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Posted By: Philip
Date: Sunday, 31-Oct-1999 10:13:52

Below is a conversation with remote viewer Al Moch (re: RV of the antichrist). Note that a Mabus has been interpreted in two different ways: once as an alliance of countries in the regions of Yugoslavia and second as Mahmoud Abbas - second in command of the PLO. Quatrain 2,62 implies that the death of Mabus occurs shortly before the rise of antichrist. In a letter to raye, I listed my 'projects':

'hi raye;

Syria and Libya are implicated in The Bible Code as starters of WWWIII - will get quotes later. also, the The Bible Code, i think, names the base near Megiddo where the nukes are located. also, note the recent peace overtures of syria and libya...

...i think that what we are seeing is the staging of antichrist - in other words, the characters are coming forth - for sure, the three i have studied for the last three years have not gone away - Osama bin Laden; Bilderberg and Mahmoud Abbas - and, in the last week alone the latter three have connected..

I will try to explain this as i go. also, when criticized, i use the argument that is not what i believe that counts - it is what 'they' believe that that counts and what resouces 'they' have to, perhaps, direct Revelations prophecy for their own agenda.

...and, i am reasonably convinced that the Temple Mount is the key; as a possible obsession. we now have a lot of indicator species of antichrist's rise - Temple Mount; Mahmoud Abbas (Nostradamus' "Mabus"?); Syria (Bible Code); NATO (christians bombing christians; Feb 23); Megiddo (Bible Code); Bilderberg; Intimidation of NYC Jews (Osama); the Parliment and Resident building in East Jersusalem - all seemingly in step with your intelligence research - do you agree???


conversation with Al Moch:

(1) Re:pru [Prudence Calabrese] - the staging of an antichrist - a hypothesis for RV consideration???


Thoughtfully posted by A. Edward Moch, Jul. 26,1999,16:17

"Dear Pru and Philip:

This is not a joke...

Coming soon to a Moviepex near you, "The Code" staring Michael York as "You know who"?

A movie has been done that focuses on Anti-Christ and the time period that this event is claim to suppose to happen?

The production had some financial and cast problems and a benifactor helped them out by the name of "Trinity Broadcasting"! One of the scenes is set in Jerusalem where a so-called noted Rabbi and the Jewish Community critical of the emergence of a Anti-Christ meet and discuss "The Code". In the meantime... The Anti-Christ (played by Michael York) announces himself on live TV to the world, and the reactions are predictable Hollywood Schlock. A riot happens and a number of people get shot and/or hurt (Including the Rabbi)... well you get the picture.

The emergence of Anti-Christ is nothing more than a "Control Issue" that we as the collective (human beings) giving permission towards as an excuse to happen.

Most people tend to follow more then lead, and raw collective thoughts out there can create a situation where people rally around a person for good or bad reasons. Be it a leader... or an Anti-Christ, we sometimes don't want to think (thought) for ourselves, so we create a "Savior" and/or a "Monster"... custom made in our own collective psyche!

If we were to "RV" in search for an Anti-Christ, are we doing the right thing?

Are we being Scientific... or are we getting Religious and/or Voodoo about it?

The future is in a "Variable Flux" and predicting such an event is, in my opinion, not the way to use "RV". The "Here and Now" is where "RV" is most effective. To reduce "RV" to a level of Alchemy, praying to Holy cards, and tea leaf readings is a step backwards. To "RV" God, UFO's and Aliens in my opinion is risky as well... because of the nature of the subject, and how you could "Get Hooked" and lose your ability to be "clear" as well as lose your perspective and objectivity in the matter.

"RV" is a powerful tool (or Weapon).... but it has "Two edges". As like any tool, if "RV" is used properly, it can be very benefical. If you choose to use "RV" inproperly... then it can complicate matters. To this day, most people don't know the full potential of "RV" because most of us don't know the full potential of ourselves.

"RVing" has to be taken serious if it is to do what it's design for?

Meanwhile back to the movie.

If you decide to see it, look to the left side of "The Renown Rabbi" in that scene. You will see two "Hasidic Jews" standing near him and when he gets hurt. The one to the left is me.

With Good Intentions;

Al (Rev.A.Edward Moch)

Related link: The LOGUS Group"

(2) ***Reverend Moch - RVing of 'Antichrist' May Already Be in Progress??? Re: Re:pru - the staging of an antichrist - a hypothesis for RV consideration??? -- A. Edward Moch
Thoughtfully posted by Philip , Jul 26,1999,18:37

'Reverend Moch

'A Catholic Friend of Mine Said That Sister Lucy Said That Chapter 8 and 9 of Revelations Would Become Revelant Soon...'

I understand, Reverend Moch, that i am responsible for the both hypothesis - that prophecy will be used for empowerment and agenda and the null hypothesis - that prophecy will not be used for empowerment and agenda.
Where i fall short is by real example - in other words, i do not have a confession by osama bin laden himself, for example, that his terrorism is a protest of the occupation of the Temple Mount by the Jews because he denies his role as terrorist. and he can deny his terrorism because terrorism has a different face - that of an alleged network - his "Al Qaeda" network. and so, suspected members can say that they bombed the embassies in Africa with the motive of reclaiming the Temple Mount which is actually what they said. so, you know???

I am not amongst 'them'. i have simply tried to play... as a role... as an American citizen who has some concerns and these concerns are based on the simple premise that this is the Millennium that we are passing through; that some will consider this Time as a time for them to act; that these 'acts', based on directed prophecy, may constitute a potential threat, not only to our national security but to religious freedom as well.

So, i have put forth a hypothesis (vs paranoia) for the sake of discussion as an American and 'Global' citizen (vs a conspiracy theorist). and i have done what some friends; who have read The Bible in detail; have recommended me to do - so, if they point me in the direction of Ezekiel or Revelations that this where i go - as a matter of priority and my respect for their knowledge of the Bible. finally, increased monies, for sure, are being spent on counterterrorism.

As a US Citizen, i wrote to my Congresswoman with my concern that special interests would be an issue. she passed the letter onto the Justice Department and she recieved a reply back reassuring her on how monies were to be spent. earlier this year; the cia and the fbi openly recognized the threat of the Millennist extremism. Israel has spent monies in anticipation of the year 2000 pilgramage of several religious groups to Jerusalem. here are some of my posts with some observations -

(a) - Mind Control/Revelations "Alpha" and "Omega"

asked in the Catholic Q&A Forum

'I have discovered another quote that may link Prophecy with the manifestation of Evil in what may be thought as Millennium Prophecy - in this case:

Revelation's "Alpha" and "Omega" with Mind Control.

In the past I have found Louis Farrakan quoting Revelation's with regard to the 'river' suggesting that the Islamic countries unite over 'oil'.

Also Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden picked the monthly date that one Antichrist interpreter says for AC to declare. This date is February 23 --- Saddam Hussein declared a 'Freedom from America Holiday' and Osama bin Laden issued fatwas on this monthly date in 1998 and the Ramboillette (sp error) Accords were finalized on this date in 1999

The accords of which were drafted in secret by a "Contact Group" and presented as an ultimatum to Milosevic - this led to christians bombing christian - antichristianity.

IMO - antichristianity could appear as a captured ideology; coupled with anti-American sentiment - it is not what i believe or what you believe - it what they believe; what resources they have and what recourse they will take in the recycling of prophecy through our generation; i mean Revelations is in the Bible and i, personally, had nothing to say about its creation

(b) Revelation 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."

Revelation 21:6 He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.

Revelation 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

Note in this excerpt from "The Greenbaum Speech" -

"Alphas appear to represent general programming, the first kind of things put in" (the Revelation's "Beginning"???) and that Omegas; 'the end': "Omega has to do with self-destruct programming. Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end." Greenbaum quotes Revelations without citing it.

"Now let me give you, because we don't have a lot of time, as much practical information as I can.

The way that I would inquire as to whether or not some of this might be there would be with ideomotor finger-signals.

After you've set them up I would say, "I want the central inner core of you to take control of the finger-signals." Don't ask the unconscious mind.

The case where you're inquiring about ritual abuse, that's for the central inner core. The core is a Cult-created part. "And I want that central inner core of you to take control of this hand of these finger-signals and what it has for the yes-finger to float up.

I want to ask the inner core of you is there any part of you, any part of Mary," that's the host's name, "who knows anything about Alpha, Beta, Delta, or Theta."

If you get a Yes, it should raise a red flag that you might have someone with formal intensive brainwashing and programming in place.

I would then ask and say, "I want a part inside who knows something about Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Theta to come up to a level where you can speak to me and when you're here say, 'I'm here.'"

I would not ask if a part was willing to. No one's going to particularly want to talk about this.

I would just say, "I want some part who can tell me about this to come out."

Without leading them ask them what these things are. I've had consults where I've come in. Sometimes I've gotten a Yes to that, but as I've done exploration it appeared to be some kind of compliance response or somebody wanting, in two or three cases, to appear maybe that they were ritual abuse and maybe they were in some way, but with careful inquiry and looking it was obvious that they did not have what we were looking for.

Let me tell you what these are.

Let's suppose that this whole front row here are multiples and that she has an alter named Helen and she has one named Mary, she has one named Gertrude, she has one named Elizabeth, and she has one named Monica.

Every one of those alters may have put on it a program, perhaps designated alpha-zero-zero-nine a Cult person could say, "Alpha-zero-zero-nine" or make some kind of hand gesture to indicate this and get the same part out in any one of them even though they had different names that they may be known by to you.

Alphas appear to represent general programming, the first kind of things put in.

Betas appear to be sexual programs. For example, how to perform oral sex in a certain way, how to perform sex in rituals, having to do with producing child pornography, directing child pornography, prostitution.

Deltas are killers trained in how to kill in ceremonies. There'll also be some self-harm stuff mixed in with that, assassination and killing.

Thetas are called psychic killers.

You know, I had never in my life heard those two terms paired together. I'd never heard the words "psychic killers" put together, but when you have people in different states, including therapists inquiring and asking, "What is Theta," and patients say to them, "Psychic killers," it tends to make one a believer that certain things are very systematic and very widespread.

This comes from their belief in psychic sorts of abilities and powers, including their ability to psychically communicate with "mother'" including their ability to psychically cause somebody to develop a brain aneurysm and die. It also is a more future-oriented kind of programming.

Then there's Omega. I usually don't include that word when I say my first question about this or any part inside that knows about Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta because Omega will shake them even more.

Omega has to do with self-destruct programming. Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. This can include self-mutilation as well as killing-themselves programming.

Gamma appears to be system-protection and deception programming which will provide misinformation to you, try to misdirect you, tell you half-truths, protect different things inside.

There can also be other Greek letters. I'd recommend that you go and get your entire Greek alphabet and if you have verified that some of this stuff is present and they have given you some of the right answers about what some of this material is, and I can't underline enough: DO NOT LEAD THEM.

Do not say, "Is this killers?" Get the answer from them, please. When you've done this and it appears to be present, I would take your entire Greek alphabet and, with ideomotor signals, go through the alphabet and say, "Is there any programming inside associated with epsilon, omicron," and go on through. There may be some sytematicness to some of the other letter, but I'm not aware of it.

-- Philip Henika (, November 29, 1998

(c) My guess is The Conspiracy, from which all others branch, is mind control; on an individual and cultural level.

The result of mind control is what has happened to America since Roswell; post World War II policy of those who wish power and fortune in this country by becoming Planners who are immune from Reactionaries.

The Planners recognize American rights and many are of high moral character but it is their moral character which becomes a "smoke screen" when their plans are done in secrecy; they procede and tread on the Democratic process; no one but them can predict the outcome.

We have the right to React but have no say in the Plans. My own evidence for mind control is found in the Bible. Revelations says "I am the alpha and the omega".

In the Greenbaum speech, he reveals that many subjects were encoded with mind control cues using the Greek alphabet;

alphas were general programming;

omegas were suicidal;

deltas were programmed assassins;

betas were prostitutes; honey-traps for high officials.

I think that somewhere; someone started the mind control conspiracy with Revelations in mind and that is our trace.

I think it was done post-WWII as paranoia surrounding Communism; a Cold War tactic that was used with success and subsequently taught and applied when necessary.

The best example was the Kennedy assassination - IMO - mind control on a cultural level using delta-programmed assassins.

It was successful globally as well.

The Bilderbergers were formed in the early 1950's as Planners, who meet in secret; to influence the policies of a global economy; to tip the scales of free trade - the financial workings; expression of the New World Order.

George Soros implies that every new economic change occurs as anarchy; the democratic progression and distribution of wealth of which is dependent on good faith.

For example, Europeans had no vote on the Euro - a regional currency with a lower interest rate. Countries had no vote on it; they actually had to qualify for it; qualify for an end to the soverign orign of their own currency. Guaranteed power; special interest monetary gains; control over free trade; IMO - mind control with these motives in mind are the core of conspiracy. IMO - mind control will eventually be exposed as a Revelations-induced strategy; 'I ride a pale horse and its name is Death'. Americans need to become less Reactionary; we need to scrutinize the Plans with some measure of skepticism and creative proactivity...

(d) Some quotes: "We have no right ever to forget that psychological warfare is a struggle for winning people's minds." - (Mikhail Gorbachev) (Taken from "Soviet disinformation chief: A master at using words as Cold War weapons". New York Tribune, 7/27/87)

'Deception is the planned difference between what was said and what was done. Mind control is the outcome of what was done based on the plans of deception. Mind control is detectable. It can be traced - "nothing disappears without a trace" (X-Files)."'

'Prophecy is either self-fulfilling or forced. The latter is directed prophecy for the agenda of the leader. The leader's deception is that the future can be told and thus, a Plan is created. All perceptions and experiences of the human mind go directly into the past. The future is a construct; a hypothesis derived from anyone's memory.'

(e) Quatrain 2,62

Mabus plustost alors mourra, viendra, De gens & bestes vn horrible defaite: Puis tout a` coup la vengeance on verra, Cent, main, faim quand courra la comete.

"Mabus" (1) then will soon die, there will come Of people and beasts a horrible rout (2): Then suddenly one will see vengeance, Hundred (3), hand, thirst (2), hunger (2) when the comet (4) will run.

(e1) "There are references to the Alus, which Breytenbach took to refer to the NATO allies in which the United States is the dominant force, and the Mabus which he said could refer to Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Serbia." (from "World War Three Set To Start In July - Nostradamus"; by Jeremy Lovell; CAPE TOWN (Reuters).

(e2) "The Rockefeller Foundation [Bilderberg David Rockefeller] is the prime sponsor of public relations for the United Nations' drastic depopulation program, which the world is invited to accept at the UN's scheduled September conference in Cairo, Egypt.

Evidence in the possession of a growing number of researchers in America, England, and Germany demonstrates that the Foundation and its corporate, medical , and political associates organized the racial mass murder program of Nazi Germany" and "With support from the Rockefellers, the Eugenics Society (England) set up a sub-committee called the International Planned Parenthood Federation, which for 12 years had no other address than the Eugenics Society.

This, then, is the private, international apparatus which has set the world up for a global holocaust, under the UN flag." (from Population Control; Nazis, and the U.N! by Anton Chaitkin; ROCKFELLER AND MASS MURDER).

(e3) Bilderberg Club

(e4) A long-period comet or intercontinental ballistic missile - both visible on the 45 degree N latitute:

Quatrain VI-97

"At forty-five degrees the sky will burn, Fire to approach the great new city: In an instant a great scattered flame will leap up, When they want to have proof of the Normans".

Note: 'an intercontinental trajetory imitation of Hale-Bopp - prophecy for own agenda and feeling of

empowerment??? - Russia has designed a new "S-400" defence system alledgedly capable of defence against stealth technology'...

The later would signal Revelations 8(1): "1When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour" and the start of the Third Secret of Fatima or perhaps the 'Secret of the Thirds' - Revelations; Chapters 8 and 9...

Chapter 8:

1 When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.

2 And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.

3 Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at thealtar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne.

4 The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angel's hand.

5 Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake.

6 Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them.

7 The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down upon the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.

8 The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood,

9 a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

10 The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water--

11 the name of the star is Wormwood. [1] A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.

12 The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them turned dark. A third of the day was without light, and also a third of the night.

13 As I watched, I heard an eagle that was flying in midair call out in a loud voice: "Woe! Woe! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the trumpet blasts about to be sounded by the other three angels!"

Chapter 9:

1The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss.

2 When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss.

3 And out of the smoke locusts came down upon the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth.

4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads.

5 They were not given power to kill them, but only to torture them for five months. And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes a man.

6 During those days men will seek death, but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.

7 The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces.

8 Their hair was like women's hair, and their teeth were like lions' teeth.

9 They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle.
10 They had tails and stings like scorpions, and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months.

11 They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon. [1]

12 The first woe is past; two other woes are yet to come.

13 The sixth angel sounded his trumpet, and I heard a voice coming from the horns [2] of the golden altar that is before God.

14 It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates."

15 And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.

16 The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million. I heard their number.

17 The horses and riders I saw in my vision looked like this: Their breastplates were fiery red, dark blue, and yellow as sulfur. The heads of the horses resembled the heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke and sulfur.

18 A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that came out of their mouths.

19 The power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails; for their tails were like snakes, having heads with which they inflict injury.

20 The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood--idols that cannot see or hear or walk.

21 Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts. 1.11 Abaddon and Apollyon mean Destroyer. 2.13 That is, projections

...These random thoughts indicate the formation of a "Mabus" Alliance in the Balkans; the seventh seal may be declaration of war from the G8 countries - Russia dropping out to make them G'7'; the launch of an intercontinental missile on the 45 N latitute...'

(3) Re:Reverend Moch - RVing of 'Antichrist' May Already Be in Progress??? Re: Reverend Moch - RVing of 'Antichrist' May Already Be in Progress??? -- Philip Thoughtfully posted by A. Edward Moch , Jul 26,1999,20:34

"Dear Philip:

The primary development for "RV" was as a tool for "Information Gathering".

The use of "RV" in the present state is to discern possible future events that could become factual... and I use "Possible". Because the future is in a variable state of flux, "RVing" the future in the here and now is nothing more than a "Forecast", and can be much more difficult then "RVing" the Present Here and Now and/or the Past?

Yes... there are many indicators pointing in the direction that perhaps many of these things may come to pass... but getting caught up in "Millenium Events" only feeds the Collective, and could make you prone as an unwilling participant?

Please remain objective as much as you can... What is God's business is God's business. "RVing" is going on for "Advisory Purposes" only... but if an "Actual Event" was to occur, then "RVing" would be utilized for the "Here and Now" and be much more benifical at the proper moment?

A "RV" rush to judgement can be just as fatal as the actual event itself? We have seen this already. Mis-information can only add more confusion to the reality and panic the masses to believe that it's really happening, when in reality it's not. At this time, there are two things we need to be watchful for, and that is "Acts of Man" and "Acts of God". Both can be unpredictable... but only one will come to pass wether we like it or not.

Al (Rev. A. Edward Moch)

(4) Actually, my hypothesis has held up so i am expanding the research... Re: Re:Reverend Moch - RVing of 'Antichrist' May Already Be in Progress??? -- A. Edward Moch

Thoughtfully posted by Philip , Jul 27,1999,11:13

'Rev. Moch;

for the last three years, i have presented hypotheses which, in some cases test remote viewing data of a event yet to come or i have suggested targets for future remote viewing projects.

i think i held onto some basic scientific principles - that is, i have tried to detach myself from partisan conspiracy theorists and paranoia. to accomplish this i have, in the post above, substituted citizenry and hypothesis/concern for conspiracy outcries and paranoia. so, i hope i have succeeded in this regard.

and so, here is how i have applied the scientific method. i have hypothesized that, as we pass the through the Millennium, more acts of violence will be perpetrated from the reading and acting out of prophecies - your so-called "acts of Man", perhaps -

my hypothesis suggests a motive for such acts and a model for the examination of - 'what happened here'; 'what do we learn from happened here' and 'what we do about what happened here to ensure a lasting peace' - i mean - isn't this what we want and can have - if not by choice?

Revelation's prophecy will occur from want of neglect - unfortuately, the kind of the neglect that you are proposing. so, to keep this rolling, i need to prove to you that some signs of Millennium extremism are in the past; some are unfolding as a present; and some are future constructs - all of which are subject to 'flux' with regard to time as a referential and interpretation as a matter of cognitive partiality - that is the inability of the individual and the "Collective" to completely recognize what happened in the first place and why we felt it was so-important to study it detail - do we contiune the research as this junction or quit - and, correct me i am wrong...

i think your innuendo to me is that i quit and that you continue with yours.

ok, let's say you continue with yours and with the suggestion that it be objective. this means you, as a Reverand, will have to assume that an act of God and therefore, God itself, is a potential statistic for the proof of your hypothesis. my guess is that an act of Humanity with regard to prophecy is more probable that an act of God - i, personally, have been witness to the former but have never been witness to the latter or perhaps; i fell short of the defintion. still, i have a love and respect for the improbable - the butterfly effect of chaos theory.

if i go into my lab and find 95% of my mice dead than i have to wonder why the other 5% are still alive and sometimes, not only alive, but a smaller percent displaying normal mouse behavior - grooming themselves and running about in deference to my applied toxin. anyway, i intend to expand my research on the "signs"; four of which are intriquing to date.

(1) is the connection between Arafat and [my comment - Bilderberg] Ahtisaari; Arafat suggesting that Ahtisaari will play an "important" role in the Middle East peace process;

(2) the ownership of the Jerusalem Post by [my comment - Bilderberg] Conrad Black and whether or not his interest in the Jerusalem Post will decrease media attention to Bilderberg interests, if there are any, in the Middle East;

(3) if there is a Middle East war - will the Ben- Avraham Plan [* note; this proven to be misinformation] be used to the restructure economic and political framework of Israel and

(4) most intriquing - it has been rumored that a Parliament is being secretly built for the PLO in East Jerusalem which has been placed, perhaps as a symbol, equidistant from the Temple Mount versus Israel's Parliment building and that a lavish residence is being built by it for a very important person - the architect of these negotiations is Mahmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen (the coauthor of the Mazen/Beilen (sp) agreement) - Abbas is the probable successor to Arafat and some have suggested Abbas as a Nostradamus "Mabus" - the death of whom occurs soon before the rise of antichrist - for whom this residence is being built??? good greif, Reverand Moch, i wish my research would just go away in favor of a humanly-created; lasting peace. please consider this last piece of information as a putative target(s) for RV ---

regards, philip'

(5) ***Re:Actually, my hypothesis has held up so i am expanding the research... Re: Actually, my hypothesis has held up so i am expanding the research... -- Philip Thoughtfully posted by A. Edward Moch , Jul 27, 1999,16:31

"Dear Philip:

I am not in disagreement with your use of "RVing" these issues. What I am concerned that the long collective nature of the factual, political, and mythical "ENT Streams" that are connected to these issues are a questionable challenge to the Psyche? I'm not saying that it shouldn't be done... but in my opinion if you are not prepared, it would be like "RVing" yourself into a possible mental mine field? Yes... you will get data, and useful information, but you might recieve "Remote Distortions" and other things as well (WYSIWYG)? If you know professionally that you have the proper training and skill to do this... more power to you. I was/is involved with "RV" from it's early beginnings for over twentyfive years and I advise you to just be careful. Remote Viewing is a powerful tool(and/or weapon)... allow it to serve you, not to serve it?

With Good Intentions;

Al (Rev. A. Edward Moch)

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Articles In This Thread

Philip -- Sunday, 31-Oct-1999 10:13:52
Re: Remote Viewing the Antichrist
Graf von Monke -- Wednesday, 3-Nov-1999 00:54:32
Mind Control - Individual & Cultural
Philip -- Wednesday, 3-Nov-1999 11:43:31

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