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SORCHA 7/19: "Powerful Federal Court Roars To Life Protecting Trump Against Socialist Forces"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Monday, 19-Jul-2021 13:11:39



July 19, 2021

Powerful Federal Court Roars To Life Protecting Trump Against Socialist Forces

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An illuminating new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stating: “Today, we hear statements that it is a logical completion of the United States’ operation in Afghanistan. IT is not true. It is not a logical completion, it is a failure...Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said it after a series of conferences in Dushanbe and Tashkent...IT is a failure...Because only a campaign that has some logic can have a logical completion...But it is impossible to understand the logic of what the United States was doing there”, says in quick defense of Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden, and whatever the Americans were doing in Afghanistan for the past 20-years, the leftist Washington Post rushed out a racist screed entitled “Civilized Nations’ Efforts To Deter Russia And China Are Starting To Add Up”, wherein it declared that both Russia and China are “uncivilized” nations.

A declaration so racist and offensive, it caused famed historian Dr. Tarik Cyril Amar of the United States Holocaust Museum to write: “The piece argued that the efforts of “civilized nations to deter” Beijing and Moscow “are starting to add up”…The headline is striking, even by today’s low, post-Russiagate standards…It clearly implies that – to paraphrase Sergio Leone’s Western masterpiece ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ – there are two kinds of countries in this world: the civilized and the uncivilized…Whether penned by the author or an editor, and either way a senior staffer would have had to grant the green light – is a stunningly frank declaration of racist ideology in one of the United States’ most influential newspapers…The headline is so bizarre, in fact, it feels as if it emerged from a time machine – straight out of the Opium Wars era or the Scramble for Africa...And make no mistake: racist it is…Because racism, please recall, is a fantasy and does not need ‘real race’: it can easily be deployed against groups that do not qualify as ‘races’, by any standards: ask Jews or, for that matter, Palestinians…So, no, the Russians or Chinese are not ‘races’… But yes, they can be targeted by racism – and, of course, they have been before in history”.

At the exact same time Biden and his godless socialist forces were racistly declaring Russia and Chinauncivilized”, this report notes the hashtag #SOSUSA became one of Twitter’s top political trends—a trending movement whose millions of American followers cried for Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel and Chinese President Xi Jinping, to condemn US police brutality or even “liberate” the United States—was a cry ignited by a video showing Los Angeles police gut shooting with a bean bag an Antifa terrorist, though when watching other videos of these Antifa terrorists saw the police having no other choice than to use force against these deranged leftists—and whose leaders of the #SOSUSA movement declared: “The American Oligarchy must be sent a strong message from the international community to immediately desist its human rights abuses and crimes against humanity”.

With the word “uncivilized” used to describe a nation not considered to be socially, culturally, or morally advanced, this report details, it bears noticing that neither Russia nor China have millions of their citizens crying for a foreign country to come and “liberate” them—neither do Russia or China have tens-of-millions of their citizens crying to create their own nation, like is now occurring in AmericaAmericans who while suffering thorough socialist chaos, political division and constant culture wars, a shocking new poll has found that two-thirds of Republicans in the southern United States and almost half of West Coast Democrats want to secede from the country and form their own nation.

As one of the central pillars of any “civilized” nation is a fair, just and understandable legal system of justice, this report continues, it bears noticing that United States has implemented a “two-tier justice system” that has one standard of lenient justice for elites supporting the socialist regime, and a crushing system of justice for everyone else—best exampled by the socialist US Attorney that kept the crimes of Hunter Biden secret during the 2020 election because he believed the American people knowing them would elect President Donald Trump—best exampled by socialist Democrat Party lawmaker Congresswoman Joyce Beatty being arrested last week for breaking into the US Capitol, but who was quickly released while hundreds of Trump supporters remain jailed in solitary confinement, starved and beaten daily for doing the same thing—and best exampled when after the Supreme Court blocked the disclosure to socialist Democrats of grand jury materials from the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, it saw these enraged socialist Democrats indicting Trump Organization executive Allen Weisselberg for a silly tax crime never heard of before.

This report notes that as the entire world watches in stunned disbelief and horror while this Americantwo-tier justice system” exacts brutal revenge on anyone opposing the despotic regime of socialist leader Biden, this actual crime against humanity has become too much to bear for the Federal Judiciary of the United States, the third branch of the American government—which is why after socialist leader Biden made his maniacal civil war declaration last week, it was swiftly met by the Fourth United States Circuit Court of Appeal striking down a ban enacted by socialist Democrats in 1968 that denied 18 to 21-year-olds the right to buy guns at licensed firearm dealers—and while watching socialist leader Biden make up his own laws with executive orders like President Obama did, last week it saw Federal Judge Andrew Hanen of the United District Court in Houston declaring illegal the DACA law that Obama made up.

Most critically to notice about the Federal Judiciary of the United States, however, this report notes, was it being stunned in October-2020 when socialist Democrat Party leader US Senator Richard Blumenthal openly threatened leftist CEOs Jack Dorsey of Twitter and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook with a breakup of these tech giants and Section 230 reform, including possible repeal, unless they immediately banned President Trump—a threat quickly followed by these tech giants banning President Trump—a threat now joined by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki openly admitting last Thursday that the Biden government was working with these tech giants to censor Americans.

Why this information is critical to notice, this report explains, is because of what occurred on Friday in the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit—one of the most powerful federal appeals courts in America second only to the United States Supreme Court—presently has 10 federal appeals judges and 3 vacancies, whose makeup is 1 judge appointed by President George H. W. Bush, 2 appointed by President Bill Clinton, 2 appointed by President Obama, and 5 appointed by President Trump—is a Second Circuit notable for its reputation for shunning re-hearings on any case—but after the White House openly admitted it was colluding with tech giants to censor Americans, the Second Circuit roared back to life with the shock announcement that the full court was going to rehear the case of Domen v. Vimeo--a case involving a lower court’s ruling that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act protects big tech companies from civil rights liability in censorship cases—and by rehearing the case, signals the Second Circuit is prepared to rule that Section 230 violates the First Amendment, and intends to overturn it.

What the socialist Democrats and the White House actually did in threatening and colluding with big tech giants to blacklist President Trump and censor the American people, this report notes, was blindly walk straight into the case known as Hammerhead Enterprises v. Brezenoff—a case the Second Circuit ruled on in 1983, and declared: “If government officials’ comments can be reasonably interpreted as intimating that some form of punishment or adverse regulatory action will follow the failure to accede to the official’s request, that’s enough to constitute state action”—the stunning significance of which means that President Trump wasn’t blacklisted by big tech giants, nor the American people censored by them, rather it was the government itself committing this crime, and is a gross violation of the First Amendment.

This report notes that the Ninth Circuit has further held that “it doesn’t matter if the threats were the real motivating force behind the private party’s conduct”—the Supreme Court held in Norwood v. Harrison (1973) that the government “may not induce, encourage, or promote private persons to accomplish what it is constitutionally forbidden to accomplish”—the Supreme Court held in Bantam Books v. Sullivan (1963) that “the First Amendment was violated when a private bookstore stopped selling works after officials deemed them objectionable and threatened prosecution”—in Carlin Communications v. Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. (1987), the Ninth Circuit found that “a telephone company was acting as a state agent when it acceded to government threats to stop carrying offensive content on paid dial-in lines”—and in Brentwood Academy v. Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association (2001), the Supreme Court held that “state action exists if the private party’s conduct results from significant encouragement, either overt or covert, or if the private party is a willful participant in joint activity with the State or its agents”.

This report concludes with this transcript showing Security Council Members discussing their 9 July meeting notes—wherein they contain the full text of the class action lawsuits filed by the Constitutional Litigation Partnership that have President Trump as the lead plaintiff—and with the powerful Second Circuit now roaring back to life against these leftist big tech giants to destroy Section 230, it makes it even more understandable why world renowned Harvard University constitutional law expert Alan Dershowitz declared about the class action lawsuits filed on behalf of President Trump: “This is the most important First Amendment case of the 21st Century”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

July 19, 2021 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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