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Anna Von Reitz: "What Is Wrong With Your Heads?"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:42

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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

What Is Wrong With Your Heads?

By Anna Von Reitz

This is mainly addressed to the former members of the military and the Federal Civil Service, though many average Americans could stand to hear it loud and clear, too.

Why is it so hard to understand that there are State Citizens and Federal Citizens? And that the two occupy different political statuses?

You can look at any version of "Constitution" you like and you will see where the "Federal" Citizenships were created, right there in Article 1. As these Federal citizenships are being created by the Constitutional Agreements, it is a given that these people are not Parties to the Constitutions. They are subjects of the Constitutions.

We, the State Citizens, created the Constitutions, are Parties to the Constitutions, and are owed the services of the Federal Citizens. Period.

We and our States would still exist, even if the entire "Federal Government" disappeared tomorrow. That's because our existence as political entities does not depend on the existence of the Constitutions and their service contracts. We are the Creators. They are the Created. We are the Employers. They are the Employees.

And nothing created is greater than its Creator. No Employee gets to tell the Employer what to do.
Even though you have not been taught this ugly fact, there have always been two "minority" citizenships in this country --- second-class "United States" British Territorial Citizenship, and third-class "citizenship of the United States" Municipal Government. Both.

So now you have been misidentified "accidentally on purpose" as a Dual Citizen carrying the weight of both these substandard citizenships and all their obligations, and I come to you and say, "Wake to Hello up! --- You were born in Minnesota. Why are you claiming to be a US Citizen?"

And you stand there like sheep in the rain....?

United States Citizen equals someone born in the British Commonwealth Territorial 'United States', like a Puerto Rican, or a mercenary in the Territorial Armed Forces or one of their Dependents. Are you in the army right now?

There's a reason that that Drill Sergeant gets to treat you like a "thumb-sucking maggot" --- and its because, for the term and duration of your military service obligation, you are adopting the foreign "United States Citizenship" associated with the Territorial Government.

So, do you want to be "in the army" the rest of your life and on endless KP duty, or do you want to come home and enjoy the actual freedom you have earned? That's the difference -- in a nutshell--- between being a "US Citizen" and being an American State Citizen or American State National.

If you aren't in the service and weren't born offshore to foreign parents In the Territorial United States --- or for some obscure, unknown, unfathomable reason you are a masochist and just like being abused and taxed to death and not having any constitutional guarantees---- then, you aren't a United States Citizen. So why are you accepting that political status?

Am I supposed to believe that 350 million Americans like being treated like buck privates in the army, in perpetual boot camp, trampled on and taxed to death and impersonated?

At least the guys who are actually in the service get a paycheck and some other perks and bennies, but you get none of that and all the ugly parts, too.

So why in God's name are you claiming to be a "US Citizen"? Why aren't you claiming your birthright political status as an American, instead?

Same thing with Municipal "citizens of the United States" ---- doesn't have anything to do with you. If you weren't born in the District of Columbia to foreign parents or working for the Federal Civil Service or living as a Dependent of such a Person --- why on Earth would you want to be dubbed a criminal responsible for paying all the debts of the "Federal" government, and presumed guilty until proven innocent, too?

Ever wonder why the Municipal Courts have a 96-98% conviction rate? It's because Municipal CITIZENS are guilty by definition. They are pre-judged before they ever enter a courtroom. All that is up for discussion is how long you are going to be in jail and how much are you going to pay?
If you were born in one of the Fifty States, you are an American.

You are not any kind of "US" citizen at all. Both "US" citizenships are substandard and not covered by the Constitutional guarantees and that is the way it has always been since 1787.

You've been misidentified. You've been duped. You've been played. You've been used and abused and impersonated and stolen blind, yet even when someone comes and gives you this information on a silver platter, you still can't grasp it.

If you love your country, it's time to come home and re-populate it. According to the liars, this is a country of 350 million public servants and no public to serve. According to them, you are all here "providing essential government services" as unpaid "volunteers" and just "residing" here on a temporary basis.

According to them, you aren't Americans. You are "US Citizens".

The same people that misidentified you as a "US Citizen" are poised to steal everything --- your country, your States, your identity, your lawful State Citizenship --- everything. They plan to do this without firing a shot. And they plan to charge you for this "service".

They are the Enemy Within. They are the enemies both foreign and domestic. They are gunning for you and yours and their primary weapon is just your own ignorance about who you are and what you are owed and by whom.

Begin with the fact that if you were born in this country and don't work for the Federal Government or get an unearned welfare check, you are not any kind of "US Citizen". Follow up with the fact that they are your payroll.

See this article and over 2200 others on Anna's website here:


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Articles In This Thread

Anna Von Reitz: "What Is Wrong With Your Heads?"
hobie -- Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:42
Anna Von Reitz: "About The Virginia Gun Grab -- It's This Simple"
hobie -- Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:42
fwd: Anna Von Reitz on the Radio This Friday January 3rd.
hobie -- Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:42

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