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Posted By: RAYELAN
Date: Monday, 10-Apr-2000 22:36:23

===========RUMOR MILL NEWS AGENCY=========== From Rayelan Allan, Publisher, RMNews

April 10, 2000



RMNews -- Aptos, CA --Les Coleman called today to let us know that he was given probation and not more jail time.

The Judge brought a stack of letters, 3 INCHES HIGH, into the courtroom. These were the letters that all of us had sent to the Judge. I am sure these letters helped the Judge understand that there is far more to the Les Coleman case than the prosecutor wanted the jury to know.

But we cannot and must not declare victory or let down our guard. Even though the state of Kentucky has given Les probation -- and by all normal standards, he should be released -- this will not be the case.

Well over a year ago, when Les wrote an affidavit, in a civil case regarding the bombing of Pan Am 103, he was charged with perjury. He spent many months in federal prison before he was finally sentenced to probation and community service. What was the so-called perjury? Les Coleman's affidavit stated that Libya had nothing to do with the bombing of Pan Am 103. He gave the facts, as he knew them, and was charged with perjury, in a civil case, convicted and sentenced. It was the first time anyone has been sent to prison for perjury in a civil case.

After Les finished his community service, he was offered a radio show in Lexington. He and his family moved there. When Kentucky charged him with fraud AND convicted him of fraud, this caused him to violate his probation on the federal civil perjury charges.

This means that even though the Kentucky judge did not believe the fraud Les allegedly committed was worthy of jail time, Les will not get out of jail any time soon.

What this really means, is the Kentucky Judge fully understood that the Feds were using him and his court to keep Les Coleman incarcerated, and thereby unable to go to Brussels and testify at the trial of the two Libyans that have been charged with the bombing of Pan Am 103. The Judge wisely chose to keep Kentucky out of the loop. He chose to pass the Coleman Problem back to the Feds.

What does this mean to us? It means that our letter writing campaign must continue a while longer.

Les told me to thank all of you for writing. He says he owes his probation to the 3 inch stack of letters you sent the Judge.

But we now need to write more letters First of all I would like to ask all of you who wrote a letter to the Judge to write him a thank you letter. In the thank-you letter, please ask him to keep an eye on Les because we feel his life may be in danger if he is returned to Federal Custody.

The Honorable Judge Thomas Clark Fayette County Circuit Court 215 West Main Street Lexington ,KY 40507

In a legal sense, I don't know if a state Judge can do anything regarding a Federal sentence, but I am going to ask the Judge to write a letter to the appropriate Federal official requesting a continuation of Les's federal probation. Les is not a danger to the community. He needs to be free so he can put his family back together and support his wife and children.

Les has been offered two different jobs. He will be able to support his family if he is released.

While Les was in federal custody, awaiting trial on the civil perjury charges, he developed a melanoma. He was not given timely medical care. He was only treated after the melanoma had progressed. Once he had surgery, the wound became infected. But Les Coleman received no treatment for an infected surgery wound, because he had been thrown into solitary confinement. He was given no medical treatment while in the "hole" and suffered with an infected and abscessing wound for 16 DAYS!!

The United States federal prison system is nothing more than an AmeriKan Gulag. According to Amnesty International, the American prison system is number one in abuse of prisoners. This information comes from the Ambassador from Mexico, I have not confirmed it. But from personal experience, I KNOW this is true.

American Patriot Maynard Campbell was murdered in the Federal Gulag. Clinton accuser, James McDougal died in the federal gulag due to medical neglect. It was more than likely murder labeled as medical neglect. Congressman George Hansen spent four years in the federal gulag and has the scars to prove it. Gunther Russbacher was attacked, poisoned, and beaten while he was in the federal gulag.

If Les is returned to federal custody, we have no idea where he will be sent or what will happen to him. At the moment, his children get to visit him, but if he is sent to another state, he will not get to see his children. And because of the $1.00 a minute, 15 minute limit phone calls, he will not even be able to talk to his children on a regular basis. The prison phone racket is how prisons make the money they need for administrative extras.

After we write the letter to the Judge who just granted Les probation, we need to write Amnesty International and bring Les's case to their attention. This needs to be done immediately.

The Amnesty office we need to deal with in is London. Evidently the New York Office can't handle human rights abuse in the United States.

I do not have an address in London, I have a fax number

Please send a copy of the letter you faxed to London to the New York City office.

Amnesty International 322 8th Ave. NYC, NY 10001

Thank you for your effort. It shows me that working together, we CAN be effective. However, as I said earlier we CAN NOT celebrate or believe we won a victory. Whenever Gunther and I celebrated a victory in his case, we were struck a blow so hard that we were flattened, either physically or emotionally for months.

Because we were successful in getting Les probation, we need to armour ourselves and prepare to be attacked.

Those who read theRumor Mill News Forum have seen the post from Vince. Vince has been exposing many different crimes that most Americans have never heard of. A few days ago, he found a guinea pig with its head cut off.

When Gunther's half sister was investigating satanic cults connected to government officials, she came home and found her beloved cats strewn about her lawn, all with their heads cut off.

One other RMNews Agent who exposed something that our government did not want exposed found his cat laid out neatly on the dining room table --- dead!!

The message contained in the dead bodies of animals is "This time is was only an animal next time it will be you!"

In most cases, the investigators, or elected officials get the message and walk away.

If you will remember, shortly after Rumor Mill News started the letter writing campaign on Les's behalf, the co-founder of RMNews, Gunther Russbacher, was attacked by a group of Navy SEALS who expose "Phoney SEALS". Gunther was also attacked by a representative of the POW/MIA community. The attack was not aimed at Gunther, it was aimed at me. It was designed to do two things -- unbalance me emotionally and consume my time so I could not work on other projects, like helping Les Coleman.

I fully expect that RMNews and/or me personally will be "punished" for the help our group has given Les Coleman. I have gone through this time and time again. What has it cost me? Everything I owned, my health and the lives of people I loved. I continue to do this because I understand that if some of us don't keep fighting the darkness, then ALL of us will end up as slaves in the AmeriKan Gulag

I thank all of you who put yourselves on the line for Les. As I have said repeatedly, we must not allow our enemies to divide us with hatred or with fear. We can only preserve the freedom and liberty we enjoy if we stick together.

I have never shared the original letter from the representative of the "Phoney SEAL Exposers". I have inserted it below. I would also like to state that Beverly Haire, the woman who stated Gunther was a phoney POW sent two emails apologizing to me.

In answer to the question that I have been asked many times

i.e., "Why haven't you published her apology?"

I have learned, through extremely painful experiences, that it is best to let sleeping dogs lie. And in this case, I chose not to rub it in Beverly's face. It will only be published if the attacks continue.

Here is the original letter from the Navy SEALS --

Subj: Gunther Russbacher, fake SEAL phony POW Date: 3/19/00 1:34:33 PM Pacific Standard Time From: (Steve Waterman) Reply-to: To:

Ms. Russbacher,

In the event I have reached the person known as Rayelen Russbacher, please be advised that as of today, I am going on a personal crusade to expose Gunther Russbacher for what he is, a liar and a fraud. He is not now, nor has he ever been a POW in Vietnam, or a Navy SEAL. Please be advised, I am involving any and all contacts with the press that I have developed during my time exposing phony SEALs. We have been 100% accurate in our work, there have NEVER been any who have been proven later to be the real thing. There is nothing personal in this, it is just that I and all my friends and fellow Navy veterans are sick and tired of jerks like Gunther Russbacher playing on the sympathies of the good people of this country and lying to them regarding veteran status, especially when it involves persons who have actually been held as Prisoners of War, and men, some of them friends of mine, but all who I have considered brothers, who have been killed while on active duty as SEALS or Navy Frogmen.

Persons known to me have contacted me in regard to some claims you made about a certain Gunther Russbacher, allegedly a former Navy SEAL and Vietnam POW. This is in response to that message. The report was that you were on the Art Bell show spouting off about your husband's exploits. When my friend attempted to call the show, many different shows you have been on, according to him, he has never been allowed to get through. In fact he was cut off immediately once the call screener established who he was.

In the event I have not reached Rayelen Russbacher, my deepest apologies. -- Steven L. Waterman P.O. Box 188 South Thomaston, ME 04858 (207) 594-4000

----------------------- Headers --------------------------------

(Available to prove authenticity)

Mr. Waterman later admitted that it was not the Art Bell show.

The AmeriKan Gulag is a small book that tells the stories of Congressman George Hansen, American Patriot Maynard Campbell and my ex-husband, Gunther Russbacher.

The cost is $10.00 plus $1.50 S&H

You can either send a check to the address below -- or call 800.400.1999

If anyone would like to help me pay for Les's collect phone calls, I would deeply appreciate it. Thank you. =============The Uncensored National Rumor=========== P.O. Box 1784 Aptos, CA 95001 831.462.3949 TelFax

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If you want to be able to post your own information to the Forum --- the instructions for joining are on the front page on the left side. You will have to scroll down to find them.

If you only want to read the articles and messages that are posted to the RMNews Agents Forum, here is the "read only" link ---

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I also recommend bookmarking the RMNews_Daily_Emails, because these emails represent a cross section of the news, ranging from the far right to the far left --- with everything in between.

The criteria I use for choosing which emails are forwarded to the RMNews_Daily_Email webpage (remember--- this is WEB ONLY) is ---

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Is the email an example of either the best or worst of an organization, group, belief system, or individual?

I hope this gives you all the information that you need to make a decision.

Rayelan Allan, Publisher Rumor Mill News Agency

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