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Anna Von Reitz: "Earned? Or Unearned?"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:42

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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Earned? Or Unearned?

By Anna Von Reitz

I get all sorts of distressed messages from Senior Citizens worried that if they exercise their right to declare their proper political status as Americans, they will lose Social Security payments or Military pensions or Military health care services.

There are a number of key questions only you can answer, and the primary question is --- were your particular retirement payments earned by you or by your spouse (or in some cases your parent) --- or are they "unearned" welfare benefits?

To qualify for earned benefits under the Social Security program, someone has to have worked and contributed to the Federal Pension Plan for forty quarters --- a period of ten years --- after which, they became "vested" in the program and have a legal claim against the program and against the "governmental services corporation" sponsoring it.

If you (or your spouse) didn't work and contributed to Social Security for at least ten years, you are not vested in the program and any payments you receive are welfare "benefits".

The difference between "earned program dividends" and "benefits" is crucial for one reason --- if you or your spouse (or parent) vested in the system and earned the payments and services you are receiving, this represents a Priority Obligation of the corporation in back of all this. If, however, nobody actually paid in for the required ten years, and you are receiving Social Security as welfare benefits ---- "benefits" are a gift; and, the corporation isn't obligated to pay out gifts. It can stop doing so at any time and you have no recourse.

So the first thing to determine is --- are your payments earned or unearned?

If they are earned the rats are on the hook for it, and you need to inform them that your "program receipts" are not welfare "benefits" --- they are earned program dividends and you object to their attempt to mischaracterize them as welfare. You (or your spouse or your parent) earned every penny of funds and services you receive.

You can live anywhere and adopt any political status you please and the corporation is still on the hook for it.

If they are not earned, you are a Federal Welfare Recipient, and you are stuck maintaining "US Citizenship" as a result. You are also advised that such "benefits" can stop at any time for any reason, because they are essentially gifts that are made without obligation, similar to promises to provide "Equal Civil Rights" to "US Citizens".

What the foreign corporations provide, the foreign corporations can take away--- except when it is a contractual commercial obligation.

So--- are your Social Security payments earned or unearned?

Same thing with Military Pensions and Services, though it is a given that you "earned" at least part of anything you receive by virtue of your military service, there may be some aspects of what you receive that have been added on as "gifts" --- and those extras might disappear at any time for the same reasons outlined above.

All basic military and dependent pensions and services are earned by definition and you should never allow a bureaucrat to mischaracterize the funds or the services as "benefits"---- which implies "welfare benefits".

You earned more than they can ever pay you, and certainly more than you are getting, so don't be shy about it. If there is any question about whether a particular payment or service is earned or a "gift" --- ask.

Generally speaking, if there are any limitations or eligibility requirements, it is an "earned" payment or service. Such limitations or eligibility requirements might include Honorable Discharge, service in a particular theater of action, or service during a particular time period, or length of service, and so on.

Unearned "gifts" amounting to welfare have to be generally available without restriction to all members of a population, so if you are not "charged" anything in terms of service requirements or funds, and everyone is eligible for it, its a gift.

In recent years, some pharmaceutical companies have provided certain drugs to the military for free and the military has passed these on to patients for free. This is not exactly typical, but it is common enough so that if you are in receipt of "free" drugs that are not part of the standard military program, you may be receiving these drugs as a welfare benefit or gift from the pharmaceutical companies.

That does not enable the military to claim that your program receipts are "benefits" overall and the removal of such "benefits" would be limited to loss of access to those drugs for free via military subcontractors.

You can regain access to the same drugs, same deal, same pharmaceutical companies, via a private physician-- so that this should not in any way endanger your claim to earned pensions and service-related medical care.

It's just something to be aware of, in case the Vermin among us attempt to mischaracterize your military pension and medical services as "benefits" in general, and you need to pull rank and address these specious claims based on your receipt of gifts from pharmaceutical companies or similar emoluments.

My point is that your basic military pension and service-related medical services remain in the "earned" category and remain owed and stand as an obligation of the governmental services corporations, regardless of whether or not you receive any sidebar "gifts" in addition.

Finally, and this is key to remember --- all such "Federal" retirement programs are being delivered by large corporations, so that your pensions are actually not being delivered by any government directly. This means that all the same principles apply to such pensions as to, for example, a pension from General Electric, Inc. or Ford Motor Company, Inc.

They continue to owe you earned pension funds and services no matter what political status you adopt and no matter where you choose to live on Earth.


See this article and over 2100 others on Anna's website here:


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Anna Von Reitz: "Earned? Or Unearned?"
hobie -- Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:42
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hobie -- Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:42

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