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Senator Gramm's Plan to Legalize Mexican Illegals

Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Monday, 5-Feb-2001 04:52:27

A new plan to legalize illegal workers from Mexico

If the illegal aliens are allowed to obtain US Citizenship, the Republican Party will be doomed forever. Most all of them will vote for Demorats who promise them benefits from the government.

Then why does Republican Senator Phil Gramm from Texas advocate what amounts to an open border?

Senator Gramm:

"We want to set up a workable guest-worker program so people can come into America legally to work, have their rights protected, and accumulate human and financial capital to take back to Mexico," says Sen. Phil Gramm (R.) of Texas.

"Gramm, who has consistently been an advocate of securing the U.S. border with Mexico, wisely said it's time to explore ideas that would benefit both countries. The senator cautioned, however, that there is no magic bullet nor easy solution to this complex problem. He is right.

"Working out the details of a binational accord between two countries tied as much by mutual suspicion as they are a common border would be a daunting task. Nonetheless, some Mexican officials are beginning to understand the implications of the work-force drain. The country is losing to the United States those with ambition and daring and a strong desire to work."

"Though he did not mention it, the obvious implication of extending those benefits would mean an end to the cheap Mexican labor U.S. employers have come to expect. Even if an accord were struck, there is no guarantee that all illegal immigration would stop overnight. Even during the Bracero period, illegal immigrants kept coming." Austin American-Statesman, January 28, 2001

More from Senator Gramm:


"There is still room among us for new genius and new energy and new creativity."

"I believe America has room for people willing to come here and work, and I strongly support the reunification of families caught in the immigration bureaucracy. It is important for every person in America, whether a citizen or not, to have due process and equal justice under the law.

"That is why in the 106th Congress I supported the Legal Immigration Family Equity Act (LIFE) Act and why I look forward to supporting its successor in the 107th Congress. This legislation was written expressly for the purpose of giving people an opportunity to unite their families, particularly those immigrants who feel that they did not receive fair treatment and a day in court when the 1986 immigration act was applied to their cases."

Phil Gramm has always pushed for MORE border control, now he appears to be pushing for NO border at all. What changed Phil Gramm?

Could George W. have promised him something? and if yes, what could it be? President George W. Bush will appoint three new commissioners and a new chairman to the five-member SEC early next year. One of the candidates is Wendy Gramm, the former chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the wife of Sen. Phil Gramm, R-Tex. Would Phil Gramm sell out for a seat on the SEC?

Senator Gramm is Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and is the one who has written the new bill on Bankruptcies which make is harder for the working class to file bankruptcy.

He is also the main man behind President Bush's tax plan. Visit his webpage to learn more about the various legislation Gramm is backing:

Si hablas espanol, hay una pagina in espanol aqui:


"Tenemos un buen proyecto de ley que provee ayuda para las familias que lo necesitan. Espero que el Presidente pueda apoyarlo." -- el Senador Federal Phil Gramm

The more I read about the plan that Senator Gramm is proposing that will eventually open the border with Mexico, the more I think the Republicans have thrown in the towel and believe that stemming the flow of illegals is like herding cats! It can't be done.

I think Gramm is positioning himself to be re-elected by garnering favor with the Mexican voters in Texas. Will it work? Only if he gives them enough and gets President Fox on his bandwagon.

A new plan to legalize illegal workers from Mexico

Christian Science Monitor



A new plan to legalize illegal workers from Mexico

Five US senators are working on a 'guest worker' program. Bush will go to Mexico on Feb. 16.

By Howard LaFranchi
Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

MEXICO CITY For decades, Mexicans have been going north illegally to pick
tomatoes, wash dishes and clean houses. Now a group of US lawmakers says
it's time to make it legal.

BORDER PATROL: Between 3 million and 7 million migrants from Mexico are now estimated to be working illegally in the U.S. This man was arrested in November while attempting to cross the border into California.

REUTERS/FILE With the number of Mexican illegal laborers now estimated to be between 3 and 7 million, the five US senators want to make changes that would give the Mexicans the legal status of "guest workers."

"We want to set up a workable guest-worker program so people can come into America legally to work, have their rights protected, and accumulate human and financial capital to take back to Mexico," says Sen. Phil Gramm (R.) of Texas.

Yet, though US and Mexican officials say such a program will draw support from both countries' presidents, immigration experts caution that a worker program is unlikely to reverse a long tradition of undocumented northward migration. Enforcement is seen as one of the difficulties, along with the challenge of convincing Mexicans that they will be better off applying under the new program than following the traditional path across the border.

The plan would benefit both the US and Mexico, the senators argue:

Labor-intensive US industries like agriculture and construction would have a reliable source of workers, while the workers would have salary, labor-condition, and other rights that as illegals they cannot demand.

Given the option of working in the US legally, Mexicans would be less likely to migrate illegally, says Sen. Gramm, who hopes to have the program operative within a year. The program would first apply to legal workers already in the US. It would not include the possibility of US citizenship, since one goal of the program is to encourage Mexicans to take their savings and new skills back to Mexico.

Also backing the initiative are Pete Domenici (R.) of New Mexico, Zell Miller (D.) of Georgia, Jim Bunning (R.) of Kentucky, and Mike Crapo (R.) of Idaho, who traveled with Gramm to Mexico earlier this month to meet with President Vicente Fox.

President Bush is set to travel to Mexico Feb. 16 for talks with Mr. Fox, and immigration will be among topics on the agenda.

The senators' initiative follows a year in which economic players in the US as varied as the AFL-CIO and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan called for measures to ease regulations on foreigners seeking to work legally in the US.

Analysts on both sides of the border say, however, that a guest-worker program is unlikely to be effective on a large scale. Guest-worker programs and illegal migrant amnesties usually just make migration more attractive, says Sidney Weintraub of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

An expert in US-Mexico relations, Mr. Weintraub says he supported a migrant amnesty in 1986 that included penalties against employers who continued to use undocumented workers. But the penalties were not seriously enforced, Weintraub says, and nothing suggests to him that the government would be more stringent now.

Mexican experts concur that guest- worker programs often fall short. Jorge Chabat, a specialist in US-Mexico affairs at the Center for Economics Investigation and Teaching in Mexico City, says the bracero program the US operated for 20 years from WWII to the mid-1960s actually stimulated illegal immigration.

"In just the few years from 1942 to '45, the US accepted 120,000 workers under the bracero program - and a similar number or more went north illegally," he says. "We've learned that one doesn't impede the other."

The problem with the bracero program was that legal workers' accounts of earning possibilities in the US encouraged illegals to follow in their footsteps - and the US government was lax in sanctioning employers who hired the illegals.

The US actually already has a small guest-worker program, which brings in about 40,000 mostly agricultural workers, but US officials, including Gramm, consider it inefficient and expensive to administer. Gramm notes that the so-called H-2A temporary work program has some 500 participants in Texas, for example, while the state is estimated to have at least 1.5
million illegal migrant workers.

The senator said his new proposal would be an improvement because it would apply first to workers already in the US and because it will be administered by both countries.

The time for activating a new guest-worker program may be short, given the US economic slowdown. "It would be harder to talk about legalizing millions of workers if concerns about employment are growing," Weintraub notes.

Economic considerations aside, a guest-worker program doesn't easily fit with either Mexican or American views of immigration, some observers say. "By now you have this long tradition in Mexico of young men and others going north, maybe within some family network but outside of any bureaucracy," says Chabat. An official program would raise fears of easy deportation.

Americans, who tend to view themselves with pride as a nation of
immigrants, may be uncomfortable with the guest-worker concept. Germany's troubles with its guest-worker program, which has created a separate class of residents without the rights of citizens, offer a view of what a large population of workers with no access to citizenship might mean for the US.

For further information:

Office of Mexican Affairs

State Department United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce

U.S. Embassy in Mexico

Embassy of Mexico in the United States of America

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