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Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Sunday, 4-Feb-2001 16:45:18

I just found this article in the RMNews Daily Updates --

The reason I am including it here is because the book, The Obergon Chronicles says something very similar to what the following article is saying...

"Sitchin proposes that the Annunaki came to this planet with the purpose of extracting gold in order to save their planet."

At the time I wrote The Obergon Chronicles, in 1981, I thought I was a " New Age Channel" who was receiving important information on the settlement of Planet Terra, from the "ascended masters".

I did not find out until 1993 that I was one of those "government wives" that was used, unknowingly, as part of a plan to change society.

I will soon be releasing "The Obergon Chronicles" because I believe it is NOW important that the people who truly believed themselves to be New Age Channels

...and in direct communication with God and His representatives the "channeling" phenomena of the 70's, 80's and 90's,

...a phenomena that has virtually brought us a whole new religion based on the works of "New Age Channels"

... who were "handled" by "agents of deception" who used the technologies of mind control to mold society!

Anyone who has studied the technology of mind control now knows that voices can be put in the head of each and everyone of us. There is NO ONE who is immune from believing that "THEY are pure enough to be chosen by GOD to be HIS spokesperson on EARTH!"

We all have ego. No matter how much we say we have beaten it down, the truth is:

We all have EGO!

If we didn't, we would be dead! Ego is necessary for survival, but it is also the tool that can fool each and everyone of us into believing that we are "special" and/or "chosen".

Because of this, each one of us is capable of believing that GOD could choose us to deliver a message to humanity!

In fact, many of us fervently hope and pray that GOD will ASK us to deliver HIS message. Many people pray SO fervently, and say so in churches or other meeting places, that they GET their request granted...

HOWEVER, the request is not granted by GOD, it is granted by people on the earth who have access to technologies that can make each and everyone of us believe that GOD, or one of his representatives, has chosen US personally to deliver HIS message to the people of EARTH!

In the spring of 1993, I had my eyes opened by a four star Admiral who sat at my kitchen table and told me about JZ Knight, the woman who channels Ramtha.

He told me that JZ was one of their early experiments. He said that her first husband was a dentist that Navy Intelligence used for their covert operatives. This dentist was asked to put an implant in one of JZ's molars. Through the implant, the men who controlled the messages that Ramtha gave, were able to make JZ believe she was receiving messages from an entity who lived on earth 35,000 years ago.

JZ went on to make millions of dollars and convert millions of people to her particular brand of beliefs.

The Admiral told me that their group dropped JZ because they had not given her a psychological profile before they began using her. Evidently JZ's ego stepped in and began distorting the messages to fit her own needs. Once she began doing this, she was dropped by the group that was headed by this Admiral. He said that a NWO group picked her up and is now using the group for creating mind controlled "sleepers".

The Admiral was Gunther's commanding officer at the time he told me this information.

It is my belief that Gunther and I were being set up to become the founders of a New Age religion! I am not sure of this, but the moment I exposed The Obergon Chronicles as part of a mind control experiment, in January of 1997... Gunther disappeared.

When he surfaced, one month later, he had lost his memory of ever being married to me. He married another woman... (a woman who believed that SHE was a character in The Obergon Chronicles)... without divorcing me.

The woman who is now Gunther's wife is Jane Ryder. She was the partner of the legendary film maker, Allan Francovich. Allan made the film, the MALTESE DOUBLECROSS. This is the film about the downing of Pan Am 103. Les Coleman and Oswald LeWinter both appear in this film. Allan was murdered in Houston shortly after Gunther disappeared, and shortly BEFORE Gunther and Jane married! Les Coleman was imprisoned, Gunther was imprisones and LeWinter was imprisoned in the same prison in Austria where Gunther was held! (Don't you find all of this a bit coincidental?)

When Jane and I were friends, I showed her the book, "Obergon Chronicles". After she read the first story, "Atalon and Shalma", she said to me:

"I am Shalma!"

The reason this is important is because Gunther believes he is Atalon.

I believe ALL three of us were "programmed" to believe that we were/are the three main characters of this story.

Atalon was/is the Prince or Lord of Obergon, one of the planets that orbited the dead star of the Sirius Tri-Star formation.

Shalma was the daughter of King Phylos of Atalontis (Atlantis?). She was being genetically bred to create a new physical body that was capable of "housing" the higher vibratory souls of the beings from Obergon. The Obergonians, who lost their planet when the third sun of Sirius became a red giant, were given permission to relocate to Terra and finish their studies on the material plane.

Atalon fell in love with Shalma and kidnapped her. He took her home to the world he created on the dead planet Obergon. To keep the body of Shalma and the others alive, he needed GOLD for the protective shield he had constructed around his planet. Evidently there was some kind of particle being emanated from the dead sun that would destroy living organisms. Therefore, Atalon needed gold to suspend in a protective shield that he kept over his "Palace" on his home planet.

And this is the reason I am including the following article. I have never seen anyone refer to gold the way Sitchin did when he said that

"...the Annunaki came to Earth with the purpose of extracting gold in order to save their planet."

I will soon be releasing the book "Obergon Chronicles" through an online print on demand publisher. I am in the process of fixing some "hard to understand" concepts, (making sure that I do not change the original meaning.)

I am also trying to figure out how to tell the story of Atalon/Gunther, Jane/Shalma, and Rayelan/Raelon, without coming across like a raving lunatic!!

But then again... everyone in the "establishment media" already thinks that Rumor Mill News is crazy, so I might as well give them MORE ammunition.

Before Gunther disappeared he told me:

"If something happens, and I am no longer able to protect you, make yourself SO INCREDIBLE, that you become UNCREDIBLE! This way it will be easier to discredit you, than to KILL you!"

I think that once "The Obergon Chronicles" are published, I will have accomplished this "discrediting process" beyond his WILDEST imagination!

I almost forgot:

The Admiral who sat at my table and shattered my illusions about being a New Age channel said something that complicated things beyond redemption.

He said that his group was using New Age channels to release the TRUE history of the planet Earth.

When I was in Austria, meeting with the Templar/Hapburgs, one of them told me that "The Obergon Chronicles" was one of the channeled books that released the truth about the history of the planet earth!

When he said this, I was rocked off my center because I had never mentioned "The Obergon Chronicles" to him. How did he KNOW about them? He went on to tell me that the original manuscripts which contained the stories of Atalon, Shalma, Raelon and their brothers and sisters, were found in King Solomon's Temple. The Templars took them back to Europe, hid them in the salt mines near Salzburg, and over the centuries, translated the manuscripts. He said I was chosen to be the one who released them.

See what I said about complicating things beyond obfuscation?

Now... what are you going to believe? Are the Chronicles real? Or are they just another ploy to divert humans from the one and only GOD?

One of the things Rumor Mill tries to teach ALL its readers is DISCERNMENT.

Without personal discernment, you are going to fall for anything and everything.

Now... read the following article and try to put it into some kind of context... if this is possible!


During that month that Gunther was missing, I gave a lecture at the Global Science Seminar in Tampa, Florida. I tried, the best I could at the time, to expose the mind control operation behind the Obergon Chronicles.

There is an audio tape and a video tape availabe of this lecture. If you are interested in listening or viewing them, here is the link to that information.

The book, Obergon Chronicles, will not be available for a while. The first edition is out of print, and I will not print the second edition until some things have been added to explain the strange connection of Gunther, Rayelan and Jane to the Chronicles!

Date: Sat Jan 27, 2001 8:34pm
Subject: Is Someone Listening to Sitchin?

Was Sitchin Right About the Gold of the Gods?

Robert Graf -

In his ever expanding series, the Earth Chronicles, author Zecharia
Sitchin proposes that the Annunaki came to this planet with the
purpose of extracting gold in order to save their planet. He suggests
that the plan was to suspend particles of gold in their atmosphere as
part of the rescue plan. Many of the ancient civilizations that
worshipped these "gods" believed that the gold was the property of
these deities, and filled numerous temples with golden objects
created in tribute to these very beings. Nowhere in the Earth
Chronicles, however, is any evidence given that the planet that the
Annunaki came from was in any danger. And from what danger could
their planet be be protected from by suspending gold in their
atmosphere? Furthermore, if Sitchin is correct, it begs the question:
were the Annunaki successful? We know from studying evidence on own
planet that 95% of the life forms that have lived on this planet are
now extinct, and the of life forms that now inhabit the planet, none
seem to have existed from the distant past. Even the most "primitive"
forms of life on this planet have existed on this planet for only the
proverbial blink of an eye in geological terms. I ask whether the
Annunaki survived because of recent indications that perhaps someone
has been listening to Mr. Sitchin. Nuclear physicist Edward Teller,
one of the principals involved in the development of the first
nuclear bomb, has proposed that suspending particles in the
atmosphere may counteract the effects of global warming. Were the
Annunaki also trying to counteract the effects of some type of
radiation by suspending gold particles in their atmosphere? Sitchin
had predicted what would be found by space exploring satellites as
they passed by Neptune and Uranus, and was subsequently proven
correct. Are prominent scientists now taking Sitchin's works

Although the idea for suspending particles in the atmosphere
originated before the publication of Sitchin's first book, The 12th
Planet, it received no public notice until 1997, when Teller
suggested the feasibility of the idea. Has he spoken with Sitchin
about his work? The idea of suspending particles in the atmosphere
appears to have originated in 1997 when it was proposed by physicist
Freeman Dyson, best known for his study of the theoretical
possibility of extra terrestrial life. Interestingly enough, Dyson
studied under J. Robert Oppenheimer after arriving in the United
after winning a Commonwealth Fund Fellowship to study physics in
1947. Oppenheimer was the director of Los Alamos laboratory during
the development of the first nuclear bomb, a project which Edward
Teller was also associated with. Dyson is also known for suggesting a
method to search for highly advanced civilizations in space by an
unusual coloring of their suns caused by a sphere meant to capture
the energy of the sun for the use of the members of such a highly
advanced civilization. Sitchin's work also proposes that the ancient
gods had used nuclear weapons several times, in several places on
this planet in the past. If nuclear physicists are now proposing the
use of a technique that was suggested by Sitchin to have been
employed by the Annunaki previously, is there something they know
that we are not being informed of? Sitchin speculates that the
Annunaki will one day return to Earth, as he believes they have many
times in the past. Has the day of that return now been ascertained?
Could that be the reason that the suspension of particles in the
atmosphere is being taken seriously?

Robert Graf


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Articles In This Thread

Rayelan -- Sunday, 4-Feb-2001 16:45:18
BILL_FULLER -- Monday, 5-Feb-2001 06:24:29
The Obergon Chronicles
Esclarmonde -- Monday, 5-Feb-2001 23:59:33

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