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Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Wednesday, 4-Apr-2001 08:55:28

This is the exchange of email that I couldn't post yesterday. I have deleted the name of the Source, and of course the email address and all other routing. As I post this I remember Q's words to us the other day. He said that NOTHING anyone is saying is close to the truth. He said this operation is so compartmentalized that even Cincpac didn't have access to the whole operation.

Please keep this in mind as you read this. But I do think my Source and I covered almost all bases. Needless to say, at this point all of this is speculation.

I just saw that Zarathustra posted a great commentary on the Truth, as seen through the eyes of a former intelligence officer. It sounded so much like "The Q", I wonder if one of them wrote it.


----- Original Message -----
From: Rayelan
To: Source
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 9:57 PM
Subject: from Raye


Re: this plane in China --

If I were the pilot and had time to land on a Chinese Island, that would have meant that I would have had time to get my men out of the plane via parachute, and then crash the plane in the ocean...

That way it wouldn't have fallen into Chinese hands --

This doesn't smell right! What do you think?

Also, several of my "agents" have gone operational... they left last week.

This tells me that this is a created incident. What do you think?

Am I wrong? Shouldn't that pilot have ditched that plane at sea rather than have it fall into Chinese hands?

He had time to get the crew out and himself...

The fact that he didn't makes me think that something else is going on here.

Several of my "agents" have gone operational... last week... but one is still posting... God only knows how!

I think this was set up... but for what purpose?


Hi, Raye
No, you're not wrong and I've been puzzling over the same thing ~ but let's remember that ditching a plane (especially one with a large crew) is a daunting procedure.

Actually, as slow as that plane flies they should've been able to set their controls to splash and taken a leisurely parachute ride down. I'm sure they were in constant contact via radio after the collision so they must have been ordered to stay with the plane. Why? Is it a 'gift' to the Chinese?

Although we think of Clinton as being the big friend of theirs, in point of fact Bush is pretty damn chummy too. His father and the old boys are up to their eyeballs in insider deals with the Chinese military via such deals as Loral Corp and Long Beach NWS, etc. Old story.

We saw with Bush Sr. that when he wanted a war he set-up an old friend (Hussein) to play the bad guy and "start" a war ~ is Baby Bush setting up the Chinese for a fight??? Could be... They'd be only too willing to play along figuring they'd outsmart Bush in the end (a reasonable assumption, you gotta admit...Bush Lite seems seriously challenged to hold a thought).

I remember that most of the sources went active last week ...

I suspect we'll see the real reason for this staged "collision" over the course of the next 1-2 weeks. One thing is for certain ~ given the size and speed of the planes involved, it absolutely was the Chinese aircraft who would've hit the US plane. Makes no sense otherwise

----- Original Message -----
From: Rayelan
To: Source
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 10:06 PM
Subject: from Rayelan


It seems to me that the primary focus of that pilot should have been keeping that plane out of Chinese hands.

The pilot has plenty of time to ditch the plane in the ocean and still get his crew out safely.

I wonder why we gave them that plane.



Just talked with a friend, here's the scoop!

The scenario of the force down was scripted. Like the Pueblo.

It was supposed to go like this: US plane intercepted by 2 Chinese
fighters and forced to land. In the ensuing negotiations, information and
disinformation is passed between countries.

It became imperative last week that the US pass some disinformation on US
radar to Chinese forces and make it look like the Chinese pulled off a coupe.

The US lost 3 planes last week because of problems with the radar..that is a dangerous situation if we go to war... right?

There was an upgrade by Raytheon on several E-3 model planes. The press keeps saying the plane was an EP-3 but the Chinese report it was an EC-3.

Funny huh?

Anyway it appears the reason the whole charade was set up was to get the Chinese to take apart the plane to get some disinformation so that when the US sold technology to the Taiwanese, the Chinese would have bad information

The problem came when the Chinese plane was lost. Maybe it was bumped and maybe it went down for another reason. I am checking that out.

The Chinese can forgive a mistake but if the US was caught passing disinformation, they will be furious.

I also think the US was taking radar readings when they turned to head into the fighters. But I wonder if the US has taken into consideration that China may have been running her own tests in the intercept.

----- Original Message -----
From: Rayelan
To: Source
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: from Rayelan

One of my ex Navy guys said the same thing. Evidently people who understand the way this works come to the same conclusion... which means that the Chinese will probably come to this conclusion also... then what?



I think people who come to the same conclusion should be concerned that only 2 planes were sent up on intercept. It is usual to send up to at least 4-6.

Why only 2?

The next step in my opinion would be to compare the behavior of both the Chinese planes. Since the US does not have direct access to the plane's computers, I would see if the download to Taiwan would be of any help in determining if there was any difference in the behavior and determine why. If the Taiwanese picked up a Mayday you can bet they picked up more.

Any difference in the behavior of the Chinese planes could go a long way to explain why the Chinese are not talking now. Why did one plane crash? If it was "bumped" the bigger plane would have damage and chances are the pilot would have relayed that information before he landed.

And since Prueher is an ex military man, from Taiwan no less, they are not going to believe him or anything he says.

If it were me I would apologize, cut the rhetoric. The original game is over. New game new script. when I got the plane back I would analyze the plane tapes to see if there are erasures or discrepancies in the plane's information than what I had guessed from the tapes in Taiwan.

If I wanted to pick a fight with anyone, China would not be my first choice.

----- Original Message -----
From: Rayelan
To: Source
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: from Raye

Okay, let's do the "What if" scenario:

What if all this has to do with the sale of weapons to the Taiwanese?

What if the equipment on board THAT plane was specially designed as "disinformation"?

The radar equipment that is part of the package we're selling to Taiwan could be breeched by the Chicoms if this plane had the real mccoy on board and the Chinese took it apart and created their own technology with it.


What if the real stuff was replaced with things that will lead the Chinese down the wrong path for years before they realize they have been duped? ---

There's more...

What if what I just related is only the cover story?

What if the real reason is George Sr. made an agreement with his friends in China to join together to battle the NWO.

China does not want to give up power to outside forces, especially a zionist NWO... under the control of the United Nations...if there is going to be ANY NWO, they want to be the ones running it.

What if this is China/Plane scenario becomes the reason to bring back the Cold War?

Bringing back the Cold War revs up the economy and keeps us and the world out of a world wide depression.

Bringing back the Cold War also creates a "fractionated" world which cannot join together in a One World Government. This will keep the NWO at bay for a few more years.

Then again, the above could be a second cover story... to keep us occupied while we plunge into a world wide war that dessimates the population and hands the rest of us over to the NWO.


I like the disinformation within disinformation ~~ the anti-nwo theory all tied together ~ how Machiavellian! How utterly Bush (the senior one...don't think junior is up to par with dad's planning abilities)!! :~)

You do know the Bushes and their ways very well, you'd be making the most educated guess on this ... and in it's own convoluted way, this "plan" makes sense.

One thing is for certain ~ we are NOT getting all the facts here. And why can't we see our people or our plane before Tuesday night???

Just how long does it take to make 24 Manchurian Candidates these days anyway??? ;~)


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