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Trail of the Octopus Author Needs Your Help

Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Tuesday, 16-Nov-1999 02:42:43

===================================================RUMOR MILL NEWS AGENCY============== ============================================= Dateline:11.15.99

A Plea For Help From Lester Coleman,

Author of the Trail of the Octopus

By Rayelan Allan, Publisher, RMNews

Interesting things always turn up in the Rumor Mill News mailbox.

Today, when I checked the mailbox, I discovered a letter from Lester Coleman. Up until a few months ago, I had never heard of Lester Coleman. The only Coleman I knew was Dr. John Coleman, the author of Committee of Three Hundred and other books. One of my faithful Rumor Mill News readers let me know that if I didn’t know about Lester Coleman, then I didn’t know anything about government crimes and conspiracies.

So I called my friend Rodney Stich, author of Defrauding America and Drugging America, and asked him to tell me about Lester Coleman.

According to Stich, Coleman had been a agent for the Defense Intelligence Agency, working in the Middle East. Coleman told Stich that he discovered the DEA had copies of the stolen Inslaw’s PROMIS software and that the DEA was involved in selling it.

According to a book co-authored by Coleman called Trail of the Octopus, the DEA was involved or covered up for, a CIA-DEA-Lebanese- Syrian drug operation using Pan Am aircraft out of Frankfurt. This operation made possible the placement of the bomb on Pan Am Flight 103 which exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland.

Lester Coleman is in prison. As I have done in the past with letters from former CIA operative Oswald LeWinter, I am publishing Coleman’s uncensored letter.

After his letter, I have quoted a portion of Rodney Stich’s book, Defrauding America. It will help you understand who Lester Coleman is, and how he is indirectly connected to me. Because of the way my article was published in Conspiracy Nation, Mr. Coleman has no idea who he sent his letter to. He believed he was sending it to Conspiracy Nation, not Rumor Mill News, which was founded by a man Coleman knows and probably worked with, Gunther Russbacher.

* * * * *

Re: CNNS 03/06/99 Princess Diana/ Oswald LeWinter

Special to Conspiracy Nation

By Lester K. Coleman

I was shocked when I heard Oswald LeWinter, a longtime CIA operative was arrested in Austria. LeWinter was charged with attempting to sell “forged” CIA documents to Mohammad Fayed, about the deaths of his son Dodi and Princess Diana.

LeWinter and I had been staunch critics of the American version of the bombing of Pan Am 103. The American version attempted to lay the blame on Libya’s doorstep.

We both had appeared in the highly acclaimed documentary film, The Maltese Double Cross, that exposed the American assertions as so much “coverup” and covert hocus-pocus.

I ended up in a federal jail for a time over my assertions that a U.S. Drug-Sting gone bad had allowed the bomb on the Pam Am Jumbo Jet that blew up over Lockerbie, Scotland in December of 1988.

After my release, LeWinter arranged for me and my family to recuperate from our ordeal in Palm springs, California. It was actually the first time we had ever met.

I soon landed a job doing a radio talk show in Lexington, KY, and moved back east. My wife and I were looking forward to a normal life.

And for over a year, it was normal. Then, having heard that Libya was actually going to turn over the two accused bombers for trial, I obtained press credentials to cover the trial. In April, 1999, I wrote the federal government asking that my passport be returned so I could travel to Holland, the site of the Lockerbie trial.

To pay for my trip and to take my family with me, we had asked for funds using the Pan Am 103 website hosted by a Danish law student, Safia Aoude in Copenhagen:

Several checks, donations, arrived, drawn on European Banks. They were forwarded to me and deposited in my own account. Others were even sent to my landlady, directly, on my behalf. Suddenly, without warning, local Lexington, KY police appeared at my door with a warrant charging me with possession of forged documents!

Bail was set at $42,500.00! It was later dropped to $5,000 – which I could not make, my account was overdrawn by $13.00 due to the bogus checks.

I languished in jail. As it turn out, Federal agents tipped off local police, then walked away – or crawled back underneath the nearest rock.

Like LeWinter, I was jailed, under similar circumstances, facing similar charges.

My Lebanese wife, two weeks after my arrest broke down and was hospitalized. Our three children were placed in foster care.

I have now been in jail 100 days. Supporters have managed to raise $5,000, but bail is now $10,000 after being indicted by a Grand Jury.

My wife is unable to work, and is staying with friends. Our belongings are in storage.

Anyone who wishes to help us, please contact:

Bill Harrison

102 Lakawana Rd.

Lexington, KY 40503

Rodney Stich

P.O. Box 5

Alamo, CA 94507

925 944 1930

Or call:

A. Ernest Fitzgerald

703.356. 7270

Thank you,

Lester K. Coleman 4B

200 Clark St

Lexington, KY 40507

From Defrauding America

By Rodney Stich

“Coleman worked for the DIA in the Middle East, including the DEA office in Nicosia from where the drug smuggling operation was monitored.

Coleman worked alongside DEA agent-in-charge Michael Hurley, and according to Coleman and his book, Hurley monitored the CIA-DEA drug operation using Pan Am aircraft. Coleman and another CIA agent, Oswald LeWinter, said that Hurley was the DEA agent-in-charge of the area including world famous CIA drug trafficking at Mean, Arkansas.

While working alongside Hurley, Coleman discovered that the PROMIS software, stolen by Reagan Justice Department officials from the Inslaw company, was being sold by the DEA’s Nicosia office. The sales involved a company call Eurame, which also dealt in the sale of drugs and arms. Coleman saw boxes of PROMIS software labeled PROMIS Ltd, Toronto, Canada in the DEA office at Nicosia. The software was installed by a CIA front company, Link Systems, LTD. The sale of this stolen software was another enterprise involving Michael Hurley, in addition to his role in the drug trafficking, PROMIS software sales had been made to Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, and other countries.

Disturbed about the government’s involvement in downing Pan Am 103, and in drug smuggling, Coleman co-authored a book with Donald Goddard that was published in Great Britain, Trail of the Octopus, exposing the truth behind the bombing of Pan Am flight 103. Much of this information coincided with information that CIA agents had given to author Rodney Stich several years earlier.

A week before the book’s publicized release date, Justice Department prosecutor Sean O’Shea filed two false charges against Coleman, intending to discredit what he was revealing. One charge was for an alleged passport violation and the other charge was for making an alleged false statement in the civil law suit involving the relatives against Pan American airlines.

Shortly before being charged with the passport violation, his DIA handlers instructed him to return to Beirut after first obtaining a passport using a forged birth certificate given to him years earlier as a cover. After Coleman did this, Justice Department prosecutors charged him with making false statements on the passport application. The DIA either backed off from providing Coleman a defense, or was part of the scheme to silence and discredit Coleman.

Coleman prepared an affidavit that was to be entered into the litigation against Pan Am by the relatives of the dead. Coleman had stated in the affidavit details of the CIA-DEA drug smuggling operation using Pan Am aircraft, and Justice Department prosecutors then charged him with perjury for revealing these criminal activities.

Without funds to hire legal counsel, and recognizing the slim chance of defending himself against the sham Justice Department charges, Coleman fled with his family to Sweden, where he was given political asylum.

In 1997 he decided to return and fight the charges, assisted by old friend, Alabama governor Forst James, who arranged passage for the Coleman family and paid for the flight to the United States. Coleman was immediately arrested upon arriving in the United States. Spending more time in prison waiting to be tried than the normal incarceration for such a violation.

It is a criminal offense for anyone, including a Justice Department employee, to inflict harm upon a person for trying to report a federal crime. By fraudulently charging Coleman with a criminal offense for reporting the CIA-DEA drug smuggling operation, Justice Department employees committed serious criminal acts.

In 1994, European film producer, Allan Francovich, produced a documentary film, The Maltese Double Cross. The film revealed the truth associated with the downing of Pan Am Flight 103. The film showed the falsity of the evidence fabricated by Justice Department officials and showed that Libya and Libyans were not involved in the bombing. Appearing in the television documentary was Oswald LeWinter, who provided additional support to the CIA-DEA drug pipeline which used the Pan Am aircraft.

Francovich tried to have his television documentary played in the United States, but could not find any television station or cable operator who would handle such a sensitive matter despite its success in Europe.

Coleman experienced the same refusal by U.S. distributors to handle the distribution of his book Trail of the Octopus. Several distributors had initially agreed to handle it, and then inexplicably backed down. Even in Europe, the book was removed from book stores and reportedly the unsold books were shredded.”

End of quote

In the letter I received today, in the Rumor Mill News mailbox, Mr. Coleman references an article I wrote which was published in Conspiracy Nation. In the article, I discussed CIA operative Oswald LeWinter, who had just been arrested in Austria for attempting to sell supposedly forged documents to Mohammed Al Fayed, the father of Dodi Fayed, who was killed in the accident/murder with Princess Diana.

I first ran across LeWinter back in 1985 or 86, when I was helping Barbara Honegger while she gathered information for her book, October Surprise. My next encounter with LeWinter came in February of 1997 when he called to tell me that my husband, Gunther Russbacher, a CIA operative who is best known as the October Surprise pilot, had just married Oswald’s friend and protege, documentary film maker, Jane Ryder.

Jane had come into my life about a year before. She told me that she had worked on several BBC documentaries with acclaimed documentary film maker, Allan Francovich. Since I was familiar with Francovich, I welcomed Jane into my home and readily gave her all the documents she said she needed to do a film on my husband..... who at the time was serving a two year sentence in an Austrian prison, the same prison where LeWinter is currently incarcerated.

Gunther had been convicted of stealing a credit card from a mutual friend. We had a letter from our friend, stating that the money put on the card was a gift. It appears pressure was put on her, and she lied in her affidavit to the court. The judge would not admit her earlier letter to us, because it was a fax and we did not have the original copy.

When Gunther was released, instead of flying to California to join with me, he disappeared for over a month. Gunther and Jane entered the United States in late February of 1997. He was arrested and put in jail in Los Alamos, New Mexico. When I talked with him, he had no idea who I was. For almost two weeks, he was completely out of his mind. Finally, he returned to normal, and we began planning our life together again.

In late April, I received a call telling me that Jane’s old partner and boyfriend, Allan Francovich dropped dead going through Custom’s at Houston airport. Francovich was carrying documents for Lester Coleman’s defense and for a civil damage trial against the government. During questioning by custom agents, Francovich suddenly suffered a fatal heart attack. The highly sensitive papers that he was carrying disappeared.. Francovich’s body was taken by friends for a private autopsy to determine if he had been injected prior to his heath by any of the drugs used to bring about a fatal heart attack.

As soon as I learned this, I phoned the jail where Gunther was being held to let him know. When he came to the telephone, I said, “Jane’s boyfriend just dropped dead of a heart attack in Houston Customs.”

I was not prepared for the intensity of his response. He said, in a voice as cold as ice, “They haven’t been lovers in over a year. He didn’t die of a heart attack, it was a blood clot... And if you don’t leave us alone, YOU’RE next!”

That was the last time I talked to my husband, Gunther. Within a week of Allan’s death, Gunther and Jane left the United States and moved to Bristol, England.

I made a few attempts to contact Gunther over the next few months. On his birthday, July 1st (the same birthday as Princess Diana), I sent him a birthday card. On our anniversary, October 30th, I faxed him an anniversary wish. As I was going to bed, on the evening of our 8th wedding anniversary, I turned on CNN. A breaking news report announced that Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed had just been in an accident. Dodi was dead, but Diana was still alive and on her way to the hospital.

For the rest of that evening, I received phone calls from around the world, wanting to know if I believed that she had been murdered. Back in 1996, when Gunther and I first started Rumor Mill News, our first few issues had been about Princess Diana and how the New World Order was trying to find her an appropriate American husband.

When Diana and Dodi Fayed began dating, I realized that Diana had turned her back on the New World Order and had fallen in with Faction Two, the opposition to the New World Order. Dodi Fayed was the nephew of Adnan Khashoggi. Adnan was a close friend of my exhusband, Gunther.

Before Gunther left me for Jane, Adnan had offered to loan us his Vienna apartment until we found one of our own.

About three weeks after the murder of Diana and Dodi, I received a telephone call from a man who identified himself as a European professor.

As is my custom, I picked up my micro recorder and began recording my side of the conversation. I learned a long time ago that my Sources do NOT like to have their voices taped, so in order to remember what they have told me, I repeat it back and record it.

I quickly wrote an article based on the information that was given to me about why Diana was murdered at Pont de L’Alma. I had no intention, at that time, of turning the information into a book. I e-mailed the article to my friend Brian Redman, the Publisher of Conspiracy Nation. He put it up on the Conspiracy Nation webpage.

Within a short time, several articles and books were written using the information from my article. Unfortunately, none of the writers had gotten the story right. So I decided to write Diana, Queen of Heaven.

In the middle of writing the book, a man named George Mearah was arrested in Vienna for trying to sell forged documents to Mohammed Al Fayed. Supposedly the documents showed that MI-6 and the CIA were involved in the murder of Fayed’s son and Princess Diana. Within a few days, the Kurier newspaper in Vienna had published one of the documents. (The document is included in the book Diana, Queen of Heaven)

My phone rang off the hook during this time. All the researchers and investigators that I collaborate with were trying to figure out who George Mearah was. Having been married to a CIA operative for over 8 years, I knew a little about how operatives created temporary aliases. One of the methods was to use an old alias, but change the last name into a foreign language. The reason for this was so the operative would not forget his temporary alias.

An example I knew about was an operative named Bill Green who became Bill Zelleny. Zelleny means green in a Slavic language, which Bill Green just happened to speak.

I pulled up foreign dictionaries on my computer and plugged in the word Mearah. After going through about a dozen languages, I put the name Mearah into a Hebrew dictionary and voila.... up came the word “cave”. I thought, “George Cave, hmmmmm!”

George Cave is a CIA operative who was involved in the Iran Contra mess. George Cave is also an alias that has been used by Oswald LeWinter. Knowing LeWinter’s reputation, I was certain the George Mearah, AKA George Cave, WAS Oswald LeWinter. Within a few days of my discovery, the European newspapers began running stories stating that George Mearah was an ex CIA operative named Oswald LeWinter.

I began corresponding with Oswald, and even though he denied it, I suspected him of being the mysterious Source for my book on Princess Diana. However, LeWinter and several Mossad agents have assured me that he was not my Source for the information on the death of Princess Diana. They gave me the identity of my source to assure me that LeWinter was not the one.

By reading the letter from Lester Coleman, the excerpt from Rodney Stich’s book, and my brief explanation telling how LeWinter, and Francovich are connected to me; you have discovered that the web of the spies entangles many people:

Jane Ryder and Allan Francovich, Jane and Oswald LeWinter, Oswald and Barbara Honegger, Barbara and Rayelan Allan, Rayelan and Oswald LeWinter, Oswald and Allan Francovich, Francovich and Lester Coleman, Coleman and LeWinter, Gunther Russbacher, Rayelan Allan Russbacher and Jane Ryder... who is now Mrs. Gunther Russbacher.

Having been married to Gunther for 9 years and 11 months, I know what it is like to be the wife of a CIA operative. I know what it feels like to have your husband set up and languish in jail. I know what it is like to be bankrupted. I know what it is like to sell everything of value in order to help my husband. I know what it is like to live from day to day, never knowing if I will have the money to pay the rent or buy food.

But I cannot imagine what it feels like, to have my children taken from me, as Mrs, Coleman has had happen to her. What she is going through must be the blackest kind of hell that any human can experience.

I urge any of you who are able to send Lester Coleman some money to quickly do so. He gave a number for A. Ernest Fitzgerald. If you plan to send a few dollars, call Mr. Fitzgerald first to see how and where to send it.

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