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Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Saturday, 30-Sep-2000 17:58:00

===========RUMOR MILL NEWS AGENCY===========

September 30, 2000


By Rayelan Allan

Rosh Hashanah, The Jewish New Year – began with a massacre at the holiest site in Judaism, the Temple Mount. 12 Palestinians have died of their wounds. Five hundred others were wounded, many seriously.

According to the UK Independent newspaper, the Palestinians were struck by "steel coated" rubber bullets. An RMNews Source who coordinated National Guard and Marines at a major U.S. riot, had never heard of "steel coated" rubber bullets. "If you put a steel coating on a rubber bullet, you've got a bullet."

The London Times referred to the rubber bullets as “a rubber coating over steel.” What is obvious is these bullets were NOT rubber bullets. They were bullets that killed!

From the UK Independent: "The deaths yesterday of four Palestinians and scores of injuries, in the third major catastrophe on the mount in a decade, is both a setback for Israel's Ehud Barak and his ally Bill Clinton... "

RMNews: This is only considered a set back if a peace agreement was the real goal. Last year RMNews published an article detailing some aspects of the NWO’s 100 year plan to bring about a One World Government. Fifty years ago, the creation of Israel was step one in a 2 part plan. The destruction of Israel is the second step. The destruction of Israel is Armageddon.

First comes Armageddon

Then the Second Coming of Jesus or the Messiah,

Then comes the One World Religion whose Capital is in Jerusalem

Then comes the One World Government

From the Independent: "Ariel Sharon, the chairman of Likud, made himself look ludicrous with his reckless visit to the Temple Mount earlier this week."

RMNews: A BBC reporter blames Sharon's presence for inciting the riot which turned into a blood bath. Could Sharon have knowingly provoked this confrontation? And if so, Why? Is Sharon a NWO plant? Or is he simply misguided?

UK Independent: "Benjamin Netanyahu, the previous prime minister, is buoyant after prosecutors decided not to pursue corruption allegations against him, and has inched ahead of Ariel Sharon (conservative party leader) in the opinion polls."

RMNews: Rumor Mill News readers will remember that RMNews believes Netanyahu was behind the Lewinsky scandal and the "bugging" of the White House. To get even with Netanyahu, Bill Clinton sent James Carville to Israel to help Ehud Barak win the election against Netanyahu. To add insult to injury, charges of corruption were brought against Netanyahu.

UK Independent: "The picture is looking steadily worse for the "peace process", and the efforts of Bill Clinton to force it through in the dying months of his presidency."

RMNews: Will Netanyahu's revenge against Clinton be the denial of a lasting peace during his presidency?

Will Bill Clinton’s revenge against Netanyahu be the destruction of Israel and the establishment of the first United Nations World City on the ruins of Jerusalem? This would be the first step in a plan to bring a one world government to power.

The present Secretary General of the United Nations
is married to the niece of Raoul Wallenberg.

Wallenberg is the Swedish Diplomat who saved many Jews in the last days of World War II. He subsequently disappeared into the bowels of the Soviet Gulags. Many people believe the Wallenberg family are major players in the plan to create a One World Government.

Who better to usher in the first United Nations World City than a member of the Wallenberg family? Kofi Annan is married to the daughter of Raoul Wallenberg’s sister. Time Magazine is the source for this information.

UK Independent: "The four Palestinians who died will now become "martyrs" in Palestinian mythology, like the 17 young men who shot to death almost a decade ago by Israeli soldiers in a similar clash on the mount."

RMNews: Yom Kippur begins on October 8th. One war has already begun on this date... The Yom Kippur War of 1967. This date always brings tension to an already tense area.

From MER -- December 31, 1997 "Hours after Israeli soldiers captured Jerusalem's Old City in 1967, the army's chief rabbi urged that the gold-topped Dome of the Rock mosque be blown up, according to a newspaper report Wednesday."

RMNews: If anyone – whether they be Israelis, U.S. Government agents or mind controlled programmed “sleepers” – If ANYONE harms the Dome of the Rock, it will start an Islamic Jihad. In today’s world this means nuclear and biological weapons.

UK Independent: "Neither side is remotely close to solving the mind-boggling puzzle of the site, a 35-acre esplanade that contains monuments holy to Muslims, that is coveted as a symbol of both the Israeli and Palestinian nationhood, and covers a spot profoundly sacred to religious Jews."

RMNews: This site is also sacred to Christians. It holds the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and is said to be the place where Jesus was crucified. Some say the Garden of Gethsemane is also located on in this area, although there is disagreement as to its exact location.

Sources for RMNews have stated that the Catholic Church wishes to move its headquarters from Rome to the birth place of Christianity, Jerusalem. Nostradamus predicts an earthquake will destroy the Vatican at the millennium. Whether the earthquake is a real one or a manufactured one, it would be a good excuse to move the Vatican back to where Jesus actually preached, rather than keep it in the Capital of the Empire that oversaw his crucifixion.

UK Independent: "Many proposals have been floated, including joint sovereignty, handing it over to the UN Security Council, or placing sovereignty in the hands of God, but none have bridged the gap."

All the UK Independent excerpts came from the following article.

Violence on the Mount deals blow to peace process
By Phil Reeves in Jerusalem
30 September 2000
The eruption of violence on the Temple Mount –– the volcano with the golden dome in the heart of Jerusalem known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif –– deals a heavy blow to a the main players in the failing attempts to close a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians.
The deaths yesterday of four Palestinians and scores of injuries in the third major catastrophe on the mount in a decade is both a setback for Israel's Ehud Barak and his ally Bill Clinton, but it also carries dangers for the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat.
Mr Barak has yet to deliver on the promise of peace that led to his landslide victory in May last year. Now the chances of doing so are even slimmer.
A restive Knesset returns from its summer recess at the end of next month, and he has still not patched together a new coalition that will secure him a majority in the 120-seat parliament. The collapse of his last coalition –– when several right-wing and religious parties walked out of government, infuriated by Mr Barak's handling of peace negotiations –– left him with little more than 30 votes.
Ariel Sharon, the chairman of Likud, made himself look ludicrous with his reckless visit to the Temple Mount earlier this week. But Benjamin Netanyahu, the previous prime minister, is buoyant after prosecutors decided not to pursue corruption allegations against him, and has inched ahead of him in the opinion polls.
For Yasser Arafat, the threat looms of a repeat of the violence in May when six Palestinians were killed during 10 "days of rage", which included a gun battle between Israeli troops and Palestinian security forces. Although the protests were initially orchestrated by Mr Arafat to pressure Israel to stop breaking promises made in earlier peace accords, they quickly ran out of control.
A measure of the popular anger was not only directed at the old Israeli enemy, but at Mr Arafat, and the corruption and ineptitude of the officials around him, known cynically on the overcrowded streets of Gaza as "the Oslo class". His grip is strong, reinforced by a plethora of security services, but it is not complete.
The picture is looking steadily worse for the "peace process", and the efforts of Bill Clinton to force it through in the dying months of his presidency. The chances of a final settlement, including an agreement over Jerusalem's holy sites are even more remote, which leaves only the possibility of an interim agreement.
The four Palestinians who died will now become "martyrs" in Palestinian mythology, like the 17 young men who shot to death almost a decade ago by Israeli soldiers in a similar clash on the mount. A glass cabinet containing their unwashed blood-stained T-shirts and jeans greet visitors as they enter wthe small Islamic museum on the Temple Mount.
Palestinian opinion, much of which has been sickened by seeing Mr Arafat make one concession after another in his peace talks –– is likely to harden further, particularly over the mount. Khairi Dujani, a senior official from the Wafq, the Islamic authority which administers the 33-acre plaza, said: "Neither Arafat nor all the group on whom he depends have the right to give away anything." He said tensions were already growing between the Wafq and the Israelis because of the focus on the site during the peace negotiations. The Israelis had begun increasingly to "interfere", he said, a claim borne out by the surly and obstructive behaviour of the soldiers who guard the gates around the edge.
Neither side is remotely close to solving the mind-boggling puzzle of the site, a 35-acre esplanade that contains monuments holy to Muslims, that is coveted as a symbol of both the Israeli and Palestinian nationhood, and covers a spot profoundly sacred to religious Jews. The latter believe it is the location of the Second Temple, whose destruction by the Romans in 70AD symbolise the start of the long Jewish exile, ending with the Holocaust, the creation of Israel in 1948 and the conquests of the Six-Day War.
Many proposals have been floated, including joint sovereignty, handing it over to the UN Security Council, or placing sovereignty in the hands of God, but none have bridged the gap. Yasser Arafat long ago abandoned hope of getting back all the land seized by Israel in 1967, but he has stuck to his demands for total Palestinian sovereignty over the Mount.
The same position is taken by the man who runs the Al-Aqsa mosque. "It has been a Muslim place for 1,300 years and so it will remain," said Sheikh Muhammed Hussein.
And yet, even secular Israelis balk at the thought of placing Judaism's spiritual heart –– the biblical site where King David is deemed to have kept the Ark of the Covenant, and where Abraham nearly sacrificed his son Isaac –– wholly in Islamic hands.

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Articles In This Thread

Rayelan -- Saturday, 30-Sep-2000 17:58:00
Rayelan -- Saturday, 30-Sep-2000 18:12:08

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