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Posted By: RAYELAN
Date: Monday, 5-Jun-2000 21:01:16

Dear Rumor Mill News Readers,

I am forwarding an update on Gunther Russbacher from a women with whom Gunther is or has been in contact.

When Gunther and I were married, Gunther's boss told me this woman tried to poison Gunther. Gunther is now telling her that I had him under mind control at that time, and he apologized to her for ever having believed she poisoned him.

Gunther didn't tell me Suzy poisoned him. And I didn't tell Gunther Suzy poisoned him. Gunther's boss in the Navy, a four star Admiral, told us this. Gunther was sitting at the dining room table, with me, when we were told this.

The Admiral told me to empty all the food we had in the kitchen. While I was doing this I found something very strange with the eggs. On the bottom of four of the eggs, was s clear nub, about the size of a pinhead. I fiddled with one until it came out. It looked like a little plug.

I took the egg, with the hole in the bottom, and the little plug into the living room where Gunther and his boss were still talking. After looking at it, both of them felt that something had been injected into the eggs and superglue had been used to plug the bottoms.

The Admiral took the eggs with him.

Everyone who talks with Gunther at this point in time, tells a different story. It could be that he trusts some people more than others and tells them the whole story. It could also be that he is purposely putting out misinformation --- for whatever reason.

All I know is the man who is married to Jane is not the same man I was married to. I have letters that he wrote to me while he was in the Los Alamos County Jail. This was after he had spent one month with Jane. He said in the letters that she had kept him drunk and on drugs for one month. When he was put into jail, he had no idea who he was. I have a letter from him that clearly shows this. Of course, he could have been acting at that time, for my benefit.

There are two things I am sure of:

1. There are people who do not want the Rumor Mill to continue and they will use whatever means available to make me stop.

2. Whoever Gunther was/is and whatever the real Gunther is doing now -- no one will ever know for sure. That is just the way it is with covert operatives.

I do not think that Suzy would lie about what Gunther told her. But I doubt very seriously if what he told her is true. You read it, and make up your own mind.

I realize that the Admiral could have lied to me. Why he would want to alienate both Gunther and me rom Suzy, who had been a good friend to both of us, I do not know.

One thing I do know is separation is one way to keep people from comparing notes. And if a covert operative wants to keep his cover firmly in place, he can't have the people he is the closest to, comparing notes.

Here is the letter. The only thing I took out were names that don't need to be known by everyone on the Internet. If you have any insight into things -- let me know... or post them on the Forum, where I will post this.

The only way to ever know the truth, is to see all sides.

One other thing, Gunther has been dying from liver cancer every since he was released from prison in Austria in December 1996. With no treatment, I wonder how long a person with liver cancer can live?



Date: 06/05/2000 2:11:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: To:

Raye, I'm truly glad that Gunther no longer is a source of trauma to you. From everything you've told me as long as I've known you and in our not-too-long-ago exchanges about your memories of what happened and what I know really happened, it's clear that you were drawn into all the dangerous mind-boggling and mind-programming influences of whoever was controlling him. Actually, I doubt that he will ever know the full truth about his life, including everything that happened during the years you were together. I imagine you feel the same.

What you just wrote doesn't tally with what I've heard from him -- but again, what's the truth? About 2 years ago (soon after he married Jane) he started calling occasionally. He apologized profusely for ever having doubted my loyalty to him, said you were the one exercising the mind control over him, said he had never been happier than he was at that time, talked about how wonderful his life was with Jane. He probably called half a dozen times just to chat like that and find out how we are. When he called last November, he was desperate to get $800 for plane fare to get Jane and him to safety because he'd heard that warrants were out for his arrest -- he hadn't been able to discover who/what/why was behind that because he had lost all of his CIA/NI contacts-- and even a warrant out for Jane, who had never done anything at all to anyone. He called several more times after that, from France, Belgium and Germany, always on the move and never enough $ to get plane fare until his call about a month ago, when he'd finally been able to get all the $ money for their tickets. He sounded really up, despite cancer spreading, and promised to call in a few days -- but no further word from him.

In one of his previous calls he told me he had collected $500 for their tickets, so I suggested that he go on ahead and then send $ to Jane for hers (he told me he had a small account at their destination, where they'd be safe and he'd get medical care because of his Knight Templar connections), and he said she was paranoid if he was even out of her sight because she had found out that her father had lied to her all her life about his work, and now that she knew he had been an operative all those year, she couldn't trust her family and was afraid for her life and his. I asked if her friends couldn't help raise the $300, and he said she'd contacted them, they are wonderful people but none of them had any $. (Well, welcome to a large group!) I asked how they'd managed to pay rent and buy food and gas during all those months on the run. He said he'd swept streets, chopped wood, distributed ads, anything to get them through another day; they'd been living in the cheapest rooms they could find, and had decided to leave their car behind. He hasn't had any medical treatment all this time for cancer, is weak and has chronic pain. In every call he has said that they are so much in love that that's what's been keeping both of them sane and struggling to keep on despite their desperate situation.

It's not a pretty picture, and surely there is some truth to his illness and financial straits and the warrants for him and Jane. It also sounds true that he has lost all former contacts -- the organizations deny operatives' claims, even their existence as part of them, and if they thought he was a threat to them, you know they'd easily find him and kill him.

Surely you were meant to have some peace of mind and contentment -- something you had so rarely with Gunther.

On another note, I read yesterday that Ahmad Behbahani, longtime coordinator of Iran's terrorism operations before he defected, claims he has documents to prove that the Libyans accused of bombing Pan Am #103 didn't do it. Maybe Les Coleman's ordeal will soon end.

All the best, Suzy

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