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SORCHA: "US Navy Sunk By West Point Mafia Forces After Attack On Trump"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Monday, 25-Nov-2019 16:50:18



November 25, 2019

US Navy Sunk By West Point Mafia Forces After Attack On Trump

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A compelling new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the first-ever joint naval drills of Russia, China and South Africa warships started in southern Africa this morning, states that the main adversary they’re developing tactics to confront is a US Navy which no longer has enough spare parts to keep its fighter jets in the air—but in facing this national crisis, sees America’s leftist mainstream propaganda media forces completely ignoring it with their, instead, using the US Navy as yet another cudgel to bash over the head of President Donald Trump—best exampled by the leftist USA Today newspaper beyond shockingly asking “do Navy leaders have a duty to disobey Trump” in response to the firing of US Navy Secretary Richard Spencer this paper says “were under murky circumstances”—who were quickly followed by the equally rabid leftist Washington Post claiming Navy Secretary Spencer’s firing was due to “an irascible, vengeful commander in chief ready to override traditional limits to aid political allies in foreign policy, law enforcement and now military matters” and their saying “Spencer had tried to dissuade Trump from dictating special treatment for Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher — but in the end Spencer was sacked for his efforts to protect his service”—the truth and reality of which, however, shows that both USA Today and the Washington Post were blatantly lying—as the firing of Navy Secretary Spence was not under “murky circumstances” as USA Today claimed, nor had he “tried to dissuade Trump from dictating special treatment for Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher” as claimed by the Washington Post—as what Navy Secretary Spencer actually did was make a proposal to Trump that “would ensure that Gallagher was able to retire as a Navy SEAL with his Trident insignia”—a proposal Navy Secretary Spencer made to Trump in private thus circumventing his established chain of command because he went behind the backs of his superiors Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of States US Army General Mark Milley—and was why Defense Secretary Esper and General MilleyNOT TRUMP—jointly fired Navy Secretary Spencer for “Dishonesty And Undermining The Military Justice System”—which, once again, proved the power of the “West Point Mafia” cohort of former and active US Army officers surrounding Trump to protect him and their nation from vile leftist attacks like this. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

United States Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer (top photo) has his career torpedoed and sunk after battle with West Point Mafia forces loyal to President Donald Trump [Bottom photo of main West Point Mafia leaders: Top row, left-right: counselor of the Dept. of State Ulrich Brechbuhl; Undersecretary of State for Management Brian J. Bulatao; Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark T. Esper. Bottom row: Congressman Mark Green; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; David Urban]

According to this report, on 4 November 2019, a full pardon was issued by President Trump to US Navy SEAL Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher—a highly decorated war hero whom the Obama-Clinton Regime pushed their totally subservient and corrupt US Navy to charge, put in solitary confinement and try as a war criminal—a solitary confinement of Gallagher ended by Trump who freed him shortly after his taking office—and during whose court martial, saw a US Navy medic confessing that he had had killed the enemy solider, not Gallagher—with Gallagher then being found not guilty of the murder he had been unjustly accused of—was court martial of Gallagher so corrupt, its presiding judge threw its lead prosecutor off the case—and even in losing their corrupt case against Gallagher, saw the US Navy awarding its remaining prosecutors with 7 medals and 3 commendations—all of which Trump ordered to be immediately stripped away.

Though President Trump’s full pardon of Navy SEAL Gallagher ended this case, this report notes, this past week saw Navy Secretary Richard Spencer leading a mutiny against his Commander-In-Chief by proclaiming that the US Navy was preparing a review to strip Gallagher of his prestigious SEAL Trident—a so-called “reviewTrump fired back against by declaring on Twitter that the Navy would “NOT be taking away Warfighter and Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher’s Trident Pin”—but in response to, saw Secretary Spencer arrogantly declaring: “I don’t interpret tweets as a formal order”—all of which then led to the series of aforementioned events causing both Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs Chairman US Army General Mark Milley to jointly fire Secretary Spencer—with Defense Secretary Esper exactly stating about Secretary Spencer: “I am deeply troubled by this conduct shown by a senior DOD official. Unfortunately, as a result I have determined that Secretary Spencer no longer has my confidence to continue in his position”—that Trump then followed with his own statement saying:

I was not pleased with the way that Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher’s trial was handled by the Navy.

He was treated very badly but, despite this, was completely exonerated on all major charges.

I then restored Eddie’s rank.

Likewise, large cost overruns from past administration’s contracting procedures were not addressed to my satisfaction.

Therefore, Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer’s services have been terminated by Secretary of Defense Mark Esper.

Eddie will retire peacefully with all of the honors that he has earned, including his Trident Pin.

President Donald Trump comes to the aid of war hero US Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher and his family after Obama-Clinton Regime leftists in US Navy tried to destroy them.

As evidenced by leftist mainstream propaganda media outlets like USA Today and the Washington Post, this report notes, great masses of the American people are being kept from knowing the truth that Navy Secretary Richard Spencer was fired by Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and US Army General Mark Milley because he mutinied against them and President Trump—a vile act of lies and censorship that now sees these leftist media maniacs even calling everyone in the Republican PartyPutin propagandists who must be removed”—deranged insanity being met by the leftist television news outlet CNN having just claimed that “all Trump supporters are a cult and Trump is their destructive cult leader”.

The true reason for this demented madness being exhibited by these enraged leftists, this report concludes, is not coming entirely from the United States, but an ocean away in Great Britain—where to their horror, the Democrat Party has watched these past few weeks Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn “go for broke” with all the socialist plans and secret agendas before the 12 December election that they want to impose on the American people—but which sees socialist leader Corbyn going down in flames as his conservative Trump-supporting opponent Prime Minister Boris Johnson holds a commanding 19-point lead—a demise of socialism in Britain soon to matched with the destruction of the Democrat Party after two new polls show that Trump now has the staggering support of 34% of his nation’s black voters—a “Game Over For Democrats” finding due to the fact that without near 90% of the black vote, none of their candidates can beat Trump—and in responding to now sees these socialist Democrats pivoting away from impeachment to suddenly re-frame their election against Trump around questions of race and identity—a “re-framing” being supported by the lying-leftist Washington Post who have just astonishingly proclaimed that “Obama has always been a conservative”—but who failed to inform Democrat Party presidential candidate US Senator Kamala Harris of this “fact” because she just declared that she “will take over all private industry if her orders aren’t obeyed” when she becomes president—thus leaving all to wonder if the United States would even be worth saving if these mad-crazed socialist Democrats ever took power.

November 25, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

RMN is an RA production.

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