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Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Tuesday, 26-Sep-2000 10:48:34

In Response To: FEMA 9: DISASTERS; THE ARMY & HAARP (Rayelan)


This just came in, from the August 28, 2000 installment of U.S. News from CNN:

“More than 2,000 military personnel are assisting in the fire fighting effort, with hundreds more due to be rotated into service within the next few weeks as other units are withdrawn.

“Among the new arrivals are 500 Army troops from Fort Campbell, Kentucky, who are scheduled to go on duty Monday, following a weekend of training in southwestern Montana.”
With the coming of these very-well-trained troops to the area, are we welcoming more fire fighters with open arms—or are we welcoming, in disguise, the presence of FEMA and the means for instant martial law?

Let’s move on to gaining some more first-person information.


On August 17, 2000, I had a conversation with a man whom I will only refer to as David. The actual source must remain confidential and is quite credible. He lives in the area of Northern Idaho, and has some insightful things to say about HAARP, the fires, and some—well—let’s just call them theories, in general.

Martin: I’m doing a story on FEMA. It’s on the history of FEMA. The story I started to write was on the history of FEMA, but the story that I’m actually writing, as it turns out, is not only on the history of FEMA, but the wildfires out West. And, what is causing those. Is it HAARP? Is it a man-made, created emergency? Is it just Mother Nature? What’s going on?

David: Ok. Now, on FEMA—the only thing I get on FEMA is what I read and what I pick up. I was called by Trochman, and they have that treaty—the Heritage Treaty. If the fire or damage or flood moves through, then they can evacuate you, and through that treaty they can take your property. I got that from him.

Last week, on Thursday, I went to the concert in Sandpoint, Idaho, and I noticed that the lightning started, and it kept hitting in the same spot. And I said: “Now, when did you ever see lightning start, or generate, or hit twice in the same spot?”
And it was over and over. How it radiated out—and I had plotted it. The funny part about it is, it ended up somewhere around between Trestle Creek Road and Trout Creek Road, in the mountains on the way to Clark Fork. And that was the general area. I’m familiar with the area, and I had a vantage point from the field, watching the concert.

I said to my wife: “We better go. It’s in our area. It’s in our neighborhood.” That’s what I saw on our way home, following the highway, it points in that direction, toward East. And it kept emanating or striking from that area. And I said: “You know, that’s the oddest thing.” And then, of course, it would expand. It was the weirdest looking lightning I’ve ever seen.

Martin: Can you explain the lightning?

David: It kind of looked like a web effect, like an old cobweb, going out, where pieces are missing.

Martin: Like going out sideways, or?

David: Yeah, going sideways. It looked like it originated from one point over and over again, and then it would light up, and it looked like cross-tie. And everybody commented on how weird the lightning was.

A mutual friend of ours knows that I have some friends who were on the Montauk project. He’s been to my home, and he was talking to me about Montauk, and some of the connections to HAARP. I became friends with another fellow who was on the project, out of Washington, and he calls me once in awhile.
And what we noticed, and I told our mutual friend, that what I got from this Montauk source was—he was talking to Preston Nichols and Al Bielek, and they were talking about the use of limestone, and they were making tetrahedrons (which is two pyramids, inverted), and they were generating the electricity.
I have been working on a project, and I was able to decipher what Boval and Hancock had found about Orion’s belt in the pyramid. The pyramid is made out of limestone, sitting on the largest limestone block or deposit in the Earth.
I was working, then, with the Lakota Sioux, on the Black Hills. I got some of their star maps, which were delivered by a few natives because they knew I was doing work, and they were pictures from animal skins which showed the exact ratio and proportion in layout of that of the Giza Plateau.

So, I’m saying: “What is the correlation here?” And I noticed there was a satellite picture taken, infrared, and there’s a river under there, and the river is also in proportion and layout to that of the Nile River. So, I started checking other ancient sites.

How I got onto it, I was studying photoluminescence and ultraviolet rays for killing pathogens, or amplifying certain frequencies, so that’s how I stumbled upon it. I wasn’t originally intending to go into archaeology. But I found astral-archaeology in the Bible.

Then I noticed that there were places called “Devil’s Slide”, and there were 60 some around the country, and they were all pretty much oriented to the longitude and latitude, and similar to Giza, and they were natural limestone deposits, and the federal government was making national monuments out of them. And on Hwy. 1 in California they want to reroute the whole road away from that. So something is going on with the use and harmonics of limestone.

Getting back to our mutual friend, when he calls me in town, he doesn’t want to talk on the phone because he was aware of my other research. Get this: he says that up that road, where the lightning was emanating from, there’s a gate up there, and the Forest Service, and you can’t get in. But, he says, they were trucking tons of limestone block from Portugal up on top there, which is why he called me. So I called my friend [with the Montauk project] and he said: “Well, the only purpose would be to make a ‘Delta-T’ [antenna?], which would work with HAARP, which could alter the grid-lightning” and so forth.

Other anomalous things were happening from several years ago. For instance, a man who runs a barge said the Navy contacted him in the middle of the night to drop these big coils into Lake Pondo’reille (Idaho). I understand that they have an underwater skyscraper.

And then I was checking the forest map, I was finding they were planting these pyramids—36 per square mile—and he said [his Montauk contact] that “they were creating standing columnar waves”. It just happens to be that it triangulates. I have not seen that station [outside Sandpoint].

Dr. Chippaloni in Australia, he’s an M.D., and he’s involved in UFO phenomena and other things extraterrestrial—you see, in the Black Hills, it wasn’t the gold they were after. Besides Giza, the only place that I’m finding these anomalies and enigma sites, they’re all based around huge limestone deposits. You know, where the Presidents’ faces are cut into stone, is all limestone. There’s a connection.

So, a while back I was doing some work on catalyst cells and water, and there was a doctor by the name of Giancola from Tuscany, Italy, the university, and she was doing all the miracle waters, like Lourdes, and so forth, and they all had one thing in common. They all had calcium carbonate, or limestone, properties, which are collectors of UV.

I read some books about how, in the ’50s, they were using irradiated blood, irradiated with certain frequencies of UV and putting it back in the body, and pathogens were totally annihilated. It brought back a complete homeostasis condition in the patient. This was by William Campbell Douglass, M.D.

My trail intertwines, in and out, with all this “mysticism” and with the pyramids in limestone. I started plotting it. The strange thing is that limestone, under certain pressure, can turn into granite. Then that led me to obelisks. They put one in Central Park in New York by the mesa, in the late ’30s or early ’40s. And then the Washington monument is an obelisk. And then we go to the Vatican, and the Vatican has an obelisk.
You see, this is all tying in. These are more than mere pointers; somehow or another they have to do with geomancy of the Earth, and the formations—all of the catacombs and caves are calcium carbonate, around there in Italy.

Rome: during World War II, Musolini had taken an obelisk from Ethiopia and put it in the center of Rome in the square. So, after the war—and I got this off a site by the Vatican—and they were supposed to return the obelisk back to Ethiopia as part of the U.N. agreement after World War II, and they refused to do it.
So then, if you look at the layout of Rome and Washington, D.C., and the obelisks, and the layout of the Vatican and the Capital, there is a similarity there of streets and everything in an overlay. Again, this had to do with geomancy.

If I’m getting too far off the subject for you, correct me or bring me back.

Martin: You lead the way; you’re doing just fine.

David: I think, somehow or another, the elitists, going back to perhaps Constantine’s time and coming forward, and all of this esoteric knowledge, is all starting to tie-in. But it has to do with the biological effects that it has on a human, on our biological being—you know, frequencies and so forth. Tying more and more sites together.

If you take the Channel Islands, now, off of Santa Monica, and you have the Chumash Indians—they annihilated the Chumash. I was studying the petroglyphs. So, the Channel Islands, where the main Chumash live, they federalized the islands. You need a permit to get on. You cannot land there. And what’s in common is, a large calcium carbonate deposit, or limestone. So, there is some communication that goes on. You cannot land on those islands without a permit.

Then I was tracing some more petroglyphs on the Chumash Indians—and Rockwell built an aeronautical rocket-base around it in California, and all the other places where there are petroglyphs—so I had some old books showing it in the late ’50s and early ’60s; at one time you could go there and look at them.
But the next anomaly, in the factors, is that they also are surrounded by calcium carbonate caves and limestone, so something is going on of that nature. If you travel around the rest of the country, you’ll probably find that they are around these sites, and these anomalies happen—strange lightning, etc.

When I talked to my friend, when I called him up, the one in Washington, I said: “Hey, this is what I found.”
And he said: “Well, sounds to me, from the description, that they’re using a ‘Delta-T’ in connection with HAARP, and they’re probably manufacturing it.”

It’s just a strange array the way these fires hit, almost like they’re pin-pointed. Know what I mean? And there were 22 pin-points of it. The Forest Service came down, and they wanted to talk to us last week about evacuation. And so, we all went down to find out what’s going on and they were showing the sites, and these places were in-between these markers that I accidentally found about 4 years ago, because of the petroglyphs over here, off of the peninsula and Lake Pondo’rille, and this area.
It has a “power point” there. Now, this is speculation because I can’t prove it, but from all the data that I have from Boval and Hancock and astral-archeology, and calcium carbonate, and quartz crystal, and limestone, and the way that they put these pyramid devices to the ground—and it’s on the Forest Service map, but it tells you that what these are, you know, a “control station”.

I had a friend I called from the Forest Service; he was a surveyor. He said they were planting these pyramidal items, and then they go around and put special magnets in, with the black side up, in a certain plastic case. And they were taking a square mile, and dividing it into quarters and quarters and quarters, you know, halves and halves and halves, at 36 per mile.

He says he found the old markers from the 1800s; he doesn’t really understand why they want to plant all these magnets. And then it came about that, when he went out into the field to survey, they would create a standing columnar wave array effect. To what degree I don’t know, but it would make sense if you read everything on HAARP and you look at these maps.

So, they were knocking on civilians’ doors saying: “Hey, do you mind if we survey your property? It’s not national forest, but do you mind if we survey and put these survey things? It would be easier to identify your property.” Well, it seems kind of odd that they would, and I’ve seen the magnets. He showed them to me. They were putting them in actual pyramidal-cone devices, and they were being put in precisely. And they’re on the Forest Service map. I asked him what that meant, and he went back and asked his supervisor, who said they had to do with some kind of control with satellites. So, this has been long-standing information.

It could be a hypothesis; but if it is, it’s very strange that all of these certain degrees longitude and latitude, and places that they’re using it, would be formulating grids. Actually, the lightning looked like a grid-type of lightning, now that I recall it. It was just strange.

We’ve lived up here now going on 12 years, and I have never seen this type of weather, nor lightning of that nature. We’ve never, ever, seen such a thing before. It’s just happened recently, within the last couple of years. In the last of couple years, since they’ve been firing-up this HAARP system, we have weird weather.

Martin: So you think what is happening is a direct result of HAARP?

David: I think so, in my opinion—HAARP and other secret projects. Now, you have to understand that, also, there is Farragut Naval Base, which adjoins Farragut Park, but also there are some personnel there who are secret. I met one. I understand they have a building with an elevator underwater, like the skyscraper underwater. There are some restricted areas there that you can’t go into.

Martin: Where is this?

David: Farragut Park, between Coeur d’Alene (Idaho) and Sandpoint, on Lake Pondo’rille. It used to be a Naval base during World War II for submarine training, because it’s a very deep lake. And so, they still have a base there, and strange things happening. The rumor mill—but, you know, these are local people. You hear about the quarrels. The guy who was contracted for the barge, actually; I heard him talking to the other guy. They actually dropped these big coils into the lake; who knows for what?

There is a correlation between HAARP, and disease-ments, and the weather, and the modification. As long as you’re a biological, breathing, living thing, it is going to effect you—from the small microcosm, the molecular scale, to the macrocosm.
Sometimes I get beyond myself. I don’t know if that will help you.

Martin: (Laughter) Yes, this has been very confirming.

David: I can only tell you—because, see, what you want to tell the readers, why I’m going the long route around, is because under the references or points of reference that you and I, as normal subjects of the planet, were taught, and so forth, in science—this doesn’t fit. It’s like a square peg in a round hole.

So, what does this have to do with limestone, and obelisks, and pyramids? Well, it has EVERYTHING to do with it. That’s how they founded HAARP, based on those points of reference. You have to understand the geomancy of the Earth, the electromagnetic fields, and the radionics of the movement of the planet to astral-archeology.

I got a program from NASA where I plotted all these ancient sites and things that they can’t find today because of magnetic declination. I was able to go back and dig it out from my references. I found the limestone deposits—well, of course, I have a little help from the “other side”, ethereally.

You see, we’re the body-electric. These things all tie-in to HAARP. It’s all one scenario. You see?

Martin: I’m going to digress here. Obviously you’re in a place where there are a lot of fires happening. What is FEMA telling the people? You went to a meeting, didn’t you? What are they actually saying?

David: One of the representatives, the fire service was there, and a congressman, and somebody from FEMA who didn’t speak at all. They were going to talk about evacuation procedures. The Heritage Treaty—we’ve been alerted up here in the area. This is a highly patriotic area in the county. It would be easier to burn us out then it would be to start a war, I guess. That’s how you get paranoid.

I mean, these fires are absolutely strange. All the old-timers who live here for eons and eons have never seen this type of weather, nor the type of lightning, nor these types of fires. And then none of them want to move out. But they’re [the government is] anxious to say, “Well, we’ll evacuate you.” You know?

They just evacuated, two days ago, Troy, Montana, which is 50 miles away. And that’s up near, on the way toward Yakt, and as I understand it, there’s some strange troop-type movement there in Bonner’s Ferry. And if I look at these fires, it’s almost like a designated pattern. It’s almost like you could draw a trail. But I can’t prove that; I can only relate to you that it’s awfully strange.

We’ve never had, in the middle of Summer, where it was 90 degrees during the day, and 46 degrees at night. And we’ve never seen these types of fires.

Martin: What’s the vibe like? Does it feel strange in that area?

David: Oh, everybody, absolutely. It’s a weirdness—our animals. Everybody is calling me: “Are your animals acting strange?” My dog follows me EVERYWHERE, down into the river, the creek, you know. She lays by my bed at night. Then she wouldn’t even go to the river with me. She’s been hiding under the porch, and I have to call her out. And on certain days she acts real weird when this crazy weather is happening. She’ll feel this type of vibration. And my neighbors’ dogs, too, and the cats. All the animals are acting weird around here, and they all act weird on the same day.

Martin: Sounds bad.

David: I would say so.

Martin: What, exactly, is a “Delta-T”?

David: A Delta-T, I’ll read it to you, ok? It’s all affecting the polarity of the body. I have so many manuscripts here, Rick.

Martin: Can you just verbally tell me what the Delta-T is?

David: If you see two pyramids and they’re back to back, base to base, and then coming out of the sides is an array of antennas at 90-degree angles. They’re coils, and they pulse these coils up, and a Delta-T antenna, even when it’s not fully energized, just sitting—oh, by the way, the largest limestone deposit is at Montauk, where the project is, and a Delta-T, in connection with HAARP; it’s on the largest limestone deposit on the East Coast. It is limestone caves that are there, ok? And so, it has a subtle effect on the inter-dimensional, of time and warp and space. That’s how Al Bielek ended up at Montauk from Philadelphia when they sent him back.
Now, here’s what happens. Once they fire this up, this Delta-T, it creates what they call a “bottle effect”, a magnetic bottle, or bubble as you could put it. But they call it a “magnetic bottle”, and everything within that bottle is controlled by whatever magnetic fields that are within it. But like anything else, it would collapse, unless you had standing columnar waves, ok? But if you had these—this is a hypothesis on this part; that last was actual—if you’ve got these magnets being planted every square so many feet, and you have standing columnar waves, it keeps the magnetic field from collapsing. So, everything within that “bottle effect” would be controlled by that magnetic field. I got that out of the Montauk book.

[End quoting]

My conversation with “David” continued for some time beyond this point, but it moved into areas unrelated to this particular story. Let it suffice to say that what you read is very credible testimony from a well-connected eyewitness to some very strange events going on in that area of the country.
Early in the previous interview, “David” mentioned John Trochman, and so he was my next eyewitness to contact for this investigation—which was only growing stranger by the day! The following is a verbatim transcription of a telephone conversation which took place on August 18, 2000:


MOM Spokesman: Some of the fires they’re allowing to continue to burn, since they don’t affect residents; others they have finally curtailed, not that it affected residents but because it burned out there repeater. Otherwise they would have let it go. We have some behind us that they’re letting go. The ones that are out and are controlled, mainly, are because of locals, not the Forest Service. The locals here have organized and gone out and they have curtailed a number of fires that were started at the same time as the major ones, and only burned about an acre. They got them under control so there was no damage done. The Forest Service has allowed them to burn.

Martin: What is FEMA saying? What is FEMA’s involvement, so far?

MOM Spokesman: FEMA, at this stage, hasn’t made much of a statement here, other than what the Forest Service has, that if it’s not affecting any residents, “let it burn”. Their intent is to burn 10% of the national forest over 20 years.

Martin: Oh, really?

MOM Spokesman: Yeah, let her go. And the problem is, they let it go to the point down at Darby/Hamilton where they couldn’t control it, and it took out homes and displaced a lot of people.
Trochman: The fire’s been getting pretty close. We’ve been building fire-fighting equipment. We’ve had some. We’ve got the neighbors ready, with their cats and pull-tanks and crews ready to go, if we have to. So, we’re taking it seriously.

Martin: Well, it IS serious!

Trochman: You bet it’s serious, especially when the Forest Service has a policy of “let it burn”.

Martin: That’s why I’m calling. I’m calling to ask you about what exactly is going on with the Forest Service, and what is going on with FEMA?

Trochman: The take-over of America!

Martin: The story I’m writing is about FEMA, and I’ve found out some things about what is happening in Idaho, and some things about HAARP.

Trochman: We watched, about three weeks ago, where they brought a low-pressure system into the Seattle area, and then back out about 300 miles; they left it there as they brought the hot-dry air up from the desert. We’ve never had it like this here since 1910.

Right here, where the fires have been striking the hardest, is where we’ve been trying to stop planning and zoning. And this is the area of Montana where they want to relocate people out of the country, into the cities. In addition to that, they are teaching, starting this Fall, a program—I don’t have the exact nomenclature in front of me here—they’re teaching a program on how to bring rural residents into the city, voluntarily or mandatory.

So, with this planning and zoning program that they’re putting together here, what we’re anticipating happening, Rick, is that they would—if your home is burned out, like South of us—they would not give them building permits because you live in a “high risk” area. So they continue to allow the fires to drive people out, to burn their homes, and when you come back, you collect your insurance and move on, but you can’t come back there and build. That’s how they’re going to get us out, one of the many ways.

You know, they’re trying to starve us out. We’re at least 50% unemployment here. They’ve shut down the forest from logging, mining, grazing. I mean, all wealth comes from the land, and if we can’t connect with the land, we’re outta here. That’s what they’re trying to do.

Here they’re worried about the “endangered species”, they’re worried about the timber. They won’t let us go harvest it. They won’t let us pick up the dry timber for protecting the forest because of all the fuel build-up there; they won’t let us use it for our home heating.

They’re concerned about the environment, the air quality, water quality, yet they let the fires burn? Now, come on. How hypocritical can you get?

Martin: A lot of people would say that it’s paranoid thinking to think this way. But it would be so easy for me to think, well, obviously it’s easier to burn-out the patriots then it is to fight them.

Trochman: It would be the easiest way of all.

Martin: So, in part, I can’t help but think that this is exactly what’s going on. But there’s got to be more to it then that, too; it’s got to be a several-layered thing, don’t you think?

Trochman: It always is. It always is.

Martin: Do you have any theories?

Trochman: We’ve attended a lot of meetings that were sponsored by the Forest Service in Western Montana.

Martin: And how is the relationship between you and the Forest Service, by the way?

Trochman: With the lower-level employees, good, but with the top ones, as bad as you can get, next to blows.
When they make the statement that Western Montana, where you live, is going to be like it was in 1850, and we research what it was in 1850—there were NO people here. And when they make the statement: “We’re going to burn 10% of the forest every 20 years”—we can see it happening right now.

Martin: What can their rationale possibly be for that?

Trochman: Well, why do they allow this lightning, this crazy, crazy lightning, in the middle of no rain, in the middle of the strangest whirling wind I’ve ever seen? When it strikes, they come up the next morning; they could put it out. One little crew with no equipment could put it out in a matter of hours, but they let it build for days and days until it gains its strength and heat, and they bring the winds in to fan it, and it becomes a giant, giant forest fire. It is absolutely hideous what they’re trying to do—unless they have a motive behind it, of trying to drive the people out.

Martin: Well, obviously, Western Montana, and Northern Idaho, and Northeastern Washington is a stronghold for that kind of free-thinking citizen.

Trochman: That’s right, and that’s where the problems are happening now.

Martin: I have a chart in front of me of all the fires that are happening now, and it’s enough to curdle your blood. Of course, you’re up there with it, so you know what I’m talking about.

Trochman: We sure do. And we’re anticipating today that they’re going to “Level 5” for the fire danger, which means they’re closing all of the back roads. And they have blamed the civilian population here for starting some of these fires.
But, if you follow the money trail, Rick, you’ll find that anyone who has a vested interest in fighting fires, would want a fire. Anyone who has an interest in picking huckleberries and harvesting timber, would NOT want to do this.
We’ve taken quite a ration about our press releases from the local papers. Thursday, I believe, a week ago, we put out how the local town of Pinedale, Montana was about to burn to the ground when the fire chief and the fire crew came to the rescue. They were about to start putting it out, the fires were enclosing, engulfing the town, when the Forest Service chief came and said: “No, you’re going to let it burn.”
And they said “screw you” and saved the town, all but one home.

Now, in a town nearby, the crew listened to the Forest Service, and 51 homes, 20 out-buildings, and 2 saw-mills were lost.

Martin: Unbelievable.

Trochman: That’s right, unbelievable. There was a crew that was going to cross the creek with a cat, and the Forest Service ordered them not to because “you may disturb the habitat for the Bull Trout”. Well, the Bull Trout is what Fish & Game would make us throw on the side and not let go back in the water, because they’re the muddy-uppers, the scavengers, the ones who eat all the fish, etc.

Now, they’re an endangered species, apparently, so you can’t cross the stream to save your home. You have to allow the trees to burn, and plug-up the creeks, muddy it up, let the mud run in because there’s no vegetation to hold it anymore. I’m not sure what kind of sense this makes.

Martin: In a situation like the one you just stated with the town, I’m surprised tempers haven’t flared.

Trochman: Well, they have. There was a man who was gone on vacation. When he came back, the fire was on his property, coming near his buildings. He went to the Forest Service and raised particular hell about it. And when he left there, he left with a crew and a Forest Service cat. He just happened to have been a retired Forest Service Fire Chief. When he got back and they were starting to fight the fire with the cat and the crew, he noticed there were already three more crews, two more cats, and a road grader back there, civilians, already doing it. And they were very successful.

Now, here in our neck of the woods, there’s a man who has kind-of taken the bull by the horns. He and his fire-fighting crew have done more on all these little fires—one crew, one cat—that out-do hundreds of forest service people put together.
And we overheard the Forest Service making a comment to someone else, saying, about this man who’s been quickly putting out all these fires: “Doesn’t he know how to milk them?” How sick can you get?

Martin: That’s as sick as it comes.

Trochman: It is! You bet it is! This is a statement that you ought to use:

We are taking this into our own hands. We are taking this very seriously, and we are fighting these fires with our own hands. If we can’t lick this fire enemy that they’ve created against us, how can we lick troops, foreign and domestic, that would come against us? We’d better learn to fight, folks!


RMN is an RA production.

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“Dr. Jekyll” Or “Mr. Hyde”-- Which is FEMA
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Rayelan -- Tuesday, 26-Sep-2000 12:33:53
BxDanny -- Thursday, 28-Sep-2000 01:21:40

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