. It was celebrated by local, global elite and international Satanic Covens with blood, sexual human sacrifice and dismemberment of an female age infant to 21 – followed by eating their flesh and drinking their Adreno Chromed blood – all according to the Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused clients.

Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled children and teens being forced to participate in the rape, torture and murder of themselves and other children.

Months in advance Satan worshippers planned for their holidays by kidnapping children and teens, while commonly perpetrators impregnated preteens and teens to produce their own victims. The babies, children and teens were starved, tortured and used in sex orgies in preparation for human sacrifice rites.

Please report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement. Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments, cover your tracks by also contacting U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): and the Federal Human Trafficking Website:

Called To Rescue

A non-profit which rescues children who have been abused or trafficked


You Can Anonymously Report Trafficked and Abused Children

If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking, contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and/or the non-profit organization, Saving Innocence.

I. The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA was all about the Children

It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world. The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites. Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who were right now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:

Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.

I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites. It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/ exchange appointments.

After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email, post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days, so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.

This is not a goodbye. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.

A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Martha who has unceasingly worked around the clock to discern what is real in the fake news; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy


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