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----And For Some Of The Spare Time Reading, Again From Jim Stone

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Thursday, 6-Nov-2014 20:47:49

In Response To: Regarding The Vancouver, British Columbia SkyTrain Failure In July 2014 (RobertS)

This from dated before the U.S. mid term elections,

Nuclear Blackmail

Nov 4 2014

Your vote will not matter, the secret government will simply force whoever is voted in to be their puppet, or visit the grassy knoll.

Vote all you want, the secret government will not change.

Here is the real election issue, and probable reason for America's puppet government

Will Congress bow to Nuclear Blackmail?

UPDATED Nov 4 2014

Demon Spider

A spectacular video covering this topic is Here

Many of my readers have seen my article Nuclear Blackmail, which outlines the mysterious disappearance of helium 3 and the resulting inability of America to detect nuclear weapons moving into the nation through the ports, and also to track them around the country. Because helium 3 is a byproduct of the nuclear weapons industry, there is no reason at all for the lack of it in America, yet this is precisely what has happened - America ran out of it and because nuclear weapons detectors, which look for neutrionos actually consume helium 3 and need to be replenished, they are all now offline and America cannot protect its ports.

The reason for the lack of this isotope of helium can only be by pure intent, with people in key places making sure it somehow vanishes. THAT is how defeated America now is. And I do not believe it happened by accident, the article Nuclear Blackmail pretty much says it all.

In America, the Israeli embassies have verified nukes in them, a fact that was discovered several years ago during a search for radioactive hot spots in New York. America definitely has a nuclear blackmail threat in place

From Cleveland Indymedia:

"One alleged radiation hot spot on Manhattan's east side has the
potential for becoming a political hot spot: A strong radiation spike
from the area of the Israeli Embassy. Officials would not comment on why
that particular area showed such a stunning peak
in radiation.


"Too big to fail" if you have WHAT? A nuke?

Now the big question

Is our Federal government being blackmailed with a nuclear threat from Israel to attack Syria and do Israel's bidding in every other way? Consider this - Never in the history of this nation has the government lacked the support of the people so strongly with any other topic. Even Faux News is reporting that support for the war is hovering around 15 percent, with 85 percent of the people against it. The real number? 91 percent of the American populace is against this war. And if you have a number that high, you can bet that the top 30 to 40 percent are rabidly opposed to this war.

If America really is still a democratic republic, numbers like these are a death sentence to those in office which begs the question: Why are elected leaders never doing the will of the people now?

There is no way the Israeli lobby or any zionist front could ever convince the elected leaders of a nation to act against numbers this strong. I believe that there is a very high probability that the American government is behaving belligerently against the will of the people because it has been placed under threat.

Nuclear Blackmail outlines how Brazil, Germany, Japan, and America have been placed under threat after getting security contracts with the same Mossad front that destroyed Fukushima. The destruction of Fukushima and Japan tsunami was Israeli follow up of a nuclear blackmail threat which a was accomplished by getting gun type nuclear weapons into Fukushima which were poorly disguised as stereoscopic cameras, and nuclear weapons placed in the Japan trench.

Magna BSP's Owl clearly explains how reactor 4 exploded without a core at all while the fuel pool remained intact, which makes reactor 4 Fukushima's building 7

But it's not just nuke cameras that are the issue when it comes to Israel, and it is not just Magna BSP

Sweden is also now under the threat of nuclear blackmail, with it's largest nuclear facility rigged to explode if they do not live up to Israeli threats and it did not even take a nuke camera to accomplish it.

But wait, there is more

With the absense of helium 3 around the world, many nations can no longer protect their ports so a nuclear threat can be brought into any nation now, EXCEPT ISRAEL and perhaps Russia and China, disguised as any object. And what objects won't ever be tampered with? What objects will be put in place and left there untouched for years? What objects are there around the world that are placed in safe locations that are highly prominent and smack dab in the middle of large government oriented cities, that will never be demolished and take enormous public approval to have moved or removed?

ANSWER: Works of art. You can't have a butt ugly Magna BSP owl put just anywhere but you SURE can have a butt
ugly spider. Though seven of these were made originally, there are many many replicas out there and it would not take a spider, any work of art large enough will do.

Now onto these spiders

The body is not even that of a spider, it looks perfectly shaped to house an implosion nuke. I am not saying these spiders which are popping up everywhere have nukes in them, but I will say they would make prime candidates. First of all, it's an ugly object of dread anyway. Second of all, these are placed in the most prime locations for nuclear weapons to go off. And thirdly, I can't think of any city that would actually want to have an image like this in a highly prominent location, who cares if the artist was famous, these spiders in fact do not really belong anywhere.

"The Mother spider?" Yeah right. Why not instead use a nice looking argiope orb weaver, or something else, even a black widow? Try to identify any spider body parts on that thing other than the legs, it's not even a spider. It is not something made out of respect for anything it is supposed to represent, it is instead a horrendous image of dread and that would work perfect for the psychological aspect of having it be something that could destroy the city around it.

After retrieving these images off the web, I typed "mother spider nuke" into Google, and the entire topic went dead. I do not know if my computers are rigged to trigger Google or what, but I could no longer get pictures, anything related to Burgeois, the locations they were placed, I could get NADA, google totally went blind on the topic of this spider. HMMMMMM. Interesting indeed, and fortunately I had looked into these spiders fairly well before typing that. A smoking gun? Maybe, maybe not, but the main point is that works of art would be prime for concealing a nuclear threat right out in the open, in front of the public.

I wanted to make sure this spider could house a nuke before I mentioned this, and managed to get my hands on a photo shot with a really good SLR. This allowed me to process the photo to bring out the shadow detail and see
if you could see up inside the spider through the egg sack. Answer? you can't, it is all sealed off and therefore you could hide a nuke inside.

Once again, I have received no information about these spiders with regard to nukes, I am only saying that their locations, appearances and relative newness are highly suspicious from a perspective of nuclear blackmail and that with the absense of helium 3 and Israel having no moral compass whatsoever, as well as an inability to launch ballistic nukes due to their political location, getting nukes into works of art would be absolutely prime.

I can only hope that bringing up the topic of Nuclear Blackmail will cause Israel to BACK OFF if this is the case. After all, if Americans really are in a position to oust their government via fair elections that are not rigged via totally un accountable electronic voting machines, (which is in doubt but worth mentioning the possibility of), and those same Americans oppose the war 91 - 9, ANY continued progress along the path politicians have been taking in DC amounts to political suicide and makes the prospect of nuclear blackmail all the more probable. Only Nuclear Blackmail or some other form of coercion can explain just how much the present government has made it a policy to go against the will of the people.


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Articles In This Thread

Regarding The Vancouver, British Columbia SkyTrain Failure In July 2014
RobertS -- Thursday, 6-Nov-2014 20:35:32
----And For Some Of The Spare Time Reading, Again From Jim Stone
RobertS -- Thursday, 6-Nov-2014 20:47:49

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