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Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Wednesday, 4-Jul-2001 16:55:01

In Response To: Happy Independence Day, Patriotlad (Pathfinder)

Thanks for telling Patriotlad how MANY of us feel about his posts. I too, am a fan of Patriotlad. I know how hard he researches his material, and since I am familiar with most of what he writes about, I know that his information is accurate.

I feel blessed to have Patriotlad as a Rumor Mill News Agent!

However, this Dr. Chiappalone information came out of the blue. The first I heard about it was the message posted by Pace. I too thought Dr. Chiappalone was shooting himself in the foot when he attacked ALL the Rumor Mill News Agents, and NOT just Patriotlad!

His response said more about who HE is than it said about Patriotlad.

The next I heard about the Chiappalone/Patriotlad disagreement came in an email. I was NOT going to publish it, but the MORE I thought about it, the MORE I realized that it NEEDED to be shared.

Here it is... the only change I made was to make paragraphs because it was hard to read all squished together. It appears as if the writer has sent me other emails. If so, I did not receive them. I checked my old email and found nothing with the same email address. You will see that the email starts off as if I knew what she was talking about. I only had a "faint" idea what it was about due to the Pace Post!

Below it is my response!

And below my response is a second response from this person -- this time, I did NOT break it into paragraphs.

Dear Rayelan,

I have since seen the response posted on the readers only forum, I sent a snailmail earlier because I couldn't find your e address, now that I have it I am posting my letter electronically.

I am adding some comments here. Thanks for your patience and the opportunity to respond. I'm grateful you are posting Pace's timely missives, particularly Dr. Chiappalone's material.

I can see why you gave Patriotlad a chance to see Dr. Chiappalone's response to his negative outburst ( celestial garbagetruck). He has no Gnostic understanding of what was written in 'Status Quo' as his two impulsive responses to Dr. Chiappalone show.

His limited mind would need extra time to formulate a suitable diatride ( in his faulty estimation), to give this fool (Patriotlad) and his two or three sidekicks a chance to string some meaningless rantings together.

All those are fools who think to ambush The Light. Not only can't these fools stand the Truth, they cannot understand or recognize it when it stares them in the face. Patriotlad is a self deluding cowboy/squatter/indian (according to his own bio), he's gonna save the world from the new world order (he thinks that's all we have against us, he's limited, indeed).

He can't even save himself, with his arrogance of ignorance, shortsightedness and egomania he has no tools with which to save himself or help anyone else. He wastes money and neglects his family for nothing, just to exercise his ego and play at being a patriot hero.

This is the same type of consciouseness that crucified Jesus, persecuted Gnostics, other Avatars and true beings. Oh, they claim to be good Christians and warriors for just causes, but they don't really understand The Christ Consciouseness or True Divine Justice.

They only fight anyone who doesn't agree with them or who refuses to be manipulated by them. Warring on the innocent and defenceless is all they know.

Well, The Light is not a defenceless victim and It will Judge, deliver consequences and transmute trespassers. I could almost feel sorry for these fools, but I cannot feel compassion for ignoramusus, such as these, when they try to deny, ridicule and ambush The Light.

What is this fools puny accomplishment that he thinks he is worthy to attack The Light? He's still gagging down that tequila, is he, I wonder how much Dutch courage from a bottle it took to write his garbage so rudely against The Light. Ah, well, just another group of candidates for the transmutation vats, there's plenty of room in those vats for such as they.


(name removed)

Dear (name removed)

I let everyone post and vent their feelings on the forum. We can all learn from each other.

You are really wrong about Patriotlad -- he is one of the best educated of all the writers on the forum... while he may not believe in aliens or other things, he is NO fool.

You should go back and reread the email you sent me. It is so full of hate that I am concerned about you. Please let me know that you are not as full of this animosity as the email is. To fight the enemy on all levels we must be clear enough to see through all the lies. Hate and anger clouds all thinking.

Maybe you were just in a bad mood when you wrote this. I hope so, because your email did nothing to strengthen your position. Neither did Dr Ciaccpilone's response. He attacked the entire forum -- not just patriotlad. I really thought he should have done better than the response he gave. It demeaned everyone who posts on the forum, and it definitely will not win Dr Ciaccipilone any admirers.

I hope you can enlighten him that most people who post on the forum don't necessarily agree with all the other people. But the forum is a place where people can state their opinions and intelligently debate them.

Your statements about Patriotlad are not in the spirit of debate, they are in the spirit of attack, smear and destroy. If you did not mean them to be this way, then you should sit on your email and reread it several times before you send it.



Thanks for your prompt reply. It shows and tells me more about you then I
had realized before.You don't understand me or Dr. Chiappalone at all. You
judge in haste and ignorance. I felt no hatred toward Patriotlad ,at all
when I wrote my letters. I was alerted to his consuming hatred of others
ideas when he started the nasty pillory of Tau, and you agreed in a
vitriolic reply as to why you were throwing Tau off the forum, you certainly
didn't give him a chance to vent his feelings and ideas. Then this hateful
attack on Dr. Chiappalone for his posting(Status Quo)by Pariotlad because he
, himself, fails to understand the Doctors writings, as he never understood
Tau. I really don't hate Patriotlad or you, it's a waste of energy to hate,
which could be better spent fighting our real enemies. There is a mechanism
in the Divine Creation for putting an end to all the evil and hatred in this
world, I think many of us, including you and Patriotlad are trying to work
with this Divine Energy to dispell the evil afflicting this Universe, at
least I hope for all your sakes that is your plan. All will get exactly what
they deserve, so we don't need to worry or waste energy turning on each
other, that's what the evil demiurge want's us to do, to waste ourselves on
futile fights among ourselves. Read some of Patriotlads hateful attacks on
others ,again and see who the 'hater' is. Do you want me to candycoat his
meanspiritedness and ignorance because you think he's well educated. His
education leaves a lot to be desired if that is his best shot. Please don't
be concerned about me(you don't even know me), I'm not a hater like
Patriotlad, he really does need your concern. Hate and anger does cloud our
thinking, as Patriotlad clearly shows. I enjoy your forum and just
exercising my right to disagree. I could not think of trying to enlighten
Dr. Chiappalone , for He is my Enlightener and not I, His. Do you think
Patriotlads responses to Dr. Chiappalone's contributions are in the spirit
of debate. I think not. I say what I mean and I mean what I say and I don't
need to sit on my emails several times to know what they say.


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Articles In This Thread

Happy Independence Day, Patriotlad
Pathfinder -- Wednesday, 4-Jul-2001 15:22:33
Rayelan -- Wednesday, 4-Jul-2001 16:55:01
Re: Happy Independence Day, Patriotlad
chugiiak -- Wednesday, 4-Jul-2001 22:34:38
Re: Happy Independence Day, Patriotlad
LoriLynn -- Thursday, 5-Jul-2001 07:39:03

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