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Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Sunday, 25-Mar-2001 19:59:22

The "Faction" of the New Age Community that was created by the New World Order has known for at least 25 years that the "bovine kingdom" is getting ready to "make their transition from the material plane" back to their spiritual bodies.

This message has been put forth by a channeled entity named Hilarion. This Hilarion was channeled by a fellow in Canada. There are other Hilarions channeled by other humans.

The Canadian Hilarion said that the Bovine Kingdom was made up of souls who had committed unspeakable horror. Evidently they were faced with the choice of total soul destruction or they could choose to "work off their evil" through sacrifice.

One of the choices offered to the group soul known as the "Bovine Kingdom" was to travel to Earth and act as the main food source for the developing human race.

According to Hilarion, the human race has advanced to a point where they no longer need beef to "ground" them to earth. The humans need to change their diet to one that will allow their spiritual bodies to transcend while still in physical form.

Because humans have no further need for the meat that is being provided by the Bovine Kingdom, a great plague will come and destroy all cows.

At the moment, we are at the beginning of this great plague. If the Canadian Hilarion is right, then we should soon expect to see the cattle we knew disappear from the planet. They will probably be replaced by a genetically created "cow". I wonder what eating the meat of the genetically created "cow" will do to the human body.

The following article should focus your attention on the suffereing of the animal kingdom. The existence of morphogenic fields was postulated and scientifically studied about 20 years ago by Rupert Sheldrake (I think he is the one.. it has been 20 years since I read his work)

If I remember correctly, the morphogenic field is the "aura" or electrical field that is a natural part of all living things. The Morphogenic fields meld... one into the other... so that ALL living creatures are connected.

Many sensitive people have been feeling depressed, frightened, terrorized and in extreme pain, since the mass slaughter of the animals started.

The following article talks about this.

What I need to point out at the moment, is the same message that The Q pointed out in this post:


Or in my own words, not all New Age beliefs and writings come out of the think tanks created by the NWO. Discernment is definitely one of the lessons that humans are learning right now.

We are learning to discern truth from lies and disinformation in all arenas -- the political, the spiritual, the religious... etc.

The Rumor Mill News Forum gives dedicated researchers the opportunity to try to see how their piece of the puzzle fits in with the rest.

It seems to me, that getting rid of the "bovine kingdom" is step one in getting rid of 4/5s of the human race. After the cows are killed, we will discover that the sheep, the pigs, and the chickens are also infected and will have to be killed. The fish will also be inedible as will wild game such as deer, elk, moose...

The weather cycles will affect the crops and we will lose several growing seasons. The result will be starvation.

What we will soon see is the "culling" of society.

It is already going on in Africa. Within a short time, most of the black race in Africa will be infected with AIDS... regardless of what the cause of AIDS is -- the end result in Africa is death.

Regardless of what the cause of Mad Cow and Hoof and Mouth -- the end result is death for the animals.

In my opinion and the opinion of many others -- Mad Cow, Hoof and Mouth and the AIDs epidemics were created in bio labs for the purpose of eliminating most of the human race.

To get rid of the humans, the evil people who want total control of this slave planet, will kill all our animals!

Sensitive people around the world are feeling the pain and fear of the animal kingdom. This pain and fear is being transmitted through the "morphogenic fields."


...we are more concerned at this time with what is happening in Europa, specifically, in England, namely, the Mouth and Foot Disease, MFD, plaguing cows, sheep and pigs, thus far. It is also England the country where the previous epidemic of Mad Cow Disease, MCD, was centred. Is it coincidence that it is in England that the MCD and MED have started? We wonder why and what conditions, factors or circumstances al­low for these animal plagues to proliferate in England, which now other European countries are fear­ing it may spread and likewise devastate their animals as well. As the case maybe, what is happening as a result of this mass slaughtering of infected and non-infected animals is that since the numbers of animals killed to prevent further proliferation of MED has reached hundreds of thousands, it is now a fact that “critical mass” has been reached in the Morphogenetic Field of these species, namely cows, sheep and pigs livestock.

Unbeknownst to orthodox biological scientists, and even theolo­gians and religious leaders, animals are also sentient and conscious beings that are endowed with a Sprit, Soul and Subtle Bodies as well, similar but, not the same substructures as human beings. Do animals have emotions and feelings? Absolutely! Do they think? Absolutely! Not like humans, and thank God for that! But think, emote and feel, they most certainly do. Do they feel emotional and physical pain? Absolutely, they do, which may horrify those scientists that perform cruel experim­ents on animals. And, finally, do animals reincarnate? Absolutely, they do, and they also carry with them Soul Memory, same as humans, and they remember how and why they died, in their souls. The materialists and religionists may deny this fact, but those wise entities and sages of all ages do know that all creatures created by the Creator are endowed with divinity and similar emotional & physical infrastructures, for they all, indeed, are sentient beings. We are not here to engage in academ­ic or polemic disputations, but to inform and appeal to the common sense, love and compassion of those that regard animals as creatures of God as well, to be loved and respected, and not to see or perceive animals only as a food source, a beefsteak, a pork chop or just simply dollar signs.

For over 50 years, we of CRGA have engaged in multi-scientific disciplines, including the formal study of the “C” word, CONSCIOUSNESS, and its correlate VITAL ENERGY, and the BIOFIELD and the LIFE FORCE, still un­known, unexplored and unacknowledged by orthodox sciences of all disciplines, religions included. We have been collaborating with Asian, African and South American Shamans, Psychics, Elders and Wise Women/Men that know, understand and experience the various emotional states that animals go thru in their own evolution as well, for they, being part of Gaia, a most sophisticated Organic Holistic Consciously Aware Entity, are presently in a state of great turmoil.

From dolphins, whales, and elephants to cows, sheep, pigs, dogs, and frogs, the Animal Kingdom on earth is experiencing great stress and burdens in their emotional bodies due to the ignorance, stupidity, and cruelty of most unconscious human beings that treat animals only as a food source, beasts of burden or simply entertainment. The Animal Kingdom, and the Trees in the Plant Kingdom, are suffering from emotional and environmental pollution, and they are clamoring for HELP and RELIEF from their PAIN & SORROW. Yes, beloved brothers and sisters from earth, fellow Terrans, our animals are also our brothers & sisters and they are in trouble, for they are also undergoing great ordeals, and FEAR, PAIN & DISEASE has become their lot now. Why do you think that so many species are in danger of extinction, and now our domestic animals that give us food are getting sick and dying by the thousands? Wake up, Terrans!

Planet Earth is in trouble, for it is in gross disharmony with NATURAL LAW. In the past few weeks, many people have felt strong feelings of oppression, depression and heaviness in their emotions and many report physical symptoms of “pressure in their chests”, the locus of the Human Soul. Those sensitive human beings are picking up the pain and sorrow of the Animal Kingdom and of Mother Earth, for her children are being destroyed by disease, and the Human Kingdom, they are being destroyed by wars and acts of violence and terrorism.

Does the Mother Earth, Gaia, feel the pain of humans?

Absolutely, and these noxious energies are now being released as miasmas from the EGN on various parts of the globe, including our own USA. We are all part of the same Whole Earth, and neither humans, animals or plants are SEPARATE from each other. It may be difficult for 3rd density human beings to embrace this concept, but it is the simple and pure truth.

We are all sentient beings undergoing our own individual ordeals and tribulations in the Evolution of Consciousness, but at this time. it is the Animal Kingdom that needs our help, our 1ove our compassion and our prayers. Yes, we emphatically repeat, our love, compassion and prayers. Why?

We all know that there is no biomedical/veterinarian technology that can arrest, heal or cure the plagues of MFD in England, and if there were, would governments wish to spend billions of dollars to save lives of animals instead of spending it in stealth or war technology to kill more “enemies”? The answer is clear.

Therefore, we are not asking for monetary donations or charitable acts, but merely making our fel­low brothers/sisters AWARE of this insidious phenomenon going on today, right under our noses. We as multidisciplinary, non-materialistic scientists are concerned that this disastrous plague afflicting our livestock animals will cause a very powerful ripple effect in the World Soul and Collective Consciousness of planet earth, Terra.

So, we humbly and respectfully ask those loving human beings to take a moment of their busy lives to Meditate, Contemplate and Project Love, Compassion and Gratitude to the animals that have died, are dying and will die in the next few weeks/months. This is the least we can do to honour the Animal Kingdom that has served us for aeons as continuous source of food and nourishment.

It is time for us to return the favours given us with True and Pure Intent of Love, Compassion and Gratitude. Who knows, maybe that way we may change the pres­ent chaotic Main Trunk Reality Field & Time Spiral that awaits Terra, as it is seen now, for our actions and thoughts have created a most dire reflexion/conjugate reality that may place Terrans in a hard-pressed reality in the years to come, till the final Grand Shift of the PSTC occurs in the year 2012.

The rest of this article can be read at:

GAIA -- Leading Edge International Research Group

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Articles In This Thread

Rayelan -- Sunday, 25-Mar-2001 19:59:22
What if AIDS is NOT Ravaging Africa?
hobie -- Monday, 26-Mar-2001 05:23:42

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