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Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Monday, 19-Mar-2001 01:13:35


By William Dean Ross

In the United States Government’’s Black Sciences Compartment of the Black Operations, there are two major divisions:

1. The electronics E.L.F. mind control and hologram imaging know as "Project Blue Beam."

Mind Control radio waves are transmitted from man-made saucers to the targeted individual or group. The so-called UFO has light ray bending capabilities to appear invisible or masked in a cloud. These hovercraft were developed by forward-not reverse-engineering over 50 years ago. Much of the hype about the crash at Roswell and the Alien Autopsy was fabricated because of the Cold War. E.L.F. mind control, man-made flying saucers, cloning, the atomic bomb, the Philadelphia and Montauk Experiments were what World War II was really all about.

2. The earth energy and spirit manipulating group. This group uses a mixed bag of tricks combining occultism-black witchcraft with E.L.F. radio-wave enhancement. Groups making spirit or UFO contact comes under the title "Falling Star" which symbolizes the effort to bring Lucifer to earth in the physical. (An alien invasion of earth by the entire demonic realm and establishing a new high tech Babylonian World Empire.)

Usually, corporate and college groups are totally mislead on what their Federal Grant projects are really about. In the field hidden intelligence teams monitor, document, manipulate and manage the naive human test rats.

Many so-called investigative and recuperation organizations like the Human Potential Foundation are set up to accumulate data from the targeted victims. In many cases, the so-called "concerned" organizational workers are mind control or cult victims unknowingly doing intelligence retrieval for the C.I.A. or N.S.A.

Intelligence has also created many so-called "help-sites" on the computer Internet. These web-sites may present themselves as a place for mind control victims to get therapy from the group. In reality, they are "damage and control" web-sites to see how much you have remembered or figured out. If you know too much, your life is in danger –– even if the project or cult group you were in happened thirty years ago.

They will try to reprogram you or they will send some "helper" to meet you someplace outside your protection zone. The "helper" may have a piece of the puzzle; if you are looking for "closure" and he/she may be sincere on helping you. But, their altered personality through hypnosis or programming may mislead you.

He/she could be a Manchurian Candidate unknowingly programmed to set you up for a crime being committed nearby, so you can be convicted and your story silenced forever.

In the Spring of 2000, I was contacted by "Cloud-Rider" of the UFO "Aviary", Dick Farley, of the Human Potential Foundation, an organization that was suppose to be funded by Laurance Rockefeller and some European Royalty, but it was really financed and managed by the CIA via Senator Claiborne Pell.

Farley saw my articles on Internet websites and wanted to drive from D.C. to Beckley, West Virginia, to meet me at Tamarack on the West Virginia Turnpike. His ex-coworker Bob Teets had interviewed me several times ––once in person- back in 1994 and 95. My story helped Teets with his UFO book. Farley ––later in 2000- said that he and Teets should have helped me recover from the trauma I went through back in 94-98. He was suppose to "initiate" me and enlighten me to the real truth of the UFO Project I was involved in. He never e-mailed me again and I never heard from him again. (I have all of that on record.)

Also, in the spring of 2000 according to neighbors ––out here in farm country- black helicopters were dropping off and picking up men on the mountain behind me. These soldiers were camouflaged and armed. It appeared some were carrying cameras or other equipment. Daily the horses at the stall acted up over something crawling around in the 4-ft. tall hay in the field. My dogs pointed out a man-or men- with a gun/s every day for a month ––all May. Sometimes they laid down out there so long the vultures came down dive-bombing them; because, they thought they were dead. (This happened after I challenged some of the top New World Order "think-tank personalities that hang out on the Internet web-sites connected to mind-control. Be careful at those locations of lying con-artists trained in mind seduction by the NOW.)

The Human Potential Foundation President was, C.B. Scott Jones, an ex-Naval Intelligence officer that worked with characters like the CIA’’s godfather of mind control, Hal Puthoff. The D.O.D.’’s "doctor ––of ––death", Col. John Alexander of the so-called "non-lethal" micro-wave weapons program, and Puthoff worked on E.L.F. mind control technology. They are associated with Dr. Steve Greer, and Dr. Steve Bassett of the UFO CSETI programs. Note that I was on one of their CSETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) projects called "Falling Star".

In UFO seminar and conference circles, Alexander and Jones were known as "Penguin" and "Falcon." "Falcon" has taught the world the profile of the aliens on various television shows ––with his face masked and hid- standard mass mind control. Recently I had ––after 25 years –– recall of Scott Jones when I was in the Navy during the Vietnam War -Era. I asked other veterans to try the recall process and they remember being pulled from their units and privately meeting in a building and going under hypnosis.

They also picked out the mug shot of C.B. Scott Jones! They chose servicemen from West Virginia, Texas, Montana and a couple other states. These states all by coincidence have the highest numbers of veterans of foreign wars and today’s Militias. I wonder if the most patriotic are programmed to self-destruct in some way some day.

In 1992, Dr. Steve Greer was at the first CSETI-CIA-NAS-UFO alien contact meeting and they chose me to be the "Pointman" for E.T. contact. I was told that the UFO’s were etheric and spiritual and no harm would come to me. Both Greer and Jones at that time told us that the E.T.’s were inter-dimensional entities. Now, today they are quoted in books like Dr. Lammer’’s "MIL-LABS" supposedly changing their stories claiming that UFO’s are all special military high-tech mind control games through hologramic images; but, at the same time they still were organizing civilian CSETI contact teams at UFO seminars and preaching the spiritual etheric "Benevolent -Space -Brother "Ascended -Masters- Heaven’s- Gate - Gospel." A very strange contradiction of both their so-called beliefs and actions- to say the least. Dr. Spaniol of State College and the D.O.D., Dr. Sutton, and Dr. Suffon of NASA all would duck and cringe when I would joke and call the Project the "Church of the UFO". (A few years after I quit an "intelligence-agency" sponsored UFO Church called "Heaven’’s Gate" committed mass suicide –– supposedly!)

You should read the book, "Mt. Shasta-Mystic Mountain", by Emile A. Frank, ISBN1-888740-08-6, LCCN 97-68400. ( The book can be purchased from Jennifer Middleton, or from Jaybird Enterprises, 807 Scenic Court, Yreka, California, 96097.) The book tells the reader that many UFO communes –– like" Heavens Gate"- have been around the boundaries of Shasta Mountain for years. The author links the beliefs of the aliens as the same as the United Nations, globalist community, New World Order, the ultra-liberal Democrats and many popular New Age writers and cult/commune leaders like Ruth Montgomery and Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

The author also specifically points out on Page 116, Paragraphs 3 and 4 that in order for the lords of the underworld to come forth and rule, a "cleansing" or mass genocide of people hanging onto traditional values –– like the Constitution and Christianity must take place first. She makes no bones about it that the masses must die and then reincarnate back to here as Gods –– like her New Ager-New World Order friends. Hence, she believes the aliens are from the inner-earth (not outerspace) exactly what CSETI and NASA told me in 1993. Note that the Ascended Masters are the spirit-guides and are the E.T./Aliens.

Note that the E.T.’’s tell the psychics what to tell the occultists in the U.N. and in the C.I.A. and N.S.A. what to do next concerning worldly issues. These are the same thoughts expressed in Alfred Webre’’s "Age of Cataclysm" (written in 1974). The "Age of Cataclysm" and "Mt. Shasta the Mystic Mountain" and the information written on the "Georgia Guidestones" cover the same material: UFOs, abolishing the Bill Of Rights, and committing mass genocide to save nature. You can find the "Guide Stones" by going to Rt. 77, just 7 miles south of Hartwell Lake and 7 miles North of Elberton in Elbert County, Georgia. You will see on the stones the same message proclaimed from the secret societies in their pro-New world Order books.

(You better forget what your preacher and television set are telling you and go see for yourself!) They all call for the genocide of 70% to 90% of the world’’s population to save nature (GAIA), abolishing the Senate, Congress, Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution. The agenda of the "Left-hand Path" is in what they call "THE PLAN"- setting up of a one world electronic mind-control totalitarian police state system of slavery and tracking with a one world religion offering ancient human sacrifices to their God - Lucifer. Out of the Skia or Gaia will come the Ascended Masters ––the UFOs. This is the true Harmonic Convergence when man and demon are one again as in Genesis 6:1 of the Bible. We are in for a new high-tech "Tower of Babel!"
The Masons, the Club of Rome, the Future World Society, the World Federalist Association, and many secret societies along with all intelligence agencies are pushing for it to happen before 2013. Thirteen means the "Rebellion." (Keep in mind 2003 will be the 13th year of the birth of the New World Order when the Berlin wall came down.) To get a better grasp on the psychic-propaganda these spin-doctors are passing out, I suggest you go to their own public relations web-sites and take a peak behind their fake smiles and masks. First go to:

http:// (Click on UFO Specific Search –– 4. Ufomind Topic Search)

I first met C.B. Scott Jones in the Navy, and later I saw him at the Edgar Cayce Foundation at Virginia Beach ––an esoteric library - several years later. He was with Dr. Sutton and W.V.U. Professor Oleg Jefimenco- a telekinesis expert- talking about the C.I.A. and K.G.B. working together in electronic necromancy with Dr. Walter Uphoff in Sweden in 1988 and 89 ––months before the Berlin Wall came down and the Cold War was over.

When I first saw Jones, I almost collapsed from shaking all over ––it was not until some time later after seeing his pictures that I had total recall. The self-hypnosis I was taught by our staff hypnotist –– Ph.D. and Dean of the Psychology Department of West Virginia College of Graduate Studies- Holly Forrester Miller paid off for me. I even used it on Veterans down at the NRA Rifle range. I was shocked to find other vets had recall of the same strange private hypnotic meetings.

At these sites you will find pictures of Col. John Alexander, and the "Godfather" of CIA mind-control Hal Puthoff. Note you will see names here that cross over into the Human Potential Foundation and into the Luciferian U.S. Army’’s "First Earth Battalion"- the same "Club" with different names.

Notice the UFO, mind control, and spiritual connection training to these remote ––viewers and high psychics. See Major Ed Dames, CIA psychic, and Lt. Col. Jim Channon of the Church of SET (Satan) and the U.S. Army’’s First Earth Battalion.

C.B. Scott Jones’’ Human Potential Foundation moved and modified a product of the Rockefeller/Pell--"Black-Budgets/Black Projects."

Col. John Alexander- the author of "Future warrior" and "The Warrior’’s Edge" is rumored to be also Dave Alexander of "Tomorrow’’s Warrior." The books have the same characteristics stating that the "super-weapons" of the Department of Defense are being made to make war on and destroy all constitutionalists, Christians and conservatives from the face of the earth:

Hal Puthoff is master of electronic extremely low frequency mind control devices and techniques. Many of the so-called "non-lethal" weapons, man-made hover-craft, and mass mind control though the media, television, HAARP, GWEN and the educational mind-set "world-views" are the product of this man:

On this web-site is proof that Scientology is an important avenue for "electronic-witchcraft" programming:

Here is some remote-viewing and mind alteration training:

And, finally, a presentation by a doctor describing the scientific explanation of UFOs, combining electronics, geography, and your state of mind and location when they use "TST" -Techtronic Stress - on you! Now combine all of this with Maxwell’’s Equations of shadow forces in vacuums and ozone of the "Ethers". (Which has been kept secret from the public for almost a century.) Then add interdimensional entities and UFOs - dancing with the human "test-rat" that has been put under altered states of consciousness via mind control microwave radiation-E.L.F. And, "presto"... "wala" you have a UFO contactee called the "Pointman" for the NASA- NSA-DOD-CIA- Electronic Witchcraft" project on "Ancient Indian Grounds" in an "UFO Jurassic Park". The area is full of earth energy vortex-portals and nearby top-secret underground bases disguised as farms a real twilight––zone for the human test-rat. They titled it "FALLING STAR" for Lucifer falling from the heavens to earth.

I have plenty of project film footage, documentation, witnesses and other data to prove my story. I have already told my story to thousands of people.

In July of 2000, a Russian Ham radio operator contacted a Ham that lives near me. The Russian is coming to see one of the portal-vortex zones here at Liberty, West Virginia, in October.

I never told anyone exactly where they were; but a man from the U.S.S.R. knows. To me this is not just a coincidence when our NASA and CIA are going to Moscow every Spring with my ex-superiors of "Project Falling Star" to sit in on Tesla and Newton Conferences? It is very odd indeed considering a family a few miles from me have been having UFO experiences in their backyard for the past two years. And, by coincidence, a farm behind them has Black Helos landing on it regularly. Sound familiar by now?

Well, it looks like it is starting to storm here? Over the mountain a big dark cloud looms on the horizon and it is heading this way. The power has gone out on the computer several times and the short-wave radio has strong interference on all bands, but there isn’’t any thunder or lightning. This used to always happen when the UFOs were around before I even knew they were here. The black cloud has a bunch of what looks like white cotton balls rolling all around it and over and through it.


Here we go again……it’s the Riders on the Storm!

Copyright, William Dean Ross, 2000

All Rights Reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

William D. Ross
Rt. 1, Box 38
Liberty WV 25124
(304) 988-3307

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