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Posted By: RAYELAN
Date: Thursday, 27-Jan-2000 19:57:13


It is clear to most of us that Elian is becoming a political basketball. Now even the Nun who orchestrated his meeting with his grandmothers, has had a change of heart.

First Janet Reno's friend Sister Jeanne felt Elian should return to Cuba... after meeting with the family and the Grandmothers, she has changed her tune.

With emotions being whipped up to a frenzied level, where could this "Elian Episode" lead?

A fax recently received states:

"If the INS or the Justice Department forcibly take Elian back to Cuba... it will launch a war."

The fax went on to explain how the Cuban exiles have armed themselves and made themselves into an army capable of ousting Fidel Castro.

The fax said nothing about the anti-Castro forces being backed by anyone in the United States. However, I have heard rumors for years that the old Bay of Pigs CIA group has kept the "failure splinter" festering in Cuban Americans for almost 40 years.

Rumors say that men within the CIA are still angry at JFK, Sr for "chickening out" at the last minute and dooming the Bay of Pigs mission to failure. Members of Faction One and Faction Two were/are part of this group of angry CIA men.

An interesting note:

George Bush, Sr. was part of this CIA-Bay of Pigs Group.

His son, Jeb is Governor of Florida.

His son George W. will be the next President.

Rumor Mill News received a telephone call weeks after Elian was found floating in the ocean. The information that was given to us was posted under the title:


The caller stated that Elian's situation was "staged". He said he did not know why. But speculated that it had to do with some kind of "created crisis".

Rumor Mill News received a fax several days ago. As soon as we have received back comments from former SOG, Recon, and Special Forces advisors, the entire fax will be posted.

The essence of the fax stated that Panama was becoming the hub of drug money laundering. It said they were laundering the drug money by buying gold. It also said that the US government groups that were involved in drug dealing had used gold to launder their money for years.

The fax stated that China wanted to become the leader in the drug trade and was planning to use Panama as the drug money laundering capitol of the world.

Speculation was made that the once the drug money was laundered into gold, the gold was taken to the United States and Italy and sold for dollars. The dollars were then taken to China and Russia and used to buy weapons.

The fax stated that both Castro and the anti-Castro forces used this method to supply themselves with the weapons they need for war.


The Nun who shepherded the meeting between Elian and his Grandmothers, has now changed her mind. She no longer believes that Elian should be returned to Cuba.

Rumor Mill News cannot understand how anyone who believes in God could want a child returned to a country whose official government sponsored beliefs deny the existence of God. Therefore, we question what the National Council of Churches is up to as they usher these Grandmothers to one meeting after another after another.

The National Council of Churches was formed 50 years ago and denies that it has a political agenda, however they have consistently been involved in wars and unrest from South Africa to Central America.... in a humanitarian role, of course. I wonder how many governments and groups that were supported by the National Council of Churches have ended up with Communist governments?



It is obvious that the Grandmothers are not doing anything of their free will. Reporters in Miami have stated that Cuban intelligence officers are orchestrating the Grandmother's visit. If this is true, is the National Council of Churches cooperating with this... and if so... Why?

The Grandmothers stated that the United States Government intruded on the meeting they had with Elian. Evidently Elian's father called a cell phone one of the grandmothers had with her. A representative of the United States government took the cell phone away from the Grandmother.

The only representatives of the United States government would be under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department, Janet Reno; or the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Doris Meisner (whose husband was murdered along with Ronn Brown and the others when the plane crashed in the Balkans).

Both of these women take their orders from President Clinton. It is unlikely that they would do anything without running it by the President's representatives.

Sister Jeanne, who was the hostess for the meeting between the Grandmothers and Elian, is an old friend of Janet Reno's. Janet Reno called her and asked her to host the meeting. Remember that Janet Reno is originally from Florida. She was a Prosecutor in Dade County.

After Sister Jeanne met the Grandmothers and Elian, she has changed her story. She now believes that Elian should stay in the United States. What did the Grandmothers tell Sister Jeanne that makes her feel this way? Sister Jeanne now states that she does not believe that Elian can return to Cuba and not live in fear. Sister Jeanne also stated she believes the government of Fidel Castro is definitely manipulating things behind the scenes.

Attorney General Janet Reno has now summoned her old friend to Washington DC. After Sister Jeanne has a meeting with the Attorney General of the United States, will she still feel that Elian should stay in the United States, or will she become "convinced" that sending him back to Cuba is the right thing.

Whether or not the "Elian Episode" was staged, it is obvious that it is being used to whip up old hatreds between the pro Castro and the anti-Castro groups.

At the press conference given by the American family of Elian, the fisherman who rescued him spoke eloquently and from his heart. He said that he is a fisherman, and he stated that he was not reading from a script. He said this so everyone would know that what he was saying was NOT written by someone else, but was coming straight from his heart.

This fisherman spoke the truth that most people in the United States know, but no one is stating:

Life in Cuba is horrible for everyone who live there. The policy of embargo is not working. Something needs to be done.



President Clinton is looking for which something he will be positively remembered, after he leaves office Could he be trying to work out some kind of new relationship with Cuba?

Has he studied Reagan's invasion of Grenada and is he hoping he can invade Cuba with the speed and success of the Grenada invasion? Or is he looking at other possibilities?

If so, what are his options?

If he lifts the embargo, will this affect Al Gore's chances of being elected President?

If he allows the events surrounding Elian to progress to a point where Cuban-Americans invade Cuba, will he send in American troops to quell the revolution? Or will the United Nations get involved?

If the United Nations gets involved in a war between Cuba and Cuban-Americans, they will back Cuba. This probably sour the already bad relations that the United States has with the United Nations.

Will Russia get involved?

Will China get involved?

If a war begins, will it be quick? Or will Cuban-Americans go into the mountains and become a guerilla army, supplied by other Cuban-Americans? How long will this guerilla war go on?

Will it be finished in such a way that it will make President Clinton look like a hero? In the minds and eyes of liberal Democrats, WHAT could he do regarding US relations with Cuba that would make him look like a hero?

If he talks Castro into leaving office and turning Cuba into a democratic nation similar to what Russia has become will this alienate Democratic radical/liberal/socialists?



Rumor Mill News sees no possible way that Clinton can come out of this Elian mess looking good. Therefore, it is our opinion that if the "Elian Episode" was orchestrated, it was orchestrated by a "dirty tricks" team for the purpose of making the Democratic-run White House look ineffective. If Clinton looks ineffective, then Gore will look ineffective.

In 1988, Gary Hart was forced out of the Presidential race due to his affair with Donna Rice. Numerous people in and around the Intelligence Community have told Rumor Mill News that this was completely orchestrated by one of the Bush family "Dirty Tricks" team. RMNews has been told by reliable Sources that the Hart Operation was orchestrated out of Florida by Jeb Bush, who is now the Governor of Florida.

Why would the Bush family want Gary Hart out of the 1988 Presidential race? It was because they feared Gary Hart might beat George Bush. They wanted Bush to run against the least effective candidate. This of course was Michael Dukaksis.

If the current "Elian Episode" is being orchestrated by anyone, it seems that it is a person or group who thinks they have something to gain. Which groups think they can gain a political edge off of the Elian?

Republicans definitely think they can score points with the Anti Castro Cuban Americans. But how far are they willing to go for Elian? Once they get their 15 minutes of positive press coverage, how much longer will they care?

Democrats are divided on Elian. If they send him back to Cuba, they run the risk of alienating their moderate supporters who still remember what Communism is all about. If they break with the current administration, they run the risk of not getting the support they need to win their elections.




If the Federal government comes into Florida and forces the Courts of Florida to get out of their way and hand over Elian to them, could this spark a new Civil War?

George W. Bush has already stated that the Confederate flag over South Carolina's State Capitol is something that South Carolinians should handle themselves. Does this imply that he agrees with States rights?

The States Rights VS the Federal Government Rights has not been settled since 1865. Over a year ago, Rumor Mill News wrote an article titled the Coming Revolution... the New Civil War.

After reading the article, one Rumor Mill News reader stated, you missed the point: "By breaking up into Sovereign Nations, the people of the United States can defeat the New World Order." The reader implied that this is what is being done in Europe with the rise to power of conservative nationalists.

Is it possible that the "Elian Episode" can evolve into something as big as a new civil war?



And then there are the legends that have already started to grow around Elian.

+ Dolphins surrounded Elian and protected him from sharks.

+ Angels led the fisherman to Elian

+ Dolphins jumped out of the water and did tricks until the fishermen found Elian

+ Elian is a new Moses Moses led his people out of slavery Elian will lead his people out of Communism

Do not think that Elian is too young to lead an army. If his followers believe he was sent by God to lead them, then it doesn't matter how old he is. They will follow him where ever he leads them.

There are currently two separate armies led my children who are thought to be following God's directions.

Thailand: ---The recent hospital hostage-takers are believed to have been acting under the orders of twelve year old twin brothers, who command almost mystical loyalty among their followers along the Thai-Burmese border. The followers – thought to number about 100 – are said to believe the twins have supernatural power that makes their disciples invincible in battle. The boys are believed to have stayed in their border stronghold. ----

---No End in Sight to Ambon Violence "Fourteen-year-old Samsul Belu is a living legend in Muslim-held parts of this strife-torn city for all the Christians he has killed in a year of religious violence. ``No bullets can hurt me, no daggers can stab me,'' the teen boasted. During the past two weeks, as hundreds of people were slaughtered across islands in eastern Indonesia, Samsul led Muslim fighters armed with homemade weapons in fierce battles against Christians." ----

What is evident from the "Elian Episode" is that relations with the Cuban communist government will never be the same.


Jan 27, 2000 - 11:58 AM Host of Grandmothers' Meeting Laments Politicization, Now Backs Letting Boy Stay By Madeline Baro Diaz Associated Press Writer

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) - The nun who was host of the reunion between Elian Gonzalez and his grandmothers said today she now favors letting him stay in the United States because of the way Cuba has tried to manipulate the situation. Sister Jeanne O'Laughlin told The Associated Press that before the meeting, her opinion was, "I would go with the law that the child should be with the father, but what I saw and felt really frightened me for the child." She blamed both sides but also specifically cited the Cuban communist government. With a backdrop of 200 chanting, flag-waving demonstrators nearby, the trembling grandmothers, Mariela Quintana and Raquel Rodriguez, met with the boy Wednesday. They brought the 6-year-old shipwreck survivor, the center of an international tug of war, a photo album filled with pictures of his family and friends back in Cuba, and the three played with an Etch A Sketch and stuffed animals. The grandmothers did not comment as they left the meeting. Today, Cuba's communist government complained that the "the loving and heroic grandmothers" were treated shabbily, saying that the reunion was repeatedly interrupted and cut short abruptly before their time was up. In response, Sister O'Laughlin said: "The Cuban government ... has said we were not nice to the grandmothers, that we had spies. This is just not true." She told the NBC "Today" show that "I believe that there are people with political agendas that take the child as a pawn, and perhaps the grandmothers also." "I think I am a wiser woman today, and I understand how blessed we are to understand what it is to be free and not full of fear," she said. Sister O'Laughlin had said that both sides were so mistrustful that she had to show them there was no chance Elian could be snatched away. She showed her visitors that "windows couldn't be opened, that doors couldn't be invaded, that helicopters could not land in fake grass, that there were no disappearing trap doors." She said today that "what I experienced yesterday about tangible fear gives me real concern about the future of the child ... and when I look at the real fear I say he would grow to greater freedom of manhood here." She said she would tell officials in Washington "the truth as I experienced it. I don't represent pro-Castro, anti-Castro or INS. I only have the sense that I felt when I blessed that boy when he was leaving here." At one point during the meeting, one of the grandmothers' cellular phone went off and was confiscated. It was unclear who was trying to call, but a letter issued Wednesday by the Cuban Communist Party from the boy's father and grandfather in Cuba said they would call during the meeting. Today's editorial in the Communist Party daily Granma that criticized the meeting complained about the confiscation of the phone and said a "counterrevolutionary mafia" is responsible for "the monstrous and traitorous kidnapping." In Washington, Attorney General Janet Reno said today that "it sounded like it went as anticipated and gave the grandmothers time with Elian." The child's Miami relatives want him to stay here and grow up in the United States rather than in Fidel Castro-controlled Cuba. But his father and grandmothers hope to have him returned to Cuba. The Immigration and Naturalization Service is pressing to have him returned to Cuba, citing the father's right to custody, while the Cuban-American relatives are fighting in federal court and are backing efforts in Congress to make the boy a U.S. citizen. "Tomorrow they're going to make me an American citizen," Elian said in an interview broadcast over the Spanish-language Radio Mambi after the reunion. In a document filed today as part of the court case, the Justice Department argued the judge should dismiss the relatives' case either on grounds the court lacks jurisdiction to review the immigration decision or that his great-uncle, Lazaro Gonzalez, lacks standing under federal law to speak for Elian. It said a victory for the Miami relatives would "ignore accepted international practice in cases involving a sole surviving parent located in the United States, where we would expect the foreign country to immediately return the child to the surviving American parent." After the meeting, the grandmothers went back to Washington to state their case again. Elian's cousin Marisleysis Gonzalez and other Cuban-American relatives also went to Washington today and lobbied for their side of the dispute. On Capitol Hill, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott indicated he had no solid plans for handling legislation to give Elian citizenship, removing the boy from the jurisdiction of the INS. President Clinton supported the grandmothers' cause, hinting he might veto citizenship legislation if it passes. And senators seeking Elian's return to Cuba suggested they might use delaying tactics to keep the Senate from debating the measure. Elian was found clinging to an inner tube off the Florida coast Nov. 25. He had left Cuba with his mother, who died along with her boyfriend and nine others when their boat capsized. The fight over where he should live had dominated headlines in Florida and Cuba. During the reunion, hundreds of farmers gathered in a Havana auditorium for the latest in a series of government-organized protests calling for the child's return. Castro's government has scheduled a much larger demonstration on Friday, the anniversary of the birth of Cuban independence hero Jose Marti. AP-ES-01-27-00 1155EST

Copyright 2000 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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Articles In This Thread

RAYELAN -- Thursday, 27-Jan-2000 19:57:13
Citrine -- Friday, 28-Jan-2000 13:07:44

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