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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/17/2021 • Riding the Waves of love

Posted By: hobie
Date: Sunday, 18-Jul-2021 03:22:27


Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/17/2021 • Riding the Waves of love

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Breathe. Look around you. You are spirit in flesh, the Divine experiencing its own life in a body, a personality, a time, and space. You – through your free will – are the creators and architects of Love in form. It is because of your human lives that the purse unbounded Love that is the Divine is molded and shaped into things, experiences, concepts, ideas, and systems. It is because of your existence, that Love continues to expand, grow, and find new

You are far more important than any of you could ever imagine. Your every desire causes the entire universe to respond. Your every wish for better starts the wheels in motion for the universe to create better. Your every desire for yourself or others takes the raw stuff of the energy of Love and begins to mold it as an artist would mix and mold the clay of the earth. You, dear ones, are the architects of Love.

At times, you don't feel so important, so necessary, so... more than enough! You sit on your couch and scroll through your phones. On your news or social media, you watch the buffet of the human experience parading in front of you. You like this and you don't like that. You want this and you don't want that. You see something that triggers a desire within you and you wish for better... and in so doing you set the entire universe in

It doesn't seem as if you are doing anything and yet, with your every simple loving wish, you sound a silent note of Love and energy that begins to travel through the cosmos. It joins with the energies of others who have wished for something similar and soon these collective notes of love begin to create a symphony of frequency – a tidal wave of love that begins to wash through other human hearts.

The more of you that have similar wishes and desires, the stronger the symphony, and the more hearts that are touched. The greater the love, the stronger the waves of energy, and the more hearts you will influence. This is how your simple desires become energies, which become inspirations, which become ideas, which turn to actions that become movements that create lasting change upon your planet earth.

The greater the degree of love with which your wish is made, the stronger your note sounds in the symphony of energies being emitted by the human race.

For example, suppose you witness someone discarding a piece of trash on the street. Immediately, and often unconsciously, you have a wish that people would value your earth and treat her with more respect. The love within that wish echoes out into the universe. Suppose someone else sees a car spewing pollution and beneath their frustration and disgust emanates a silent wish for cleaner vehicles and breathable air. The love within that wish sounds a silent note that
echoes out into the universe.
Perhaps yet another watches the earth being bulldozed for a parking lot and thinks to themselves, "Enough concrete! We need more nature." Their wish echoes out into the universe. Even though these wishes are buried beneath a degree of negativity and discontent and are therefore somewhat weakened, still the love within them travels out into the universe.

Likewise, many of you during your pandemic saw the photos of clean water and witnessed beautiful clear blue skies. You loved this! You silently wished that the earth could remain this pristine. Your loving wishes sounded strong notes of love that collectively joined together to create a symphony of frequency that in its pure essence said, "We love our mother earth." "We want her to be respected, cleaned up, treated well, and enjoyed." As a result that
symphony of love – created from your individual, seemingly "insignificant" wishes – has started to create a massive movement upon your earth even as we speak!

In fact, over the next many decades you will see massive improvements in how your mother earth is treated. There will be increasing awareness of sustainability. There will be whole movements to clean up various ecosystems. There will be trends in decor to include more natural elements and a resurgence of appreciation for parks and nature preserves. There will be more "Greening" of cities – rooftop gardens, solar and wind power, and so many wonderful
improvements that stem from your simple wishes and desires!
Even the souls of those planning to incarnate upon your earth – the future children – have felt this symphony of desire and are eager to come and live in greater cooperation with your planet! Your simple, seemingly "insignificant" wishes have joined together to change the human experience for generations to come!

So when you feel you don't matter, think again. When you feel you don't make a difference, remember you do. When you feel stuck, remember you are not. You are always creating change within. You are always setting the universe in motion. Even within your deepest anger, frustration, and disgust, the seeds of loving desire for better are sown.

Dear ones, you are the architects of Love. Love is the "Building material" from which entire universes are created. Love is the raw stuff that your desires shape into silent notes that become silent symphonies that silently, but potently touch and inspire human hearts.

Imagine right now if you sounded a single note through your voice. Imagine that it beings to join with others doing the same. Imagine that this music touches those who have not yet sounded their own and inspires them to join the chorus. Dear ones, imagine, you are hearing the pure Love of God sounding forth into the universe, turning into symphonies that uplift and inspire every open heart. You truly are sounding this symphony at all times, albeit energetically and silently,
and your hearts which don't need ears can hear. Your hearts are all being fed and fueled by this love. You, through your willingness to wish and dream are creating movement, change, and a wonderful new and beautiful life upon your earth.

When you are discouraged, remember this. You are all so very important. So very loved. So very crucial to the expansion and expression of Love in form.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

-- The Angels

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