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Posted By: Robinhood
Date: Wednesday, 22-Nov-2000 20:52:46

In Response To: EARTH'S POLES SHIFTING NOW!! (Esclarmonde)

: ?The following was almost not posted. It seemed too
: incredulous to think about and the feeling that it was just
: too preposterous to be believed was overwhelming.

: Then, when I arrived at work this morning, an attorney, with
: whom I have only a passing acquaintance walked into my
: office and asked me what I knew about the Earth’s poles
: shifting. I was dumbfounded. When I told him what I knew,
: it was his turn to be dumbfounded. Since my own comments
: are below and includes the link to Richard Hoagland’s
: amazing research, I thought you would be interested to know

: the information this person imparted to me. I can assure
: you, it was what made me know I had to go forward with
: this: The attorney had just returned from a trip (this past
: week)wherein he happened to spend some time with an old
: friend of his. A person of high intelligence who works
: with/for the Government and flies around in black
: helicopters. The friend confided in him that the people
: with whom he works at the upper echelons are all VERY
: concerned about the fact that Earth’s poles are ALREADY IN
: THE PROCESS OF SHIFTING. It had begun to bother him some so
: he was sharing it.

: The attorney found himself quite thrown by the information
: he’d received from his friend and was wondering if there
: was a way to confirm it. He commented on how it was quite
: difficult to get on about one’s ordinary life while mind
: considered the implications of this.

: There was one other comment made by my new friend: Quasars
: have disappeared. They haven’t been seen for a year and a
: half...and no one seems to know why....
: -----------------------------------------------------------------
: (By the way, the Chem-trails are filling up what started out
: as a perfectly clear blue sky, even as I write...)

: 11/22/2000

: Thirty-seven years ago today, the hymen of our Social
: Consciousness was breached when our Nation was raped by the
: brutal assassination of John F. Kennedy. Like Dorothy in
: the Wizard of Oz, we have been traveling the Yellow Brick
: Road ever since looking for the Great Wizard to tell us how
: to get home. Still in shock from the brutality of that
: early experience, we have watched in utter dismay as the
: abuse to our Social Consciousness has continued unabated
: and shamefully ever more openly ever since.

: Today, owing perhaps to our early denial that anyone in power
: could do such a thing, we are living under chem-trailed
: skies, our children are being drugged routinely, we are
: being scared
: into submission by planned destruction such as those in Waco
: and Oklahoma City. Anyone who objects is either out-right
: murdered, ‘suicided’ or placed into prison on trumped-up
: charges in order to silence them. There is no longer any
: question that the Monster we call ‘government’ is indeed at
: war with We, The People.

: Our problem is that We, The People are still playing by the
: old rules. We continue to think we must be ladies and
: gentlemen and behave ourselves in socially ‘responsible’
: ways. So we dutifully pay our taxes and obey the
: increasingly illegal laws and the executive orders that the
: silver tongued devil at its head castigates us with a
: stroke of his blood-soaked pen. On the other hand, this
: Rogue Government, which has NO true Constitutional basis in
: its current form, plays only by its own rules, rules which
: it changes to fit its whims.

: As we sit here today in the face of the increased violence of
: a government gone awry, we wonder how we got here. And as
: we begin to awaken to our reality, we begin to consider the
: motivation of such a ruling deity. ‘Power’, we think, and
: then helplessly return to our little lives. Then an
: election comes along wherein all the dirty linen of this
: brutal government is aired on Florida’s political
: ‘clothesline’ and heretofore unthinkable questions begin to
: emerge: Why would Al Gore, whose push to force himself into
: the presidency can only ultimately destroy him politically,
: keep pushing the envelope of political suicide? This is not
: a stupid man, after all. Yet he is willing to risk it all
: by literally stealing an election, and flaunting an
: outright coup. What is really at stake here that would
: cause him to take such risks? We
: can only surmise he knows something we do not. Some overriding
: revelation that makes a literal political coup worth it.
: What could it be? After all, if he had played ‘nice’, he
: would have had a very good chance to be elected in 2004.
: What is the motivation, the overriding intent that this man
: MUST be President of the United States NOW?

: We have for some time been wondering about the FEMA Executive
: Orders, the ‘Concentration Camps’, the Grumman contract for
: railroad cars with the built-in shackles, the Martin
: Marietta earth tunneler (They revealed that they had it
: when they built the Chunnel); the complex that lies under
: the new Denver Airport, FEMA’s duplicate government, Mount
: Weather and its amazing complex of facilities located all
: over the country and purportedly connected underground; the
: fully sustainable underground complex connected to the BART
: in San Francisco (anybody ever wonder why ALL of these
: projects ran way over budget!?); and who knows how many
: facilities about which we have no knowledge; then there is
: the refusal to acknowledge the Roswell incident where the
: corporate-military complex STOLE the alien technology; the
: realization that America was declared bankrupt so that our
: assets might be turned over to a corporation owned by
: multi-national interests, The Federal Reserve; the
: clandestine obfuscation of the original, ratified 13th
: Amendment which automatically makes criminals of just
: about everyone now in political office. The NON-ratification
: of the Income Tax Amendment which means income taxes are
: illegal; the giving away of our precious national reserves
: and monuments to the United Nations; the tricking us into
: becoming ‘federal citizens’ by making us think that Social
: Security is mandatory; the realization that the Supreme
: Court itself has ruled that our Income Tax system is
: voluntary (that is why tax problems are settled in a ‘tax
: court’ because no legal laws are broken, only tax ‘code’!),
: the CAFRs which contain enough money to pay off the
: National Debt and fund our country for eternity without the
: need for income taxes; the refusal to acknowledge the UFO
: experiences of so many of We the People; the maiming of
: its soldiers with chemicals; manufacturing AIDS and other
: diseases and inflicting them upon We, The People. The list
: of revelations both hearsay and factual goes on and on and
: on... And all paid for, by the way, with OUR MONEY.

: THE GREAT LIE: 'Let us have your money, so we can spray Agent
: Orange on your sons,' They said. And we gave it. 'Give us
: your money so we can buy the leaders of other countries out
: from under their fledgling democracies.' How gracious of
: us, we gave that too. 'Give us your money so we can import
: massive amounts of cocaine into your streets.' 'Give us
: your money so we can build underground complexes and create
: a pseudo government and not tell you about it.' And how
: good we were. We, The People gave until it hurt (and hurt
: it did) every April 15th. 'And just to make sure you don’t
: get any ideas about waking up to what we are doing, give us
: more money, so we can create para-military groups to
: destroy you individually, by separating you out from the
: herd. We’ll just take a few of you down around the edges,
: you understand, a legitimate gun dealer here, a
: homeschooling mother there, so the rest of you will
: remember that WE OWN YOUR FREEDOM and can take it away at a
: moments notice.' And we gave them the money for that too.
: So they created the IRS, the ATF, the NSA, ad nauseum...

: With the help of Richard Hoagland’s crew and the good people
: who write on these pages, as well as the millions of
: Americans who are even now awakening to the realization
: that they ‘aren’t in
: Kansas anymore’, this election fiasco itself is bringing the
: crisis question to our Thanksgiving Tables. WHY IS AL GORE
: RISKING POLITICAL SUICIDE? We ask again. And why are
: Florida’s Supreme Court Justices willing to destroy their
: integrity to help him do it? Something is terribly rotten
: in the ignominious halls of Politics. ‘Nothing new’, you
: say. And you’d be right. In fact, probably something that
: is literally thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of
: years old. ‘How can that be?’, we can only ask,
: incredulously.

: Ignorance is a funny thing: A Society will wallow in and do
: what it is told, so long as it has something to lose. In
: America, we have been taught that it is FREEDOM that we
: have to lose.
: We have dutifully believed this fact. We hear it in our
: collective voice as we tell each other,‘Well, the
: government has just taken away a little more of our
: freedom, but I guess we are still the best government on
: earth. And what can ‘I’ do after all; I’m only ONE person.’
: So we roll over to our every day lives, continuing on as
: though nothing happened. It is only when a crisis such as a
: botched election brings to light the underlying layers of
: the Monster that we begin to understand the unthinkable: WE
: HAVE NEVER BEEN FREE. It isn’t freedom they have taken away
: from us, but our ILLUSION of FREEDOM! Remember the movie
: ‘INSTINCT’ with Anthony Hopkins and Cuba Gooding Jr.? The
: entire profound and absolutely naked message of that movie
: was epitomized when the inmate (Hopkins) has the
: psychiatrist, Gooding) by the neck and tells him he has
: three chances to get it right. “What is it I am taking from
: you!!!” Hopkins roars, tightening his grip on Gooding’s
: neck. Finally, at the last try, he realizes it, “The
: ILLUSION” he says. And Hopkins lets him go.

: The fact is, America, although absolutely about freedom, has
: in fact, never been free. Indeed, the very fact that we
: allowed slavery to continue and women to be subjugated even
: under a
: Constitution that declared ALL men are created equal, tells us
: that we had built in an inherent weakness in our
: government. It was only a matter of time before this
: weakness would be exploited and ultimately used to destroy
: us. After all, if the founding fathers could say the words
: about freedom, yet walk the walk of slavery even back then,
: what makes us any different today? Only today we are ALL
: Slaves to this system. We are but cows in the field that is
: becoming increasingly smaller. How do they keep us in the
: proverbial 'pen'? By threatenting to TAKE AWAY OUR FREEDOM!
: What a joke!

: The fact is, no one can take away something from you that you
: cannot be given in the first place. And Freedom is not a
: ‘thing’ that can be given or taken away. It is either OWNED
: by the
: individual’s state of mind or it is not. Period. Freedom is
: something you give your Self by focusing on it; or you deny
: yourself by focusing on Fear. Fear is what THEY have told
: you
: Freedom is. THEY are wrong. And any man who looks inside of
: him/herself knows this immediately. Freedom is
: Consciousness itself. It is our inherent RIGHT as human
: beings. It is
: not for any ‘THEM’ out there to take it away; it is only our
: ‘choice’ to let it go, by giving its incredible power over
: to FEAR which allows THEM to use it to create the Illusion.
: Not Bill Clinton, for all of his Executive Orders, nor the
: U.S. Congress, for all of its illegal laws supporting its
: cronies to fatten its own wallets, nor the potential of Al
: Gore or even George Bush, can ultimately take away one
: ounce of freedom because they do not own our freedom. WE
: OWN IT. No one can GIVE us liberty, because Liberty is
: conferred upon us by the nature of consciousness itself.
: That is why the Constitution was written as it was. It was
: a document NOT to confer liberty upon man, who ALREADY
: owned ALL liberty entirely, but to LIMIT THE POWER OF
: GOVERNMENT. And every politician either KNOWS this fact, OR
: is totally ignorant and should not be in government.


: There is an old Jewish Proverb that says, “If you can ask the
: question; you can find the answer, because the answer
: itself is always inherent in the question.” Fellow
: Americans, it is now time to carve the turkey: So we ask
: again: EXACTLY Why IS Al Gore risking political suicide?

: Answer: Al Gore can only be risking political suicide if there
: is to be another election. What if, he knows, with a
: certainty that this is the last election there will ever be
: for the American way of life? The Enterprise Mission
: suggests that as unthinkable as this might seem, this is
: exactly what is happening. And thus the unthinkable is
: playing out on America’s political stage.

: While our attention is busily focused on the obviously
: ridiculous question about whether dimpled chads should
: count or not, there is the ending of a great Cycle playing
: out in the heavens above us. We have seen the indescribable
: SOHO pictures and wondered, as many in NASA have, what they
: mean. You will find a couple of the more important ones at
: the following page:

: As the page suggests, it is not possible for any truly awake
: human being to look at these pictures and not be profoundly
: changed. How can we ever look at our 'Illusion' the same
: way again?

: THE POLARITY SHIFT: The Enterprise Mission puts the entire
: scenario together: The Earth is about to undergo an
: incredible shift in polarity. This shift may cause great
: damage and death. Or, it may not. No one knows for sure
: what that means. But the information regarding this shift
: has been known for eons among the Dogon people and is also
: known by certain factions of our world society who decided
: long ago to keep it for themselves and use it for their own
: benefit. Be sure to check out the first half of this well
: researched treatise at:

: Bill Clinton, Al Gore and George Bush, the FEMA duplicate
: government, many judges, most of Congress, the Military’s
: top brass, et al, KNOW that this polar shift is about to
: occur. (So do the crown heads of Europe) Along with the
: shift will come our dubious ‘friends’ from another world.
: In this process, Earth will understandably go through a
: great upheaval. Those that have this information have been
: busy building underground facilities in which they figure
: to survive with their families. The rest of us will be left
: to die. (They think!) Whoever is in power at the time of
: this crisis, will have control over the underground
: facilities. His side will be the one to presumably survive.
: And therein lies the answer to our question: Al Gore MUST
: pole shift and come out the other side still in charge.
: That can only mean that sometime within the next four
: years, this shift must be expected to happen. After talking
: to my attorney friend this morning, it is becoming clear
: that this shift is already in process and may soon be upon
: us.

: While I think this is absolutely astounding information, I do
: not believe we have a lot to worry about. (More to come
: about that...) And indeed, if all the bad guys are
: underground then what a great way for the Earth to simply
: ....leave them there... (too delicious not to at least
: consider.)...and maybe they’ll take their chads with
: them...;-)

: What is about to happen is absolutely phenomenal. And we will
: have the front row seats. Should we be careful? You bet.
: Afraid? NEVER! It is obvious that all of us that are aware
: of it have
: been given engraved invitations to the party of the
: millennium. I for one, wouldn’t miss it for the world!

: My attorney friend asked me what we should do.
: My answer was: ENJOY IT!!!!
: Thanks for the opportunity!
: Esclarmonde
That was a very good post and it was right on the money. I myself am very accustomed to being laughed at for the last twenty five years. I have attempted to discuss the earth change classics with people to no avail. There are many books on these changes: Earth in Upheaval by Velikovsky, Black Sun Bright Day by Sun Bear, Worlds in Collision by Velikovsky, Cayce, Stitchin.
I have noticed that people who once laughed with derision are now asking me questions concerning these events.
I do not think the boys planning on the underground bunkers will survive. I think the entire planet is headed for complete destruction. From all I see, the arrival of planet-x will be similiar to the big bang theory. A complete re-arrangment of the solar system.
There will be a thousand years of peace because there will be nobody here. In one thousand years or so the annunaki will come back and probably seed the planet again with a better genetic structure. (Praise the Lord). Things will then move forward.
It will probably take at least a thousand years for things to cool down from the nuclear waste and other pollution before life can even exist here.
In my opinion, the souls of earth (the newer and more violent souls who do not move past the dimension of this planet who have been sucked into the core of a burning planet(hell) in some manuscripts, will be taken out of the lava and once again placed on the eternal wheel of birth and death.
Now we come to gnosticism, the philosophy that places people on the cross, the dungeon pits, and the gallows. Saint Thomas was probably the fiercist proponent of this tenet. The Gospel of St. Thomas espouses a philosophy of "none can be saved but the elect." As we all know, all religions say they are the elect.
My own theory in this matter is that Thomas may have been referring to ancient Sumeria. It is well documented by Sumerian clay tablets that the Lord of the Universe came with his wife, and forty eight sons and forty eight daughters to earth. It is said in the end they will return from whence they came. We are left to speculate this is most probably Markuk, Nibiru or planet of the crossing,(planet X).
(please hold the laughter). The tombs of the ancients carved in granite (located in Egypt) display forty eight sons and forty eight daughters in statute form leading to those monuments. They are a testament to the Lord of the Universe. (This is just my opinion). We see the same scenario develope in Anghor Wat, the same statues.
The Mingh Dynasty loaned the 48 daughters of heaven to Japan, where they were raped and tortured. Do you think there may be a thread here? Perhaps Jesus was correct when he stated "I will always be with you." Could he have meant in the flesh ?
I am aware the Hebrew culture and language was given to the Jews from the Arkangel Michael and is the script of the angels. There is no debating this. Many prophets have come to the Hebrews, Joseph, Daniel, David, Moses, Jesus. They may have all been the Lord in his promise,"I shall always be with you." But was he always accepted.
The Lord also has said he will become a blessing to every nation. Perhaps we have not realized it. Perhaps he was also Wovoka of the Siox, Chief Othulkithloco of the Seminoles, they called the hurricane maker, Thor of the Nordics. He may have been Randall Wallace of the Scots, who was drawn and quartered on the cross, or Mohammed, possibly Budha. Maybe he has always been with us and we did not recognize it! Maybe we have been killing each other in the name of the great universal spirit who preaches compassion and brotherhood, who knows.
In Sumeria, the Lord scattered the tribes and gave them their own language. Men did not keep those commands. They began to encroach on each others territories. They began to kill each other in the name of territorial expansion. We see this happening today. The killing will continue under the NWO, as they seek to throw us together further. They tell us culture and history does not matter. It does, for all seek to further their own survival.
What we have today is the disinfranchised seeking to repay their imagined oppressors, by taking over their living space with the blessing of the anti-christ who is acting as cheerleader. There will be no peace. Take this one to the bank.
I see some hope for dialogue with you. You are at least a Jew who is willing engage in an enlightened conversation and not smear all who disagree with you as a nazi.
I am no threat to you and I agree with you, there is nothing we can do but watch it all happen.

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Articles In This Thread

Esclarmonde -- Wednesday, 22-Nov-2000 17:58:37
Rixon -- Wednesday, 22-Nov-2000 18:17:54
How does a potential Pole Shift feel?
Esclarmonde -- Wednesday, 22-Nov-2000 19:55:30
Pole Shift, Part II
Esclarmonde -- Wednesday, 22-Nov-2000 20:04:24
Robinhood -- Wednesday, 22-Nov-2000 20:52:46
Esclarmonde -- Wednesday, 22-Nov-2000 21:20:42
How will the Poll Shift Affect our Minds?
Esclarmonde -- Wednesday, 22-Nov-2000 22:22:40
Re: How will the Poll Shift Affect our Minds?
Robinhood -- Wednesday, 22-Nov-2000 23:25:47

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