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Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Monday, 26-Mar-2001 03:21:19



Hundreds of thousands of military and civilians have been ordered to kill animals and destroy their bodies. Are these "Angels of Death" being trained to run the "Death Camps" and repeat their lessons on humans?

  • Once all the animals are dead, and the crops have been destroyed through weather modification, mass starvation will arrive.

  • When people are starving, they will riot

  • The people who cannot be controlled will be sent to the "Death Camps"

  • A new cadre of "killers" is presently being created to staff the "Death Camps"

  • The killing of millions of cows and sheep is part of the hardening process being used to create the killers for the "death camps".

    Mad Cow Disease and Hoof and Mouth Disease has led to the largest slaughter of animals the world has known. Hundreds of thousands of military and civilian personnel are involved in the killing of the animals and the burning of the bodies.

    Over the last ten years, numerous sources from United Nation think tanks to NWO front institutions, have stated that there are too many people on the planet and the number of humans needs to be reduced by 4/5s. Futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard is one that is often quoted as saying this. Jacques Cousteau also believed the number of humans on the planet needed to be substantially reduced in order to save the planet.

    A new "Goddess religion" based on the ancient Goddess Gaia puts the worship of the planet earth, the plants and the animals ahead of the good of humans.

    Our children are being taught in school that the earth, the animals and the plants are equal to humans. They are being taught that humans are responsible for the destruction of the earth. It is just a short leap for our children to believe that the "destruction of humans" would be the best thing for the planet and the animals.


    "It seems to me, that getting rid of the "bovine kingdom" is step one in getting rid of 4/5s of the human race. After the cows are killed, we will discover that the sheep, the pigs, and the chickens are also infected and will have to be killed. The fish will also be inedible as will wild game such as deer, elk, moose...

    The weather cycles will affect the crops and we will lose several growing seasons. The result will be starvation.

    What we will see next is the "culling" of society.

    It is already going on in Africa. Within a short time, most of the black race in Africa will be infected with AIDS... regardless of what the cause of AIDS is -- the end result in Africa is death.

    Regardless of what the cause of Mad Cow and Hoof and Mouth -- the end result is death for the animals.

    In my opinion and the opinion of many others -- Mad Cow, Hoof and Mouth and the AIDs epidemics were created in bio labs for the purpose of eliminating most of the human race.

    To get rid of the humans, the evil people who want total control of this slave planet, will kill all our animals! "

    The following two articles should tell everyone that the Mad Cow and Hoof and Mouth epidemics were not random acts of God. The epidemics were started to get rid of the animal food source for humans.

    February 3, 1999 article links United States to bio warfare in Iraq. Was the epidemic in Iraq merely a test for what is happening now?

    "The United States is engaged in biological warfare in Iraq. Hoof-and-Mouth disease has either killed or crippled more than one million sheep and cattle in Iraq in the last seven weeks."


    "Think how easily a few bad guys could spark an outbreak of wildly contagious foot-and-mouth disease like the one now devastating Britain's livestock. It's the latest fear on the terrorism front: agricultural terrorism."

    Depopulating the planet of the undesirables is step one to the One World Slave State. The number one targeted race of "undesirables" is the black race. The second targeted group is homosexuals. The AIDs epidemic will soon wipe the black race from the African continent, the homosexuals will be blamed, and any who survived the AIDs slaughter, will be killed.

    Has South African AIDS Slaughter Passed The 50% Infection Rate?

    Step one in blaming the homosexuals and killing them is starting in Namibia. Offcials in that country are putting the blame for AIDS on the Gay community. Even though it has not be openly admitted, if you read between the lines of the following article from the London Telegraph, you can see that Namibia is on the verge of rounding up and killing all homosexuals.


    In Hitler's Germany, homosexuals were used by Hitler to get rid of his enemies. When the homosexuals had done the better part of his dirty work, and he was safely ensconced in power, he rounded up the homosexuals and sent them to the death camps.

    For years there has been a radical activist minority of homosexuals who have shaped the "face" of the homosexual community. These activists appear to be taking their orders directly from the New World Order. What these activists fail to realize is, once their job is done, they will also be eliminated. They will be eliminated by thousands of ordinary, "God fearing" people who will blame ALL homosexuals for creating the mess the world is in.

    It is obvious to me, that many different agendas are being played out right now, and if the NWO has their way, we will soon see a world on the brink of starvation.

    Starving people will do anything for food. Some will behave like docile sheep and stand meekly in line awaiting their daily cup of rice. Others will try to escape and try to live off the land or the supplies they have hidden. The strong will steal from the weak. The evil will murder and steal food or eat the murdered victim.

    Chaos will reign supreme. The meek, the mild and the submissive people will be sent to the work camps. The uncontrollables, the old, the sick and the undesirables will be sent to the the death camps. Each camp will have staff who has been trained in controlling or killing humans.

    America's prison industry has created enough trained guards to take care of the work camps and train a whole new force.

    But who is going to run the death camps. Killing humans on a mass level can destroy not only those being killed, but those doing the killing.

    There are several solutions to create the perfect killer. Mind Control is probably the most effective, but it takes trained psychologists and at least six months to a year to create a perfect killing machine. There are not even trained psychologists to create all the killing machines that will be needed.

    Desensitization is the next best way to create trained killers of humans. This desensitisation process has been going on for many years now. Violent films, music and videos is the first step in desensitizing our children and turning them into "killing machines."

    Once these children have been desensitized, then it is time to give them some training. Many in Europe are now being further desensitized by being forced to kill hundreds of thousands of animals.

    How long have these desensitization programs been going on? From the following letter, which was sent to Rumor Mill News in November of 1996, I believe it has been going on, on many different levels, for about 20 years. Possible longer.

    When the following letter was sent to Rumor Mill News, I sat on it and did not publish it for months. When I finally published it, it was in the last edition of Rumor Mill News which was published in February of 1997. The entire edition was about disinformation. I put this article in that edition because I was certain that it contained disinformation. But I was also certain that it contained a great deal of truth as ALL disinformation does.

    Many times, it is difficult to pick out the disinformation. In the following letter, most of the information "rings true." If it is disinformation, what is the reason for its creation? As you read the following article, please remember the homosexual community in Namibia that is being blamed for the AIDs epidemic. AIDs is infecting just as many heterosexuals as homosexuals. AIDs was created by the NWO to dispose of the undesirables. But the homosexual community has become the scapegoat in Namibia, and I expect this practice of scapegoating and then killing will soon spread around the world.

    As you read the following letter, remember that it was written by a Lesbian. She wrote it trying to wake up the Lesbian community to the fact that they are being set up to take a fall. Just like the homosexuals of Hitler's Germany were rounded up and killed once they had finished their job, today's homosexuals will be rounded up and killed once they have finished their jobs.

    AIDs has reached the 50% level in Africa. Within a short number of years, the black race will be non existant. Now that AIDs has progressed to the point that the outcome is certain, homosexuals are no longer needed to spread it. Therefore, homosexuals can be hunted down and killed by the people who blame them for starting the AIDS epidemic.

    Make sure you read my final comments after you finish this letter. If I were to make them now, you wouldn't understand their significance. And if you DON'T read the final comments, you may miss the important point I am trying to make:

    "Letters to the Editor"

    SPCA Volunteer Charges the SPCA
    With Creating "Angels of Death"

    Is the killing of millions of animals

    Creating an Army of "Death Technicians"

    Conditioned To Feel No Guilt When They

    "Humanely" Dispatch "Useless" Eaters?"

    Is the SPCA Preparing For Holocaust Part 2?

    February, 1997

    Dear Rumor Mill News Readers,

    This was a difficult letter for me to print. When I first read it, I thought I was being "setup". I did nothing with it for 2 weeks. Then I received a longer version on my fax machine, along with a name of an old friend. The letter writer told me to call my old friend, and she would vouch for the sincerity of the letter writer.

    I did make the phone call, and was told by my old friend that she has known the woman who wrote the letter for years and has never known her to embellish a story or to lie. My friend, a woman I have known for over ten years, vouched for the integrity and honesty of the woman who wrote the letter. My friend asked me to honor her wishes to remain anonymous. In keeping with my usual practice of protecting my sources, I agreed.

    This letter was so distressing to me that I did not want to believe it. But in light of books like the "Pink Swastika" which tells the story of how the Nazis used the Gay community to help bring Hitler to power. And with the overall knowledge of the New World Order's plan for all of us "useless eaters", I decided that there was enough accuracy in the letter to print it. There was no way for me to confirm or refute the heart of the information.

  • The things the writer said about herself, are true.

  • I checked with my local SPCA expert and found out that our local SPCA has a large number of lesbians working there... so that part checked out.

  • The lead story this month (November 1996) is about the coming Korean war, and the mass starvation in North Korea, so that part checks out.

    Unfortunately, there was NO way to verify the story that was told to the woman who wrote the letter to Rumor Mill News!

    Disclaimer: All RMNews "rumors" are confirmed by at least three people before they pass the test of Rumor Mill News. This one has not passed that test. It is possible that it was written by the government to either plant disinformation or to try to discredit The Rumor Mill. Bear this in mind as you read it.

    As far as I know, this is the first time a charge of this kind has been made against the SPCA.

    What is the charge?

    The SPCA is creating hardened
    Lesbian "Angels of Death"
    By forcing them to kill millions of animals,
    They are preparing them to run the extermination camps for the "Useless Eaters"

    Now do you see why it was so hard to publish this letter?

    I also must add, even though I believe that this incredible story was told to the writer of the letter, neither the writer of the letter nor I can be sure it is true.

    One thing the writer of the letter and I both know is how hard it is for compassionate humans to kill animals on a regular basis. The woman who was the Source of the following information was in charge of one of the National SPCA non profit organizations.Before this she had worked for as one of the SPCA employees who was responsible for killing the animals.

    It is possible that the woman who was the source of the information was delusional or suffering from some form of psychosis. Until we have further proof, I am putting this letter into the class of "unsubstantiated rumor." However, in case it might be true, and in case there is anyone else who knows about this, I have chosen to print it, hoping to flush someone out of the woodwork to verify it. The associates with whom I have shared the information all agree that it is possible.

    (This letter was faxed to Rumor Mill News in November of 1996. It was finally published in the last edition of the Print Version of Rumor Mill News -- February, 1996)

    Letters to the Editor

    Dear Rumor Mill News,

    I am writing you because a mutual friend trusts you, and says you have the ability to make this information public. Something happened about a month ago [RMNews: This would have been September-October 1996] and people need to know about it.

    I am a volunteer at the SPCA. My partner in life, is a Veterinarian. We both donate many hours to the SPCA. I was recently asked if I wanted to assume one of the paid positions that is opening up. I said yes, and was asked if I would like to attend a weekend seminar along with the director.

    The seminar was being given to help SPCA employees deal with the horrible emotional pain of killing animals. Many former employees develop deep psychological problems that follow them forever.

    The seminar was held in a lodge in a forest. All the attendees were women. This did not surprise me. Most of my office is made up of women. Most of the women are Lesbians. There are a few volunteers who aren't, but at least in our branch, Lesbian women run and control all aspects.

    During the seminar we were told things like:

    "You must not feel guilt for helping an animal die painlessly. It is better than having them slowly starve to death, be killed by cars or other animals, or be used in laboratory experiments.

    "Don't think about killing, think about the wonderful lives you are giving to the hundreds of animals that are saved.

    "We would love to save all the animals, but our resources are limited. We select the healthiest and most adoptable animals, and these animals get wonderful homes and all the love in the world. Focus your attention on them. Don't think about the animals that have to be killed.

    "We carefully select the animals that will make it. Those that are vicious will never find homes. It is better for them to die painlessly before they hurt other animals or people ... or before they are hurt themselves. It is humane to kill them to end their suffering.

    "The young and healthy are perfect examples of which animals can be saved. They can easily be trained to be loving house pets.

    "The older but beautiful cats are examples of ones that can be saved -- people love beauty.

    "Dogs that are strong, trainable and healthy will be easily adoptable by people who want guard dogs, or as companions for woman who will feel safer with a little protection or security alarm in the house."

    That was the basic message of the seminar. This is not verbatim from the seminar, I recreated the lecture from my notes.

    Since my job has never involved killing animals, I listened and observed the women who were present. Most of the women were Lesbians. It's a word I hate, but it's better than being called Gay. All were feminists. I am close to 50, most of the other women present are in their twenties or early thirties. All were products of radical feminism. I am miles from them in thought, but I am still their sister.

    I was married at 18 for 20 years. I have three children. My husband left me about 10 years ago for a woman who looks exactly as I did when I was 18. She was 25. For 20 years I had been a housewife. I was never very outgoing, my whole world centered on my children, my husband and my church. During my marriage I was always involved in charitable activities from the Red Cross to the Heart Association to our local soup kitchen. I taught sewing and cooking at 4-H. I taught painting to children with disabilities. I was a member of the Republican Women's Club in our area. In other words, I didn't and don't hate men, I don't hate Republicans, I didn't vote for Clinton and I am not a militant lesbian.

    Back in the 80's I began listening to National Public Radio. Without naming the hosts of the programs, because it would give away the location of my city, I can say that these radio programs opened my eyes to the reality that our government lies to us. These talk show hosts were from the far left, and the only people they were exposing were people from the Republican camp. Even though I have been a registered Republican my whole life, I listened to these shows and felt that there must be some truth to them.

    After Bill Clinton was elected, I picked up a radio program while in my car. It was on a local AM station, and it was done by a man who exposed conspiracies from both sides, Republican and Democrat, the left and the right. After listening to him and his guests, and buying many of their books, my partner and I are firmly convinced that the New World Order exists and that its plan is the elimination of 4/5's of the planet's people... the "useless eaters" must go. I first wrote this letter several weeks ago and am faxing it to you again.

    In this morning's paper I read an article, (11/18/96). It was about the World Food Summit that recently took place in Rome. The world governments have decided that rich countries no longer have to feed poor countries. Surplus food will no longer be given to starving people. They will have to produce their own food, or they will have to build products which they can trade for food.

    The summit pledged to halve the world's 840 million hungry by 2010. (The article didn't say how, but it is my belief that these hungry people will be allowed to die. .."humanely".)

    The United States took issue with a reaffirmation by the summit of the "right of everyone to have access to safe and nutritious food." The U.S. representative said, "The United States believes that the attainment of any "right to adequate food" or "fundamental right to be free from hunger" is a goal or aspiration to be realized progressively that does not give rise to any international obligation nor diminish the responsibilities of national governments toward their citizens." (Double speak anyone?)

    (According to the article) The U.S. Department of Agriculture projected that the food aid needed by poor countries will almost triple by 2005. "There is a looming mismatch between food aid resources and need." USDA officials said. (Does this remind you of the statement at the SPCA seminar about "limited resources?)

    I have rewritten the letter and added this part because I feel that events have happened in the world that make me believe that the meeting in Colorado, about which I was told, actually did occur. I will leave it up to you to decide if this story is the ravings of a woman driven insane by the millions of animals whose deaths she oversaw, or if she is on the verge of madness because she knows about an approaching horror that can only rival the Jewish Holocaust.

    After the seminar, everyone went to dinner. A woman who was the regional head of an SPCA financial organization was visiting. She was about 35, wore a black beret with official looking insignias and pins. It was too dark to read what they said. Her hair was cut short in a man's razor cut. She looked more like a man than a woman. She wore a navy blue doubled breasted jacket, slacks and black oxfords. She also wore a wedding band, and showed us pictures of their son.

    She had attended the seminar as an observer to see if it was something that would be effective in dealing with the stress of killing. She had never visited our town, and it was obvious that no one knew her. She seemed uncomfortable with us. She ordered tequila with beer chasers. After quickly downing about four of them, she was drunk.

    She kept going back and forth between jokes and tears. The head of our office was embarrassed didn't know what to do about her. Having lived with an alcoholic for 20 years and having spent 20 years in therapy, I decided to try some amateur counseling.

    I moved to sit next to her. I asked her, "What's wrong?" She replied, "I've killed millions of animals." I touched her hand and repeated the sentences we had just been taught in the seminar. "It's best for them. They will suffer less." She began to cry -- her head was on the table, face down. She didn't look much like a feminist butch anymore. She looked like one of my children. Her hat fell onto the table. I stroked her curly hair. She turned her face toward me -- her cheek was on the table, her face was wet with tears. Her voice was low and full of gut wrenching sobs. "You don't understand." She kept saying this through her sobs. "You don't understand."

    I said, "Help me understand."

    She was quiet for a very long time, and then in calm, unbroken sentences she told me the secret horror with which she was living. As I listened I went from horror to sympathy, to compassion and back to horror. At first I believed her, then as she went on I began to feel that she had suffered so much in the killing of millions of animals that she finally flipped out. But as I listened to the details I began to feel horror again. What if she wasn't crazy. What if what she was telling me was true.

    I said to her, "You really need to talk to someone."

    It was like I had hit her. She lifted her head off the table and said with fear in her eyes,.

    "No, I can't, no one can know." Then she moved closer and said, "I go crazy at times, it's the killings -- I hope I didn't make a fool of myself." Then she got up, appeared stone cold sober, and quickly walked out of the restaurant without saying a word to anyone else. I was the only one who had heard her story.

    I am not going to try to tell it in her words, because my memory is not that good. I grasped the overall meaning of what she told me and this is what I am going to relate to you. If I make a few errors it doesn't matter, because the overall meaning will be conveyed.

    She said about four months ago she attended a meeting in Colorado. Since it has been about six weeks since the seminar, that would place the meeting in late June or early July. It was convened by a futurist group she belongs to as part of her job with the SPCA. There were people from around the world and they were discussing the growing food shortage.

    She was told that there would be food shortages here in the U.S. before the end of the year.

    (RMNews comment: Just today (1/25/96) President Clinton talked about wasting food. He ordered all government offices to start conserving food and said that we all waste too much food. Is this a portent of things to come? Will the food police be monitoring your garbage and your pantry?)

    She said that riots and wars were predicted. They were told that North Korea is starving to death and because of this, world leaders are expecting a full scale invasion of South Korea any time now. (See our story on Korean War Part II in our November issue).

    As a result of hunger, all sorts of disease will ravage through the population. The viruses and bacterial infections that have been killing people in Africa will soon make it to the United States. A new strain of AIDS will soon emerge, one that no pill will slow down or cure. Hunger, disease and death will be all around. Resources will be in short supply. Not everyone can be saved.

    Only those most likely to survive will be given the precious resources of food and medicine.

    Those that are healthy, and young, or useful in some way will be spared. When she said this I was reminded of the facilitator at the seminar teaching us how to choose the animals that will be saved.

    The others will be allowed to die in a painless and humane manner. Again I thought about the words of the seminar speaker. A quick and painless death is better that starving to death or to die a slow and agonizing death from some of the new diseases like Ebola.

    The Conference in Colorado told her that "Angels of Death" had to be created, and that unbeknownst to her, (a high level SPCA official,) a program for creating these "Angels of Death" had been going on in the SPCA for over 30 years. She was told that most people have a harder time killing a lovable puppy or kitten and they would have killing a human. With the rise of SPCA's throughout the nation and the world, hundreds of thousands of "Angels of Death" had been created.

    When the time comes to put them to work killing humans, they will be told the same things they are told when they kill animals. "It is better to let them die painlessly than to starve to death.... etc. etc.

    She was told that research over a 30 year period showed that:

    Lesbians without children are the ideal candidates for the "Angels of Death".

    She said she was told that the SPCA, in certain areas actively sought out Lesbians to fullfill their quota of "Angels."

    Soon the food riots will fill the prisons with millions of violent people. Just like the dogs who are vicious and cannot be rehabilitated, she was told that these people will have to be helped to die painlessly before they hurt others or themselves. Again the wording was almost identical to what I had just heard in the local seminar.

    She was told that so many people would be labeled a "danger to society", that massive holding pens would have to be created. She did not call them concentration camps, but that is what I imagined. She said that once the camps opened, the old, the very young, the terminally ill, the disabled, the mentally ill... Anyone who can't work or bear beautiful children, will be humanely helped to die.

    The one thing that she kept repeating was, "The SPCA is hardening our human emotions by forcing us to needlessly kill animals. They are using us, and are making us into monsters far worse than any in Hitler's Germany."

    Evidently this woman had awakened to the NWO conspiracy and it had made her sick. Being responsible for the slaughter of millions of animals was hard enough on her. And now she has realized that the training she and her army of angels received from the SPCA was just phase one of a larger global plan for reducing the world's population.

    My partner has been a vet who has given of her time to our local SPCA for over twenty years now. She finds the story too wild to believe, but she has encouraged me to send it to you, because if it is true, then people need to know. We, in the Lesbian community must wake up and do something about this before it is too late.

    From RMNews:

    If anyone has heard anything similar, or can back up anything that was said here' please let us know. When you repeat this rumor, make sure you say it is an unverified rumor...


  • Once all the animals are dead, and the crops have been destroyed through weather modification, mass starvation will arrive.

  • When people are starving, they will riot

  • The people who cannot be controlled will be sent to the "Death Camps"

  • A new cadre of "killers" is presently being created to staff the "Death Camps"

  • The killing of millions of cows and sheep is part of the hardening process being used to create the killers for the "death camps".

    The people who are behind the NWO have courted and used all groups of people from satanists to Presidents and Kings. The truth is, the NWO uses people.... ALL people. Hitler used homosexuals, then he killed them. The NWO created a disease that was originally spread gay men... at least according to the media. Now Namibia is persecuting gay men. Gay men have served their purpose. The New World Order is finished with them. Now they will be thrown to the masses so the masses can vent their anger, rage and frustration.

    Gay men in Africa are being blamed for the AIDs epidemic, and the rage of a nation is turning against them and killing them. If the "death camps" are run by women, Lesbians will be blamed regardless of how many Lesbians ran death camps. The death camps won't always be needed. Once the need for the death camps has passed, and all the undesirables are dead, then the NWO can blame the people who ran the death camps for the terrible and unjust murders of hundreds of millions of friends, family and countrymen.

    The relatives and friends of the people who were murdered will then be unleashed on the death camp guards.

    Sometimes I think that WWII and Hitler were just the test run for the takeover of the entire planet. There are millions of us who can see the writing on the wall. What I can't understand is why we have not been able to effectively organize so we can defeat our enemies. We must think someone is going to swoop down from heaven and save us. Why in the world would anyone, including God, want to save people who won't do anything to save themselves? Are we worthy of being saved?

    Rayelan Allan

    Publisher, RMNews

    Copyright 2001 Rumor Mill News

    RMNews P.O. Box 1784 Aptos, CA 95001

    The Uncensored National Rumor

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    Articles In This Thread

    Rayelan -- Monday, 26-Mar-2001 03:21:19
    Melpomene -- Monday, 26-Mar-2001 15:53:59
    chugiiak -- Monday, 26-Mar-2001 17:55:21

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