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Posted By: RAYELAN
Date: Tuesday, 2-May-2000 12:43:33

============RUMOR MILL NEWS AGENCY=========

From Rayelan Allan, Publisher

There are some very interesting things happening in the world that are not being highlighted by any media outlet -- at least not any that I have read --

None of my Internet sources have covered the possible hidden agendas" of these "interesting" news stories ---

I don't have the time to fill in all the "missing dots" -- Hopefully some of the RMNews Agents, who can also see the connections, will fill in the missing pieces ---

1. The Lockerbie Pan Am bombing trial is beginning at Camp Ziest in Europe. Two Libyans are being charged with murder in the deaths of all the passengers and bystanders who were killed on the ground.

Relatives of American Lockerbie Victims Arrive in Netherlands for Trial: From The Associated Press

2. Les Coleman, a major witness whose story contradicts the prosecutors -- is in federal custody in New York. Coleman says Iran -- not Libya -- was behind the bombing.

3. Iran refuses to release thirteen Jews who are being tried in a revolutionary court with no jury where the judge serves as prosecutor. One of the Jews confessed on television.

"The confession was the latest development in a case that has heightened an intense power struggle between the hard-line clergy and reformers who want nothing to come in the way of improving ties with the outside world."

Iran TV Shows Jew Confessing As Spy

Are these 13 Jews being held as some kind of "insurance" to make sure the truth of the Lockerbie bombing does not get revealed at the Lockerbie trial?

What is Israel being promised to stay out of this? Israel has already been promised more money from the United States than ever before, as a result of the "peace agreement" with the Palestinians. If money isn't on the table -- what is? Could the end of the Clinton Administration finally bring a pardon to Jonathan Pollard?

Is Iran using Jews to blackmail the U.S. into keeping Les Coleman in prison so he can't testify at the Lockerbie trial?

Is the United States putting pressure on Israel and asking them not to provoke Iran in any way right now? What will Israel demand in return? The release of Pollard?

3. The New World Order media mogul Time/Warner has thrown ABC/Disney off its cable companies. This is the first example of the type of censorship that cable monopolies can exert.

Rumor Mill News has reported that ABC has gone back and forth between the NWO and Faction Two -- the opposition to the NWO --- Since Time-Warner -- a definite NWO company is attacking ABC/Disney -- it seems to me that ABC may be back in the hands of Faction Two.

This makes me wonder -- what kind of stories was ABC planning on releasing in the near future?

Or is Time-Warner keeping ABC out of Sweeps Week, hoping to keep advertizers from signing with them, in a bid to financially destroy a company who may become a major threat to the NWO agenda?

A Regis-Free Zone: Millions of Viewers Without ABC: From The Associated Press

4. Bill Clinton pardoned FALN terrorists last year. These terrorists are from Puerto Rico --- The FBI and Justice Department are on Vieques Island -- off Puerto Rico -- getting ready to arrest the protestors that are shutting down a Navy test range --

What kind of involvement will the FALN terrorists have in this "Puerto Rican Standoff" --

And why are Navy warships being sent in as back up for the FBI and Justice SWAT teams? Could the FALN trigger a "War" between Puerto Rico and the United States? If so -- what will Clinton do? Give Puerto Rico the freedom that the FALN terrorists want?

If this happens, will Puerto Rico become another Communist Cuba? Is this the legacy Clinton is hoping to leave behind? Or will Clinton do this merely to help Hillary win the NY Puerto Rican vote in her bid for the Senate?

Most Americans think a Cuban style communist dictatorship is just fine -- If Clinton sets up an independent Communist state in Puerto Rico -- most Americans will not be upset -- they will simply fall for the "Clinton Spin" and think that Puerto Rico is better off being out from under the "oppressive yoke" of its colonialist masters -- i.e., the United States.

Clinton will be celebrated in Liberal Hollywood as the "liberator" of the oppressed Puerto Rican people.

U.S. Warships Arrive off Puerto Rico's Vieques Island: From The Associated Press

5. Is Iran really bombing Iraq? Or is someone trying to provoke a new war between these old enemies?

Rocket Attack Blamed on Iran Injures Eight in Baghdad: From The Associated Press

6. Does this have anything to do with Radar Rings? HAARP? or NWO Threats to Republican holdouts in Congress?

Scientists: Undersea Cracks Could Trigger Atlantic Tsunami: From The Associated Press

7. This is evidence of a major change in the Asian military defense structure -- but no one has said anything about this. Does this mean the United States military will leave Asia?

U.S. Drafters of Japan's Constitution Testify in Parliament: From The Associated Press

8. This appears to be an attempt to consolidate the two European bastions of NWO power... the government of Tony Blair and Gerhard Shroder -- This must be done quickly, before one or the other of the gets booted out of power by the rise of the European Right --- Is the NWO pushing for an immediate One World Government with them at the top?

Sources: London Stock Exchange to Merge With Germany's Deutsche Boerse: From The Associated Press

9. The moment Clinton leaves office -- Will a new Balkans War erupt? Will this be the beginning of the limited World War that RMNew's European Source predicted? Will this war be necessary to stave off a world wide depression?

Ex NATO Chief Warns of New Violence

I don't have answers to these questions -- I am simply bringing them to you attention.

The Republicans are backing down on the Elian hearings --

Clinton's ratings are higher than ever --

Time-Warner flexes its muscles and no one in media bats an eye --

Censorship in America is in full bloom --

Reno's Gestapo raids an American family's home and 2/3's of Americans approve of her actions.

This type of raid is common in Communist countries that have no free press to report such atrocities --

If Time-Warner now controls the media that most Americans view -- this means we no longer have even a semblance of a free press.

Most Americans love Castro these days -- Does this mean they love Communism? Or does it mean they have no idea what communism is because our communist schools and controlled media have not taught them.

Is Clinton seeing all of this as a signal for him to go ahead with the rest of his agenda?

And if this is the Clinton Agenda -- What is the Bush Agenda and the Gore Agenda?

Is the unusual weather in Texas -- remember the Radar ring that hung off west Texas for the last month -- being used to tell the Bush family to "toe the party line"? But what party line are they being asked to "toe" -- the NWO's or Faction Two's?

Is Gore's overture toward John McCain a sign that he will do anything to win the Presidency?

What will happen to Gore is Clinton declares himself Dictator for Life?

Isn't it fun to live in such interesting times? And we all thought the 70's were the revolutionary days -- They were just the trial run!

==========The Uncensored National Rumor========= P.O. Box 1784 Aptos, CA 95001 831.462.3949 TelFax

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

RAYELAN -- Tuesday, 2-May-2000 12:43:33
Who Wants to Be the White Male Network?
Mark Seely -- Wednesday, 3-May-2000 02:45:19

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