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Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Saturday, 21-Apr-2001 20:25:02


What a difference a week makes!

For the first part of the week, I had the flu! And believe me, you DON'T want to get this one!!

Combine every intestinal, stomach, chest, nasal, cough, achy, feverish flu you have ever had, and then multiply by two and you will have an idea of what I had. At first I thought it was food poisoning, then the second and third stages kicked in. The worst was over in 48 hours.

Fortunately my mother, who as many of you know, just had a stroke, did not get the flu.

After I recovered from the flu, I started having computer problems.

For my birthday I received a new Compaq 5000 series. It appears to do everything except serve me breakfast in bed. The first thing that happened is it crashed the new flat screen monitor.

The second thing it did was fry its modem. Compaq is sending me a new one with instructions on how to install it! Oh Joy!!

So, I went back to my old lap top and my original Compaq computer purchased in 97.

And guess what I discovered? Neither one of them would allow me to get on the Internet.

After a day or two, I could send and receive email, but today is the first day that I could get up on the web and read what has been happening while I was away.


I think Hobie must be right. I think that the problem must lie in something beyond human intelligence and emotions. The Mayans??? Maybe it is the sun and the solar storms!!

Anyway, while I have the chance... in other words, while I am able to get on the webpage, I thought I should post some thoughts on what is going on. (It is now four hours later, I have found a New computer and I hope I will be able to post this... finally!!! I guess my Internet Connection problems are NOT over)

One of the reasons I created the EZ Board Forums was for threads such as the "FLAME ICKE" thread... but I just realized today... I forgot to set THAT forum up.

I have now set the new EZ board forum up. The new forum is open to everyone, Agents and Readers alike. I have it set up so you DON'T have to register in order to post on it. Unfortunately, I don’t control EZ board and I know they have been having some problems with heavy traffic. So if you can’t get on, wait a while and try again. It will do NO GOOD emailing me. I can’t fix the problems on EZ Board!


If you read something on the RMNews Agent's Forum and you want to comment on it, please go to the RMNews Agent's Forum Fights and Reader's Commentaries. The link to this new Forum will be on the right side of the front page, in the SITE MAP section. I will soon add it to the Blue Link Bars.

Please title your piece:


And also include the link to the article on the forum...

If you are an RMNews Agent and you want to include a link in your message to the new Agent’s Forum Fights and Reader’s Commentaries, you will have to set up the EZ Board first. Call this kind of message:


Here is the link to the new Forum!


This is the link to the Commentary thread for this message:


After seeing what had been posted on the Forum while I was unable to get on the web, I noticed that the majority of what had been posted related to David Icke and the “Icke Flame War”. Boy, I didn’t realize David was so famous and feared!!

While I found all the Icke posts absolutely fascinating... I found them such because of the diversity they were creating!

When I use the term diversity, I do NOT use it the way the NWO does... to promote ethnic pride. I use it for the root meaning... DIVIDE!

It almost appears as if the "divide and conquer" genie has put a spell on Rumor Mill.

Do you remember that one of my Sources said Gunther, Rayelan and Rumor Mill were going to be attacked soon. This kind of forum fight has not happened on the Rumor Mill forum for quite some time. While I encourage a difference of opinion, I have asked ALL of you to be respectful when you disagree when something that another “Agent” posts.

If you don’t know how to be “respectful” to someone that you think is a lowdown, lying, yellow bellied horn toad, then just copy the “Respect Protocols” of our House and Senate.

Such as, “My esteemed colleague” or the “Great Senator from the State of Oz” or “the most learned and respected Elder statesman”

All of these translate into, “Liar, thief, traitor, etc.” Someone once published a list of all the “respectful names” our Congress Critters and Senators call each other, and what they really translate into. If anyone still has a copy of this, can they please send it to: <>

This is the free e-mail... If you haven’t signed up for it yet... Please do.. The sign up link is on the front page of <>

If any of you have been following the Philip aka Rick saga on the Jr. Agents Forum, you will see that the strangeness which is now “infecting” the RMNews Agent’s Forum began MORE than a week ago... in fact it began the very DAY I banished Newshound from the Forum.


Attacks on Rumor Mill and its Founders, seem to come in cycles and when they start they always come in waves...

However, this “ICKE FLAME”, is the first time in a long time that Rumor Mill News Agents have gotten in a tiff on the Forum. I can't even remember when the last tiff occurred. Can any of you? If you can remember the last Forum fight, please post the link to the thread of this message. I would like to see if there is any resemblance to what is going on now.

I do think that it is extremely strange that all of this BAD LUCK that has befallen me and my computers seemed to happen at the exact time the “Icke Flame” started on the Rumor Mill News Agent’s Forum.

The time frame is very very interesting.

Just take a look at the timing:

I banned Newshound.

The same day Newshound is banned, Philip begins his disparaging posts on the Jr Agents Forum.

After Philip posted, I responded... I now realize I should have ignored him, but when people are not telling the truth... I feel it is necessary to correct the record!

Then a friend of Philip's inserted herself in the mix... her post is truly a thing to behold!

While the Philip Forum was flaming -- (BTW -- if you go to the Jr. Agent's Forum and don't find any posts by Philip, it is because he now uses the name Rick---) The "Icke Flame" started on the Main Forum!

At the same time the "Icke Flame" started, I could no longer get on the web.

Enough of this, on to other more mundane things!

I thank you for all the clicking you have been doing for me. Because of your clicks (about 70 a day) the banner ads were bringing in close to $200.00 a month.. This came close to paying for all three webpages, my email and the various other things I have to pay for on a monthly of yearly basis.

However, as the economy stagnates... advertizing money dries up. As a
result of this, my advertisers are also having problems and they have cut back. Now, instead of making close to $200.00 a month, I will be lucky to make 1/3 of that from the banner ads.

If you REALLY want to help Rumor Mill... and help yourself while you are at it... take a look at the Dead Doctors webpage. <>

Close to 50 readers have already signed up and purchased products. I use Dr. Wallach's (Verterinarian and N.D. licensed in Oregon where N.D.s do almost the same as M.D.s) products myself. I have used them for about a year now.

After I discovered that I had a mycoplasma, and took the proper Rx to get rid of it, I needed to rebuild my immune system and my body. I really credit Dr. Wallach's program with restoring my health as quickly as it was restored.

My family uses about $100.00 worth of products a month, thanks to the
products that Rumor Mill readers buy, I get my monthly products free!! In other words, the check I receive each month refunds my $100.00 plus a little more!!

Thank you.

If you use vitamins and minerals, please take the time to check out the
Dead Doctors Don't Lie webpage.


My friend Brian created it.

If you have your own mailing list or webpage, you should think about
e-mailing Brian and asking him how you can get your own webpage. Then you can include the link at the bottom of your emails, and like me, you will soon be getting your vitamins and minerals for free... and hopefully much MORE!! Both Brian and Dave Alan are supporting themselves with Dr. Wallach’s products!



Make sure you tell Brian and/or Christine that you want to be in my downline. As soon as I get enough people signed up under me, I will create a state by state list... so you can sign up under someone who is near you, that way you can join forces and find ways to promote the product where you live.

I believe Dr. Wallach is getting ready to distribute in Australia and the UK. He already distributes in Canada, and he will ship products anywhere in the world.

Many people who have bought the products want to know what I use. I really don't like taking pills of any kind, so I limit what I take to the bare essentials.

The two liquids I use are Cheri Mins and ULTIMATE Tangy Tangerine (The reason I use this one is because I can't stand the taste of the original formula.) I mix the liquids in a carrot/mango juice I buy at my local store!

I use Sweeteze because I am hypoglycemic and it regulates my blood sugar so that I don't crave sweets when my blood sugar drops. My husband also uses it. He is diabetic.

My husband also has a heart condition. He uses EFA and Cardiofx. We will soon be switching to Dr. Wallach's Cardio pack. He had been using Dr. Mathias Rath's heart formula, but Dr. Wallach's is almost identical, and if Rumor Mill readers keep buying these products, it means the commission from the sales will pay for the Cardio pak and I won't have to pay to buy Dr. Rath's products!

I also plan to start the enzymes as soon as I use up the supply in my refrigerator! And I plan on starting to use the Nature's Whey. I haven't tried it yet, but friends who use it say it is "dreamy"!! (Whatever that means!!) It is a great desert or between meals treat. Since there are times that I don’t HAVE the time to eat... I think Nature’s Whey is going to be great for me!

Please take the time to browse through the



I am very careful about the people and products I use. Dr. Joel Wallach is "sort of" a "hometown" guy! The local radio station syndicates his program and most of the people who started off with him are friends of mine... and ALL of them are Constitutional Patriots just like the readers of Rumor Mill.

Also, for those of you who are Dave Alan Fans, I am signed up under Dave, which means that when you sign up under me, you also are helping Dave. If you remember, Dave Alan, talk show host extraordinaire, has a stroke which would have killed most people.

Dave is alive and talking and has all his faculties, with the exception of strength in his left side... (this is the same problem that my mother was left with, but everyday she is getting better thanks to her Chiropractor, Dr. Wallach and the prayers and thoughts of many, many friends!)

I wrote an article about what Dave experienced during the nine days he was unconscious from his stroke. Here is the link, you will find it fascinating. The last I heard, a fellow in the UK was working with Dave and trying to turn his experience into a book.

The Unbelievable Comeback of Dave Alan

When you read it, don't think of it as a near death experience... Dave
never saw the light or went through it. He went to a place where souls were "stuck". He helped them leave earth and go onto heaven. It reminds some people of the place where Jesus went for three days before he rose from the dead! It took Dave nine days to do what Jesus could do in just Three!!

I think that with the addition of the new Forum Fighting Ring, there should be NO MORE forum fights. What do the rest of you think? Click the link and make your comment!!


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