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All Western COVID-19 Vaccines Do Not Fully Protect! Israel Not Happy With Pfizer?

Posted By: tonzal
Date: Saturday, 24-Jul-2021 06:05:36

BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | July 23, 2021: Israeli medical researchers are discovering that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is losing its efficacy.

Persons in the vulnerable categories who have received coronavirus vaccinations, the research data is showing that the shots do not always produce the antibody response seen in healthy patients, meaning that they do not receive the same protection and immunity. And some patients are showing virtually no antibody response after the first jab of the two-dose mRNA vaccine from Pfizer or Moderna, according to the CDC panel, and that booster shots for the immunocompromised could be the right move, as the vulnerable continue to get infected even after being fully vaccinated.


The CDC, mainly funded by the United States government and philanthropists, their panel has not yet approve a fully-fledged recommendation for third doses.

Israel has already vaccinated about 60% of its 9.3 million population with many already receiving the first dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. Given the high rate of vaccination, their Health Ministry is reporting that those who have already received their two-dose of the Pfizer vaccine were later infected with the corona-virus. And the Health Ministry is also reporting that Pfizer’s efficacy to prevent the corona-virus infection had dropped to 39%, and that there is a decline in the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine against the Delta variant.

Is Israel losing its trust in Pfizer? With rising cases of COVID-19 due to the infectious Delta variant, the country is gearing up to start the first clinical trials of an oral COVID-19 vaccine, which the company Oravax Medical says could help boost access to vaccines around the world and become a more convenient booster in the future.

Oravax Medical then said something explosive that could upset the Western COVID-19 vaccine profiteering arrangement: (Talking about their pending oral vaccine.) The vaccine should be “much more resistant to COVID-19 variants,” said Nadav Kidron, the CEO of the company, because it trains the immune system against three viral proteins instead of the single protein targeted by Pfizer and Moderna shots.

The Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines only target a single viral protein, and that means these vaccines are not truly effective and will become useless, as will the compulsory vaccine drive, in a short while. And the CDC is preparing the public for imminent booster shots, and other booster shots are coming as the pandemic drags on. The revaccination saga is going to last many years.

( If Oravax Medical knows that there are three corona-virus virulent proteins [and possibly more], don’t you think the CDC, Pfizer, Moderna, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, etc., all know this? Was the plan all along to release fixed versions of the vaccines that goes after one protein? These are not true vaccines and are designed to become quickly ineffective as new variants of the corona-virus materializes. Also, nanoparticles from the viral proteins escape the antibody defense and go into hiding to return again to attack the immune system. – Russia has a new vaccine called ‘EpiVacCorona’ that neutralizes five variants. Hopefully Russia will have a solution against the escaping viral protein nanoparticles that bypass the antibody defense and hide.)


The Israeli drug company Oravax Medical is developing their own COVID-19 vaccine, in oral form, that trains the immune system against three viral proteins they have so far detected from the COVID-19 virulent virus catalog. And the first trial of their vaccine includes 24 unvaccinated volunteers, each taking one or two pills, to investigate the safety and indicators of immunity, before moving to the third phase of the larger trial to demonstrate its efficacy.

According to the author of the free PDF book “Silent Revolution Of Truth, Volume 2” which can be downloaded here, wrote the following: “The vaccines currently available only generate antibodies for a short period of time and this approach is not enough. Meaning, it only gives half of the solution due to a missing crucial component. What is needed is a synthetic molecule quite low in molecular weight, meaning they are fairly small, to target and neutralize the virus protein variant deposited. Therefore, the neutralizing capability to disable the virus should be added to the vaccines. – If the manmade multi-pathogen corona-virus is to depopulate the Earth I do not think the West will be quick to add a neutralizing feature due to pharmaceutical profiteering, and they do know how to implement this function, but it’s being kept secret.” “…And true or better vaccines could start appearing in the year 2022, to offer the function of neutralizing the surviving Nano-molecules – the virulent ‘protein’ type that goes undetected due to its escaping particle size.”

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 2, the free PDF book: Download and read about the corona disease arise in the recovered, page 1078 Corona-virus long-lasting even after recovery, page 1082. Antibodies do not provide absolute safety, page 1085. The origin of the corona-virus does not want to be found, to keep the shame of betrayal away from America, page 1086. Spike proteins from coronaviruses also cause blood clots, page 1087. Dangerous gene-based vaccines, page 1088. Compulsory Vaccinations, page 1064. Vaccinated And Non-Vaccinated People Separated, page 1064. The WHO Obfuscate The Truth Through Lies, page 1066. The vaccines used up to now and are still absolutely insufficiently tested, are toxic, page 1088. Mother’s milk, newborns infected, page 1088. Spike protein develops in the human organism as a result of the coronavirus, page 1089. Pathogenic spike protein also crosses the blood-brain barrier, page 1089. The vaccine nanoparticles are concentrated in the ovaries and during pregnancies lead right up to severe birth defects in newborns, page 1089. Wuhan virologist claims COVID-19 originated in USA, page 1077. The antibody carriers themselves are potential sources of infection, page 1090. Weakening of the immune system, page 1091. Immune deficiency calls forth a virus infection more easily, page 1092. Vaccination effects long-term brain diseases, page 1094. Important information concealed by the virologists, physicians and epidemiologists, page 1094. Corona virus proteins very strongly attack the immune system, page 1094. Untested vaccines also claimed many lives, page 1097. Corona vaccines cause internal inflammation, page 1098. The Secret Machinations Of The Revengeful American Responsible For The Corona-Virus, page 1066. Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 2 Book)


All Western COVID-19 Vaccines Do Not Fully Protect! Israel Not Happy With Pfizer?

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